• Published 28th Oct 2021
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Ratchet and Clank: Family of Heroes - Blackdrag-rose

Starswirl and Autumn Blaze grow up on Veldin with a Lombax called Ratchet, where they'll begin an epic journey to save their galaxy from the dangers that plague it, unaware of the dangers that exist in their universe.

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Commando: Endako

It took some time for Ratchet, Autumn, and Starswirl to reach Endako, where they discovered that the coordinates were for Megapolis, the very city that Mr. Fizzwidget had said that Clank's apartment was located in, where Clank had taken Ratchet's Swingshot and Omniboots, since they weren't standard issue for a commando, something Autumn was planning on fixing in the near future, but they landed outside the city in due time. Megapolis was a very futuristic city, with pristine modern buildings, which seemed to be circling two large towers, and happened to be the hub for Megacorp, though that was all they were able to figure out since it didn't seem like a lot of information was written about the city, but they weren't planning on being here for too long and would be chasing the Thief once this was over. Such a thing made the three of them realize that with the Thief being here there was a chance that some Thugs might be here as well, enemies that needed to be taken out to improve their chances in recovering the Experiment, though after thinking about that Ratchet landed and turned off the ship so he and his siblings could climb out and begin their search of this planet. Of course, like a lot of planets they had visited so far, there seemed to be two paths for them to take, the left one appearing to be more dangerous, and required the use of the Electrolyzer to get through, while Ratchet found that the right one seemed to head into an area that seemed more like where people lived, so it might lead to Clank's place at some point.

"Let's not waste any time, we're heading to the left." Ratchet stated, because their first order of business was to find Clank and save him from the Thief, or whatever trap she had left for him and his siblings, as while the mistake of pressing the red button instead of the green one might make them feel that their earlier judgement of her abilities were wrong, and needed to be rethought, she was still ahead of them and that meant there might be a trap ahead of them.

"Hopefully the Thief is still here, as I'd love to catch her with my magic," Autumn remarked, as it would make the mission that much shorter for them, though after seeing Clank get zapped like that she was more than willing to shorten the time of this mission, especially since capturing the Thief would give them a way to track down the Experiment, which had to be moving in some manner right now.

Starswirl said nothing as he checked out the Vendor and found a few new weapons for them to purchase, the Pulse Rifle, a long ranged weapon that allowed them to snipe enemies, and the Miniturret Glove, which dispensed turrets that could fire at their enemies for a time before breaking, to which he bought one of each as Ratchet opened fire on a tall orange robot that seemed to be cylindrical shaped. The interesting thing about the robot was that it was capable of firing lasers, which were aimed at the ground and only extended a certain distance from where the new foe's position, though it was spinning as it moved and fell apart when Ratchet blasted it with the Blast Gun, allowing him and his siblings to find that the path in front of them seemed to head through a Megacorp facility, given the logo. He wasted no time in using the Electrolyzer to bypass the defenses of the terminal in front of him and quickly opened the door so they could head inside, where Autumn blasted some while spinning bots that were in the next chamber, who instantly regarded them as enemies and moved to hit them with their legs, not that it mattered since she took them all out. From there it was a simple matter to head down a passage that rested on their left, which was guarded by two of the Laser Bots and had a few Spinner Bots appear from a doorway, one that opened as they got near it, meaning the Thief must have hacked into the system and made it so that all of the Megacorp robots in this area saw them as enemies.

After wiping out those enemies the siblings discovered a small room with some controls, to which Autumn messed with all of them for a moment and found that she was able to move a crane that happened to be in this part of the building, even though to use it Ratchet had to use the Electrolyzer on a terminal, and it wasn't long before she used a block of metal to crush some Spinner Bots before forming a way for them to leave.

Once they were on the path she had found, which did head outside, Starswirl blasted a pair of Laser Bots out of the way, finding that it brought them to another part of the city and that they had to jump over some platform cars to continue on the path in question, though Ratchet used the Pulse Rifle to blast a Laser Bot out of the way, allowing them to reach the other side safely. The was when they found a larger security bot, this one with no legs and two blasters for it's hands, that regarded them as enemies as well and opened fire on them as soon as they got close to it, causing the siblings to open fire on it and a couple of Spinner Bots that appeared behind it, where it took Ratchet and his siblings a few moments to clear out the area before moving forward. After that they found another gap that they had to jump over, which required taking down yet another Laser Bot and one of the Blaster Bots, though once Autumn was sure the area was cleared they crossed over to the next part of the Megacorp building that they had been in not a few moments ago, where Starswirl swung his staff and knocked out all of the Spinner Bots who happened to be in the area. Such a thing allowed Ratchet to hack into another terminal so Autumn could mess with the controls, where she smashed the enemies that were along the way with a metallic cube and then used an explosive cube to take down the locked door that was in their way, to which she and her brothers walked forward, collecting the Bolts from their fallen foes as they made their way over to the last chamber of this portion of the facility.

That brought them to an area that had a pair of Blaster Bots, a few Spinner Bots, and a lift that lead to a passageway, to which the siblings quickly removed the enemies that were in their way before accessing the small platform they seemed to be guarding, something that brought them right to where Clank was being held, instantly causing Autumn and Starswirl to jump down into the chamber so they could investigate... only for Ratchet, who was keeping an eye out for the Thief, to be pushed off the ledge by the Thief, who fled before either magic user could catch her.

"Son of a Qwark!" Ratchet remarked, using a phrase that he only said every now and then, mostly when he was annoyed by something or someone, and right now, while they were impressed by how well the Thief was able to stay a step ahead of them, even if some of her actions made one think less of her, he was annoyed that he had fallen for such an obvious trap, as she had been lurking in the shadows and only emerged when he was alone, "She's good, I'll give her that... it's a shame she's a villain, as having her as an ally would have been rather interesting..."

"Well, unless something major happens, like discovering that we're on the wrong side, we should focus," Starswirl said, as while they shared some of the same thoughts on the matter, especially since the Thief was far more skilled than what Mr. Fizzwidget had told them, which was hard to believe since Megacorp had more information on everyone and they felt that he might know who she might be, to which he focused on Clank.

Ratchet did the same thing as he pulled out the Electrolyzer and started to mess with the terminal, where Autumn kept an eye out for any problems that might come from this while Starswirl stared at the passage they had used to get here, just in case the Thief sent some robotic minions to take them out, but in the end Ratchet was able to bypass the defenses of the terminal and sent a light shock into Clank's body, jolting him awake, even if he seemed to be talking about the final digit of Pi before he realized that they were there.

"Clank, are you alright?" Autumn asked, mostly because it seemed like Clank was dazed and confused about things, which made sense due to the fact that he had been shocked by an unknown amount of volts earlier, though for the most part it looked like he was just fine and the shock that had been sent into his system hadn't done any true damage to him, or at least that was what she discovered in the first few moments of her checkup.

"Despite the shock, I feel fine... the Thief is crafty, I'll give her that." Clank replied, showing that he also agreed with them, that he felt that the Thief was rather skilled and more dangerous than what they had been told previously, before he took a few seconds to look at the area they were in before spotting that there was no way out, not unless Autumn or Starswirl teleported them up to what he assumed was the walkway that brought them here, before finding a vent, "If you'll excuse me, I'll open the way for us to leave this place and continue with our mission."

Ratchet chuckled for a moment, telling Clank that it was nice to have him back, before he and his siblings watched as their friend climbed into the nearby vent and disappeared, allowing them to spend a few minutes resting before having to do anything else, as all three of them had faith in their friend's abilities, and sure enough it didn't take Clank long to open the door that lead outside. With that done Ratchet and his siblings told Clank that he was awesome, and he was, before Clank returned to his place on Ratchet's back, allowing them to head through the opening before Ratchet used the Helipack to reach the highest point of the exterior and his siblings used magical platforms to catch up with him, before leaping over a gap and discovering that to move further they would have to glide down to a tower platform in the middle of the city, one they hoped would have a way back to the other path. Clank found that Autumn and Starswirl used a spell that he felt the latter might have created, a levitation spell that allowed them to replicate what Ratchet did, where they landed not a few seconds later and found a large circular device, a teleporter, that took them back to the Vendor, to which the took a couple of seconds to buy some ammunition before heading down the other path. An interesting fact about this path was that the siblings discovered a barrier blocking the way forward, even if Ratchet was sure his siblings might be able to teleport over to the other side with their magic, before Clank informed them that if they knocked out the nearby trashcan it would lower the barrier and send out a few cleaner bots, which turned out to be some Spinner Bots.

It was an odd thing, sending out robots who could hurt people to clean up a mess, though Autumn assumed that they had been designed with two functions in mind, in case the city was under attack, but that didn't stop the siblings from wiping their enemies out before smashing a second trashcan and taking out a Laser Bot to move forward, which brought them to a set of platforms to climb up before heading into another building. That gave them a chance to see that Megacorp loved their trashcan barriers, especially since the next one deployed some Spinner Bots and a pair of Laser Bots, though once all of them were taken out the way was unlocked and they headed back outside as they followed the path, where they found a single person fighter jet, or maybe a helicopter, appear some distance in front of them. The one in control of it happened to be one of the Thugs, possibly the Leader, though before they could blast him he headed off into the distance while he laughed, like he was in control of what was going on, causing the siblings to glance at each other before continuing along the path in front of them, crossing over some platforms and blasting some Laser Bots as they did so. After that they just jumped down into another area, with yet another trashcan barrier, to which they sighed before knocking it down and then opened fire on the enemies that came out to face them, though since the siblings took down their enemies with ease they were able to pass through the lowered barrier with ease and found two new paths, one that required the items in Clank's place while the other was a lift.

As such they focused on the lift and found that it brought them to another chamber, where the Thug Leader laughed at all of them as he flew around this part of the city, meaning he would be fighting them in due time, hence why the siblings just focused on blasting their way through all of the robotic enemies that were in front of them, especially those that happened to be inside the building, before they were able to leave it and found a circular area that could pass as an arena, which was when their foe revealed himself once more.

"Greetings morons." the Thug Leader stated, showing that he wanted to talk for a few seconds before bothering to blast all of them into submission, or whatever it was that his employer desired, though they let him talk since it meant he wouldn't be focusing on what they were doing, which happened to be getting their weapons out as Autumn and Starswirl took a few seconds to ready their magic as well, "Since my employees did such a lousy job of takin' care of yous, I thought I'd come and handle things myself."

"Really? You think you can take us on?" Ratchet remarked, where he blasted the chopper's right wing with the Pulse Rifle, tearing through the metal with ease as he grinned, especially since they found a look of shock on the Thug Leader's face as he noticed the damage, all while Autumn and Starswirl readied themselves for the battle that was about to break out, due to the fact that their foe didn't seem like the type to flee in this situation, "Come and try."

Sure enough the Thug Leader seemed to have a hard time hitting them, both due to the fact that there were three of them and one of him, a major factor since he had to determine who was more important and it stalled his movements, while the damage to his chopper seemed to have more of an impact than what they originally thought it might, eventually causing him to descend into the depths with his chopper on fire.

"He's not dead, so we'll see him later," Starswirl commented, where he watched as their foe ejected himself from the now ruined chopper and used a parachute to move to safety, something that would allow him to call a ship to him so he could leave the world, though with him defeated they found a teleport pad appearing in front of them, one that caused them to glance at each other before using it.

Interestingly enough it brought them right to Clank's apartment, why they had no idea and none of them cared enough to ask the question, where they found that it was still open from when Clank was abducted and headed inside, where Clank made sure to close the door behind them as Ratchet found his Swingshot and Omniboots, which he claimed instantly and found that Autumn was already thinking of ways to merge them with their armor. With that done the siblings found a back door resting nearby, one that lead to an area for them to use the newly reacquired Swingshot in, to which Ratchet did that after Clank locked the rest of his apartment up, with his siblings following after him without much delay, before they found another teleport pad that brought them back to their ship. After that they decided to head back to the area with rails that they had seen previously, just to check it out and see what might be waiting at the very end of it, where Ratchet and both of his siblings found that it had a few Swingshots for them to use, which was nice since it had been some time since any of them had actually used the gadget in question, which Autumn was going to fix with an obstacle course that would remind her and her brothers of whatever gear they recovered in the future. At the end of the track they found a landing that had a teleport pad nearby, a landing that had a button platform attached to it, one that called a ship down to them and the three of them discovered a guy who only revealed his eyes and opened a slot for them to slip weapons into, meaning he was an illegal weapon modifier, though he asked a lot to mess with their weapons.

In the end the siblings decided not to purchase his services and used the teleport pad to return to their ship, though as all of them walked up to the ship Autumn informed Clank of their other mission, to Barlow, that just so happened to be their only lead right now, and it wasn't long before they climbed into the ship, she and Starswirl slipping into the seats in back while both Ratchet and Clank took the front two seats, before setting a course for Barlow.

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