• Published 7th Jan 2020
  • 1,646 Views, 44 Comments

The Experience files (volume 1) - keithsterling

This is a series of random stories that I put togther with canon characters

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The Frozen Queen Experience CH 2

Its late afternoon at Celestia and Justice's ponyville home and business Justice waits for Princess Celestia and Queen Alexandria to return from Canterlot. Earlier this morning both sovereigns were called to handle a small crisis in their lands. As Justice was setting up the foot lounge for the examination phase, he got an unexpected phone call on his cell phone from Princess Luna (she was on her way back to Canterlot after cutting her visit short to Crystal Empire because a massive snowstorm was going to hit soon).

She asked if she may stop by for a while as the castle's repairs are going on right now. Justice got an idea he asked Princess Luna to volunteer her feet for the examination phase. Hence, he has three pairs of feet to compare after explaining who was in the examination phase, she agrees to it and will soon arrive. Sitting in the foot lounge on the edge of her personal chaise lounge reupholstered with her cutie mark was Heavenly looking dark blue Alicorn mare with midnight blue mane and tail. Her legs were crossed, speaking to Justice.

Her 6ft 3in elegant equine figure was attired in spring green slightly below the knee-length dress. Why on her twelve-inch long dark blue bare feet with deep pink toenail polish was a pair of silver wedge sandals with two and three-fourths inch heels. A single band held her shoes to her foot. She is without her black metal royal regalia today and folded on her back were her dark blue feathered bird wings. This Alicorn mare was Princess Luna, a regular client at the foot lounge and surveillance specialist for recommended new members.

"Have you got a chance to look into the dreams of Twilight's recommendation, Luna?" Justice asked as he examines the stocks on each of the three Chaise lounges in the room.

"Unfortunately, Justice that recommendation from Twilight is proving very difficult to deep dream dive in the dream dimension. She has so many anxieties in that mare's mind of her it like cutting through a thick forest of emotions. I have been able to examine some of her dreams like went she ran that small town of hers." Luna explains that as she intentionally stuck her sandal-clad foot in reach of Justice grip, he was checking the stocks on her personal chaise lounge.

"Go ahead, Justice, you know from my foot lounge sessions with you. I greatly enjoy having my alicorn size feet tortured and tormented by you (suggestively wiggling her five elegant toes in her shoe)." Luna said playfully as Justice sat on the chaise lounge across from her with her foot in his hand.

"I know that Luna, plus I know what you don't like to happen to your alicorn size feet. That what I am going to do during your next foot lounge sessions that you set up for next week." Justice said, threatening as Luna's eyes widen with alarm.

"Justice please not the magically created electric toothbrush on my toes only. I can handle the torture and torment across my whole foot. But the electric toothbrush on my toes is more then I can take. I'll be going crazy within second of them being applied to my toes." Luna said, let out a strangled cry as Justice plays with her toes through open toes design of her sandals.

~a few hours later~

A few hours later, Queen Alexandria Glacier and Princess Celestia return to ponyville; they are surprised to find Princess Luna waiting with Lord Justice Silverlight in the Living room at their home. Justice explains to the other two mares that it would be better with three mares then just two, and both agreed with him. Due to the small crisis, Celestia had to solve, she elected to wear gold wedge sandals with one half inch heel in place of her flip flops along with lilac-colored slightly below the knee-length dress. Justice didn't mine because the sandals had a zipper on the back for easy removal.

Queen Alexandria Glacier was wearing the fancy black open-toe jelly ballet flats with one fourth-inch heel from last night along with a green slightly below the knee-length dress. After a quick refresh for the three mares about what the examination phase entails, they followed Justice into the Foot lounge. As the group was walking down the hall, Alex asks Celestia and Luna if she should take her shoes off now or wait. Celestia and Luna explain that the removal of their shoes is part of the examination phase, and Alex should just let it happen naturally.

"This whole examination phase is just a formality, Queen Glacier. Why you were showering to head back to Canterlot with me. Justice and I discussed the situation. He said you are accepted into this exclusive club that all the princesses of Equestria are part of. I am hoping my sister can confirm it." Celestia comments as she looks toward her sister walking next to Alex.

"That is correct sister she is in. I was there; he called Miss Rarity, Princess Cadence, and Princess Twilight about adding Queen Glacier to the club. They all agree to let her in." Luna explains as the three Alicorn mares walk into the foot Lounge.

In the foot lounge, the three Alicorn mares stood beside their Chaise lounges to wait for Justice to tell them to sits down.

The order he puts them in will be the order of the foot examination, which includes the initial tickle torture to gauge a baseline for the rest of the tests. Beads of perspiration formed on Celestia's forehead and Luna's forehead. Justice didn't even consider Queen Glacier to be first. He moved his head and looked at the two Alicorn mares on the ends, both sisters frantically shook their heads no went Justice would look at them. A moment later, Justice made his decision.

"Celestia, please sit down you are first," Justice said as Celestia's heart drop into her belly because she getting the initial tickle torture.

"Yes, Justice," Celestia said dismayed as she sat down on her chaise lounge.

"Luna, please sit down; you are second," Justice said as Celestia had a huge smile on her snout because Luna must last longer than she went she get tickle tortured or mar the results.

"You wouldn't dare, sister." Luna comment knowing looking toward Celestia who had a smile on her snout watching Luna sits down on her chaise lounge.

"Do you wish you were first, Luna? And yes, I would dare, dear little sister." Celestia said mischievously.

"Alex, please sit down; you are third," Justice said as Alex sat down on her chaise lounge.

"With the order, I picked Celestia, Luna, and then Alexandrine. Let this examination phase begin." Justice said he rolls down in front of the chaise lounges and opened up the padded stocks for the three mares to place their ankles in them. He waited for a little while allowing the three Alicorn mares to get into the most comfortable position on the chaise lounges. Once their ankles are locked in the stocks, their no repositioning till the examination phase finishes.

First, to get done was Celestia. She pretty much used to fold her wings tightly against her back because Justice sleeps with her in the same bed in the master bedroom. As he waits for the other two mares to get into a comfortable position, he sits on the edge of Celestia's chaise lounge and hugs her. Before whispering into her ear 'she being such a good mare, he will only gives her one hundred feathers punishment and not the three hundred feathers punishment.' Celestia magenta's eyes tear up as she rubs her snout, loving against his.

With that, Celestia places her ankles into the stocks, and Justice closes the top half of the stocks trapping her feet. Followed by lock it and reach under her shoes to unzip both zippers on the back loosening her sandals on her feet. Next, to get into a comfortable position was Princess Luna. He rolled over to her, and she placed her ankles into the stocks. After locking the stocks trapping her feet. He unbuckles the buckle on Luna's shoes, loosening her sandals on her feet. Lastly, he lockets Queen Alexandria Glacier's ankles in the stocks and doesn't touch her jelly shoes on her feet.

"All right, my dears mares let begin this examination phase," Justice said as he rolls over to Celestia's feet to remove her sandals from her feet.

As he removed her sandals and place those on the floor beside the chaise lounge. Left locked in the stocks were a pair of fairly larger, long, full, thick, and plush white bare feet with sexy deep sets arches, shapely not too long toes that are the perfect length for her unassuming Alicorn size feet. Even the balls of her feet were perfectly round and soft to the touch. The skin on the bottom of her feet was creamy smooth as her feet really don't get rough or callous by walking around barefooted.

Justice tickled under Celestia's perfect long toes. On the pads of her toes, she unleashed pretends laughter make it seem her toes are very ticklish (went they are not). Justice knows her weaknesses it her sexy deep sets arches that are terribly ticklish. He was tickling her toes for the benefit of Luna, and Celestia was playing alone with him.

"All right, Luna, it your turn now," Justice said as he rolls over to Luna's feet to remove her sandals from her feet.

As he removed her sandals and place those on the floor beside the chaise lounge. Left locked in the stocks was a pair of dark blue wonderfully shaped bare feet roughly the same size as Celestia's feet but a tad bit smaller. The arches of her feet were not as deep-set as her sister was. But had unbelievably beautiful refined slow curvature to them that led into smooth curved balls of her feet. Her toe stems were perfect in shape topped by five elegant toes painted with deep pink toenail polish.

Luna's soles could well pass for being divine and creamy soft to the touch. Luna tries to pull her feet out of stocks but couldn't instead of tickling her toes. Justice grabs hold of both her feet and using his thumbs to massage center of her foot, causing her to relax and begin to softly neigh. She looks toward Justice with a smile on her snout, telling him wordlessly that what he is done to her feet is very acceptable and may move on her feet are not going anywhere.

"Well, it finally times to reveal the Alicorn feet of Queen Alexandria Glacier, the ruler of the Diamond Empire," Justice said. He rolls over to Alexandrine's feet to remove her jelly shoes from her feet. All three ponies notice that Alexandrine's ears on top her head begin to flutter with anticipation before turning out to the side relaxed.

It was finally time! The moment Queen Glacier has been waiting for the gentle pull of her black semi-transparent shoes that decorated, her huge perfectly shaped and formed alabaster-white mare's Alicorn feet four times the size of the other white alicorn mare's feet. It started-slowly-the squeaks of plastic against her oblong shaped smooth heels-the warm air rushing across the bottom of her silky soft feet. Once the warm air surge across her whole foot, her confine toes in front of the shoes spread out to its full diameter. She didn't hear the plop of her shoes on to the floor beside her chaise lounge; it was pure ecstasy.

She was transfixed with the pleasing shape of her long toe stems topped with gracefully rounded toes painted in vivid blue toenail polish swaying slowly side to side on top her smooth oblong shaped balls of her feet. If she could see them, she would be equally transfixed with her ideally shaped smooth curved arches that allow her to walk very gracefully upright upon her huge alabaster colored bare feet.

Justice's shakes his equine head several times trying to regain control of his emotions and unleashes a soft, low throaty nicker upon gazing on Queen Alexandria Glacier excellent shaped alabaster-white Alicorn feet trapped in the stocks. As soon as Justice's reawaken from his self induced intoxicating stupor of gazing upon such divine feet of this alabaster-white alicorn mare.

He is met by short, high-pitched squeal from his fiancée Celestia sitting on the chaise lounge next to Alexandrine. She deliberately pulls her right foot back hard, banging her hind foot against the wood cause the apparatus to tremble from the blow. It was an unmistakable warning and threat to remind him which Alicorn mare is wearing the engagement ring on her finger. At the same time, Princess Luna Celestia's younger sister sitting in a chaise lounge on the other side of Alexandrine chuckles endlessly she so happy that she agreed to help with this foot examination this day, she would pay good bits to watch this whole scene play out again for her amusement.

As Princess Luna begins to compose herself, Justice rolls over in front of his fiancée Celestia's plush white bare feet pulling himself away from Alexandrine's alabaster white feet. As soon as Justice stop directly in front of Celestia's white with a hint of pink bare feet locked in the stocks. She snorts at him tell him, 'That a good stallion, you know which mare is yours.'

Before Justice was about to begin the testing, he remembers a crucial thing he floated over a medium-size trunk from the other side of the foot lounge. It lands with a satisfying kerplunk on the wooden floor next to his rolling stool. He opens the top of the trunk revealing inside ten gold metal bands with etched magical runes symbols on the face large enough to fit around the slender ankles and wrists of a mare.

Inside the trunk were ten smaller gold rings also with etched magical runes symbol on the face big enough to fit snugly around a horn. He took out four of larger gold metal bands and one of the smaller rings from the trunk. He walked to the side of Celestia's chaise lounge; he hugged her and kissed her before speaking to her.

"Please forgive me, my love, but this for my safety. I know you wouldn't intentionally hurt me. But what is about to happen may cause a magic surge in an Alicorn." Justice said thoughtfully as Celestia kissed him and shook her head.

"I think I have a good idea what those gold rings are used for. Plus, by using them, it will not change my feeling toward you. So go ahead, my love starts with my ankles, and then my wrists and my horn last." Celestia commented as the other two Alicorns stomach knots, not knowing for sure why Celestia said that.

"All right, sister and Alex those five gold rings that Justice is placing on me. Is for his safety nothing more?" Celestia explains as he removes the top half of the stocks and gently removes her ankles from the holes, he snaps one of the larger rings around her ankles and places them back in the stocks before relocking it. Suddenly Celestia's legs become numb as if she just finishes running a long marathon across Equestria.

"The larger gold rings are called Hinder manacles, went placed on the ankles and wrists of an Alicorn. It negates our unnatural strength, weakening us until they are removed from our bodies. At which time we regain our full Alicorn strength." Celestia explains as Justice snaps the two other rings around her wrists. Suddenly Celestia's arms become numb as if she just finishes a very intense workout with weighted bracelets on her arms.

"The small gold ring he is placing on my horn is called a disruptor ring, went placed on the horn; it nullifies all our magic. By suppressing both our active and reserve mystic energy well, rendering us weak till it is removed from our horn. Once it removed, our magic is restored to its original level." Celestia explains as Justice slides the ring over Celestia's horn. It begins to sparks down the horn until it reaches the base.

Suddenly Celestia slumps forward in her chaise lounge as a distressed look appears on Justice's face hurt that the safety measure suppresses that much mystic energy out of his beloved Sun Princess. As he reaches for the disruptor ring to remove it from her horn, a shaky white with a hint of pink well-manicured hand with avocado green nail polish grab hold of his wrist. She struggles to lift her head to look at her beloved and worried stallion with great concern.

"Justice, please put the safety measures on Luna and Alex now. I'll be fine with so much mystic energy contained in my one thousand-year-old body. Having it suppress all most to nothing exhausts me. After you finish with Luna and Alex, I'll be able to manage the magic drain. I'll be weak, but not exhausted." Celestia said reassuringly as she could muster enough strength to lift her head high enough to kisses Justice on his lips as he rud his snout loving against her snout.

It took an hour just to finish Princess Luna because she fought tooth and nail to keep the rings from being put on her person after watching the reaction from her sister went she put the rings on. That force Justice to magically created electric toothbrushes to attack her sensitive toes. She laughed hysterically; he was able to get all five rings on her. The magic drain was not as severe as Celestia's drain due to Luna being slightly younger than her sister in terms of accumulated mystic energy. After fighting with Luna to place the suppress devices on her, Alexandria politely allowed Justice to easily place the suppress devices on her person that irk Luna to no end.

With all the suppress devices on each of the Alicorn mares, Justice turns his attention toward Celestia, alert but impeded by the magic drain from the disruptor ring on her horn. Her arms were outstretched want him to come and hug her so she could reassure him that his beloved sun princess was fine and good to go. Justice wrapped his arms around Celestia as she rubs the bottom of her snout on his back, very loving. Before he released her from his hug and spoke to her.