• Published 28th Oct 2021
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Ratchet and Clank: Family of Heroes - Blackdrag-rose

Starswirl and Autumn Blaze grow up on Veldin with a Lombax called Ratchet, where they'll begin an epic journey to save their galaxy from the dangers that plague it, unaware of the dangers that exist in their universe.

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Deadlocked: Stygia

Following the defeat of the Eviscerator in the Battledome, and being given some time before the next course, Ratchet watched as Autumn joined Clank's group in breaking the collars they were forced to wear, where Ace just observed them, knowing that they had all the keys they needed to get back at Vox. In addition to that Clank found out what was waiting for them at the next planet they would be visiting, or rather the situation that Vox had altered, as Stygia was a planet that had constant meteor showers that would decimate the entire planet if it wasn't for a powerful energy shield that was sold to them and installed by Gadgetron. Such a thing caused everyone to glance at each other for a moment, because if they knew Vox he already had someone on sight and would sabotage the shield, making it their task to figure out what was wrong with it and fix it, something that Clank was looking into so he could set their navigation units for later. Other than that they were able to deactivate the collars for their entire unit and Clank prepared a code that would be sent out when the siblings were ready to take down Vox, which would free the remaining heroes from their terrible fates.

When morning arrived the siblings were pulled away from the containment suite and used the transport ship to travel to Stygia, where it didn't take them all that long to see what Clank had told them about, the meteors that ravaged the planet in the past, though this time Ratchet and Starswirl teleported down as Autumn watched them tackle the course.

Planet Stygia, a beautiful world with pink sand beaches, friendly service, and giant meteor storms pummeling the surface! Dallas proclaimed, sounding happy about something, which meant the brothers could ignore him a little, since he was on Vox's side of everything, all while finding that a normal storm was going on as small meteors were raining down on the planet, missing the defense station, We're live from the Tempus Control Station thousands of feet above the ground where powerful meteor shields protect the people below! But not today because we've turned them off! Can Team Darkstar destroy the jamming devices and save Stygia? Only time will tell in this final round as the fate of an entire planet rests in their hands!

"Great, gives us another reason not to like Vox." Ratchet commented, where he and Starswirl climbed into the Landstalker that was resting nearby, him taking the main controls as his brother seized the main cannon, just like they had done in the past, causing him to focus on what was ahead of them.

"Just be patient, we're nearly ready to implement our plan." Starswirl remarked, keeping his voice low so only his brother could hear him speak, just in case someone was listening in on their conversations, all while focusing on the forcefield that was blocking the way forward.

Ratchet had no response as he and his brother opened fire on the gladiators that dropped down into the area between their starting point and the forcefield that was in front of them, Starswirl's cannon blasts tearing the generators apart so they would progress without wasting more time. As they made their way towards the second forcefield they smashed all sorts of gladiators down as Starswirl eliminated the dropships with his magic, causing both announcers to look at them in sheer disbelief as they realized that they weren't holding back, and soon the second barrier was done. The third barrier lasted all of five seconds as the brothers tore it down and blasted their way through the enemies that were in front of it, a fact that was replicated on the other side as they headed for their first target, three sabotage machines attached to part of the main machine. Autumn, being one of the number of individuals who had worked on the new version of the machine, the one that was protecting Stygia, had informed them of where one would attack to cripple the device and sure enough it was easy to pinpoint their targets and take each one out, along with the gladiators that were guarding them.

Thanks to Starswirl's precision they were able to avoid damaging the control tower, though Dallas claimed that they had done such a thing and that now, due to their 'actions', they had to restart the shields manually, leading to Clank quickly telling them to play along, as he had Autumn's schematics on had and figured out a way to do this. As such they climbed out of the Landstalker and used a jump pad to get up to the four platforms that the nodes were located on, blasting down the gladiator guardians once more before turning the Bolt Cranks, each one calling in more defenders that Starswirl just wiped out with a burst of his magical power. Once one was taken control of they moved onto the next one and quickly did the same thing, seizing control of the area as they wiped out the gladiator guardians, which was no doubt causing those who were watching the show to cheer for them, since they were the rising stars of this entire foul show. After the second node was claimed Ratchet and Starswirl moved onto the third platform and repeated the movement once more, taking it and the node before making their way to the fourth and final piece of this challenge, rapidly claiming it as well so Clank could do whatever it was he needed to do.

Once the four nodes were claimed, and Clank quickly performed his end of things, Dallas informed them that they now had to use one of the Hoverships to reach the shield's core and hack into the control orbs to power it up, though he also claimed that a meteor had hit it and they could see that it was just fine. After listening to him talk the brothers climbed into the vehicle and took to the air once more, where DreadZone called in both of their companion robots, the ones that were assigned to them but hadn't seen battle since they were necessary, and they were tasked with hacking into all of the control orbs. Such a thing told the brothers that all they had to do was follow after the two robots and blast their enemies out of the air with their guns and abilities, which neither of them were worried about since their division of labor meant that both robots were able to work without having to take their attention off of what they were doing. Dallas and Juanita were outraged by the fact that Team Darkstar was still alive, that they were able to face everything DreadZone had and just walked away without too much damage done to any of them, especially since they had torn down three of their four Exterminators, and, sure enough, they raged when Ratchet and Starswirl succeeded in completing the challenge.

After that they had to land and defend the generator from one last assault, showing them and the viewers that Vox was more than willing to kill off an entire planet to kill the siblings, though even then nothing mattered as Ratchet blasted the gladiators with his weapons and Starswirl used his magic against the dropships. That one wave was all they could throw at the brothers, those gladiators were all that Vox could muster right now, meaning they were able to restore power to the shield generator and watched as the shimmering barrier returned, stopping the incoming meteors from striking the planet that was below them. After that Ratchet found that they gained a Black Medal, the requirement for the final tournament as he and his siblings figured out, before discovering that there were no Dread Challenges for them to tackle, which was a surprise since he could have flown the Hovership around and either fly through rings or take down enemies, leaving him a little disappointed in Vox and his team. As such he and Starswirl had to wait for Dallas and Juanita to stop talking to those who were watching the show at home before anything could be done, where the pair purposely talked for some time, just to keep the brothers on the planet, even though there was no reason to do so, and it wasn't long before they gave up and let the pair go.

With that done they returned to the transport ship, rejoined Autumn, and headed back to their containment suite, though now there was only one planet standing between them and taking down Vox, they just had to be patient and tackle the last couple of challenges, and the final tournament, before setting their plan into motion.

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