• Published 28th Oct 2021
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Ratchet and Clank: Family of Heroes - Blackdrag-rose

Starswirl and Autumn Blaze grow up on Veldin with a Lombax called Ratchet, where they'll begin an epic journey to save their galaxy from the dangers that plague it, unaware of the dangers that exist in their universe.

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Interlude: Election Mess

Following the destruction of the second Biobliterator, and the total downfall of Nefarious' plans, especially since the mad doctor disappeared after what happened on Mylon, Ratchet and his family, joined by Qwark, returned to the Phoenix and proclaimed their victory to all of their allies. Autumn, Al, and Angela then combined their knowledge and skills to make a device that reversed the transformation process that people were forced to endure by Nefarious' machine, though at the same time, since the President didn't want to ruin his election chances, they made a setting that removed any coding that was left by Nefarious' machine. What that meant was that he was ensuring that anyone who wanted to remain a robot, as a few did step forward and mention something like that, could remain in their new state while also making sure to stop any of them from picking up Nefarious' banner, which caused Sasha to bring her palm to her face when she heard it. Sasha was fine with people deciding which form they wanted to take, as she wasn't about to do anything to stop them, but she had a feeling that this would fade in due time, since many were being influenced by Nefarious' attacks on the planets and that was the cause of many of the transformed turning away from their forms.

During that time Clank also received word that the new holo-film in the Secret Agent Clank series would be coming out in the near future, giving them something to look forward to and he made sure to tell the others, even though they were all focused on cleaning up the mess Nefarious left behind.

While they were doing that Sasha also asked Qwark about his timely arrival, where the man came up with a story about how he had narrowly escaped death on the Leviathan, using two escape pods to survive, one containing the data disc that was found on Zeldrin and another that contained him. His story went on to explain that he had been blasted to a desolate part of a planet he had set up a base on a long time ago, one Autumn was able to confirm the existence of since it was listed in the collection of assets that were claimed from Qwark after the end of their first adventure. Such a thing meant that it took him some time to actually figure out what was going on in Solana, after what happened to the Leviathan, because it had been a while since his last visit and many of the systems were terribly outdated, even though his ship was more up to date than the rest of the base. He finished by saying that it was a miracle that he was able to make contact with Autumn, who was sending messages to his former bases in the hopes that he had survived, and he reacted instantly, getting in his ship and heading to Mylon as fast as he could muster.

Sasha glanced at the family and found that none of them really bought Qwark's story, confirming that they knew he had survived and kept it quiet for some time, but she didn't publicly question it, since he had been restored to his hero status by her father and it wouldn't do well for her to challenge his 'official' story.

As the heroes celebrated their victory over Nefarious, and went about fixing the mess he had made, a few things became public knowledge to the population of the Solana Galaxy, a few things damaging the President's authority, especially with the upcoming election that he was partaking in. It wasn't his shameful attempt to pull in the newly transformed robots to his side, to get more votes while they were still suffering, though it was mentioned, rather the main story was about how the President decided to appoint Qwark, a known criminal that he officially pardoned, as the head of the force that was facing Nefarious. The reasoning behind that was because the Blarg who was running against him claimed that he chose a corrupted superhero over his own daughter, as Sasha had proven that she had the ability to lead an effective strike force, a sure sign of a bad leader that they would chose someone who wasn't trustworthy, and Qwark claiming that he hogged the attention so the real heroes could do their thing hurt the President even more. Most of Solana knew that the heroes of this event were Ratchet, his siblings, Clank, Angela, and Sasha, which just added to the damage done to the President's chances to win the election, and his opponent was going to great lengths to make sure everyone knew that electing their current President had been a mistake, one he aimed to correct.

While everyone else focused on celebrating, which was understandable after defeating another villain, Autumn went out and did a bit of research on her own, finding that multiple worlds would, in fact, elect Sasha if she was in the running, as while many would hold her father's actions against her they were also willing to see how different she would be, if such a thing came to pass... eventually leading to an important conversation not a week after Nefarious' defeat, between Sasha and Rather's family.

"Listen, Autumn, I realize that my father isn't the best of leaders, but he's trying his best." Sasha replied, as she listened to what Ratchet's sister had to say and, while part of her wondered if her results would be accurate if she ran for office, she had something she wanted to say, in the privacy of the section of the Phoenix she gave to them, "Though I will admit that his opponent this time around is much worse than his last one... mind you, Qwark was his last opponent and he only beat our superhero friend by a slim margin."

"His opponent is basically Drek junior, in the sense that he seems to be the type that wants power and might be seeking to expand his domain," Ratchet commented, as that was his opinion on the Blarg candidate that was running against Sasha's father right now, a bad thing when he thought about it, and yet there was one thing they all agreed on, the President was going to lose this rare, regardless if they did anything or not, "Sasha, you have to admit that stopping that sort of person from winning is worth throwing your hat into the ring, especially since there's a lot of people that would support you, not to mention Qwark has spoke highly of your skills... yes, there are some that would try to discredit Qwark, based on his old sins, but the galaxy has accepted that he's a hero again and his words carry weight once more."

"You're right, I can't let him win the upcoming election," Sasha said, where she sighed for a moment, as she had planned on avoiding this to the best of her ability, due to the fact that she didn't want to follow in her father's footsteps, and yet it looked like fate was bringing it back into her life, "Fine. Call Qwark and tell him that I'm entering the race, though while you do that I'll head to Marcadia and inform the officials that I'll be entering my name as well... hopefully this works out and we aren't too late to enter a third party into this election."

While Sasha did that, and Ratchet made the call so Qwark would know what was going on, Angela spent a little time doing something to aid them in the election, mostly finding polls and adding Sasha's name to them, in the sense that if she was to appear how would people react to her joining the running. Of course Autumn and Starswirl didn't get involved, in fact the pair knew that they didn't need to get involved, as Sasha was more than capable of winning this thing on her own and everyone understood that fact, though Ratchet and Angela didn't mind helping her out. Part of the reason was due to the fact that the galaxy knew that they were the heroes of two galaxies and, if they were siding with Sasha, there had to be a good reason for it, so it would help her beat the Blarg candidate when it came time for the election. In addition to that the rest of Solana knew that she had taken part in the final battle against Nefarious, in fact almost everyone knew about her part in repelling the attack on Metropolis, so having a warrior President, who knew what needed to be done to take down the supervillains, might be the key to winning them over.

Autumn chuckled as she got to work on the next generation of weapons and gadgets that were on her mind, because now that Nefarious was done for there was no reason for them to worry about anything happening for a year, the average time between their adventures, and she could prepare for their next adventure. Starswirl continued to study the tomes that he had access to, finding other types of magic that he and his sister might be interested in mastering, especially one spell, if he was reading things right, that could be applied to jewelry. The spell was designed to absorb the magical energy of the wearer, similar to the devices they found during this adventure and the last one, only it was on their terms, though it also came with a few effects, like how the rings would be cursed and could only be removed by the owner's hand, so if one of them did such a thing only they could remove it. The other side effect was that if they ended up removing the jewelry that held the enchantment it would release their power, everything that was hidden inside that piece, though given the vast amount of power that he and Autumn had it was a great way to hide their power without any side effects.

When he informed Autumn of it she chuckled as she considered what they could be made of, because there were all sorts of metal alloys in the two galaxies and, after studying the enchantment, she had an idea of what to use to try and make the jewelry her brother had in mind, making her all the more eager for what the future held for them.

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