• Published 7th Jan 2020
  • 1,653 Views, 44 Comments

The Experience files (volume 1) - keithsterling

This is a series of random stories that I put togther with canon characters

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Celestia Experience extra content

A moment later after Luna finished her Foot lounge session and was on her way back to the Grand Royal Palace in Canterlot to start her Night Court session a second familiar Alicorn mare with golden blonde mane and tail come in for a landing in the Ponyville Residential district a loving smile forms on Justice's snout. But soon, that smile transforms into a deep concern for this mare as he can read the subtle bodily movements of this Alicorn. Her bodily movement tells him that she is highly stressed and apprehensive about something.

As she walks up to Justice, she nervously straightens the bodice of her green embroidered royal court gown, in center of the dress was small key-hole opening between her full cleavage. Through the opening, he could see the old lace colored white bra holding up her curvy and perfectly shaped full breasts. On her feet, she wore golden heeled sandals with a two-inch heel. Three etched gold claps held the shoes to her ankles. From under the thin band in front were shapely not too long toes that are the perfect length for her unassuming Alicorn size feet with orange-yellow toenail polish. This second Alicorn mare was Princess Celestia, the Princess of the Sun and Justice's fiancée.

"Hello hon, can I trouble you for a quick full body rub down," Celestia asked as she walked up to Justice and folded her large white-feathered bird wings onto her back before placing a kiss on his lips. He is surprised to see his fiancée Celestia wearing her green embroidered royal court gown as she just finish up another day at the eastern summit.

"Sure, Celestia," Justice said as she lifts the hem of her royal court gown to show Justice that she was wearing golden heeled sandals with a two-inch heel.

"Could you pay special attention to the deep-set arches I badly need some stress relief. It’s been very stressful this whole time." Celestia explains as Justice crouches down and takes hold of the outsole of her sandal-clad foot and sticks the tip of his finger into her arch. He followed the contour of her arch, causing her to unleashed a cute little squeak as he stands back up.

"Well, after we get this royal court gown off you, dear and you put your spa robe on. What about an hour of gentle foot tickling to relieve your stress, dear. with the gentle foot tickling, you can talk to me about the Eastern Summit." Justice comment as Celestia chuckle into her hand.

"You know me too well, hon, that gentle foot tickling idea sounds better than my idea. It would be wonderful to relieve my stress, and I could use an ear to about all the trouble happening at Eastern Summit." Celestia comments as she kisses Justice on his lips before two ponies walk into the house to begin her gentle foot tickling session and talk.

A few moments later, Celestia finds herself standing in a smaller new build room just off the foot lounge in the center of the room sat a long wooden bench with low shelves for storing footwear. Along two walls were open closet with hangers for hanging clothing up. In the other closet were many spa robes for his clients to wear during the session. But what also got Celestia's attention was the small safe in the corner of the room for storing valuables.

"What is this room, hon?" Celestia inquiry as she begins to remove her princess's regalia and places it in the safe for safekeeping.

"This is the prep room, hon. I know the princesses will sometime arrive wearing their royal court gown. The removal of the royal court gown is not as easy as unzipping a zipper on a standard dress. Your royal court gown in more elaborate to put on; that why you have a royal maid to help you put on the gown, dear." Justice explains as Celestia smile before he gestures her to sit down on the bench in the center of the room.

With all the experience of her one thousand years of life, Princess Celestia sits down on the bench in front of Justice as he kneels on the ground. He reaches under the hem of her royal court gown bring out her sandal-clad foot from underneath and does the same with other foot. With both, her feet reveal Justice lifts one foot at a time and rest it on his knee. A moment later, Celestia heard each of the clasps of her sandals opening, and she felt them being removed from her feet.

Left on the small round cushy rug in front of the bench was a pair of rather large, full,wide, and plushy white bare feet with sexy deep sets arches, shapely not too long toes that are the perfect length for her unassuming Alicorn size feet with orange-yellow toenail polish. Even the balls of her feet were perfectly round. The skin on the bottom of her feet was creamy soft, and flawless. Celestia's feet were divine in shape and scale that no normal stallion could comprehend in all their life. But her beloved Justice was different. His soul was intertwined with her.

"Please, my love, do what you like to my feet. I have missed you terribly. But please remember, you still have to help me remove my royal court gown." Celestia said yearning as Justice lifted her right foot and ran his tongue through her deep-set arch to her toes. Before sucking on her toes for a moment, he's then dry Celestia's foot off with a nearby towel.

He walks her over to around piece of carpet and asked her to stand in the middle of it; this section felt so wonderful upon Celestia's large bare feet. He went behind his sun Princess and unhooked the hook and eye that held the flap covering the multitude of buttons on the gown. One by one, he unbuttoned each button till it reveals a heavy-duty gold plated zipper on the back of the dress. Once the zipper was unzipped, it shows a second set of hooks and eyes on her dress went those were unhooked; he could see her smooth white back and spine; a moment later, she shimmies, allowing the gown to drop to her feet.

She stepped out of the gown and floated the royal court gown onto a durable hanger in the closet. Justice is taking back by Celestia's equine figure. The royal court gown makes her look larger than she was. But in reality, Celestia's equine figure was elegantly and slimly muscular and perfect. Celestia couldn't help but chuckle as Justice stares at his Sun Princess wearing only her old lace color white silk panties as she had removed her old lace color white silk bra earlier, revealing her shapely and curvy full perfect breasts to warm air of the prep room.

"Ahem, Justice. I know. It has been ages since you laid your eyes on my nude equine figure. But please, dear, I would like a spa robe. So we may get started." Celestia said bashfully (as blush form on her cheeks) as it snaps Justice out of his little fantasy of his beloved.

"Oh, sorry, Celestia let me get you a spa robe," Justice said a bit embarrassed as gracious smile form on Celestia's snout as she put the robe on.

"Let says my love; you are the only stallion that I have allowed to sees me semi-nude. That I have not banished for being a peeping stallion." Celestia explains as the two ponies walk out of the prep room.

The two ponies walk passed an alicorn size massage table still covered with several soft towels from Luna's session and over to the seating area of the foot lounge Justice, and Celestia takes a seat on the sofa. After Justice sat down, Celestia scooted further down on the couch so she could fully extend her long alicorn legs leaving only her feet on Justice's lap to be tickle to relieve her stressful day.

"Before we start Celestia, let hear little about the trouble happening at Eastern Summit," Justice asked kindly as he begins to rotate, pull and squeeze each of her toes slightly with even pressure.

"All right, Justice. I Just received a diplomatic dispatch from the Equestria consulate in Abyssinia in the Capital city of Panthera. The Equestria Ambassador reports that Panthera has declared war on Megakat city, a city within their land. What makes this even more upsetting the small city of Grimalkin run by Baroness Michiko Bi (white tigress) a personal friend of mine is caught between these two great cities. The war between them has damaged several of her city's defenses. This has caused a city in the south-east called zorgarth to muster their troops to attack Grimalkin to try and take the fertile farmland that surrounds her city." Celestia said sadden as Justice felt a little bit guilty about tickling his fiancée feet after what she told him. He lifted her feet and set them back on the sofa before he stood up to leave.

Suddenly a magical golden hand grabs holds of his arm to keep him from leaving the seating area. The magical golden hand is one of Celestia's spells as her horn is glowing in the very light gold magic aura. As he looks toward her, she had a look of mute appeal on her snout. She is begging him with her pale magenta eyes to come back and tickle her and don't feel guilty about it.

"I want you to tickle me, my beloved stallion. Please forgive me for hitting you with my friend plight. It weighs the most on my heart." Celestia explains she dishearten as Justice sits on the edge of the sofa, wraps his arms around Celestia. The loving embrace of her very loving fiancé allows Celestia to fully break down something she desperately needs to do to release her pent-up stress.

Sometime later, Celestia return to the foot lounge wearing a v-neck short sleeve T-shirt and light beachy blue boyfriend jean with the hem of the jeans rolled up once in her bare feet. She has decided to stay the night with her loving fiancé Justice as her first meeting for the Eastern Summit doesn't begin till about 10 am, giving her plenty of time to have Justice help her put on her Royal Court gown again.

Sitting in one of the wingback chairs in front of the unlit fireplace was Justice. He was looking over a report that he received from one of his high placed Solar Guard secret agents in the Capital City of Panthera in Abyssinia. He quickly burns the report with his magic fire spell upon pick-up the very soft footfalls of Celestia's bare feet trying to sneak up on him with his more sensitive Celestial Alicorn hearing. A moment later, the soft lips of his fiancée Celestia press against his cheek, and she kisses him. Before she knew what happens, Justice pulls her onto his lap and hold down her hands before place a very romantic kiss on her lips. The sudden romantic gesture causes Celestia to blush heavily on her cheeks.

"How do you feel, Tia?" Justice asked as Celestia remained sitting on his lap in relative comfort with her legs hanging over the armrest, swinging them casually back and forth.

"Much better, Justice. I guess I had to return home to be with you. Went I am home; it feels like a weight had been lifted off of me. At the Grand Royal Palace, I have no one to make me feel better." Celestia said, loving as she rubs her snout against his snout very tenderly and loving.

Suddenly Celestia's muzzle contorted into an awkward mix of shock, mirth, and surprise as Justice snuck his hand under her T-shirt and was tickling the exposed skin under her shirt.

"Noohoh," Celestia exclaimed in a weak protest as their a bright flash, and she finds herself lying on the floor of the foot lounge in spread-eagle position two strong magical clamps held her wrists above her head, and two more held her ankles.

A sickening wave of terror welling up from Celestia's belly, not knowing what was going to happen to her trapped like this. Her fear subsides went Justice crouches down beside her and kissing her on her lips. Before whispering into her ear, 'It time to play the captured princess game' a playful smile form on her snout with the idea.

The last time that Justice and Celestia were in the Crystal Empire on royal business. Celestia spoke to Cadence, asking her what she and Justice can do with their limited time together with her busy Royal schedule that will be fun for both of them. She suggested the Captured Princess game that she and Shining armor play with their limited time together. It was a straightforward game all Celestia had to do was allow Justice's to tickle her body during the whole game. On their return to Canterlot from Crystal Empire during their so limited dinner time together, Celestia brought up the subject of the game. She explains the whole idea of the game to Justice. It got his interest as he always what to playfully tickle his fiancée like that.

~Back in the foot lounge~

"Oh, Justice what is the secret you are trying to get out of me, it all part of the game." Celestia inquiry as Justice rubs his chin trying to think of secret that the captured Princess would keep secret.

"I know the eastern summit. I captured you because you know all about the trouble in the other lands, and my boss wants the information to have leverage against the other lands, and the safe word is banana." Justice explains as Celestia slips into her Princess persona with a huge smile on her snout.

"So Princess stripped down to your silk panties, and you still refuse to talk," Justice said in his best evil voice. The near-perfect dark vocal tones from her fiancé cause Celestia's skin to grow clammy with growing fear.

Noticing this Justice unlocked the clamps hold her wrists and sat her up, he embraced her to reassure her it was all a game. As he laid her back on the floor and re-clamped her into the clamps, he kisses her again, which causes her to return to playing her part.

"You vile villain, How dare you to strip me of my royal gown, my shoes, and bra. Leave me only wearing my silk panties. Whatever perverted fantasy, you are indulging in with me. Willn't shakes my resolve." Celestia said, faking being indignant as Justice once again kisses her on her lips enjoy this little game with her.

"A perverted fantasy, you say Princess! But how wrong you are, Princess! This no perverted fantasy. This is the perfect position to get you to spill your secrets." Justice said evilly as Celestia gesture with her head to get closer and went he's did she kiss him, before stick her tongue out at him tells him she got him.

"If this not a perverted fantasy! What is it, you vile villain?!" Celestia said boldly as the fake evil grin from Justice transformed into a real mischievous grin that she knows all too well. Slowly a slender feather with taper end descends right into Celestia's belly button and begins to swirl in it.

"Nnnnooohhhohohah! Forgivehemeh, Justice!" Celestia screams with laughter as the tapered tip continues to swirl inside Celestia's belly button. It became a fruitless endeavor to sway her hips from side to side, trying to escape the tickling torment of the slender feather as the tickling made things worse by touching the sides of her belly button cause her to laugh louder.

"Are you ready to talk Princess, or will the tickle tortures continue?" Justice asked as the slender feather was finally withdrawn from her belly button. This came as wonderful relief allowing Celestia to gulp much need oxygen to replenish the depleted air in her lungs. With her lungs full once again, Justice ran his fingers through her mane as she rubs the front side of her snout against his very tenderly.

"Let the game continue," Celestia said in hoarse but shaky voice await the next tickling torment on her exposed white alicorn figure. Suddenly two medium-sized flat feathers descend onto her curvy and perfectly shaped full breasts that lie exposed on her.

"Nonononononononono!" Celestia scream as the feathers begin dancing around the bases of her full breasts cause her to squeal and laugh as her breasts bounced and jiggle with every ticklish stroke upon her chest. The moment two smaller feathers started tickling her areolas and nipples, Celestia lay their helpless being forced to scream out in ticklish glee with tears in her eyes and her cheeks soaked with them.

Celestia whipped her head frantically from side to side as the flat feathers found it way under the swell of her left breast, then her right breast it was ticklish torment for her exposed breasts to endure. To make things worse, the feathers made their way between her's sizable cleavage sawing in and out between her breast, making them bounce with every high pitch shriek force out of this hypersensitive Alicorn's bosom. If Celestia were capable of forming one coherent thought in her ticklish stupor, seeing her fiancé rubbing his chin with his hand in deep thought would terrify her. He was thinking of other ways to exploit his fiancée's hypersensitive and sizable cleavage for a later tickle session.

"Are you ready to talk Princess, or will the tickle tortures continue?" Justice asked as the flat feather was finally withdrawn from her sizable cleavage. This came as wonderful relief allowing Celestia to gulp much need oxygen to replenish the depleted air in her lungs. With her lungs full once again, Justice ran his fingers once again through her mane, reassuring her that all she had to do was talk or uses the safety word to stop the tickle torture on another part of her body.

"I'll never give in you vile villain. Do your worst!" Celestia exclaimed, slips into her defiance as various sizes of pillows started to float off the multiple pieces of furniture around the room. She felt each cushion begin to stack under her legs, slowly raising her feet off the ground.

"Very well, Princess, this part of the tickle torture I'll administer personally," Justice said as he slowly made his way toward her exposed large bare feet to begin the tickle torture of her unbearably ticklish feet.

"Nooohohohhhoooo Don't -Don't- Don't!" Celestia shrieks in utter terror as she had felt Justice's brand of tickle torture upon her unbearably ticklish feet before it threw her for a loop.

Each movement was exact upon her spacious white feet to elicit the most laughter out of her with no rest as every single ticklish scenario raced through Celestia's mind at a blurring pace, soon the safety word pop into her head the only mercy from the unbearable tickling torment that will happen to her feet. All she had to do was say it to stop him from tickling her feet. Slowly each letter of the safety word form in her consciousness as the last letter was formed, she took a deep breath willing her voice to say it. Suddenly tears started to run down her cheeks, not wanting to deny her beloved a small bit of reward for everything he had gone through with her.

'It not easy to be the fiancé of the most powerful Alicorn in Equestria, the Princess of the Sun.' Celestia thought as she can't believe what she was about to say to Justice. Every fiber of her being was screaming at her not to do it; it would be the worst idea she would make. She would yell back at herself shut-up. Taking a deep breath that she collected earlier, she opens her mouth wide, her vocal cords being to vibrate with her decision.

"Do your worst! I will not talk!" Celestia screams in demented gleam as her heart quickly sunk into her belly. Soon more tears started to stream down her cheek but not of pain or sadden. It was tears of sheer madness. She told her fiancé to break her.

"EEEEEEEEEAAAHHHEHEHEH!" Celestia screams as she managed to open her wide, tear blurred eyes to see her beloved stallion with such a smile on his snout. A deep sense of satisfaction overtook relentless tickle torture that engulfs her body.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! HAAAAHAHAHAHHHHHHHHHAHAA! AAAAH!" Celestia broke into throaty laughter as a facial expression of incredible shock, and frantic grin took over her senses.

"NOOOOHOHOHOHOHOHOOOOOO WHY...WHY...WHY...WHY...WHY" Celestia screams in-between sessions of heavy laughter as her beloved up the ticklish assault on her spacious white feet, having all but turned his all-powerful princess of the sun into a regular ticklish mess.

"NOOOO! EEHEHEHEHEHEHEAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHHAHA?" Celestia scream once again, arches her back with each precise strike upon her spacious white feet from her beloved skilled fingers racing up, down and across her hopelessly exposed bare soles.

"OKAHAHAHAHY I GEHEHEHET IIIEHEHEHET, BBAANNAANA!" Celestia scream as Justice stopped the tickle torture upon her spacious white feet. Celestia started to gulp much need oxygen into her oxygen, deprived lungs.

Justice crawls back down to Celestia's head; he carefully sits Celestia up before embracing her. She weakly wraps her arms around Justice, savoring the strong embrace of her beloved.

"You know I didn't enjoy any of that," Justice said joking as weak smile form on Celestia snout; he felt a soft punch on his arm.

"You are such a horrible liar, my love. But thank you for the sentiment. My whole body is still in overdrive. My sensitivity is at the utmost pinnacle of my sexual excitement." Celestia said exhausted as she hung her head, and her tongue hung out of her mouth.

Justice curiously poked the side of Celestia's bare full right breast with his finger, and she squealed, proving just how sensitive her whole body becomes from the tickle torture. Each sequential poke to any part of her overstimulated body pushes her closer to a climax. To ensure she will climax, Justice wrapped his arms around her ankles and pushed her feet together.

He went straight for the deep-set arches of her spacious white feet. A second later, she unleashed a heavenly and divine high pitch moan as she finally climaxed. A soft thud followed that as she fell unconscious. Like all his clients that he makes them climax, he scooped her up in his arms to carry her to her bed. Once in the bedroom, he undressed her and floated her favorite purple short sleeve v neck knit nightgown to himself. He carefully dresses his unconscious Sun Princess in her nightgown, before placing her on her side in her bed under her blankets. He gently kissed her on her cheek and started to walk away from her bed.

"Please...don’t...go...sleep with..me, Justice." Celestia said in a semi-awake tone of voice half awake and half asleep. Justice stood flabbergasted, unsure if Celestia was asking him to sleep in her bed with her or if she was sleep talking to him. It becomes apparently clear a moment later as she started to cry, soaking the pillow under her head.

"All right, Celestia, I'll sleep with you in your bed. But I have to put on my pajamas first." Justice whispers into Celestia's ear as it stops her from crying and smile form on her snout.

"Thank...you...Justice." Celestia said once again in a semi-awake tone of voice half awake and half asleep. By the time he finishes changing into his pajamas, Celestia had moved to the other side of the bed, awaiting him to climb into the bed with her. Once he climbs into the bed with her, he reaches over her and touches her still tender curvy and perfectly shaped full breasts with his hand. She wiggled and squirmed in the bed from the touch of his hand.

"Don't...touch me...their...my breasts...are still tender...like...my...feet." Celestia said, bothered in a semi-awake tone of voice half awake and half asleep. Knowing that Justice ran his big toe from under the blankets from her heel down the sole of her foot to the balls on both her feet. She wiggled and squirmed once again in the bed, trying to get her feet out of his range.

"Nnnno...leave...my...feet alone...please...that not...fair." Celestia said, annoyed in a semi-awake tone of voice half awake and half asleep.

"All right, Celestia, I will leave your overstimulated body alone. Good night my beautiful Sun Princess." Justice said kindly as he moved his hand onto her stomach after kissing her on the cheek. And the two ponies fell fast asleep in the same bed as Celestia started to neigh with a smile on her snout softly.