• Published 7th Jan 2020
  • 1,653 Views, 44 Comments

The Experience files (volume 1) - keithsterling

This is a series of random stories that I put togther with canon characters

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Rarity Experience CH3

Author's Note:

The first scene is based loosely off a Fimfiction called Blueblood guest written by Starkyshy. In the story Rarity get raped by Prince Blueblood at a party in Canterlot.
Having a female character raped in any story should never happen, no matter how sick some reader are.

So I re-created the scene using my OC Justice Silverlight who save her and Prince Blueblood is arrested for the crime. Justice felt guilty for not arriving sooner to rescue her. It Rarity that convinces him it not his fault that he didn't arrive soon to stop it.

Its 10 am the following morning as Miss Rarity Radiance makes her way back to Justice's Rented House in the Ponyville Residential District. Rarity is attired in a white short-sleeve polo shirt, and black relax fit jeans. On her slender and luxurious, well pedicured light gray bare feet were tan strap sandals. This shoe has an elastic closure for easier removal from her feet and speedy satisfaction for her feet. Dangling from her shoulder was her faux leather purse. She doesn't expect any trouble finishing the testing this morning, but just in case she has her small design notebook with her. So she can have a convenient excuse for visiting Justice at his place this morning.

'Well, with these sandals on. Now my feet can get the full tickling treatment. Tickling treatment (Tears begin to form in her moderate azure eyes).' Rarity thought as her eyes take on a haunted look as memory is sparked.

'No Justice is my friend, he would never rape me. He, not Prince Blueblood. That so-called Royalty of Canterlot.' Rarity thought as a sensation of a trapdoor suddenly opening in her's belly happen followed by a sickening wave of terror welling from the same place.

'Several months back, I was invited to a party in Canterlot, where I met a lot of new business contacts for my Canterlot Carousel. As the party was winding down, one of the Royal Guards approaches me, asking if I could stay for a little longer after the party ended. The anonymous party host wanted to talk to me. I didn't think anything about it and agreed to meet with the anonymous party host.' Rarity thought as she started to tremble and shake.

'As the last party guest left, I was escorted to a small room and told the party host will be joining me very soon. I heard the door open and close went the Royal Guard left. A moment later, the door open and closed once again to my horror the party host was Prince Blueblood. Before I knew what happen, he chained me up and drags me to his bedroom. After suspending me from the ceiling, he told me he wanted me to make love to him, 'I told him to go to Tartarus.' Next thing I knew, he strips me of all my clothing as I hung there naked. He told me again to make love to him, or I will pay. I told him no again, and for the next half an hour, he tickles torture my nude body slowly chipping away at my resistances.' Rarity thought as she was able to stop shaking and continue on her way to Justice's place.

'As my resistance were weakening from unrelenting tickle tortures across my nude body and feet. A moment later, a loud crash at the front door of the manor Prince Blueblood went to investigate. Leaving me alone as the tickle tortures continue unabated as I was about to break. It suddenly stops. I felt an armored hand gently stroking my tear-stained cheek and sympathetic stallion voice saying 'It over Rarity.' Through my tear blurred vision, I couldn't make out the stallion that rescued me from Prince Blueblood. All I remember after that was the same stallion give me a robe to cover my nude body and stay with me in the bedroom why I broke down from the ordeal. I never found out the name of the stallion that rescued me and remained with me.' Rarity thought she knocked on Justice's front door, wondering why the Canterlot Police Department only told her he was part of Princess's elite Guard unit that saves her and stays with her.

"Good morning Rarity, I see you have strap sandals on," Justice said as the comment snaps her out of her train of thought.

"Oh, yes. I thought it would be easier to remove them. I feel you are going to focus exclusively on my bare feet this time, Justice." Rarity comments as she follows him to the foot lounge.

"You are correct, Rarity; your feet will be the focus this time. But anyway went I answer the door. You were distracted think about something else. May I ask about what Rarity?" Justice asked as he helps Rarity get comfortable in the special chaise lounge with the stocks on end for her ankles.

"Several months ago, I was almost raped in Canterlot by that so-called royalty Prince Blueblood. He tickled torture my nude body and bare feet, trying to break my strong will. As I was close to breaking a kind Solar Guard soldier rescued me and stay with me as I broke down. I never got a chance to thank him for his kindness." Rarity explains as she felt tears splashing and running down her feet.

"It was me, Rarity. I was that kind Solar Guard Soldier." Justice explains sorrowful as Rarity jaw drops.

"Then why did you tell CPD not to say it was you," Rarity asked clueless as she wondered why Justice suddenly became dejected as if an ashamed that he didn't save her.

"A Solar Guard surveillance team was watching that manor for weeks Prince Blueblood had attacked other mares in that same location under the pretense of a party. The Canterlot Chief Magistrate held up the arrest warrant for Prince Blueblood because he was in the Prince's back pocket. It got more serious went you arrived at the party; we didn't want another mare to get raped by him. Especially a mare I know personally. I quickly sent word to both Princesses to come down to the courthouse. Went they arrive, I show all the evidence against Prince Blueblood to them and told them you were going to be the next victim they quickly signed the arrest warrant." Justice explained as Rarity legs gave out under her, and she sunk to the ground.

"You had already been in the hands of Prince Blueblood for half an hour went we were finally issued the arrest warrant. I felt I failed you because your resistance was close to breaking from the torture. As you hung their helplessly laughing, the only way I felt you would forgive me was to stay with you as you broke down." Justice said demoralized as Rarity brings her hands to her snout and begins weeping while shaking her head 'No.'

"Justice please! You didn't fail me. You rescue me from years of mental torment, allowing a lowlife like Prince Blueblood to force me to make love to him or be subjected to endless tickle torture. Till was a willing mare. You saw I need someone with me so I could break down and you stayed." Rarity said reassuringly as she suggested that they postpone the last test on her till later today.

At one o'clock in the afternoon, Justice and Rarity reconvene in the foot lounge to begin the last test on her, targeting her nine and one-sixth length slender and luxurious feet. In the living room of the home, Rarity profoundly thank Justice for coming to her rescue and stay at her side as she broke down like the friend he is.

Back in the foot lounge, Rarity had a huge Cheshire cat smile on her snout as she sat in the very comfortable special chaise lounge. Her wrists were locked in padded clamps on either armrest of the chaise lounge. Three padded straps held her against the back of the seat. One of the padded straps was above her breasts, and second was below it, this causes them to stick out a bit more than usual. The final padded strap was around her stomach. All three padded straps had enough given to allow for normal breathing.

As we continue down her lower half, two more padded straps hold her thighs to the seat. A little further down her legs, two narrow padded straps hold her knee to the seat. As we finally reach her feet, Justice is slowly rolling up the bottom hem of her jeans, revealing her elegantly slender white ankles. He knowingly runs his fingers around Rarity's slender ankles a few times; this causes Rarity to stiffen a giggle from the tickle sensation applied to her ankles. He carefully places both of Rarity's bare ankles into the padded stocks with a satisfying bang of wood. Follow by the locking of a metal clasp on the side, Rarity is now trapped in the stocks and is waiting for the test to begin.

"Oh, Justice, before we begin. Let me get into character." Rarity said as Justice looked at his friend Rarity quizzically with what she said.

"Get into character?" Justice inquiry as Rarity had a smile on her snout.

"If I am going to let you tickle my feet, I want to have a bit of fun with it. So let role-play. Here the situation, you are my boss. I work for you as a Maid. For the past few weeks, I have broken several expensive vases at your manor. You learn from talking to the other maids that I am terribly ticklish on my feet. So you decided to teach me a lesson about being careful with expensive vases. You chloroformed me and locked me in this chaise lounge to tickle me till I learn my lesson." Rarity explains as Justice chuckles under his breath before kissing Rarity on her cheek, causing her to blush.

"What was that for Justice?" Rarity asked, faltering as the blushes cover most of her snout.

"That kiss on your cheek was for resisting till I rescued you," Justice explained as Rarity blush become redder.

"Enough about the past, Justice. My feet are looking for tickling stimulus, and so far, this lounge has not provided that service to me. I become a very dissatisfied customer. I will give you a nasty review on the Tickler." Rarity said warning as an alligator smile form on Justice snout with a snap of his fingers. Rarity finds herself wearing only her silk and spandex blend panties and bra.

"Justice no! Last time you did my full body, I almost orgasm." Rarity said anxiously as she struggled to get loose from her bonds. She soon realized that because she was so willing, the bonds were easier set, so there was no escape.

"What are you doing?" Rarity inquiry more nervous as Justice pushes away the gentle tickle tools and using his magic to roll over a covered three-level metal cart. The metal wheels click-clack over the tile floor of this part of the lounge.

"As a fellow business owner, I can't have my first customer dissatisfied with my provided services. So we are going to up the intensity of the stimulus." Justice explains as he pulled the cover off the cart, revealing nastier versions of the earlier tickling tools. The huge Cheshire cat smile returns to Rarity's snout once again.

"Do it! Justice! Tickle me until I burst!" Rarity yells with maniacal glee as Justice picks up a small metal box from the lower shelf on the top shelf and opens it. Inside the box were six dark blue colored egg-shaped objects.

"What are those, Justice?" Rarity inquiry as he floating one of the objects in front of her to look at it.

"Since you already know that I am not a normal pony. I can tell you: my species, the Imperator Alicorns, love tinkering with machines. After several backdoor sales in the underbelly of Canterlot in the occult ward, I was able to buy six of these vibrators. Knowing how to modify machinery, I change them from a sexual sensation to a tickling sensation. By simply changing the accessories or adding some, it changes intensity." Justice explains as Rarity watches him attach a round brush head in the center of the device, before putting four smaller thin brushes equally spaced on the top.

He carefully positions the device right in the center of Rarity's right sole. He pulls the flexible strap tight around her foot and secured it before placing the smaller thin brushes between her toes. He does the same with the second device positions it in the same place on the left sole. Without tell Rarity that he was going to turn on the devices. He flicks on the vibrators to maximum intensity. The reaction was instantaneous as unrestrained laughter exploded out of her. She bucks like a spirited mare in the chaise lounge, but the restraints kept her from hurting herself.

"AHAHAHAHAAA!" Rarity exclaimed as Justice didn't tell her that these vibrators had extra intensity. He flips the toggles switch to higher intensity suddenly, Rarity eyes widen with alarm as the device whirled to life.

"HAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Rarity gasped after catching her breath; she unleashed melodious laughter.

The moment he switches off the devices, Rarity's moderate azure eyes closed. She drops her head as drool begins trickling from the corner of her mouth. Fearing that he just killed his friend, he lifts her head up. She unleashes a delayed high-pitched moan as she finally climaxes with that she passes out from the tickle treatment. Justice snapped his fingers and redressed Rarity in her white short-sleeve polo shirt and black relax fit jeans. He left her barefooted. He was going to lay her down in Celestia's large bed to recover from the tickling ordeal she's endured.

~A few hours later~

Slowly Rarity moderate azure eyes opened, and she sat up in the bed. She spotted Justice sitting at his desk, going over some paperwork from Twilight. She figures she was back in the master bedroom after she passes out.

"Justice!" Rarity called as Justice walked over to the bed and sits on the edge of it.

"How are you feeling, Rarity?" Justice asked as Rarity threw her arms around him and hug him.

"I am feeling fine, Justice. I greatly enjoy that experience in your foot lounge. So I have a gift for you (float her purse over to herself). Here there are (Handing him a pair of black round-toed stiletto heels). These stiletto heels are the ones I was wearing went I first step into your foot lounge. Think of them as lounge warming gift after I rest for a little longer I'll put my name on that nametag for you. I promise that I will return to your foot lounge and try your other services out, my dear friend Justice." Rarity explains as she lay back down on the bed. Two ponies begin talking about their favorite subject, 'ponies' feet.'

As the conversation turns toward Rarity's feet instead of changing the subject to something else, Justice begins complimenting her slender and luxurious feet (causing her to blush). He tells her how much he likes her well-defined arches, balls of her feet, and shapely ten toes. He floats his cell phone over to himself and shows Rarity the picture he's taken of the bottom of her feet after lying down on the bed. Where the vibrator was position had a pink spot. He guessed that if he pokes that area, she will squeal, showing just how sensitive her feet got from treatment. After fully recovering and putting her sandals back on, Justice invites Rarity for drinks. So they could discuss the uniform she designing for him.