• Published 1st Jan 2020
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KINGDOM HEARTS: Dark Order - OliverSparkle

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Chapter VII: Old and New Friends, Old and New Enemies

The mane eight, Spike, Capper, Sunburst, the married couple, the three princesses, The Young Seven, Tempest Shadow, Constantine and Vincent were in the throne room waiting for Oliver and Flurry Heart to return after being called to see someone that has entered the Crystal Empire. Constantine and Vincent were leaning against the wall on the right while the others remained standing near the throne with Fluttershy holding Lightning in her left hoof and Tempest walking back and forth.

Just then, they saw one of the throne doors opening and entering the room was none other than Oliver himself with a smile on his face.

“Hey everycreature,” he said happily.

“Oliver, did you see who has entered the Crystal Empire?” Cadence asked before realising that Flurry Heart wasn’t with him, “And where’s Flurry Heart?”

“Oh don’t worry,” he replied, “She’s with somecreature that we all know.”

“And who might that be?” Asked Sunburst curiously.

Oliver let out a giggle before answering, “That’s the surprise I’m about to reveal.”

Oliver turned towards the throne room doors and used his magic to open the other door. He stood there for a few seconds before sliding to the left while saying, “Ta-da!”

There, standing near the door way, was Sora wearing a happy smile on his face as he then said, “I’m back!”

Everycreature, except for Constantine, Vincent, Tempest and Amore, gasped in both happiness and shock before saying together in unison, “Sora!”

Lightning gently jumped off his mother’s hoof and ran up to Sora with the mane eight, Spike, Sunburst, Capper and the Young Six following him as they all cheered happily for Sora’s return.

They all gave Sora a big group hug, they were happy to see him again after two years. After a few more seconds of hugging the keyblade wielder, they broke the hug leaving only Lightning hugging Sora as they both looked at each other happily.

“You came back,” Lightning said to him as tears of happiness started to form in his eyes.

“Sure did, Lightning,” replied Sora happily, “Just like I promised.”

Lightning Twister and Sora formed another hug as Lightning’s tears of happiness started rolling down his face. Sora saw the two sisters, Shining, Cadence and Amore walking towards him with happy smiles on their faces.

“Sora,” Celestia began, “It’s so good to see you again.”

“We really missed you after you’ve left,” added Luna.

“It’s good to see you too, Celestia and Luna,” Sora replied while holding Lightning in his left arm, “And I missed you too. In fact, I missed all of you after I left and returned home.”

Sora saw Amore next to Cadence. “Hello. Don’t believe we’ve met before. Name’s Sora.” He reached his right hand out to the pony to shake hands and hooves with her.

“I’m Amore,” she replied before placing her hoof in Sora’s hand as they both shook hands and hooves. “It’s very nice to meet you, Sora. Shining and Cadence have told me so much about you.”

“Have they?”

That’s when Silverstream quickly stood in front of Amore and spoke in her excitement voice, “Yeah! We told her everything about you, how you entered here, all the battles you faced before coming here, you standing up to Xehanort and helped us save Equestria from the villains! Especially since it was all Discord’s fault for letting that happen, but we still told her! And she was dying to meet you when you return and you have!”

Amore placed a hoof on the hippogriff’s shoulder. “Wasn’t dying that much to see him, just wanted to see him someday.”

Sora laughed a bit before smiling at both Silverstream and Amore.

“Sora,” Oliver said, “You know my other two friends, Vincent and Constantine.”

“Hey Sora!” Vincent said happily while both him and Constantine raised their hands in the air.

“Hey guys,” replied Sora while waving to them with his right hand, “Long time no see.”

Tempest walked up to Sora and said, “Sora, so good to see you again.”

“You too, Fizzy,” Sora said while they both shook hand and hooves together.

Just then, Celestia saw Sora’s friends entering the room and smiled before saying, “I see you brought some friends along with you this time.”

Sora turned round and saw his friends walking into the throne room, with Flurry Heart still in Kairi’s arms. The baby alicorn started to nuzzle on Kairi’s chest letting her know that she’s still liking her.

“Flurry Heart likes you,” said Cadence while walking up to Kairi with a smile on her face.

“She sure does,” Kairi replied, “She hasn’t stopped hugging me after meeting her.” That’s when Kairi realise that she hasn’t introduced herself yet, “I’m Kairi, by the way.”

“Princess Cadence. But Cadence is fine.”

Xion was looking at the new ponies and creatures she was seeing until she saw a purple baby dragon that made her gasp of happiness before saying, “Oh, my, goodness!” Xion slowly ran towards Spike as she bent down to his level to get a better eye contact with him.

“Are you really a baby dragon? You’re so cute!”

Spike blushed after hearing Xion say that he was cute.

“Well, I do try to show how cute I am sometimes,” he said while rubbing his right foot on the floor with his hands behind his back, “Oh and I’m Spike, Twilight’s number one assistant and little brother.”

Xion continued to smile at him.

“I’m Xion. I was a Nobody replica crafted from Sora’s memories, but now I’m whole and no longer a replica or a Nobody.”

Oliver walked up to Xion and whispered into her ear, “Just to warn you, Xion, he’s very ticklish.”

This caused Xion to look at Oliver in surprise for a few seconds before looking at Spike with a playful grin on her face. “Is he now?”

Spike began to feel scare to what Oliver just whispered to Xion and the look she was giving him.

“O-Oliver, w-what did you just tell her?”

“Oh nothing,” said Oliver playfully, “Just told her that you’re, ticklish.”

That’s when Spike looked at Xion in both fear and shock. “Uh-Oh.”

Suddenly, Xion raised her hands out to the baby dragon and began to tickle his belly and sides making him laugh uncontrollably.

Twilight saw what was going on with Spike and Xion, and she gave them a playful grin while watching Xion tickling Spike as he carefully fell to his back on the ground. “T-Twilight! H-Help!”

Twilight playfully laughed before saying, “Sorry, Spike. But you’re just so cute when you’re being tickled.”

With that being said, Spike continued to be tickled by Xion with no help what so ever. Sora saw what was going on and grew a smile on his face while letting out a chuckle before seeing Donald walking up to him.

“Well? Aren’t you gonna introduce us to your friends, Sora?”

“Huh?” Sora asked before realising what he might, “Oh oh right, sorry!” He scratched the back of his head in embarrassment before continuing, “Guys, these are my other friends I’ve met in Equestria during my first time here. Twilight, Spike, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy, Capper, Sunset Shimmer, Starlight Glimmer, Sunburst, Celestia, Luna, Shining Armor, Cadence, Tempest Shadow, Constantine, Vincent, Sandbar, Gallus, Yona, Smolder, Ocellus, Silverstream and Lightning Twister.”

That’s when Lightning hid his head in Sora’s chest in shyness making Sora’s friends confuse by this.

“Hey, is Lightning alright?” Roxas asked.

“Oh yeah, don’t worry,” Sora replied, “He’s just shy when it comes to meeting new friends, he was like this when I first entered Equestria.”

“Well maybe he should start thinking about growing and stop being such a shy child when meeting new folks,” said Donald while crossing his arms.

“Hey!” Shouted the voice of Gallus making the duck wizard jump a bit and let out a scream.

Donald turned and saw the Young Six looking at him angrily with Smolder’s arms crossed.

“That’s not a very nice thing to say to young pony who can’t help being shy to new creatures!” Gallus said crossly.

“Yeah, little duck not know what poor Lightning’s been through!” Growled Yona.

Donald got angry after being called a little duck by Yona as he then shouted, “Little duck?! I’ll have you know that I’m thirty years old and I won’t have any of you calling me little or talking to me right that!”

“Donald, enough!” Sora shouted stopping the duck from making things go bad, “And they're right. That wasn’t a very nice thing to say to Lightning, he’s been through a lot before Fluttershy took him in and before I entered Equestria.”

“How so?” Terra asked.

“Well...” Before Sora could continue, he looked at Fluttershy to see if it’s okay to tell them. Fluttershy nodded her head to let him know he can tell his friends about what Lightning had went through.

He looked back to his friends, let out a soft sigh and began to explain.

“Before Fluttershy adopted Lightning, his mother died after giving birth to him and his father, Cold Wind, blamed him for her death.”

All of Sora’s friends let out a gasp of shock, they couldn’t believe what they just heard. Lightning’s real mother died after giving birth to him and his father blamed him for letting her die.

Sora continued, “Cold Wind has been hitting him, calling him a freak and scaring him with thunder storms. He then ran away from his father and was taken in by Fluttershy before she became his new mother and Capper became his better father. When I heard about what happened, I got furious and shocked by it. I couldn’t believe a parent, like Cold Wind, would do such a thing to a child.”

The rest of the guardians either had a shock or sad looks on their faces, they couldn’t believe Cold Wind would do such horrible things to the poor little colt who had just lost a mother during birth.

Kairi gave Fluttershy a sad look before saying, “I’m so sorry for what your son has been through. Is he doing okay now?”

“Oh don’t worry,” replied Fluttershy with a smile, “He’s doing just fine now that Cold Wind is locked away for life this time. He’s as happy as ever, just how I love him.”

Sora gently placed Lightning back down to the ground as he walked up to his friends.

“And I’m sure he’ll come out of his shyness once he’s ready like he did with me,” he said while watching Silverstream gently scratching underneath Lightning’s chin with her claw, “Lightning isn’t too shy once you get to know him more.”

Aqua watched the colt being scratched by the hippogriff with a sad smile on her face before wondering if he remembers her from the realm of light they were both in during the fight of the legion of doom.

She walked up to Lightning while he was now being stroked by Silverstream.

“Hello again, Lightning Twister.”

Lightning let out a small gasp of shock after hearing that voice he recognise from two moons ago. He turned round and saw Aqua looking down at him with a happy smile on her face.

The little colt let out another small gasp before saying, “Aqua? You’re here?”

Aqua nodded in response before kneeling down to Lightning’s level and said, “Yes, Lightning. I’m really here.”

“Hold on! You, know her already, Lightning?” Sandbar asked curiously.

“Yeah,” Lightning answered softly, “She was the one who gave me that Keyblade during the big rainbow blast on the bad guys and helped me return home when I was in the realm of light.”

Fluttershy looked at Aqua in both shock and happiness, “You helped my son return back home when he was in the realm of light?”

Aqua smiled at the kind pony and nodded her head in response.

“Yes,” she replied, “My heart felt something in the realm of light, so I travelled to it, met your son there and helped him return home with the Keyblade I gave him.”

Fluttershy couldn’t help but gave Aqua a happy friendly smile before saying, “Thank you so much for saving my baby boy those moons back, Ms Aqua.”

Aqua gave Fluttershy a smile in return. “Please, Fluttershy, call me Aqua.”

Rarity, on the other hoof, was staring at Riku as love hearts appeared around her and popped. She saw the Keyblade Master moving his head forward with his hair swinging in the air in slow motion. Turns out, the fashion pony has taken a love interest to Riku, like she often does with most ponies, and sometimes other creatures, she sees and meets.

She walked towards Riku and said, “So, Sora, who’s this handsome knight you brought with you?”

This made Riku jump back a bit while letting out a small gasp of shock.

“Knight? You’ve got the wrong idea! I’m not a knight, I’m a Keyblade Master!”

Pinkie Pie let out a big gasp of shock and happiness. “You wield a Keyblade like Sora does but you’re a master instead of a wielder?! How did it come to this I must throw you a welcome to Equestria and becoming a Keyblade Master party as well as a Sora returning to Equestria party with games cookies cakes and...”

Pinkie was cut off by Sunset Shimmer placing a hoof in her mouth to stop her from continuing her hyper sentences.

“Simmer down, Pinkie,” she said before removing her hoof from her mouth, “There’ll be plenty of time for parties once we get to know them better.”

Pinkie playfully blew a raspberry at Sunset Shimmer before saying, “You’re such a party pooper, Sunset!” The party pony then let out a laughter while Sunset playfully rolled her eyes before giggling.

“Anyways,” said Riku, “I don’t think the rest of us have introduced ourselves yet. I’m Riku.”

“Name’s Ventus, but I prefer to be called Ven.”

“I’m Terra.”

“My name’s Roxas.”

“Name’s Axel.”

“My name is King Mickey, but you can just call me Mickey.”

“Donald Duck.”

“And I’m Goofy.”

“A pleasure to meet you all,” Twilight said politely, “Welcome to Equestria.”

“Thank you, Princess Twilight,” replied Kairi while smiling.

“Please, call me Twilight,” she said.

“So, Riku,” said Rarity still floating with Riku, “Do you have a girlfriend or not yet?”

This made Riku back up a bit. “Whoa! I am so not okay with this right now!”

“Rarity, no more of that!” Oliver Said crossly, “We’ve already got enough problems on our hooves and claws, and we don’t want to go through the same thing you did with Capper two moons back.”

Rarity glared at Oliver before looking away while letting out a, “Hmph!”

That’s when Sora began to ask, “Hey Oliver, does this problem have anything to do with the tiny creatures one of the guards mentioned?”

Oliver nodded his head at the Keyblade wielder.

“We also bumped into some of them when we arrived to the Crystal Empire a few hours ago.”

“Yeah!” Ocellus said, “They looked like this!” The kind changeling turned into a Flood. “And there was also a big one that looked like this!” She turned into a Spiked Turtletoad. “And it also swallowed Lightning Twister before Smolder saved him!”

“Still worth it,” said the orange dragon.

Sora was in shock after seeing what Ocellus turned into just to show him what they looked like instead of explaining the looks. Now he knew the unversed were also attacking Equestria. “So they are attacking Equestria as well!”

“You know what they were?” Applejack asked.

“Yes,” answered Ventus, “Those creatures, you fought, were called, Unversed.”

This made everycreature, including Constantine and Vincent, confuse. They knew nothing about unversed.

“Unversed? What’s an unversed?” Spike asked.

Sora began to answer that question. “They’re like the heartless, but they collect negative emotions, in other words, screams and sadness.”

“We fought them before me, Aqua and Terra disappeared and during the fight between the Thirteen Seekers Of Darkness,” added Ventus.

“Well that explains what they are,” said Rainbow thankfully.

“Did anything else happen when they attacked?” Mickey asked thinking that there could be more than one threat in their hands.

“Yes,” answered Cadence softly, “When they attacked, they didn’t came alone. They arrived with a human in dark smoke but enough to see what his face looks like. He even gave Flurry Heart quite a scare.”

“Do you have any idea what he looked like?” Asked Roxas curiously.

Shining looked at his little daughter and kindly said, “Flurry Heart, do you still have that picture you showed your big brother and Auntie Twily?”

Flurry Heart nodded her head to her father before magically made that picture appear in her grasp and showed it to the guardians. The figure in the drawing looked like Sora but had dark colour on his clothing and had a evil look on his face.

“Hey, that looks like Vanitas,” Ventus said while looking at the picture, “Vanitas was the one that scared you.”

“You know him?” Asked Sandbar.

“We sure do,” answered Ventus, “Vanitas was the darkness that Master Xehanort teared right out of me in order to forge the x-blade the first time.”

“He looks a lot like me,” added Sora, “But not like an evil version of me. Somehow, when I was little, both me and Ven formed a special bond together before he joined my heart after striking Vanitas down and the x-blade got destroyed. Which is why his face looks like my.”

“Interesting,” Capper said while placing a paw on his chin, “That’s why Cadence mistook him for Sora. The heart of Sora that replaced Vanitas’s gave him the look that was connected to Ven since he’s the darkness that was teared away from his heart.”

“You think he’s behind all this?” Luna asked curiously.

“That’s what we’re trying to figure out,” answered Aqua, “The unversed attack us as well, and we figured that Vanitas could be behind it all.”

“But we’re not sure yet,” added Sora, “After his defeat, he faded into the darkness after showing me his face and telling me why he looks like me. But we think he could have done what Ven did after his heart disappeared, it went into my heart in order to heal until it was ready to return to him. He must have done the same, but with someone here in Equestria.”

“If that’s the case,” Constantine said while thinking, “Then we could be dealing with two bad guys at this rate.”

“Could be,” agreed Oliver.

Sora turned to Flurry Heart, still being held by Kairi, magically made the picture disappear and made another picture appear. This time, it was a drawing Sora fighting the Vanitas dark shadow with his Keyblade.

“Sora get rid of scary meanie!” Flurry Heart said to her favourite Keyblade wielder.

Sora smiled at the baby alicorn before walking towards Kairi and reached his hand out to Flurry Heart, allowing her to hold it with her tiny hooves.

“Don’t worry, Flurry Heart,” said Sora softly and happily, “If Vanitas has really returned, I’ll scare him away so he’ll leave you alone for good.”

Flurry Heart gave Sora a happy smile. She was glad Sora was staying in Equestria again to help save the day once more, only this time, his friends are helping as well.

All was quiet in the throne room, until a new voice was heard. This time, it was a voice that the guardians recognise.

“Did you miss me, Sora and Ventus?”

They all turned to Cadence’s throne and saw a boy sitting on top of the throne giving them all an evil grin.

The boy was wearing a black and red bodysuit, red boots with black soles, and a red half-skirt that has torn, black tips and is held in place by three red straps. It was Vanitas.

“Because I missed you two.”

Vanitas jumped off the top of the throne and landed on his feet in front of the throne before continuing to give the guardians and creatures the evil grin.

The guardians stood in ready to fight mood, but didn’t summon their weapons yet, as Sora and Ventus then angrily said in unison, “Vanitas!”

“Oh come now,” Vanitas said in a fake friendly way, “Is that anyway of say hello to your returning brother?”

Flurry Heart began to feel scared about as she hid her face in Kairi’s chest while shaking and whimpering in fear. Kairi quickly saw this as she hugged the scared baby and whispered, “It’s okay, Flurry Heart. Kairi will protect you.”

Aqua continued glared at Vanitas before saying, “So you have returned. But how?”

Vanitas smirked evilly at Aqua before answering, “I had help.”

Just then, a dark corridor appeared next to the evil keyblade wielder as a small shadowy pony figure was walking from inside of it and into the room.

Smolder was the first one to see who was coming out of the corridor. She let out a small gasp of shock before growing an angry glare while growling angrily at who it was.

A pink filly with light bluish mane and tail walked out from the corridor and stood near Vanitas before it disappeared as she let out a soft sigh and then an evil chuckle before growing an evil grin on her face. It was Cozy Glow.

“You!” The Young Six shouted angrily in unison.

Lightning quickly ran towards Silverstream and hugged her right talon arm while shaking in fear. He still remembered what the evil filly tried to do to him two years back during Sora’s first time in Equestria.

“Cozy Glow?!” Starlight Glimmer said in both shock and angry.

“Wait, that’s Cozy Glow?!” Axel asked curiously.

“Yeah,” answered Sora, “That’s the evil filly Twilight and the others banish from trying to take over Equestria as queen with evil power. She even tried to make poor Lightning Twister her evil king.”

Gallus took a few steps forward, while still glaring at Cozy Glow, before saying, “How did you get back? The world you and the other two were banish to was unescapable!”

“Yeah,” Cozy Glow said in annoyance, “And I almost got turned into pony skeletons by no food or water.” Her evil grin formed back on her face again, “Luckily, Vanitas here kindly opened the door that leads back to Equestria and well, here I am.”

“And mean pony left the other two meanies behind?” Asked Yona both curiously and angrily.

“Why of course,” answered the evil filly while letting out an evil chuckle, “Besides, I’d rather take my revenge on you lot with only my brother.”

“Brother?!” The guardians and creatures shouted in shock.

“Yep,” said Vanitas, “Cozy Glow’s My little sister. And I’m her big brother.”

“But you can’t be brothers and sisters,” Ventus said in shock, “You disappeared inside of me forever after our clash.”

Vanitas and Cozy Glow let out a long laughter after hearing what Ven just said as Vanitas responded with, “You believe that happened?! Then you really are still naive!”

“Huh?” That was all Ven have to say after that.

Vanitas pointed a finger at Ventus while saying, “This might also shock you, but I didn’t really disappear back inside of you. I did exactly what you did with Sora. Formed a special bond with Cozy Glow and joined her heart. I remained hidden inside of her while healing for a very long time. When that time was right...Cozy Glow awoken me right out of her.”

“Then go back to where you’ve came from!” Shouted Ven angrily.

“Hmm... Make me,” teased Vanitas.

“What do you two want with the Crystal Empire and my daughter?” Cadence asked furiously.

“Oh no need to fear, Princess,” answered Vanitas, “The attack from the unversed was just a little invasion to lure your sister in law, son and their friends into the Crystal Empire.”

“And what do you want with them that you attacked the Crystal Empire?” Amore asked.

“It’s not what they want with us,” said Twilight knowing exactly what’s going on, “It’s WHO they want from us. They’re after Lightning Twister.”

“Oh, you don’t seem surprised,” said the evil filly raising an eyebrow while still grinning.

“We all know that you still wanna rule Equestria as the queen with evil power,” explained Ocellus, “Which we can only assume, you wanna pull Lightning back into your hooves, so you can make him your king.”

Cozy Glow grinned at Ocellus.

“Clever Changeling. I knew Lightning Twister would be the one to rule Equestria by my side. And now, give him to me again...”

“You’re crazy!” Exclaimed Silverstream angrily, “Not a chance!”

“Don’t you remember what happened last time?” Sandbar asked crossly, “An evil being, like you, couldn’t keep the darkness controlling Lightning and he had friendship on his side.”

Cozy looked at Sandbar before saying, “But he is still weak. Which is why he needs darkness. He will serve the darkness and will serve me.”

Lightning was still shaking in fear while clinging onto Silverstream’s talon arm. Smolder saw how scared her boyfriend was getting as she glared at Cozy and Vanitas and said, “That’s not gonna happen!”

“Really?” Vanitas smirked evilly.

Dark smoke appeared in Vanitas’s hand as a Keyblade magically appeared in his hand. Its teeth and head of the Keyblade are black with a red outline and possesses a round, cog-like shape. The handle is red and the guard has the same coloration and cog-like shape as the teeth. The shaft is predominantly colored in shades of grey and sports a copper-colored gear in the center, with two intersecting, black chains wrapped around it. Two more chains are wrapped around the base of the shaft in a similar fashion. It also has two Gazing Eyes: one located in the head of the blade and one embedded in the hilt. Its keychain is comprised of three small, copper gears and ends in a charm resembling two halves of a gear arranged in an S-shape.

“We’ll just see about that!” He said before quickly running towards the colt with his Keyblade.

“Lightning!” Fluttershy shouted in fear.

Lightning Twister closed his eyes in fear and reached his hooves out not wanting to get hurt. Vanitas raised his Keyblade in the air, while still running, before swinging at Lightning once he was near the colt as a bright light shone around the room making everyone cover their eyes.

The bright light slowly disappeared and everyone uncovered their eyes. Vanitas’s Keyblade was trying to clash Lightning’s heart, but it couldn’t, because something was stopping him from clashing. Vanitas continued to push his Keyblade towards the colt until he saw something that made him go into shock.

The thing that was stopping Vanitas clashing the young colt, was his Keyblade. Lightning opened his eyes and his eyes went wide in shock as he saw his Keyblade had appeared in his hooves and stopping Vanitas from clashing him.

Vanitas continued to try to clash Lightning with his Keyblade, but it was no use, Lightning continued to block Vanitas’s attack with his Keyblade.

After a few more seconds, Vanitas stopped pushing his Keyblade with Lightning’s and made a big jump flip backwards before landing near Cozy Glow as his Keyblade disappeared.

Lightning’s Keyblade disappeared a few seconds after while he and everyone else were still in shock after what just happened. How could Lightning’s Keyblade still be with him after using it during the big friendship rainboom blast?

“Was that the Keyblade you gave to Lightning?” Goofy asked in shock.

“Yes,” replied Aqua, “But I thought it would only appear when they use the rainboom blast. How is this possible?”

“Lightning, how could you still use your Keyblade if we haven’t done a rainboom blast yet?” Asked the shocked Wonderbolt.

“I...I don’t know,” Lightning answered worriedly, “I didn’t even called for it. What is happening?”

Cozy Glow grew a very angry look on her face before saying, “How?! Is he still able to wield the Keyblade after two years?!”

“It seems that he’s intent on accepting the darkness,” replied Vanitas before growing an evil grin on his face, “All right. Then we shall let him see it for himself.”

The evil Keyblade wielder pulled out a card and showed it the guardians and creatures. It was a square card that looks similar to Luxord’s but it was coloured in dark purple and on the card had the Unversed symbol on it and it was coloured in light blue instead of its original colour.

“Huh?” Lightning asked in confusion and worriedly.

“This is a card that holds the pieces to where our hideout is,” explained Vanitas, “There are more out there. Collect them all to locate the hideout and soon, you will understand the truth... Staying with your family and friends is not the way. They will not keep you away the darkness. There is no escaping the darkness.”

Smolder looked at Lightning who was still looking at the card in both scared and worried. She gave the two a glare before saying, “Don’t worry, we won’t think about trying to help him escape.” The orange dragon reached her claw out to them, “Give it. We’ll collect the other cards, enter your hideout and in the end, if Lightning hasn’t given in to the darkness... Then he wins, and you leave him alone for good.”

Vanitas smirked and flicked his wrist, throwing the card to Smolder, who caught it with ease.

“I have one more gift for you, Lightning.”

Vanitas flapped his fingers before squashed his fingers into a fist and slowly raised it. Just then, a darkness grasp appeared on Lightning’s chest making him feel scared and pain before it shrunk into his chest.

He slowly fell to his hooves as the Young Six, Fluttershy and Capper worriedly went to his side making sure he was alright.

Gallus glared at Vanitas and Cozy Glow. “What’d you do?!”

“I simply tempered the darkness that rested in his heart for a very long time,” Vanitas explained.

“Mean wielder still thinks Lightning would reply on darkness?” Growled Yona.

Vanitas just smirked evilly at the yak. “To use it or not is his choice.” He then turned to the colt. “We’ll be waiting, Lightning Twister. For you to sense it, discover the truth, and yield to the darkness in your heart!”

A dark corridor appeared around Vanitas and Cozy Glow making them disappeared before the corridors disappeared as well leaving only the guardians and the creatures in the throne room.

Smolder let out an angry growl at where Vanitas and Cozy Glow were once standing before gently placing a claw on her special somepony’s mane in comfort, knowing that this is just the beginning of a new threat.

Just on a brown mountain island, in the middle of nowhere surrounded by endless river and thunder that won’t stop thundering after four seconds, was a black castle with medium size light blue windows with three pointy spikes on top.

A dark corridor opened up a few miles away from the castle as Vanitas and Cozy Glow walked out of the corridor before it disappeared. The two made their towards the castle with Vanitas summoning his Keyblade.

They opened the doors and walked inside the castle. It was very dark and spooky with ripped carpets and curtains and black spooky armour. Cozy Glow felt scared and walked behind Vanitas so he can protect her.

While they walking to the throne room, a new familiar voice was heard in the walls. “So, how was the visit?”

“Could have gone better than we thought it would go as,” answered Vanitas, “Lightning is refusing the darkness as we speak, but I tempered the darkness inside of him.”

“Good, good,” said the voice, “Xehanort trained you well.”

“Xehanort died long ago after his defeat,” Vanitas said before the two stopped for a bit, “Won’t be long till you get defeated as well.”

“My boy. I made Master Xehanort.”

His voice then changed to Master Xehanort’s voice, “I have been every voice...” Then to Ansem’s voice, “Sora, Riku and Terra have ever heard...” And then lastly to Xemnas, “Inside their heads.”

The two continued their way towards the throne room.

Vanitas opened the doors of the throne room. And inside the room, there was a couple of dark purple eyes in the darkness around the room watching the two walk inside and looking around the place as thunder roared outside the castle.

When Vanitas stopped and glared at the eyes, Cozy Glow clanged onto his legs feeling more scared than before.

“The invasion across many places in Equestria was only the beginning,” the voice continued, “I can give you two so much more.”

“Not unless you die first when they find you,” said Vanitas while looking at the eyes still.

“I have died before,” Said the voice that was right near them instead of the walls this time.

Vanitas turned to the throne, which was the same as the thrones of Celestia, Luna and Cadence but has three pointy spikes on top of it. Vanitas started walking towards it followed by the evil filly.

“The magic of evil and darkness is a pathway to many abilities some considered to be...” Thunder lighted the inside to reveal the voice it belonged to. It was The Storm King. “Unnatural.”

The Storm King was a big yeti. His body was still in crystal stone but his head and arms were still able to move, his left pointy spike was broken while the right one remained just fine and there were also electric wires coming from his stone body to his throne helping to remain alive while still trying to heal.

Vanitas quickly pointed his Keyblade near The Storm King and remained like that for five seconds before asking, “What could you, give us in return for all of this?”

The Storm King stayed silenced for six more seconds and the answered, “Everything.” Thunder roared outside the castle.

The evil king slowly lifted his right hand up. “The new ruler and master.”

Vanitas and Cozy Glow looked around and saw what was coming out of the shadows and darkness. It was the new version of the Storm Guards. They were the same as before but their armour were in dark red, their eyes were dark purple and the symbol on the chest armour was the Storm King symbol with the Unversed symbol on it.

They all stood in a row on both left and right with two illusions of other Tempest warriors. One of them was a hippogriff and the other was a brown cat, but they’ll be explained more later on.

While continuing to hold his Keyblade near the king, Vanitas and Cozy Glow looked back at the Storm King.

“The might of the Storm Unversed army will soon be ready,” said The Storm King as more thunder roared outside, “It will be yours if you two do as I ask. Bring me the boy...End the disgusting friendship...and finish what that princess, her friends and Tempest Shadow have ruined for me.”

After a few seconds of thinking, they decided to do what he asked. Vanitas moved his Keyblade away from the king as it magically disappeared while the two continued to look at him.

“You will become the most powerful Keyblade Master than any others, and you, Cozy Glow, will rule Equestria with the boy, as the new king and queen. But beware...he is not who you think he is.”

Vanitas and Cozy Glow stared at The Storm King for six more seconds before Cozy Glow asked, “Who is he?”

While thunder continued to roar outside the castle, The Storm King slowly grinned evilly at Vanitas and Cozy Glow while letting out a quiet and weak evil chuckle.

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