• Published 1st Jan 2020
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KINGDOM HEARTS: Dark Order - OliverSparkle

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Chapter XII: A Returning Seeker

In the mysterious white room with four white roof holders on each side of the wall and a white doorway at the end, Terra and the two ponies were walking through the doorway, that opened for them, as the doors slowly closed behind them.

They stopped a few miles away from the two doors and started to look around the room they were now in.

Terra felt weird all of a sudden. He can’t help feeling that he somehow knows this place, like he’s been there before but can’t remember being there.

He probably had the same thing Ventus had when his heart was inside Sora. While being inside Sora’s heart to heal, he knows every adventure the Keyblade hero has been on, to visiting many worlds, to fighting new enemies, to seeing colourful friendly creatures which are known as Spirit Dream Eaters.

Or, like what happened to Sora in Castle Oblivion, someone is messing about with his memories trying to make him their slave with fake memories.

Sunset and Starlight noticed this and quickly felt worried about Terra.

“Terra, are you okay?” Starlight asked.

“Huh?” Terra snapped out of his thoughts and looked at Sunset and Starlight who were looking at him worriedly, “Yeah yeah, I’m fine. Just felt something.”

“Is it the darkness?” Asked Sunset.

“No,” he answered calmly and politely, “It’s more like, a different kind of past life thing. It’s telling me that I’ve been here before, but...I don’t remember coming here. My heart was lost when Xehanort was still using my body after I used his Keyblade to get him out of my heart, but it only made him lose his memories while I fell to the realm of darkness. I feel like, someone’s messing with my memories, making me believe I have been here before but also trying to get me to bow to darkness again.”

Terra continued to think until...

“No. You have been here before. But not while I was controlling your body, and not the same body as before,” said a familiar voice making the three jump a bit and looked around the room trying to find that voice.

“Who’s there? Who are you? Show yourself!” Terra ordered.

But no one showed up as the voice continued on.

“Darkness is your weapon. It is time you all learned you have to accept it.”

“What do you mean?” Asked Starlight.

“Stop resisting. Embarrass the dark magic. Accept the darkness. You have no other choice...”

Just then, a dark corridor appeared a few miles away from the three and in front of the opened doorway of the room as it then disappeared revealing the person, who said all of that, with his arms crossed.

The figure looked a lot like Terra only his hair is worn long, with two bangs framing his face. His eyes are yellow and his hair is white. His hair also sports three backward-facing spikes, one at the top of his head, and one on either side, just above his ears. It was Xehanort when he was controlling Terra’s body, as known as Terra-Xehanort.

“If you are to serve us again!” He grinned evilly at the three.

“I figured it was you...Xehanort,” Terra said unsurprised.

Terra-Xehanort unfolded his arms while saying, “Oh. You don’t seem surprised.”

“Terra, you know who he is? And, why does he look a lot like you?” Asked Starlight Glimmer curiously.

“Yeah, that’s Xehanort, from the time he was using my body,” answered Terra calmly, “His original body was close to dying while trying to forge the x-blade to unlock Kingdom Hearts, so he transferred his heart into my heart after it filled enough darkness and anger. So what are you seeing now, is me when Xehanort had control of my heart. And now that he’s somehow here, I can only assume...he wants to pull me back into the darkness, so he can play puppet maker and vessel collector.”

“Clever boy,” said Terra-Xehanort, “I knew you’d be the perfect Keyblade wielder and vessel to serve my heart. And now, surrender to me again!”

Terra was not happy about what Terra-Xehanort was trying to do.

“You’re insane! Not in a million years!

He then summoned his Keyblade and charged towards Terranort only for him to summon his Keyblade.

His Keyblade, No Name, has a dark black handle with a raised spiral carved around it. Its pommel and guard resemble black, demonic wings. The base of the blade is an etching of a goat, and the shaft is formed from two black, barbed blades, etched with a white icon resembling a bramble of thorns. The teeth are formed in the shape of a demonic wing, and are set with the Master's Gazing Eye. Unlike the Keyblades of the Master of Masters’ other apprentices, it lacks Terra’s Mark. The Keychain is made of small, grey links, and the token is an entangled, grey talisman with an additional Gazing Eye.

Terra-Xehanort moved his Keyblade to left, and just as Terra was about to attack him, he swinged to the right smacking Terra sending flying backwards as he landed on the floor on his back while still holding his Keyblade.

“Terra!” Sunset and Starlight shouted worriedly as they rushed to his aid.

“Did you really think you could do me any harm?” Terra-Xehanort stood up straight again while holding his Keyblade, “A weak Keyblade wielder like you couldn’t even defeat Aqua, Ventus and Sora, and you had darkness on your side.”

Terra slowly sat up, with Sunset and Starlight helping him, as he moaned in pain before looking at his evil form. “Oh well excuse me, for being weak.” He glared at him.

Terra-Xehanort slowly walked towards the three, with his Keyblade in his hand, while saying, “You ARE weak. All three of you are. You both need darkness. Surrender. Bow to darkness, bow to me, bow to the superior.”

Sunset and Starlight glared at Terra-Xehanort as Sunset then said, “That’s never gonna happen!”

Terra-Xehanort took a few more steps forward before looking at them.

“Only the darkness can offer to you three, all of the strength and dark magic that you will need!”

Terranort grinned at the three while they glared at him. Just then, a familiar female voice was heard.

“You’re wrong!”

Terra, Sunset and Starlight let out a small gasp while looking up and saw something.

Flying towards was a small spark of light as it flew around them and stopped near Sunset.

“That voice...” said Sunset before thinking who can that voice belong to, “Princess Celestia?!”

“That’s right,” said the princess happily, “Remember Sunset, you, Starlight and Terra are not alone.”

The spark of light then flew into Sunset Shimmer’s chest as it got smaller. Sunset placed a hoof on her chest to where her heart is.

“Listen to me, my little pony,” Celestia said inside the spark that’s now inside Sunset’s heart, “The light and friendship will never give up on you. You’ll always find it, even in the deepest darkness.”

Sunset looked down at her chest and nodded. “I got it.”

The three glared at Terra-Xehanort again as Terra carefully got up while holding his Keyblade.

“We will never lose to darkness,” said Terra bravely, “Not now, not today.”

Terra-Xehanort sensed some bravely in them, like they are willing to fight the darkness within their hearts.

“It seems to me that the three of you are intent on resisting the darkness,” he said, “Very well. Then you all shall see it for yourselves.”

Terranort’s Keyblade magically disappeared as he then pulled a card and showed it to them.

The card looked the same one Vanitas gave to Lightning, only it was coloured in silver white, have three crown teeth on top and has a yellow Gazing Eye on the back.

“Huh?” The three said confusedly.

“This is a card crafted from the dark past times,” explained Terra’s evil self, “Advance through the different pasts and soon, you three will understand... Chasing after light isn’t the way. It won’t keep you away from the darkness. There’s no escape from the darkness.”

Terra, Sunset Shimmer and Starlight Glimmer decided to accept it and journey through the dark pasts.

“Don’t worry, Xehanort, we’re not thinking about running,” Terra said as his Keyblade magically disappeared before he placed his hand out for the card, “Give it to us. We will enter the pasts and when it’s all done, if we haven’t given in to the darkness... Then you go back to where you came from, and we win.”

Terranort grinned and flicked his wrist, throwing the card to Terra, who caught it with ease.

“I have another thing to give you.”

Terra-Xehanort flapped his fingers before squashed his fingers into a fist and slowly raised it. Just then, three darkness grasps appeared on their chests making them feel scared and pain before the darknesses shrunk into their chests.

They slowly fell to their knees as they glared at Terra-Xehanort.

“What did you just do?!” Starlight asked angrily.

“I simply unleashed the remaining darkness that has been resting in your hearts for quite some time,” answered Terra-Xehanort.

“You really believe we would rely on darkness?!” Terra asked angrily.

“To use it or not is clearly your choice,” he explained, “I’ll be waiting, Terra, Sunset Shimmer and Starlight Glimmer...for you three to sense it, and bow to the darkness you once had in your heart!”

Terra’s evil self crossed his arms while a dark corridor appeared around him as it then disappeared taking him with it.

Terra let out a small angry growl while still having his hand on his chest with the two ponies doing the same. They know they must resist the darkness, and destroy it before it heads out of the doorway underneath the Crystal Empire castle and spreads darkness everywhere.

At the Storm Kingdom, with the dark clouds still roaring with thunder and lighting, Silverstream flew across the river and landed carefully on the dark pathway to the castle. She glared at the castle that was about twenty miles away from her as another clash of thunder roared near the castle, but that wasn’t enough for the hippogriff to turn back now, she was going to save Lightning Twister no matter what.

“I was once scared of you and your guards before, Storm King,” she said to herself, “But none of your scary things are going to stop me from saving my little brother.”

Silverstream started to make her way towards Storm King’s castle not knowing the dangers that yet still remains in the castle.

Back in one of the chambers beneath the Storm Kingdom, the three Nocreatures were still there trying to figure out which senses belong to.

Xodiac had his hoof on his chin while Xisnom just stood there and Xocarl was pacing back and forth.

After a few more seconds of thinking, Xodiac let out a small quiet gasp. He has figured out one of the scents while picking up two new scents.

“I have identified one of the scents along with two new ones,” he said while removing his hoof from his chin, “It is...Terra, Sunset Shimmer and Starlight Glimmer.”

Xisnom and Xocarl looked at Xodiac as Xocarl then said, “Terra, you say? Has he emerged from the darkness?”

“His existence...” Xodiac said, “It was once tripled in the darkness.”

“Fascinating. That’s why you mistook him for the late Master Xehanort,” said the Nodragon, “The darkness given to Terra only made his body live while his heart went missing.”

Xodiac placed his hoof back on his chin, “What I want to know is, why he along with Sunset Shimmer and Starlight Glimmer appeared here in the chambers beneath the Storm Kingdom.”

“That’s really quite simple,” Xocarl replied, “Their existence is far different to that of a young hippogriff.”

Xodiac removed his hoof from his chin again as he and Xisnom looked at Xocarl. They know what young hippogriff she was on about.

“Silverstream, is in the castle?” Xodiac asked shockily.

“She arrived a few seconds ago,” she answered, “Tempest Plagueis has already captured young Lightning Twister last night making Silverstream the only one to disobey Princess Twilight Sparkle’s orders and appear here to rescue the colt.”

Xodiac was not amused by this as he looked down to the ground. “Without even bothering to involve us.”

“It also seems that he wants the hippogriff to by his side in the Storm army,” she said not being amused by Tempest Plagueis's plan, “What a foolish plan, indeed. Silverstream and Lightning Twister’s isn’t such an interesting existences. The entities that holds true value...is Sunset Shimmer and Starlight Glimmer, the ponies of darkness.”

Xocarl grew an evil grin on her face with her right claw shaking evilly like she has an idea for the two reformed ponies. Which she did.

Author's Note:

In the next chapter, we’ll be focusing on Spike, Axel, Roxas and Xion

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