• Published 7th Jan 2020
  • 1,653 Views, 44 Comments

The Experience files (volume 1) - keithsterling

This is a series of random stories that I put togther with canon characters

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Cadence Experience CH2

Author's Note:

This scene is loosely based on fan fiction titled Crystal Soles written by Quandary

In the fan fiction Princess Cadence and Prince Shining Armor try to make there love life better mostly Cadence by flirting with the friendship ambassador (A human). What if the ambassador report the incident to his superior and then the superior report to Princess Celestia.

~Five minutes before joining Princess Cadence Sparkle in the Foot lounge~

"Hello, Justice here. Oh, hey hon, what is up?" Justice asked, answering his cell phone before walking into the Foot Lounge with Cadence.

"Hello hon, I have a little bit of time before heading to my next meeting with the ambassador from Saddle Arabia," Celestia said, her voice edged with tension.

"What is wrong, Celestia? I can hear it in your voice; something is bothering you." Justice comment as Celestia let out a slow and deliberate sigh.

"You know me too well, Hon. But anyway, I just received a complaint from the ruler of the Human Republic of an incident that happened in the Crystal Empire last time one of her ambassadors was visiting the Empire. The ruler of the Human Republic is not going to pursue diplomatic sanctions against Equestria as the ambassador that was involved in the incident is a bit out there to start with. He's like it." Celestia explains as Justice slowly sighs as well.

"The ruler of the Human Republic informed me out of courtesy. She says if I want to pursue diplomatic sanctions against the Crystal Empire, she willn't stop me from doing so. So I did the Crystal Empire was going to host next year summit because of the incident I took it away from them. I call you hon because your Solar Guard unit is providing security for the whole summit. So you have to coordinate with the new location forces for security." Celestia explains as Justice sighs again.

"Well, it looks like I'll be returning to Canterlot for a few weeks to coordinate for the new location (a joyful giggle can be heard from Celestia). I am wondering if her highness could make time for this Solar Guard commander for let's say full body massages on her perfect figure (Celestia squeal with joy)." Justice said, suggesting as Celestia composes herself.

"Oh, I have a full schedule because of the eastern summit. But if the Solar Guard Commander can give me, let say a full body massage more often went here in Canterlot. I can surely make time for it." Celestia said, negotiating as Justice chuckle, knowing that Celestia never packs her schedule with meeting after meeting without finding time to rest.

"Well let me sweeten the deal, I'll throw in a pedicure and foot massage with the full-body massages. Will that help your highness?" Justice asked as Celestia squeals the loudest she ever did.

"It a deal!" Celestia exclaim.

"Oh, before I let you go, Celestia. What was the complaint about?" Justice inquired.

"It seems that Prince Shining Armor Sparkle and Princess Cadence Sparkle's love life was in the slump. So to spices it up, they invited the Human Republic ambassador to the Crystal Empire for a few months. During that time, Cadence seduces the ambassador." Celestia explains as she signed.

"I see Celestia; I have request, will you authorize sanctions against Princess Cadence Sparkle for seduces the ambassador?" Justice inquiry as to their long pause before she answers his question.

"All right, Justice, you can sanction her. Just make sure it doesn't hurt her." Celestia comments as she signs again.

"I promise hon; it will not hurt her. But she is going to get a harsh lesson in my foot lounge." Justice comment as Celestia chuckle into the cell phone few times know what Justice is planning for Cadence.

"You are so evil in that foot lounge; Hon. I am talking from experience. I was down for the whole day went I fulfilled my promise to let you tickle me until I become incoherent babbling Alicorn Princess. I think you made my feet more sensitive after that. Even minor brush against my deep sets arches causes me to bite my lip to keep from laughing." Celestia said sourly as she walked into the meeting room with the ambassador of Saddle Arabia.

A few moments later, Justice walks into the foot lounge sitting in the seating area of lounge waiting was Princess Cadence Sparkle with her legs crossed, one knee tossed casually over the other she was sipping excellent apple cider from a small glass.

"I heard you talking on the phone, Justice," Cadence comments as she takes another sip from her glass.

"It was Celestia. Dear Cadence." Justice said nonchalantly as Cadence's fidget in her seat went Justice said it was Celestia he was talking too.

About five minutes earlier, Princess Cadence's cell phone rang in the pocket of her dress. The phone call was from her husband, Prince Shining Armor Sparkle, informing her that Princess Celestia sanction the Crystal Empire for the incident involving the Human Republic Ambassador a few months ago. The world summit next year that was going to be held in the Crystal Empire was taking away from the Crystal City and Crystal Empire as punishment for the incident. It was a terrible blow to Crystal City as the two monarchs wanted to showcase the Crystal Empire to all of Equestria during the summit.

"May I ask what did Aunt Celestia want to tell you, Justice?" Cadence inquiry hiding her nervousness about the call from her aunt to Lord Silverlight.

"She told me I have to coordinate with the new location for the security of the world summit next year. An unforeseen circumstance forced the location to be moved to a different place. So next week, I am heading back to Canterlot and my office at the Grand Royal Palace." Justice explains as he is secretly using his magic to transform one of the standard chaise lounges into the special chaise lounge without Cadence knowing.

"Well, Cadence, it’s time for your special treatment," Justice said as he escorted her over to the transformed chaise lounge.

He makes a big deal out of Cadence's mane being perfect for the special treatment. But it was just a cover so he can slip the disruptor ring over her horn without her knowing. He carefully places Princess Cadence in the right position on the disguised unique chaise lounge. In the right place, he snaps his fingers cause all binding to trap Cadence in the exclusive chaise lounge. She struggles to get loose but soon realized that whatever the binding is made out of doesn't allow her Alicorn strength to be used, and her magic is being blocked.

"Lord Silverlight, why did you trap me in this Chaise Lounge?" Princess Cadence said, demanding as Justice rolls in front of her trap feet.

"Do you know how dangerous that stunt you and your husband did on the human republic ambassador was? If that stunt backfired on you, it would be an international incident between Equestria and The human Republic. Your aunt Celestia would be clean up that mess for years." Justice said unforgiving as Cadence watched with numerous horrors as she felt Justice unlocking the clasps on her gladiator sandals, removing them from her feet.

Sitting locked in the wooden stocks were a pair of gracefully slender and modest round shape light pink bare feet with shiny ice blue toenail polish. Her feet were slightly smaller than Celestia's more full white plushy bare feet and her arches were shallower but with a smoother curve to them. The balls of her feet also had a smooth curve to them, a top by five slightly plump elegant looking toes. She nervously scrunches her toes down the silky-smooth soles easily wrinkle before smoothing out once again. A chill runs up her's spine. She was told by her Aunt Celestia that Justice rarely gets so mad that it scares her, but went it happen; you better hope he finish what the punishment is quick.

"Justice, please, I know it was a stupid stunt. It was out of desperation." Cadence explains as a dark, smoldering look appeared on Justice's face.

"So your highness! your justification for what you did was desperation!" Justice exclaims loudly as Cadence figured she makes things worse by saying it was out of desperation.

Cadence watches a small metal box float over from the other side of the room and lands on the chaise lounge next to her. Before opening the box, he snaps his fingers, causing her dress to disappear, leaving her wearing her fairy tale pink-colored sexy bra and panties. A heated blush crosses her snout, making her pink cheeks darker than usual.

Now with the Princess of Love, all set for her punishment Justice take out two tickling vibrators and positions them in her armpits after secured them to her shoulders. He moved down to her legs and positions two more tickling vibrators in the middle of her cutie mark and secured them. The final two tickling vibrators are placed in the middle of her feet and small brushes set between her toes. A despairing look appears on Cadence's face as she shakes her head no and waits for the sounded of a snapping finger. That the last sound she heard the snapping of a finger.

"EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEH!" Cadence scream went the devices whirled to life across her curvy body. She bucks even more wildly then even both Celestia and Rarity did when the machines spun to life on their ticklish spots.

"EEEEEEEEEEEHEHEHEHH! AAAHHAAHHH! AH! HEEEH! HEEEAAH! HEH! HAH!" Cadence screaming with laughter as she continued to buck wildly, almost causes the chaise lounge to topple over.

Quickly Justice snapped his fingers, making the tickling vibrators disappear into the small box again, and he redressed Cadence's in her dress. He turns the particular chaise lounge into an ordinary chaise lounge, at which time he sat at the end of the chair. He gently takes hold of Cadence's hypersensitive light pink bare feet that are still tingling from the tickling punishment she just received from him.

It takes what left of her will power to keep from scream with laughter as he begins rubbing her silky smooth soles to relax her, that takes the edge off the amplified tickle sensation that is still effecting her gracefully slender and modest round shape light pink bare feet. Once the tickling sensation was back to a manageable level, Cadence's drew her legs up and wrap her arms around them. She buried her snout into her knees and began to weep.

"I lost my ability to feel the Crystal Heart Magic, that the reason I resorted to seducing the Human Republic ambassador. I was hoping it would relight the flame of love I had with the Crystal Heart Magic." Cadence said despondently as she felt Justice rubbing his hand up and down her forefoot of her bare feet.

"Did it work, Cadence?" Justice asked, generally concerned as she scooted closer to him and laid her chin over his shoulder on his back and begins to rub it lovingly on his back.

"Only temporarily, Justice, before long the Crystal Heart magic would slip away again. That the other reason, I was searching for your lounge. I heard rumors about a special lounge that makes ponies feel good went you enter the place." Cadence said unhappily as Justice wrap his arms around the distressed light pink Alicorn.

"I have something that might help, Cadence," Justice said, caring as he's using his telekinesis to open a drawer on a small table on the other side of the room. Floating out of the drawer was a large black box. It floated right into his hand once there; he's open it. Inside the box was a small heart-shaped pendant on a delicate gold chain.

"Take it Cadence, use this heart-shaped pendant to remind you that your heart is just as strong as these pieces of jewelry. I don't believe you lost your ability to feel the Crystal Heart Magic. I think what happens is that you forgot what it felt like." Justice explains as Cadence slips the pendant on her neck.

She closed her eyes, and suddenly tears begin to streak her cheeks as she could once again hear the heartbeat of Crystal Heart inside her. A moment later, the adrenaline that was released went. She was tickled about her curvy figure finally ran out. In the next instance, she collapsed exhausted into the arms of Justice. He picked her up and carried her to the guest bedroom she was using and lay her down on the bed to sleep.

A few hours later, the soft pitter-patter of mare's bare feet on the wooden floor of the living room draws Justice's attention towards the entrance of the kitchen. Standing in pass-through into the living room was Princess Cadence wearing sapphire blue below knee length dress barefooted.

"How do you feel, Cadie?" Justice inquiry as she walks up to him and hugs him before placing a kiss on his cheek to thank him.

"Much better, Justice or I mean uncle," Cadence said, loving as it catches Justice by surprise.

"Uncle?" Justice said, a bit puzzled with Cadence.

"Yes, Uncle. I don't have to be back in Crystal Empire till next week that went my vacation ends. So for the rest of my vacation, I have decided to see how it felt to be your adoptive niece. Went you marry Aunt Celestia that what I'll be calling you, Justice." Cadence said proudly as Justice kiss her on her cheek.

"All right, niece," Justice said as he hugged her.

"Oh uncle, before I forget those gold gladiator sandals that you took off me went, you were going to punish me. I put them on the shelf next to Aunt Celestia's golden sandals and put my name on the blank nametag. You can have them; I have another pair in my luggage." Cadence explains as Justice kisses her on her cheek.

"Well, niece, why do you go put your other pair of gold gladiator sandals on. Let take a walk around Ponyville and talk to each other. I would love to learn more about my soon to be adoptive niece." Justice suggests as Cadence ran back to the guest room to put her other pair of gold gladiator sandals on.