• Published 7th Jan 2020
  • 1,653 Views, 44 Comments

The Experience files (volume 1) - keithsterling

This is a series of random stories that I put togther with canon characters

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Rarity Experience CH2

Rarity follows Justice out the northern arched pass-through of the living room into a hallway leads to the master bedroom and guest bedroom area of the rental house. Once through the pass-through, the pair turns east and walks down a short hallway toward a second arched pass-through covered with light curtains. On the other side of the pass-through soft and relaxing music can be heard. Justice pushes aside the curtain to allow Rarity to enter the room.

On the other side of the curtain, Rarity is standing in 12x15 square room paint in a relaxed deep blue color with white trim. The middle of the room is a seating area with two very comfortable looking sofas sitting on top of a large area rug. In the middle of the carpet is a small coffee table. In the eastern wall is a fireplace with two wingback chairs in front of it on the left side of the fireplace were two empty shelves in the wall. Against the northern wall were three chaise lounges line up side by side in front of each chaise lounges was a roll a stool. In front of the western wall were three low cabinets a few feet from the pass-through was Small Square table.

"So Rarity this, the foot lounge, what do you think?" Justice inquiry as he floats an eight-ounce slim wine glass with soft apple cider into the hand of his lovely and beautiful mare companion Miss Rarity Radiance.

She graciously accepts the wine glass with the soft apple cider from Justice's magic bubble and begins to whirl the liquid in the glass a few times. As the juice stops spinning, she slowly brings the glass to her nostrils and sniffs the liquid. She knows this not your standard made apple cider; it has the scent of being aged as the apple juice scent is very concentrated in the glass. She confirms her thought went she can taste the various types of apples that this soft apple cider made from as it coats every taste bud on her tongue, before finally swallowing the liquid.

"This finest made apple cider I have ever tasted. So far, I approve of this option three you thought of my dear friend Justice. But I hope there is more to this option three then just having a mare drink finely made apple cider." Rarity comment pleased as she strolls over to the three chaise lounges against the northern wall of the room. Once there, she crouches down beside the chair and runs her hand over the chair's supple fabric. As Rarity continues looking over the chair, she soon discovers a small metal eyelet screwed back for tying a rope. As she comes around in front of the chair, she discovers a second metal eyelet for tying a rope.

"Well, my dear Rarity, there is more to this option three that requires your participation," Justice mentioned that Rarity's eyelashes slanted upward in a questioning glance as she stood in front of two shelves above each other in the wall with small blank nametags. Below the two shelves was a low cabinet.

"Requires moi participation, you say Justice. What might that be, Darling?" Rarity said with excitement as she crouches down in front of the low cabinet and opens the two doors in front of it.

Inside the cabinets nearly stored on several shelves were pairs of individual bags flip flops of different sizes. The one size flip flops that grab Rarity's attention were a woman size seventeen shoe. She knows their only one mare that wears that size shoe, and that mare is Justice's own fiancée Celestia. On a slide track next to the shelves was a canvas box that read 'socks and stockings discard.' Rarity playfully chuckles figure out that option three involves her being barefooted, a situation she much enjoys doing.

"I need you to remove your suit jacket and hang it on the coat rack over here. As well as putting on this disruptor ring on your horn Rarity. We can't have an accidental discharge of unicorn magic for option three. You are also not allowed to take your shoes off before we start option three (a smile form on her snout)." Justice explains as Rarity stands back up after closing the doors on the cabinet.

As she walks over to Justice, she begins to unbutton her suit jacket; by the time she made it over to him, she was already taking her suit jacket off. Leaving her wearing her Y neck three-fourths length sleeved button-front shirt reveals her ample sized breasts with a pink silk bra through the slight opening in her shirt. After hanging up her suit jacket on the coat rack, she walks over to Justice, and she lowers her head to allow him to slip the disruptor ring on her horn.

"So now what, Justice? I am excited about option three. From looking around this room, it focuses exclusively on my bare feet. Which I enjoy show off because I take immaculate care of them with a regular pedicure to keep them pristine." Rarity explains with a bit of pride as Justice escorts her over to one of the chaise lounge and asks her to sits down on the chair, which she does. She stretches her legs out in front of her getting comfortable for whatever is coming next.

"Are you ready, Rarity?" Justice asks as he sits down on the rolling stool at her feet.

"Indubitably, Justice." Rarity said absolutely as he reaches under her skirt and grabs hold of the top of her stockings and draws them down to her ankles.

"Now for the gift hidden away," Justice said. It took Rarity some effort not to blush outright as the comment was rather bluntly directed at her shoed feet. Slowly Justice removed the six and half-sized stiletto pumps from her nylon clad feet and places them on the ground in front of a chaise lounge. He put his finger against her sheer sole and ran it down to her heel. The sudden stroke cause Rarity to jump out of the chair and unleashes a small squeal and squirm a bit.

"Justice!" Rarity said a bit sour as he rolled around to the side of the chaise lounge and kisses her on her cheek for being a great sport this caused Rarity to blush once again. He moved back in front of the chaise lounge and grabbed hold of scrunched up fabric from around her ankles, removing it the rest of the way. He stuffed the stockings into the toes of the stiletto pumps he withdrew from her earlier.

Sitting in front of him on the end of the chaise lounge was a superb pair of light gray (more toward the white spectrum) nine and one-sixth inch slender and elegant mare's naked feet. The arches on both her feet had a graceful curve to them that led into a smoothly oval ball of her feet, why another end of her arches led into smooth round heels. Continue up to the symmetrically shaped toe stems that are topped with ten shapely toes. Each toenail is beautifully trimmed and shaped painted with mauve nail polish.

Rarity playfully splays her toes of both her feet for the enjoyment of Justice as he the one that invited her here for this secret third option. Rarity lifted her naked foot, and went Justice's snout got to close; she scrunched down her toes, trapping the end of his snout between her toes and ball of the foot. Justice shook his head lightly; knock Rarity's foot off his snout.

Rarity watches as Justice float a length of rope from an open drawer from one of the low cabinets on the other side of the room. He stood up and walked to the side of the chaise lounge he took hold of Rarity's arms and began to loop the rope around her wrists once then twice and pulled it snug. He carefully pulled her arms over her head and tied the rope's end onto the small metal eyelet on the backside of the chaise lounge. He returns to her feet and floats two more lengths of rope from the same open drawer, like before he loops the ropes over her ankles and ties it to the chaise lounges legs. Rarity plays up her helpless situation by crying on cue and frantically tugging desperately at the bonds on her ankles and wrists as Justice watches her.

"Who knows you were such a great actress's Rarity, you should be working in Applewood as a high-paid actress." Justice comments as a playful smile form on her snout, followed by light laughter escaping her lips.

"Nah, Justice too much pressure. Being a Fashion Designer is much easier to deal with." Rarity comment as she realized something about the whole situation.

"Oh, Justice, will this lead to me making passionate love with you? I am open for that (winking at Justice); I would love to see what the princess gets." Rarity comments nonchalantly as an embarrassing blush completely covers Justice's snout from Rarity's comment.

"NO!" Justice yell in a huff as it cause Rarity to snicker; she knows that Justice's heart belongs to his Sun Princess Celestia.

That why so many mares befriended and stay friends with Justice. Unlike most stallions around Equestria who hit on any mare that comes into eyes shot, Justice has remained faithful to that Alicorn mare that he loves. Slowly Justice composes himself went he was about to speak his cell phone rings, he floats the cell phone off the table into his hand and answers it.

"Oh, hey, Tavi, what up?" Justice said

"Huh? Oh, a concert in Ponyville park next week. Sure I can set up security for it. If you are in town sometime this week. Stop by my place to talk about it." Justice said

"This Friday, that will be fine. Huh? Vinyl Scratch will call me next week for her plan Rave party. Thank you, Tavi, for the heads up about her. It always a pain to set security for her Rave party." Justice said he hangs up the phone and floats the cell phone back on top of the table.

"Tavi? As in Octavia Melody. The famous cellist of Canterlot." Rarity comment as Justice shook his head, before sitting back down on rolling stool and rolls to Rarity's side. He begins to slowly unbutton her button-front shirt revealing a pink silk bra.

"Hey! I thought this was not leading to making passionate love with you. Why are you undressing me?" Rarity annoyed as Justice opening her shirt, revealing her white whole upper body and her tone tummy.

"How am I supposed to target these pits if you are wearing a shirt?" Justice said, shooting his finger into Rarity's pits.

"Ayeeeeeeeeee!" Rarity shrieked as Justice tickled both her armpit at the same time, not letting up till Rarity's bra went flying off her ample sized breasts in the other direction (she had heated blush on her snout). With all her pelt now exposed, Justice skittered his fingers across the entire trunk of this mare's ticklish upper body went sweat begins to break out across her body, he stops not wanting Rarity to orgasm that not the idea behind this.

"How are you, Rarity?" Justice asked concerned for the well-being of his friend Rarity. As he helps her sit up and rest her head against his chest as she pants heavily.

"Exhausted Justice, I am happy you stop went you did. I was close to my climax. But I feel you didn't want me to climax, or you would have gone for the killing blow." Rarity explains as Justice held Rarity in a firm grip. Her legs were still wobbly from the sexual excitement that tickling her upper body did to her.

"Why do you go take a shower, Rarity? Leave your dirty clothes on the ground. I'll pick them up and launder them for you." Justice explains sitting Rarity on his bed of the master bedroom he shares with Celestia.

"You are too kind to me, Justice." Rarity said gratefully as she staggers her way to the bathroom to take a cold shower.

"But Justice if you take my clothes to wash them, I'll be walking around your home naked. I don't think Celestia would be too happy to have a naked mare in her home. Even those she knows this mare." Rarity concerned as she watches Justice go through several dresser drawers picking out choice items. Before long, he had a full set of Alicorn sized comfortable clothes for Rarity to wear.

"Those clothes would be perfect, Darling. If I was Alicorn sized. But I am a normal mare size." Rarity comment as Justice's horn begin to glow, he reaches down and touches the clothes soon they all shrink down to average mare size.

Suddenly Rarity's eyes widen with alarm as silver metal bio-mechanical feathered bird wings spring forth from Justice's back before he passing out. Slowly Justice's cobalt blue eyes open up. Standing in front of the mirror, putting some lipstick on wearing the T-shirt and sweatpants he shrinks down for her was a bathe Rarity Radiance. She pitter-patters barefooted over to Celestia's bed and sits down on the edge. Before crossing her leg over the other and placing her elbow on her knee before resting her chin on flat of her hand.

"How are you, darling?" Rarity inquiries as she splays her toes on her foot, showing Justice that she remains barefooted without being told to do so.

"I guess I overworked myself, Rarity. Sorry about that." Justice comment as Rarity had a knowing smile on her snout.

"I saw your metal wings, Justice." Rarity commented as Justice gasp.

"What wings, Rarity?" Justice said, pretending he had no idea what she was talking about. This aggravated Rarity to no end with Justice does not trust her with his secret.

"Lord Silverlight! I have trusted you with my body to do what you like to it! Because I know you willn't rapes me or assaults me! All I ask you is to trust me with your secret! That how friendship works!" Rarity said defensively as Justice transformed into his Alicorn form before grabbing his chest with his hand.

"Justice! What happened?" Rarity exclaims as she kneels in front of him.

"What my mother told me is that the star she used to create me was more energetic then she thought. The more I use my magic, the more I use up my stars energy." Justice explains as Rarity gasp a moment later, the bell on the dryer rings signal that it finishes.

"It is getting late Justice. Celestia will probably come home soon. I don't think you want her to know about the foot lounge just yet. So I'll come back tomorrow dressed more casual with sandals. So we can get right back to testing that foot lounge, and beside it looks like you need a rest." Rarities explain as she grabs her clothes out of the dryer and quickly dresses.