• Published 7th Jan 2020
  • 1,653 Views, 44 Comments

The Experience files (volume 1) - keithsterling

This is a series of random stories that I put togther with canon characters

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Luna Experience CH 2

It a few days later as two Alicorns fly through the clear blue sky of Equestria on their way to ponyville as the Eastern Summit in Canterlot is in recess for some obscure holiday in several of the lands attending the summit except Equestria this has allowed the two ruling Princesses of Equestria to fulfill arrangements that Luna made with Lord Silverlight's Foot lounge.

"Is this normal sister? Having two clients heading to the Foot lounge at the same time?" Luna inquiry flying beside Celestia's who leading the way to Ponyville.

"You know, I do not know, sister. On my first and second visits to the Foot Lounge, I was by myself. He has no other clients with me. But believe it or not, sister, I am happy to be flying back home. This Eastern Summit is starting to become more and more complicated as you can attest to, sister." Celestia comments as she adjusts her body position to catch another draft so she can stay aloft.

"That right sister, some of these lands are starting to get more ballsy. Some of the things they are demanding could, in theory, set off a war between the two lands. An example of that is Saddle Arabia's demand for Manetania to give up a large section of the Saddle Swamp that has drawn Moroccolt into the discussion as the section they want is owned by Moroccolt. And not Manetania." Luna explains as she adjusts her body position to catch another draft so she can stay aloft.

"That section that Saddle Arabia wants is nature preserve created by Moroccolt to protect a flower that only grows in that area of the Saddle Swamp. If that section is opened to the building, it could, in theory, kill the whole species of flower. Moroccolt uses that flower for various consumer products if that flower dies to say goodbye to a major export for them." Celestia comments as she adjusts her wings a bit.

"That right, sister. But not only that, what about ongoing Zebra tribes wars in Zebrica. All the tribes agreed on a tentative truce between them. But some unknown third party is igniting old feuds within each of the main tribe's families." Luna comments as she adjusts her wings a bit.

"Correct sister, that one reason that no Zebrica ambassador was sent to this eastern summit. I know one of the heads of the main zebra tribal families. I am hoping she will attend the World Summit next year. So I may speak to her about the ongoing trouble in her homeland." Celestia explains as the two Alicorn near Ponyville.

"Tee-hee! Sister have you ask Justice if his family knows any of heads of the Zebra tribal families in Zebrica." Luna asked, joking as they near Ponyville.

"Believe it or not, they know all the heads of main zebra tribal families. That how I found out about that third party that igniting old feuds within each of the main tribal families." Celestia comments as Luna faces glazes with shock.

"What?" Luna exclaims.

"It seems that Justice's aunt Lady Jamila Nebula is quite the world traveler she handles all the family's international investments. So she had been to every land in the world at least once." Celestia explains as the two Alicorn come in for a landing in front of their home.

An hour before the arrival of Princess Celestia and Princess Luna to Justice's foot lounge sitting on a sofa in the living room was Princess Cadence, she was wearing an ink navy blue short-sleeve performance polo shirt and aero blue relaxed fit jeans. One of her golden gladiator sandals was removed from her foot; on that naked foot was a tickling vibrator. She asks her uncle Justice to show her how to correctly place the tickling vibrator on the victim's foot using her foot as an example.

"Ok, once you tighten and secure the flexible strap around the foot of Luna. The hardest part is getting each of these small brushes between her toes without her knowing it with your telekinesis, niece." Justice explains as he quickly places each of the small brushes between Cadence's toes as she was letting him and watched the whole process.

"If any of the brushes touch the side of her toes (intentionally rubbing the side of Cadence's big toe with a brush, this causes Cadence's to squeak and jump). She will know something is going on with her feet. Spoiling the surprise, niece." Justice explains removing the tickling vibrator from Cadence's foot before reaching over and kissing her on her cheek.

"I understand, uncle. But you might have the easier job placing the tickling vibrator on Aunt Celestia's arches." Cadence comment returns the kisses on his cheek before he shakes his head no.

"Not at all niece, Celestia told me that her arches got more sensitive since the tickle torture session to strengthen her mind. So I have to be extremely careful went placing the tickling vibrator in the right place without alert her." Justice comments as he sends Cadence to put on the robe and hooded cloak on.

A moment later, the front door of their home opens, and in walks, Princess Celestia followed by her sister Princess Luna. The moment Celestia saw Justice, she ran up to him and embraced him the last time she hugs him was a month earlier went she left to Canterlot for the start of the Eastern Summit.

"Welcome home, Celestia," Justice said with a smile on his snout as she kisses him.

He snakes his index finger through a small key-hole opening of her embroidered bodice of her royal court gown sneaking behind her old lace white-colored silk bra and up against the side of her curvy and perfectly shaped white boob and tickle it with the tip of his finger. This cause Celestia to gasp surprised and blink a few times, followed by unleashing a small squeak and squirmed a bit with a tickle on her breast. She gently grabs hold of his wrist and extracts his finger from the opening.

"I know you prefer my large plushy white bare feet to tease went I get home. But you saw that I am wearing my royal court gown, meaning that I am still on duty as a Princess of Equestria. So you tickled my boob instead, beloved. After the Eastern summit is over, I'll take a week off and remain barefooted for the whole week. You may tickle me as much as you like during that time." Celestia said affectionate, placing the flat of her hand against his cheek.

"If you two are done! I arrange this for me and not her!" Luna comments a bit annoyed as Celestia removed her hand from his cheek before he kissed her again on her lips.

"Oh, by the way, Justice. Why did you ask me to come with Luna?" Celestia inquiry as Justice smile once again.

"Anyway, Celestia. I wanted to reward you for being such a good sport with this whole foot lounge thing. So I asked Luna if she shares her session with you as she arranges for a full body massage anyway." Justice comments as Celestia hugged both of them.

"Huh? How are you going to do two Alicorns at the same time, Justice?" Celestia's inquiry was a bit puzzled.

"My partner will do you, Celestia. Partner comes out!" Justice calls as a tall unicorn, wearing a long robe and hooded cloak walks into the living room.

"Ah, yes. Miss Radiance." Celestia comments as she take a closer look at the unicorn, trying to figure out why she is hiding.

"Unfortunately, Celestia, Miss Rarity Radiance, is currently in Manhattan for Fashion week. This is the new partner." Justice explains as Celestia's face pales.

"Justice, you know I don't like stripping in front of strangers," Celestia said nervously.

"But Auntie, I am no stranger." The tall unicorn mare said, pulling the robe and cloak off, revealing the pink Alicorn.

"Cadence! You are part of this too!" Both sisters exclaim in sync as Cadence shook her head.

"I was just added, Aunties today. But I approve of what uncle is doing." Cadence comment as Celestia's eyebrows shoot up in surprise went she heard Cadence call Justice Uncle.

'This is going to be a fascinating dynamic for my Royal family,' Celestia thought, looking at Justice and Cadence then at her sister Luna.

A second later, a hand touches Celestia's shoulder. The hand belongs to Justice, who gestures with his head for the two of them to talk alone. After politely asking Cadence to keep Luna Company why he and Celestia talk about something. The two ponies walk through a second pass-through behind the sofa and walk to the second guest bedroom to talk.

"All right, Celestia, sandals off," Justice said pushes the door open into the second guest bedroom as a golden aura form on Celestia horn before forming on clasps of her sandals and open them.

"I know what this means, Justice. You want me to be honest with you about what I was thinking about earlier. If not, I must voluntarily allow you to tickle the information out of me. I agreed to allow you this option because if I opened up years ago. You would have never left me for Luna. It was the most painful year I had the stallion I loved with all my heart within my grasp, and I couldn't touch him because I broke his heart." Celestia comments as she floated her golden sandals into her hand, and tear runs down her cheek.

Before walking over to the bed to wait for Justice to sit down on the foot of the bed with that, Celestia rested her feet on his lap and floated her sandals onto the floor of the guest room. Slowly Justice ties Celestia's big toes together with a piece of twine he had with him.

"All set, Celestia," Justice said as Celestia shook her head.

"What I was thinking about was the new dynamic that will form went you wed me, Justice. You and Cadence are the two sides of the same love coin. Cadence is the embodiment of love, why you are the true nature of love. I mean, you look beyond what most ponies perceive. Using myself as an example, all ponies see only my royal vestment. You see those royal vestments, and you see me." Celestia comments as Justice begins to untie the twine around her big toes as she floats her sandals to herself.

Then she remembers that she must strip down to her undergarments for the full body massage that she was getting as a reward for allowing her fiancé to have this foot lounge in their home. In the foot lounge, Celestia wearing her spa robe, gives Luna her best puppy dog eyes want her to let Justice do her full body massage, why Cadence does her. Quickly Luna says no way to Celestia. She is going to pay good bits for this for Justice, and she gets it for free.

"Um? Uncle, what are Aunt Luna and Aunt Celestia doing?" Cadence asked, watching the two sisters play rock-paper-scissors trying to figure out which masseuse will do which royal sister.

"They're trying to decide which one of us is going to massage who?" Justice comments as he unbuttons the top button of navy blue polo shirt and dust off his medium stonewash relaxed fit jeans he wearing with slip-on shoes.

"Technically speaking, Uncle, you are the owner of this Foot lounge you get to decide who works on whom?" Cadence comments as he floats a glass of excellent soft apple cider to his adoptive niece who except the drink.

"Very true niece, but have you ever tried to stop a very intense game of rock-paper-scissors between two Alicorn sisters. It not pretty." Justice comments, taking a sip of excellent soft apple cider from his glass.

~Two hours later, the game of rock-paper-scissors still has no clear winner, and it continues~

"Niece, are you hungry?" Justice inquiry as they both wakes up from an afternoon nap on the sofas in the seating area of the foot lounge.

"I am uncle," Cadence comments rubbing the sleepiness out of her light purple eyes with her hand as she sits up on the sofa, putting her gladiator sandals back on and closing the clasps on her ankles.

"Is it ok to leave Aunt Celestia and Aunt Luna alone in the Foot lounge, uncle?" Cadence asked as the two ponies leave the foot lounge to get a bite to eat at a restaurant.

"They will never know we were gone, niece." Justice comment as the two sisters had their full attention trying to beat each other at rock-paper-scissors.

~one hour later~

"Niece, if you keep losing like this, you return to Crystal Empire with nothing on," Justice said concerned as Cadence sat on the other sofa wearing only her bra. Why all her clothing was tossed haphazardly on the coffee table along with her princess's regalia and all the bits she's brought with her on vacation.

"Deal the card, uncle. My bra!" Cadence said, tossing her bra on the pile.

"23, you bust again, niece!" Justice said as he forced to use a binding spell on the naked pink alicorn mare. To keep her from trying to get her cutie mark off her thigh.

"Stop trying to remove your cutie mark from your thigh, niece. The game is over now, and that no bet!" Justice exclaims as the nude alicorn mare flops around on the sofa, trying to break free.

"What do you mean, no bet, uncle? My cutie mark I do what I want with it. Deal the cards!" Cadence exclaims as Justice made the cards disappear and redress Cadence with her clothing.

~another hour later~

"How do you feel now, Niece?" Justice asked as Cadence was not flopping around on the sofa, but calm and still lying on the couch.

"Good uncle. That first time I ever let my competitiveness get the better of me. I am sorry uncle." Cadence apologetic as Justice sat down on the sofa with Cadence down by her feet. He lifts her feet and places them on his lap. As Cadence heard the clasps of her sandals opening and she felt them being removed from her feet.

"I won sis! Justice is my masseuse! You get Cadence!" Luna exclaims as the alarms on both their cell phones go off, alerting them that they must return to Canterlot as day court was going to end and night court would begin.

Outside the house, after helping, the two sisters to get dress once again, and Justice kisses Celestia goodbye. Justice turned toward Cadence and asked her if her feet are ready to be played with. She shakes her head, yes, and the two ponies walk back into the house to begin.