• Published 28th Oct 2021
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Ratchet and Clank: Family of Heroes - Blackdrag-rose

Starswirl and Autumn Blaze grow up on Veldin with a Lombax called Ratchet, where they'll begin an epic journey to save their galaxy from the dangers that plague it, unaware of the dangers that exist in their universe.

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Tools: Reepor

Following their discovery on Jasindu, the fact that the Dimensionator had been stolen, Ratchet and the others returned to their ship as he called for their army to follow him to Reepor, as Tachyon had moved before their arrival and he had taken out Slag, causing the pirates to rage over the loss of their boss. Autumn was able to confirm that an armada was resting near the planet in question, a good chuck of Tachyon's forces were waiting in the atmosphere, where the Resistance and the pirates agreed to do battle with the ships while the main force headed down to confront the mad Cragmite. Autumn and Starswirl, however, knew that Ratchet was angry, the Dimensionator, a device his father had created and guarded until he lent it to another Lombax, was now in the hands of his race's sworn enemy and there was no telling what Tachyon might do, other than use it to destroy the entirety of his race. Such a thing included his sister, who was wounded from something that happened in her dimension, and that was something he wouldn't stand for, the possibility of their enemy seeking his sister and hurting her more than she already was, though they were fortunate that he had no idea she existed, for now.

They didn't have a lot of time to talk as they reached the space near the planet in question, finding the armada was ready for whoever might be coming, which was where Starswirl gathered his power and loosed a burst of magic, opening a portal to the exterior so he didn't harm the Helios, allowing him to wipe out a warship so they could slip through, leaving the rest of their enemies to their allies.

"Let's get the Dimensionator back." Ratchet stated, speaking as he leapt out of the ship and flew down to the arena that he and the others would be fighting in for an undetermined amount of time, an area that had two cannons that were either older than everything else in Polaris or their aiming sucked, as they couldn't target the Helios.

"At least we know Tachyon hasn't activated it yet, otherwise we wouldn't be able to use magic." Starswirl commented, to which he held a hand out and his energy danced around his fingers for a few seconds, as the Plumber told both him and Autumn that they couldn't use their magic when it was in use or a dimensional crack was nearby, so he was able to see that they were in the clear, for now anyway.

"Well, that's why I've got this, just in case he does activate the weapon." Autumn remarked, where she landed and pulled out the RYNO 4, a more advanced version of the RYNO series that was superior to the RY3NO in every way, though they also knew that she had created a RYNO 5, a RYNO 6, and even a RYNO 7, but those seemed to be under lock and key right now, no doubt figuring that they didn't need them at the moment, before she found that a new weapon, a net launcher called the Mag-Net Launcher, was available and bought some, "Let's get the show on the road."

Ratchet and the others spread out as Talwyn, Cronk, and Zephyr joined them, allowing Autumn to focus on the enemies that were coming from the middle bridge while everyone else focused on the other two bridges and the entrance of the cannons, since there were a number of commandos stationed in this place. Such a thing confirmed what they had been expecting, Tachyon had brought what seemed like his entire army to Reepor, sacrificing them so he could have the time he needed to figure out how to use the Dimensionator and bring back the Cragmites from where the Lombaxes sent them all those years ago. In fact, as time went by, more and more ships warped into the space above the planet, where it was easy for them to tell that the space defenders might be overwhelmed in no time, as neither the Resistance or the pirates had faced this many before, before things turned their way as ships from Solana and Bogon warped in. Sasha informed them that, upon hearing Qwark's message about the danger that was stirring in Polaris, the heroes of the other galaxies were coming to assist them, as while they knew Ratchet and his family were strong, in many ways, fighting an entire army was unheard of and they were coming to help them out.

After some time Autumn pulled back and yanked both Cronk and Zephyr with her, where she set up a quick station, right in the middle of a battle no less, and rapidly did some upgrades so they could stand up to the might of their enemies and dish out some decent damage as well. When they returned to the battlefield Talywn found that they were moving better than every before and were far more accurate, making her take a moment to wonder just what Autumn had done before deciding against it, as anything that boosted their chances of securing the Dimensionator were okay in her book. That also meant getting used to her new armor and weapons, as Angela and Sasha had insisted on her protecting herself better if she wanted to go on adventures with them, where she blasted one of the commandos from afar and marveled at what Autumn had created, as her weapons were deadly. She guessed, after hearing about the villains they had encountered in the past, and the major ones seemed to be increasingly dangerous for the safety of their universe, that it made sense for her to make even stronger weapons, especially support gadgets that might become weapons in the future.

One such gadget was Mr. Zurkon, a small synthenoid that adored death and destruction, making it a support device that would lay waste to the user's enemies, which fired on some of the commandos without a care in the world and blew itself up when it was out of time, doing some serious damage to Tachyon's forces.

"Yeah... that's why I didn't anger them earlier." Talwyn commented, mostly to herself as she watched the three siblings, as they were the best of the best she noticed, in terms of their group anyway, and she was fortunate she had listened to the message Ratchet had sent to request an audience with her, otherwise she was sure her station would have been utterly wrecked by the group.

As she thought about what was going on, however, she decided that it was time to deal with the cannons and they broke up into three groups, the main one would hold the attention of the commandos while the other two would focus on using a few explosives to break into the buildings and take control of Tachyon's cannons. With them in their possession she was sure they would be able to blast their way through the support beams of the barrier that was resting between them and Tachyon's position, and once that was done they could blast the enemy armada out of the air. If Tachyon was able to use the Dimensionator, and unleashed the Cragmites upon their universe, she figured the assembled alliance would be able to smash the enemy ships out of the way and maybe give Ratchet a chance to grab his father's gadget before it was misused again. If they succeeded in stopping Tachyon from using the device they could throw Tachyon in Zordoom and celebrate a job well done, since most of Polaris would be freed from his cruel tyranny, before moving onto the main event, opening the way to Rivet's dimension and get her out of there, hopefully before more harm came to her.

With that in mind she, Cronk, and Zephyr, joined by Angela and Sasha, broke into the cannon rooms and used them not a few seconds later, allowing them to focus on the commandos as the siblings rushed into the building... only to find Qwark on the ground, with one of Tachyon's walker's legs pinning him down, while the Cragmite in question was wearing the Dimensionator on his head.

"How fitting: the Prince of the Cragmites and the Son of the Dimensionator's Guardian, standing on the very ground that their ancestors fought on." Tachyon stated, speaking after letting out one of his chuckle sessions, showing that he enjoyed what was going on right now as the group faced him, while Ratchet remained silent, as he really didn't care about this foul planet or the fact that it was the Cragmite homeworld, "How do you like my planet, Lombax? It's been dormant for years, thanks to what your kind did to my race.

"Honestly? I don't care. Put down the Dimensionator, Tachyon, and we won't hurt you as much as you deserve." Ratchet replied, his tone showing that he had faith in their abilities, not even taking the magic that Autumn and Starswirl used into consideration, and that he also knew that if they got into a fight he and his family were going to win, as there was nothing Tachyon could throw at them to make them falter.

"You fool! I've waited years for this, ever since I heard of the 'Lombax Secret'... I''m not about to let you have it! It is time for the Cragmite's to rise again!" Tachyon said, where he raised his right hand and pulled a pull device that looked like it was from a toy, as if it would activate the Dimensionator, though when nothing happened Ratchet started to assume that his father put in a failsafe to make sure it could only be used by a Lombax, causing Tachyon to get angry as he pulled it again, though this time the top opened into a spherical device that unleashed dimensional energy into the area, "Lombax, the horrors committed by your race during the Great War are about to be reversed, at long last! Dimensionator, find the Cragmites!"

In that moment things went south as multiple cracks in reality formed before breaking open into wormholes, portals to the dimension that the Cragmites had been sent to, and with the sheer number of them the group had to retreat, though Ratchet used a grapple line to latch onto Quark and pull him out of the arena. From there they regrouped with the rest of the team, where Angela instantly noticed that the Dimensionator was in use and that it wasn't Ratchet using it, before all of them climbed into their ships and blasted off without delay, allowing Tachyon time to see what his actions had brought while they prepared for whatever he had planned next. The Resistance and the pirates backed off as well, though it was more due to the fact that they had wiped out the armada and crippled Tachyon's forces, or would have if he hadn't used the Dimensionator, but right now they were going to regroup at the Ublik Passage, or part of it, to figure out what their foe's next move might be. With the might of the Cragmites, a race that the Lombaxes had to move to ensure the safety of the universe, they knew he would be more dangerous than before and each of them had to be ready for whatever he and his army did next.

Ratchet and Angela, however, knew that once Tachyon proved the might of the Cragmites he was going to go on a march across the dimensions to annihilate the rest of their race, including Rivet, which could damage reality on an unimaginable scale, meaning that once Tachyon made his move they had to secure the Dimensionator, otherwise things were going to go from bad to worse.

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