• Published 28th Oct 2021
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Ratchet and Clank: Family of Heroes - Blackdrag-rose

Starswirl and Autumn Blaze grow up on Veldin with a Lombax called Ratchet, where they'll begin an epic journey to save their galaxy from the dangers that plague it, unaware of the dangers that exist in their universe.

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Rift Apart: Blizar Prime

Autumn and Clank found that Trudi was one of the flying lizards they had seen during the dimensional breaking that sent them to Torren IV, where she was hungry for Zurpstones, an item that grew in the swamps of Rivet's Sargasso, causing the sisters to head out and track some down. It was actually easy to find the first few, though when the Mort watching over her told Rivet that she could earn a few more items and Bolts by getting more she decided to help out, causing Autumn to take one and make a scanner that would help them locate all of them. After that it took them some time to move around the rest of the swamp, dealing with the remaining Goons that were stuck on the planet, toppling some Grunthors who decided to get in their way, and a few more bugs who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Once they found all of the fully grown Zurpstones, which was an interesting name in Autumn's eyes, the Mort handed over the RYNO Spybot he had found and told Rivet something that excited her, that Trudi was expecting, causing her to smile as she promised to throw a party once everything was right in their dimension.

With the item in hand, and Rivet happy with the situation, they departed for Blizar Prime with all due haste, since there was no telling when the Troopers would arrive to do all of the people harm as they looked for the three of them, just as Dr. Nefarious had ordered them to do, and during that time Autumn knew there was something bothering Rivet.

"Back when we were going over everything you had planned to help Ratchet with, such as finding me, you mentioned the fact that you were planning on finding the Lombaxes." Rivet eventually said, after a long while of silence on her part, as it meant she wanted to consider her words carefully before speaking her mind, not that Autumn blamed her since it had to be nice finding another member of her species, "I never thought I'd see another member of my kind, much less find our 'home'... if you can call your dimension that... and yet here you guys are, bringing one of my dreams to life! Do you really think it could work?"

"No..." Clank stated, where he and Autumn had been looking forward while Rivet was flying, mostly to make sure their ship stayed on the path to Blizar Prime and didn't head to an entirely different planet, before they noticed something that was going to complicate things far more than they had originally planned.

"No?" Rivet sadly inquired, almost as if she thought he was actually answering her question and not seeing something that would complicate their mission, where a sad look appeared on her face as she faced the front of their ship, only for that expression to morph into one of worry and surprise, "No!"

Blizar Prime was no longer intact, as the planet had been shattered into so many scattered pieces, the massive right half off to one side as the remaining fragments were scattered all over the place, some keeping their original form while the rest were simply rocks or floating crystals. It was a surprise, an unwelcome one at that, especially since this scene meant that the Phase Quartz they needed to build a new Dimensionator might have been destroyed in the event that wiped out the entire planet, in fact, as Autumn thought about it, the rifts likely affected the material and set it off. It was possible that what they were seeing was caused by the material in question, though as she did that Autumn ran a program to see if she could find a trace of the Phase Quartz, only to find that there was no signatures for her to lock onto, meaning if the miners had pulled it out earlier it was long gone by now. With that in mind Autumn made sure they had their new and improved O2 Masks, now a breathing device for their mouth and nose while having a clear invisible shield around the rest of their heads, which she offered to Rivet and she took one without delay, as she was sure it was better than what she had, given what she knew about Autumn's inventions.

Rivet brought the ship down on what seemed to be the perfect spot to land, since there was no landing pad in the area registered in her computer, before they put their new masks on and she opened the hatch, allowing them to jump outside and land on the ground, finding that there was some light gravity despite the planet's destruction.

"What in the world happened here?" Rivet asked, though this worried her far more than she was willing to admit, since it meant she and her sister might not be able to find the item they needed to make the Dimensionator and repair the vast amount of damage that had been done to the dimensions.

"I am uncertain... though I do know that the crystalline substance near us is Blizon." Clank replied, referring to the crystal that was floating nearby, which was clearly pulsing with dimensional energy, which, if his thoughts were correct, might be the key to finding an intact piece of Phase Quartz, even if they had to go to another dimension to do so, "I would suggest hitting it with your melee weapons... if my calculations are correct, we will be warped into a new dimension, where we should be able to find some Phase Quartz."

Rivet and Autumn glanced at each other for a moment before striking the crystal, finding that their weapons did nothing to it while activating the dimensional energy that was contained within, warping them to an intact version of Blizar Prime, a hot world with an intense amount of machinery and a massive drill that required a massive cooling system, allowing the sisters to disengage their masks for the time being.

"You know, it's a shame that we need a specific piece of crystal, the Phase Quartz... I kind of wish we could pour the vast energy of the dimensional rifts into some Blizon and use that." Autumn remarked, though she had a smile on her face, as while her idea wouldn't work, and she would tell her sister and Clank why soon enough, the scene in front of them meant they should be able to find what they were looking for, "I asked Kaden why Phase Quartz and not Blizon, and he told me that too much dimensional energy inside a piece of Blizon would case it to explode... not as violently or as dangerous as what happened with the Phase Quartz, so no advancing the Dimensional Cataclysm, but the material doesn't have the sheer power to match what we need."

"Then we won't waste time checking on the Blizon." Rivet said, though as they walked over to the gate in front of them, a wall that closed as the native critters got close, they felt the ground shudder for a moment, another sign that the various dimensions were starting to crumple, something that really put the pressure on them to find the Phase Quartz and get it to Ratchet to fix the Dimensionator.

Autumn found that the native critters were the toxic crabs that she and her brothers had faced off against during their very first adventure, though she and Rivet opened fire on them while Clank kept an eye on their surroundings, just in the off chance that something cracked or started to fall towards them. Rivet informed them that they might also find some Puffoids, small little spiked critters who came in a variety of forms, such as the lava ones she was sure they might discover during their time on this planet, which was good information since they had no idea what to expect this time around. The moment the last of the crabs had been taken care of the barrier in front of them disappeared and they quickly entered the chamber that was in front of them, which contained Ms. Zurkon, a Blizon crystal, and another located behind some glass, where the second self destructed due to the dimensional energy inside it. Fortunately they were far away from it and were unharmed, though it did initiate a lockdown that sealed the door in front of them, causing the sisters to sigh for a moment as they walked over to Ms. Zurkon, who gave them more new weapons, thanks to Ratchet and Starswirl, before Autumn bought a new one, the Void Repulser, a shield weapon.

With the new weapon in hand the sisters engaged their masks before hitting the nearby crystal, returning to the broken version of Blizar Prime, only to find that someone had survived, a female miner, fully kitted out in a suit that allowed one to withstand the heat of the planet and the coldness of space, who was displeased with her situation.

"Haven't you punished me enough, you stupid universe?!" the Stranger remarked, as if she had been living a hard life up until the destruction of the planet she had been working on for some time, though as both sisters watched her she picked up a rock, a fragment of Blizar Prime, before staring out at the broken planet, "No job, no Phase Quartz... no 'planet'! What else do you want, huh?! My mind! Fine! You can take it!"

As she hurled the rock into space, however, Rivet informed her about the intact Blizar Prime they had come from and the Stranger jumped down to grab onto her, though before Autumn could intervene she seemed to understand what she was talking about, mentioning the Blizon as she let go of Rivet and ran off. After that they walked out into the ruined space that was in front of where the Stranger had been standing, where they discovered a metallic walkway that caused Autumn to pull Rivet back as she checked her boots, just to be sure she had the ability to walk on these surfaces. Once she was sure that her sister was outfitted with all the types of boots that both she and her brothers had used in the past, all within the span of a few moments, allowing them to walk on the magnetic surface, only to find that Troopers were here in mass, no doubt looking for them while hoping that they had been caught in the blast. The sisters dashed their hopes as they fired on all of the Troopers that were in their immediate area, which would allow a signal to be sent out so the others would be able to zero in on their position, but they intended on being in another dimension before that happened.

Rivet also found that the new additions to her boots were wonderful, as she was able to leap from one magnetic strip to another with ease, which was a reminder of what Autumn was capable of, before they found the crystal they needed and struck it after wiping out the rest of the nearby Troopers.

Once they were in the other dimension, now behind the security door that had lowered in their face, Rivet hacked into the nearby console and overrode the lockdown command, opening two doors, the one between chambers and the one that would bring them outside. Such a thing brought them to a broken bridge and some crabs, the latter being wiped out once they tried to attack the sisters with their sharp pincers, before they had to head off to their left and cross over a number of stone slabs that formed a path forward, or the tops of crystals growing out of the lava as Autumn noted. They were also attacked by some Puffoids, which were easily wiped out with their newest weapon and it's upgrades, allowing the sisters to make their way over to a platform that had a taxi that would take them down to where the mining hub was located, an area that would help them obtain the Phase Quartz. When they reached the platform, however, Autumn and Clank quickly sensed another dimensional rift and found that one opened near the area that they had stopped in, where they watched as a few Goons flew through it, this time using what looked like modified and upgraded hoverbikes.

The sisters learned that these guys were part of the most 'elite' group of the Goons, the 'Vroom Goons', which caused the pair to chuckle a little as they brought them down, as while they might be the most elite members of the organization, or so they claimed, Rivet and Autumn wiped out the group and walked onto the taxi so it could bring them to the mining hub at long last.

"Hey, um, I just wanted to say thanks... I'm not used to working with others like this." Rivet said, as while the journey was a short one, likely a minute or even less, she wanted to let Autumn and Clank know that she was grateful for their company, especially since it allowed her some time to talk with her sister and learn more about her brothers, both her twin and the one she hadn't encountered yet, "I mean, fighting beside others like this... I'm more of a lone wolf, even within the ranks of the Resistance, especially after the accident."

"Don't mention it... besides, it's nice to have some quality time with my sister." Autumn replied, which was the truth, she liked spending time with Rivet, not because she was her sister and that they could do things that she couldn't do with her brothers, but because she was an interesting person and she wanted to know more about her.

"While I agree with Autumn, that it is nice spending time with you, we must focus on the mission, meaning we'll have to find the Chief Engineer to access the drill." Clank commented, as he really hated interrupting them while they talked, due to the fact that he also liked hanging out with Rivet, because while she was like Ratchet at times he and Autumn could see that there were differences between them as well, but they needed the Phase Quartz.

As Rivet and Autumn nodded their heads, due to the fact that they agreed with him, the platform came to a stop and they walked into the mining hub, where they heard that another important figure to the area had gone missing and that those who had seen her claimed she had gone down the path to the right. A moment later the sisters were stopped by one of the other miners, this one looking like a sous chef thanks to the chef hat on her head, or on top of her mining helmet, who took a moment to ask them if they were heading towards the caves, because she was looking for Chef Tullio. They agreed to look for her, since it seemed like none of the miners were getting any food while her superior was missing, an odd thing for sure as they thought about it, before they headed down the path in front of them and blasted a couple more crabs that jumped out of the lava to attack them. While all of that happened Autumn found a call coming and noticed that it was from this very planet, not Ratchet and Starswirl, and when she answered it they discovered that it was none other than Chef Tullio talking on the other end, who seemed perfectly fine, even if she was in the middle of making the best dish of her life.

Such a thing meant they had to track her down and finish off whatever she was working on, so she could return to the hub and do her job, though as Rivet approached the cave entrance she found some Goons being harassed by the needle wasps that called this planet home. it was actually quite humorous seeing them run in terror, over creatures that she and Autumn were able to beat in no time at all, though after a few more moments of watching the sisters opened fire on them before they even knew what hit them, allowing them to clear the cave entrance. From there they had to fight a few more needle wasps before discovering that there was no walkway to get up to where Chef Tullio was resting, though they did find some Blizon in the area and activated their masks accordingly, allowing them to shift into the other dimension for a time, and this time there were no Troopers to worry about. With that in mind they were able to smack another crystal and return to the dimension that the crystals were linked to, allowing them to find a bounce platform that propelled them up into the highest point of this part of Blizar Prime.

As they walked out of the cave the sisters discovered an extraction machine that was linked to the cave, with a miner who looked like the sous chef, save for the honey pot in her right hand that she cradled as if it happened to be the single most important item in her life.

"I am Chef Tullio and, like all of the other great artists, I can only create beauty when I'm suffering." the miner stated, which was all the confirmation they needed that they had found who they were looking for, especially since she was the only one in this area, though instead of saying anything both Rivet and Autumn remained silent, "To make my greatest dish yet, I must harvest the Sirangian Honey that is below us, with this VAC-U-SUCK! But running the machine will take my full attention, so I'll need someone, or a pair of capable someones, to defend me from those who are allergic to brilliance... if you wish to be part of culinary history, just activate the Hammercrank to start the extraction sequence."

Rivet and Autumn merely glanced at each other before getting started, the former activating the crank in question while the latter jumped down into the area below them, finding that Chef Tullio had set up some flame traps for the local wildlife, to be activated with two buttons, one on either side of the small chasm she was working in. Once Rivet was done, and Tullio's machine activated, she jumped down and took up her position on the left side of the area as Autumn did the same on the right side, allowing them to pull out their weapons as they found crabs and Puffoids coming at them. That really seemed to be the only enemies they had to deal with, just wave after wave of those two critters, and whenever one wave fell they could hear the mad chef talking about culinary terms and what her plans were for the dish she wanted to make. It sounded like she was planning on using the honey in nearly every dish that would be made for the miners, a honey smorgasbord based on what they were hearing, though the Goons swooped in and tried to make off with some of the material, causing Rivet and Autumn to blast them as well.

In the end the sisters emerged victorious, finding that by 'suffering' Chef Tullio meant the suffering of others and that she had, in fact, been granted the vision needed to make a meal for the miners, though she did reward them with a Spybot as she wrapped up her work, allowing them to use a taxi to return to the hub.

"What's so special about these Spybots?" Rivet asked, as while she found that many had information on the planets they she and Autumn found them on, just like what likely happened when Ratchet and Starswirl found theirs, she was more eager to learn about the weapon that was contained in fragments, a shattered holoplan for something powerful.

"The last couple of RYNO weapons were so powerful that we had to scatter their plans, even though my brothers and I had to find them during our last couple of adventures." Autumn replied, something that caused Clank to sweat for a moment, as the eighth and final version of the RYNO series was, by far, the most powerful and most destructive one of them all, or so he and the others assumed when Autumn talked about it in the past, "They must have been pulled into this dimension during the cracking of the barrier, where the Resistance must have discovered them and edited them in some manner... or maybe Ms. Zurkon did so before they were lost to her. By the time we reach the end of this adventure, we will have likely found all ten of the fragments that make up the plans, especially given what my brothers and I have been through in the past... and then the real fun can begin."

Rivet found herself interested in what sort of weapon Autumn had created, to the point of it being broken like this, before they restocked their ammunition and headed down the path on their left without delay, allowing them to make their way to another taxi that brought them to the Chief Engineer's location, all while finding another dimensional rift that spat out some Goons and one of their dropships.

"Do you two hear that?" the Chief Engineer asked, as she had been kneeling on the ground with her ear close to the floor, almost as if she was trying to listen to something that only she could hear, though as the sisters told her that they hadn't heard anything, which was the truth, she started to stand straight once more, "Voices... I haven't been hearing them for too, but wherever the Purple is, they are too. First the quakes, then the Blizon, and now this..."

"To be honest I'm not hearing anyone say anything... other than someone asking if you'll be drilling for Phase Quartz in the near future?" Rivet replied, because they needed the Phase Quartz to fix the barrier between dimensions, where she had to assume that the Chief Engineer was hearing someone from either her dimension or one of the others that they were only now becoming aware of thanks to Dr. Nefarious' plans.

The Chief Engineer informed them that she wasn't allowing anyone to do anything until she figured out what was going on and that she had sent out three of her Helpers, modified to be Science Bots, out to study and scan the Purple, which had to be the dimensional energy they were seeing. Rivet and Autumn offered to go get them, since that seemed to be a step in the right direction, and she agreed with their proposal, to which she opened a line with the sisters before they headed out through the opening on the other side of the large building that the Chief Engineer worked in. Clank figured out that the bots in question must have intercepted a message from Rivet's dimension, meaning it had to be the Stranger, though that caused them to wonder what might have happened to her version of Blizar Prime, since they might be able to use her information to save this dimension's as well. With that in mind they carefully jumped over the rock path and pillars that were in front of them, avoiding the ones that also spewed lava out of them every now and then, before finding one Helper that was in the entrance of a cave, so they wiped out the nearby crabs before walking up to it.

Sadly the dimensional damage caused a cave in and forced them to make their way over to where a Blizon crystal rested, allowing Rivet and Autumn to warp back to Rivet's dimension for a few moments and find a crystal to return to the second dimension, though it caused the robot, B.O.B. according to their new ally, to head back to it's base.

From there they moved along the edge of the massive crater that the mining station was built into, as Rivet and Autumn could see that now that they were able to see everything at once, and found some Goons guarding the cave that lead to where the second bot. As the sisters did that they did get bits and pieces of the transmission, where the Stranger was in the middle of doing everything in her power to inform them of what happened to her version of Blizar Prime, though right now it was hard to tell what in the world she was trying to say, as 'danger' could meant anything. As such they focused on tracking down the Science Bots, J.I.M. and S.A.M., while blasting the Goons that happened to get in their way, though such a thing did allow the sisters to see another crystal shatter due to overloading on dimensional energy, before finding a way to get around to the second Science Bot. J.I.M., as they discovered after using some Blizon crystals to get around to where he was resting, only wanted friends and seemed sad when Rivet declined his request, causing her to feel a little bad in the process, before they started to make their way over to the third area that several Goons had crashed into after emerging from the dimension rift that brought them here.

Finding S.A.M. wasn't too hard, they just had to wipe out the Goons and wasps that were warring with each other before moving a crystal to warp over to her platform, though she spoke in two different tones, a normal one and a southern one, before heading back to the Chief Engineer, but when they joined her the protective barrier of the structure came up, as if enemies were coming at attack the area.

"Don't worry, this place was built to withstand the local wildlife." the Chief Engineer stated, as if this was nothing for them to focus on, that they could lower their guard for a time while she decoded the message from Rivet's dimension, though in that moment she noticed a few more sensors go off, "Except for the fact that motion trackers are saying that the targets are inside the house... the room... of course, the ceiling... I always forget to look up!"

In that moment the ceiling grate burst open and crabs and Puffoids walked into the building to attack them, before a new dimensional rift burst open in the center of the facility and a Juggernaut jumped out, reminding Autumn of what she and her siblings had seen back on Fastoon.

"Location: unknown. Life forms: unknown. Protocol: destroy!" the Juggernaut declared, exactly like the one Autumn fought in the past, though as soon as it stopped talking the sisters lashed out at it, blasting it in the chest while also focusing on all of the minor enemies so they didn't get overwhelmed by them.

Rivet discovered something that was interesting to her, with their new weapons she and her sister were able to tear apart the Juggernaut with ease, despite all of the minor enemies that were trying to tear them down as well, allowing the Chief Engineer to disengage the shield protecting her domain. With that done she approved of the sisters using the drill to mine for some Phase Quartz, in fact she knew that they were near some and her supervisors would be okay with this since they had just helped her solve all of their immediate problems, though she did have to send J.I.M. with them. This time around Rivet decided to accept his friend request, since he had the desire to ask again, causing him to float around with a happy tune, showing them that someone was enjoying themselves, despite the danger that they were in since they had no idea what had destroyed the planet in her dimension. Autumn and Clank were sure either the Chief Engineer would find out the cause and tell them, allowing the three of them to avoid the destruction of this world, or they'd do that and take down whatever the problem was, since that seemed to be how things went at times.

As they returned to the mining hub, however, they spotted a dimensional anomaly that formed right on top of a platform that controlled the cooling system for the entire drill, which was just perfect in the grand scheme of things, though at the same time Rivet wasn't too surprised.

"Clank, you're up." Rivet said, as she knew that he had done something back in the one on Sargasso and understood that he was the one that could crack it, all while showing that she trusted him enough to let him deal with this mess, especially since she usually didn't trust robots, given what was going on with her dimension.

Clank nodded as Rivet and Autumn came to a stop in front of the dimensional anomaly, where he raised his hand and let his mind be taken inside, knowing that it would take him some time to fix everything and make sure the way was open for the sisters to continue with their mission.

A few seconds later Clank appeared inside the inner workings of the dimensional anomaly, where he found that it was just like the one back on Sargasso, there were obstacles he needed to avoid, Spheres that needed to be collected and used to progress, and Possibilities to lead to the Meta-Terminals that were in his path.

"Ah, Clank, I've been expecting you." Gary said, as Clank had expected the Prophet to be somewhere nearby, in fact the figure seemed to be more like the Plumber than he originally thought at first, and it was nice to see him floating nearby, no doubt due to his specific type of meditation, "You'll be happy to know that Ratchet and Starswirl visited Savali, fending off an invasion of Troopers to get the information to forge the Dimensionator... they're both thinner than I thought, but I do feel that they are appropriately heroic in their own unique ways."

"That's good. I knew they could do it." Clank replied, which meant that his friends were on their way to whatever planet held the forge needed to remake the device, or maybe they were on their way to a Lombax world to put their machinery to use once more, he had no way of knowing that specific piece of information.

Clank found that there was something new he had to do this time around, he had to be mindful of devices that produced an endless amount of wind that pushed his Possibilities off to one side, not to mention himself for that matter, before he tracked down a Heavy Sphere. He paused for a few seconds as he considered his options, as he could help the endless stream of his Possibilities with the wind or he could lower a platform to continue the path towards the Meta-Terminal, a decision that, ultimately, was easy for him to make as he used it on the latter. As he lowered the walkway he found Gary off to the side with his book, something that caused him to ask what was inside it, where Gary chuckled as he claimed that it held the most up to date information of the multiverse, as in each and every dimension, all catalogued by his father no less. It was in that moment that Clank decided to mention that it was his belief that Gary's father had to be the Plumber, all due to some of the things he had seen and learned during their time together, and the Prophet confirmed that he was right on the money, before revealing that his father was on vacation for the first time, leaving everything to him and those he enlisted to him him out.

In the end it didn't take him all that long to open the way for his Possibilities to reach the first Meta-Terminal, even though he did have to move a saw to get rid of another barricade to make the path smooth, before they opened the way to the second area and he followed them.

Clank let his desire for more information get the better of him as he started to tackle the next couple of challenges, he had to know how Gary got the title of 'Prophet', where Gary informed him that he had decoded some of the Archives before a few of the Monks started calling him by that name. Apparently what he did was basically look at a bunch of stuff and told the Monks what each item was, like pointing out that items were a Blargian phone book, a Kerchu tooth, or even, and this was unexpected, a Terraklon love poem. Gary, despite knowing that Clank needed to focus on the task at hand, asked him how things were going with Rivet, even though they both knew he already knew what was going on, before Clank informed him that he and Autumn had to go through a lot to convince her that they were telling the truth. Clank also told Gary that he might want to apologize to Ratchet at some point, due to the fact that his friend might be cross with the Prophet since he was supposed to watch over Rivet and it ended with her being wounded, even though he was surprised by the fact that Ratchet hadn't slugged Gary, as he suspected his friend knew who the Prophet was.

Gary simply shrugged when he heard that, as while he wasn't concerned with that fact he was also sure that Ratchet had moved on and would forgive him, even if one of them confronted the other over the loss of Rivet's right arm, allowing Clank to focus on the obstacles that were in front of him. He had to admit that the dimensional anomalies were different than what he was used to, in terms of puzzle solving, though it put a smile on his face, as he had some fun traversing the Nether pockets during the last adventure, especially given how each one helped them progress, but this was nice as well, despite the fact that the dimensions were in danger. Clank was also glad that he was learning more about dimensionality as he did this, allowing him to understand how to fix the barrier before the Dimensional Cataclysm was triggered, so when they completed the new Dimensionator he could use this knowledge to fix everything in no time. That was their plan right now, plus it kept Dr. Nefarious one step behind them as he tried to take down both groups, because if he got his hands on the Dimensionator again Clank was sure that the Dimensional Cataclysm would come even quicker.

As he considered all of that Clank finished off the last of the puzzles in the dimensional anomaly and Gary informed him that he was pleased with his progress, causing Clank to nod his head as he pushed through the last Meta-Terminal and headed back to his body so they could obtain the Phase Quartz.

As soon as Clank returned, and the dimensional anomaly disappeared, Rivet found and used a Hammercrank to reactivate the cooling tube that was sealed shut, allowing the main door to open at last, revealing a lift that would help them get over to the drill, causing the sisters to start moving once more. As they did so, however, some more Goons flew out of a brand new dimensional rift, spotted them almost instantly, and destroyed the taxi that would have brought them right to where the drill was resting, something that caused the sisters to sigh as they opened fire on the new Vroom Goons. With the new pack defeated Rivet and Autumn found that only one path remained, using a grind rail that had a number of Blizon along the path, causing them to engage their masks as they found that some obstacles were in their way as well, confirming that switching between dimensions was the key to success. Once both of them were ready they jumped onto the rail without wasting even a second, as they needed to get over to the drill before anything else happened, while also discovering that they had to jump over some mine carts that were currently heading to the mining hub.

While they traveled down the path, however, they got a choppy call from the Chief Engineer and several screens of the Stranger from Rivet's dimension as she tried to dissuade them from something, she wasn't making herself clear enough for them to understand what she was trying to say. In addition to dodging mine carts they also had to avoid laser walls, a sheet of metal blocking the way, had to use the Swingshot and the running on walls feature of the Phantom Dash, and the ability to switch from one rail to another. Rivet and Autumn found that their thoughts had been correct, they had to jump from one dimension to another, avoiding hazards while bypassing barriers that happened to be in their way, especially in her version of the world since asteroids or debris smashed through parts of the railing and forced them to move back into the one they were helping right now. Other than all of the dangers they were facing the sisters found that this was more of a enjoyable ride, speaking to their skills on the matter, before rounding the corner and discovering that they were, at long last, at the platform that the massive drill was attached to.

"You know, one of my other lifelong dreams was to operate a drill that's a hundred times my size." Rivet remarked, though as she connected her hammer to the nearby Hammercrank, so they could get the show on the road and get the item they needed for the Dimensionator, she found that Autumn and Clank were surprised by her comment, "What? Specific goals are achievable goals."

Autumn thought about it for a moment before deciding that it was a good idea, Rivet's remark was valid, though as soon as her sister turned on the crank they watched as the drill came alive before their eyes, firing a beam of red energy down into a large chunk of uncut Blizon, shattering it as it started to drill for Phase Quartz. In the following moment, however, all of them got some bad news, the Chief Engineer had decoded the message from Rivet's dimension, where they found that activating the main drill had caused the destruction of her Blizar Prime, as it had been tainted by the dimensional energy and damage, causing it to split the world in half, with the other half breaking into fragments. As Rivet and Autumn tried to figure out how to deal with this problem, which the Chief Engineer was trying to work on to avoid shattering her world like the one she learned about just now, more Goons showed up with their dropship. Since it appeared that they wanted to crash the party the sisters turned their weapons on them and all of the remaining Robomutts that were sent at them, all while coming up with any ideas that might be able to save this version of Blizar Prime.

As that happened Rivet spotted the crystal they needed inside the beam and, while Autumn kept their foes busy, hurled her hammer at it, somehow knocking it free while sending the crystal flying towards her, though she disappeared a couple of seconds later. Autumn knew that she had been warped to her dimension and continued to trash the Goons, while also finding that the drill wasn't shutting off thanks to all of the damage the rifts had done to it, causing her to realize that they would have to wreck the massive device to save the world. When Rivet returned, thanks to a chunk of Blizon nearby, she offered her sister the exact same idea, using the dropship to dislodge the massive drill, so they split up for a time and just lashed out at it from both sides, intending on destroying one of the engines to send it into their target. The moment their work succeeded the sisters rushed for the edges of the area, to avoid being caught in the blast, though Rivet was knocked to the ground as Clank fell near the drill and the Phase Quartz landed further away, causing her to realize that both were in the path of the drill's beam.

Autumn, being too far away to help and couldn't use her magic with all of the dimensional energy inside the drill, could only watch as her sister picked Clank over the Phase Quartz, which, since it wasn't pumped full of energy from being used as the core of the Dimensionator, shattered into several pieces.

"Rivet... why?" Clank asked, as while he was grateful that she had saved him from being destroyed by the drill's beam, he figured it would saw him in half or melt him into nothingness, despite his body being boosted by his father at the moment of his creation, he wondered why she'd sacrifice the mission like this.

"Because you're important to Ratchet and I couldn't let anything happen to you." Rivet replied, because she was getting used to the idea of traveling with others, fighting beside them, and the concept of having a family, though after saying that she walked over to the fragments and picked them up, "You know, the Morts used to tell me stories of someone on Torren IV called the 'Fixer'... in fact they'd say 'If it's broke the Fixer'll fix it'!"

"Then we had best see if the stories are true." Autumn said, as she doubted that they would be able to find another piece of Phase Quartz with this dimension's drill broken like this or find another dimension to pay a visit to, so this seemed to be the only way to get the crystal fixed.

As Rivet nodded she decided to spend a few moments checking on the miners and making sure everything was fine, just to be sure there were no consequences of their actions, though once they were done the sisters knew they'd be leaving for another world and, hopefully, obtain an intact piece of Phase Quartz.

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