• Published 28th Oct 2021
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Ratchet and Clank: Family of Heroes - Blackdrag-rose

Starswirl and Autumn Blaze grow up on Veldin with a Lombax called Ratchet, where they'll begin an epic journey to save their galaxy from the dangers that plague it, unaware of the dangers that exist in their universe.

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Commando: Boldan

Boldan, as Angela informed the siblings, was a planet with a yellow colored atmosphere, which was due to the vast amount of thick yellow clouds that happened to be close to that part of the planet, and that it contained a great deal of vegetation and mountains, though what they were interested in was Silver City, where Davin had said Mr. Fizzwidget had been seen earlier, handing out Protopets no less, a city that had been built on an archipelago of islands and mountains, the size being due to it's importance as one of Bogon's busiest places.

"I would like to point out that there is a good chance that this is a trap," Clank commented, as while he knew there wasn't much that could stop Ratchet and his siblings, after seeing all of the magic that Autumn and Starswirl had access to during their first adventure, powers that were still growing based on what he had seen, it didn't stop him from recalling the fact that someone had bought out Thugs-4-Less, "we still do not know who gave the Thugs a better offer, nor what they are having them do at this very moment."

"I'm inclined to believe you, Clank, but this is our only lead right now." Ratchet replied, where he breached the atmosphere and followed the directions that were bringing him down to the outermost area of Silver City, to a landing pad rested, but as he did that he knew that his friend might be right, that there was a good chance they might be walking into a trap, though his fact was true as well, this was their only lead at the moment, "We need to find Mr. Fizzwidget and try to convince him of the danger he's in, or at the very least find something that will allow us to figure out where he or the Protopets might be heading next."

"I'm convinced that we're not dealing with Mr. Fizzwidget, as he's acting totally different from the man who hired me and put me in the genetics division," Angela said, though as she said that Ratchet landed on the landing pad and turned off the ship, allowing her and the others to climb out before they glanced out at the city that Davin had informed them about, as it did seem like a good place to catch up with her former boss, before she sighed for a moment, "though if we're right, and he's not the real Mr. Fizzwidget, it makes me wonder who we're dealing with and how no one else has noticed the sudden changes in his personality... I mean, sure they could blame old age, but some of the things he's done can be blamed on an impersonator not knowing how he'd act in some specific circumstances."

Autumn and Starswirl said nothing as they checked the Vendor, as there was nothing else they could really say in this situation, not without repeating what had been said so far, before finding that there were no new weapons and that the way forward required them to pass through an electrical fence, though it appeared that there was no button or switch for them to mess with on this side, and there were no hacking terminals to use either. In that moment Ratchet spotted a taxi off to their left and they used it to travel over to a lone platform that seemed out of place, one that had an elevator that just so happened to head into the depths of the mountainous area Silver City had been built on top of, even though it did bring them to a tunnel that was full of gears and moving parts. Autumn spotted a Levitator platform in front of them and Ratchet used it without delay, where Starswirl wrapped his magic around them before causing them to float through the air, following after his brother as he carefully made his way around the obstacles, including a circular door that did open and close as they approached it. On the other side of the door they found that the path brought them to a larger tunnel that had a fairly large number of ships passing through it, rush hour according to what Angela said, making them wonder if the Silver City above ground was a false one and the real Silver City, but Ratchet paid it no mind right now as she used a second Levitator pad to refuel and make his way over to an electrical section, before finding a place to land that just so happened to have an elevator in it.

With that done, and everyone had regrouped, they took the elevator back to the surface and found that it brought them right to the other side of the electrical fence that Autumn had seen, to which Angela stepped on the button and quickly deactivated it, though it was mostly in the off chance that they needed to back off and restock their ammunition, but due to what she had seen so far she had a feeling it wouldn't be necessary. Instead of heading down the main path they took a moment to use an elevator to their right, or straight from where they had landed, and found that it brought them to a set of metallic poles that seemed to be powering the city, or at least all four of them assumed so, but such a thing did give all of them an idea as they jumped onto the first rail and used the Grind Boots function of their Omniboots to travel along the path in question. One thing they discovered as they traveled down this path was that there were a number of Thugs who were further along the route that seemed to be cutting through this part of Silver City, meaning they were trying to set up a number of ambushes for Ratchet and his siblings, including Angela for that matter, but in the end everyone focused on what was in front of them and less on the fact that more enemies were waiting for them inside the city. The route did take them through a few construction sites, buildings which seemed to be in the middle of being raised to the height that all of Silver City's structures seemed to be built to, before they came to a stop in an area that had a familiar button, one Ratchet and his siblings knew would summon Slim Cognito to their location, to make weapon upgrades, but given the prices that he asked for them Ratchet decided to ignore the button and use a teleport pad to return to the ship.

After checking out the other path, and figuring out what was at the end of it, the siblings and Angela approached the main bridge that lead into Silver City, or at least from the docking area anyway, and found that a number of Thugs were on the other side, who noticed them and fired in their direction not a few seconds later, causing the group to open fire on all of their enemies as they used some of the cover to protect themselves. For Starswirl this proved to be a good chance to use the Spiderbot Glove, hence why he deployed one and found that he was able to move it all the way over to where some Thugs were currently standing, trying to blast them into submission, and he simply activated it's self destruct command to blow it up, damaging the Thugs to the point where it broke their defenses and allowed his group to move forward, which impressed Autumn a little as she made a note of what the weapon could actually do. These Thugs were more prepared for a fight, in comparison to those they had faced in the past, especially since it looked like there were some with red armor, a new addition that Ratchet assumed were the higher ranks of the mercenary group, who happened to be tougher than the lesser Thugs they had been dealing with, meaning that the Leader wanted them taken down if he was bringing out what had to be the big guns of his arsenal. Of course they did have to worry about pressing a button to move forward, revealing a number of enemies on the other side of the glass wall, though there was an area that had an Elite Thug and some ankle biters attacking a fountain, meaning there had to be something around it that interested them, but after taking them out all Ratchet found was some Bolt crates and explosives, so they collected the Bolts before heading down the other path to see where it took them.

Sure enough the path brought them to an area of Silver City that had an elevator that would bring them to an area that they had seen from the grind rails earlier, though it also brought them into contact with another force of Thugs, who just opened fire on Ratchet, his siblings, and Angela as they stepped into the area, meaning they definitely meant business and were going to stop at nothing to take them down.

"Someone must be paying them a lot of Bolts to send out so many of their mercenaries," Angela commented, swinging her lightsaber into the weapon of one Thug, cutting the weapon in half so it couldn't be used against them, and as he glanced down at his ruined gun she jumped back before blasting him with the Minirocket Tube, though as she did that Ratchet did his part by swinging his wrench into the Elite Thug that was part of this group and knocked him backwards, even though she found that his first attack smashed his target's weapon.

"Especially the Elites," Starswirl replied, where he weaved his magic around the area they were in and blasted several of the lesser Thugs backwards, knocking them into the walls and whatnot, while also taking out some ankle biters as well, all while Autumn seemed to dance around all of their enemies before knocking them down, which he suspected might be yet another influence of her magic, since they were still learning things about it, "still, it means we should learn something while we're here... we just have to find whatever that something is."

Angela nodded as they finished clearing out the area, allowing them to collect their Bolts before heading to the elevator in question, which did bring all four of them up to a walkway that several of the grind rails passed by, just like they thought, and sure enough they found the Thugs they had seen earlier standing guard, causing them to open fire without wasting a single second, showing their enemies that they meant business. Of course facing off against Elite Thugs meant things were a bit harder for them, since they were supposed to be far stronger and have more experience than the lesser ones, and it did give the lesser Thugs a chance to see how their superiors operated while in the field, or at least that would have been the case had Ratchet, his siblings, and Angela been anyone else. As such the four of them blasted their way through the Thugs that happened to be up here before finding their way to another elevator, one that brought them down into a new section of Silver City and they found a number of Thugs, Lesser and Elite, guarding the area in question, causing them to open fire on their enemies before the elevator even came to a stop, by using the Pulse Rifle. With someone providing a bit of cover for them with the rifle, combined with the magical powers of Autumn and Starswirl, the group wiped out the area and walked up to what all of the Thugs had been guarding, another elevator that brought them up to where they found an Armor Vendor and a Weapon Vendor, hence why they used the latter to restock their ammunition.

After doing that they found that the only way forward was to step onto the other opening that was part of this building and let it swing down, allowing them to switch to the Magneboots function before walking down the side of the tower, where all sorts of openings opened in front of them and revealed that a number of Thugs were waiting for them, but Autumn just chuckled as she used a bit of magic to knock their enemies out of the way. Such a thing allowed her and the others to walk down the side of the building and found an opening that allowed them to move deeper into Silver City, even though it was followed by an Elite Thug appearing before Angela knocked him off the walkway they were on, to which they walked onto solid ground once more and faced the open area that was in front of them. Sure enough they found a number of Thugs all over the place, plus some ankle biters, to which the group quickly dropped down into the area in question before opening fire on all of the Thugs that happened to be in their way, who seemed surprised to find that they had gotten this far and it served as a way to weaken their defenses before taking them down. With this area secured Ratchet made his way up to yet another elevator and the others followed after him, where it brought them to where a Swingshot target rested, over a gap to be exact, and some Lesser Thugs opened fire on them while some Elite Thugs walked on the spiraling walkway behind them, though at this point none of them held back, despite the fact that Autumn was saving her RYNO II for when she and the others were totally surrounded, but that wasn't right now.

With the rest of their weapons they were able to take out the Thugs that were guarding the Swingshot target and Angela, who had switched to her own Pulse Rifle, took out the enemies who had been on the spiraling walkway, though with that done they crossed over the gap and quickly walked over the walkway in question, finding that it brought them to another elevator, which seemed to be very common in Silver City. That elevator brought them to an area that had all sorts of Thugs that had formed a defensive perimeter around a doorway, though as the Elite Thugs opened fire on them Starswirl used his magic to form a barrier before they deployed their Spiderbots for a time, allowing them to carefully walk up the sides of the nearby walls and detonate on all of the enemies that were on the other side of this area. Autumn chuckled as they took down all of the Thugs that were in this area and opened the way for them to move forward, as she kind of liked this weapon, even if it didn't have the power of every other weapon they had found so far, where she and the others stepped through the doorway and found that it allowed them to walk down the side of the building, which seemed to be linked to a large stadium of some kind, their final destination no doubt. Sure enough they found a number of openings that revealed a number of Thugs, just like before, so they wasted no time in allowing Autumn and Starswirl to knock them over the edge as they found a way into the heart of the building, which seemed to lead right to the stadium, allowing Ratchet, both of his siblings, and Angela to step into the empty area.

"Damn it, we missed him... if he was here at all." Angela remarked, as there was nothing in the stadium to suggest that Mr. Fizzwidget had been here, as there were no supplies or items scattered around that would suggest that someone from Megacorp set up shop on this planet, unless the commercial was for another city and she just assumed it had had meant that the event would take place in this city.

"Greetings morons," a voice said, where they turned around and found that the Thug Leader, joined by several Elite Thugs who seemed pleased to see them all, was behind them, standing in the hallway that brought them to this building, though he held a device that seemed like a trigger of some kind and made them wonder what he could be activating, despite the fact that the Leader had a smile on his face, "the lot of you walked right into my trap!"

A few seconds later an electric field activated all around the stadium and sent a shock into their systems, with more than enough force to knock them down to the floor, though as that happened Autumn growled and her body shuddered as she shifted into her enraged state, something that caused the Leader to freak out before increasing the voltage as he focused on her, causing her to fall to the ground as well before she and the others blacked out.

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