• Published 6th Jul 2020
  • 814 Views, 39 Comments

Equestria Boys - SuperPinkBrony12

(Takes place within the "Stallion Six" universe and set before Chapter 217.) As he prepares to take the throne, Shining Arrmor reflects back on a mission to another world many years ago. A world where everyone is a human.

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Fight For the Crown

Since next day was a weekend day that meant there was no school. The Fall Formal would be hosted as planned inside the gymnasium of Canterlot High that night, and it seemed as if everything was going to work out just fine for Shining Armor after all. He would reclaim his crown, locate Sunset Shimmer and return to Equestria with both crown and Sunset safely in tow.

There was only one thing that still had to be sorted out, which Fancy Pants brought up while the group spent the day hanging out around the city limits. "If you're going to attend the Fall Formal, you absolutely must dress up for the occasion. Nothing too fancy but you do need to look sharp."

"You mean the clothes I already have on aren't good enough?" Shining questioned Fancy Pants. "It seems like it would be a waste to have new clothes for just a few hours, especially since clothes aren't normally worn back in Equestria. They're really more of a fashion statement than anything else."

Braeburn giggled. "You mean to tell me that in Equestria everyone is... naked?"

Shining blushed. "I suppose you could say that. I actually almost took off my clothes when I first got here, but Spike talked me out of it."

"More of an observation than anything," Spike pointed out. "But you really should change into something better for the Fall Formal. It's like your coronation. And something like that deserves adding a bit of flair to your wardrobe. It's your big night, after all."

The disguised prince sighed in agreement. "Oh, very well. But let's keep it simple, no sense splurging on something that's only gonna be used for one night."

The five boys then took Shining to various stores to try on different outfits, but none really interested him. At last, however, the disguised prince found something that stood out to him! It reminded him of the lovely red button dress he had worn for his royal wedding to Cadence, an outfit that had previously belonged to his favorite uncle. And best of all, the dress was not very expensive.

The rest of the group purchased various outfits of their own to wear for the dance, mostly just button suits and matching pants and ties. And Fancy Pants even managed to allow the group to ride to the Fall Formal in a limousine, a vehicle far fancier than any carriage or chariot Shining had seen back in Equestria.

Finally, all was ready and night dawned. It was time for the Fall Formal! The big night had arrived!

As the group of six rode back to Canterlot High (Spike this time resting comfortably on Shining's lap instead of being forced into the stuffy backpack yet again), none of them gave much thought to Sunset Shimmer or her noticeable absence all day. Even Shining believed she would be little trouble now that she had basically been defeated.

But they were going to learn before long that Sunset wasn't down and out just yet. With her time as Fall Formal Princess about to come to an end, Sunset Shimmer was preparing to put her plan of last resort into action to ensure she would come out on top.

After departing from the limo, Shining let his friends get ahead of him while he tended to Spike. The school still had a policy prohibiting pets, and without the backpack there was no way to smuggle him without someone noticing. So the dog that was actually a dragon would have to stay outside and wait for Shining Armor to return. "Stay out of trouble, Spike," Shining told him as he let him loose around the outside. "And don't think of sneaking through the portal without me. I shouldn't be long."

"I'll be good and wait right here, like a faithful companion should!" Spike saluted. "Just try not to have too much fun. We don't have all night you know."

"I haven't forgotten, Spike," Shining nodded. "And remember to stay quiet. Aside from our friends no one else knows you can talk." Then he headed inside, ready to receive his crown.

However, upon entering the school and making his way to the gym with the others, Shining quickly noticed a distinct lack of a certain someone. "There's no sign of Sunset Shimmer." He said aloud to his friends as he started to worry. He'd been hoping to quickly capture her before she could inevitably try to do something to delay his return to Equestria.

The others didn't have the same concerns. Soarin in particular just remarked. "Ah, she probably turned tail and ran away. It's just like her to be a sore loser and not show up when she knows she's not gonna win. Don't worry, you can leave her to us. Once she's no longer Fall Formal Princess, no one will ever listen to a word she says. And if she causes anymore trouble we'll stop her for you!"

"But she'll still be at large from Equestria, meaning her crimes will go unpunished and she and Princess Celestia will never get a chance to make amends." Shining thought to himself. But he knew there was little he could do about it if indeed Sunset had already fled.

Big Macintosh was quick to ask Shining. "So what's your plan, exactly? You gonna ask for your crown now and leave?"

"Nah, I figure I can enjoy myself for a while," Shining pointed out as he shook his head. "As long as I have my crown in hand before midnight and have enough time to slip back through the portal, everything will be a-okay," Then he whispered to Big Mac. "And I'm gonna have to ask that you and the others stay quiet about our little 'secret'. It's best for both worlds if they don't know about any of this."

Big Mac nodded in agreement. "Eeyup. You needn't worry, though. Your secret's safe with us. Even if it was just for a little while, I'm glad we got to know you. You've been more of a help here than you might think, and we won't soon forget what you've achieved."

"That's enough talk, let's just enjoy this night!" Thunderlane declared. "We've earned it."

Time seemed to pass slowly for everyone at the Fall Formal. It was as if there was something magical in the air that made time last longer than it normally would've.

But eventually the music stopped and the lights dimmed. Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna took the stage with a wooden box behind them. The box was opened as a crown instantly recognizable to all was pulled out and displayed prominently! "Ladies and gentlemen," Principal Celestia announced over a microphone placed on a stand on a stage. "It's the moment you've all been waiting for. Your votes have been tallied. Without further ado, I am pleased to announce that your Fall Formal Princess... or I should say 'Prince' is..." There was a tense silence for a moment even though all knew the likely outcome. "Shining Armor!"

The entire gym burst into thunderous applause and a deafening chorus of cheers and whistles! When the noise had died down a little, Vice Principal Luna then declared. "Shining Armor, please come to the stage to accept your reward," Shining did so without hesitation, smiling as the crown he knew to be his was placed on his head. Vice Principal Luna then continued to say. "It is with great pleasure that we bestow upon you the Crown of Fall Formal. You've more than earned it after everything you've done to make this school a better place."

Shining rose, bowed and spoke a few brief words. "Thank you very much. I'm honored to have lifted the spirits of Canterlot High to new heights. And I hope you'll work to continue to carry out that sense of community and togetherness that made this moment possible."

"Once more, give it up for your Fall Formal Prince: Shining Armor!" Principal Celestia instructed as the crowd cheered anew and then the music started to play again.

Shining Armor made his way down from the stage, still wearing his crown as he looked at his friends. Against all odds he had done what everyone at the school believed was impossible. Sunset Shimmer had been defeated and along with it everyone's perception of her being invincible.

Yet just as there seemed to be nothing but good news for all, Shining happened to spot two familiar faces at the rear of the gym: Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. They seemed to be trying to get his attention for some reason and he soon knew why. Nestled firmly in the grip of Diamond's arms was none other than Spike, squirming and struggling to no avail to escape!

"If you want your dog back you'll have to come to the front of the school." Diamond Tiara explained.

"Yeah, by the statue. Sunset Shimmer's expecting you," Silver Spoon taunted. "You'd better not keep her waiting. She says you don't have much time." Then she and Diamond left with Spike in tow!

Without bothering to say anything to any of his friends, Shining Armor immediately rushed for the exit! He promptly dashed out of the gym, down the hallways and out of the school. Unknown to him the five boys followed, all concerned about what would happen to Spike.

Just as Diamond and Silver had said, Sunset Shimmer was indeed waiting for the disguised prince by the statue. Diamond still held onto Spike quite firmly, as Sunset was brandishing a sledgehammer just off to the side of the statue's base where the portal was located.

By now, Spike had abandoned all pretenses of staying quiet! He was loudly shouting out! "Put me down this instant or I'll bite your fingers off! I'm warning you!"

"Oh shut up you overgrown fleabag!" Diamond roared back. "Sink your teeth into me and I'll tell my daddy on you. He'll see to it that you're put down right on the spot! Nothing personal, but I've got orders."

Spike growled. "I'll tell you where you can stick your orders!"

Sunset, however, just smiled as she praised Diamond. "Excellent job, Diamond Tiara. Doesn't take much for you to do what I want around here, now does it? Makes you wonder why my simple instructions over the past day were so hard for you and Silver to follow."

Shining wanted nothing more than to charge at Sunset right that very moment to rescue Spike, but he knew from royal guard training that that was not a good move. In hostage situations it was never a smart idea to provoke the hostage taker if you couldn't guarantee the hostage's safety. So instead he forced himself to grit his teeth and stay where he was. "Sunset, I'm only gonna say this once. You tell Diamond Tiara to let Spike go, unharmed. It's me you want, so don't drag him into this."

Sunset Shimmer nodded. "Your intellect is quite sharp, prince," The last part of her statement was delivered with noticeable malice. "Not as sharp as mine but certainly close. You're right that it's you I want. You're the one who's ruined everything for me. I just needed to make sure I got your attention," Turning to Diamond Tiara she instructed. "I got what I wanted, Spike is of no further use to me. And I know he's harmless, so there's no reason to provoke this young man. Release Spike."

Diamond reluctantly did so as she loosened her grip. Spike dropped down and immediately dashed to Shining's side! "Just give it up, Sunset! Shining's already got the crown!"

Sunset grinned as she tightened her hold on the sledgehammer. "Won't do him any good. I'm going to smash the portal, making sure neither of us can go back to Equestria! If I can't rule this school I'll at least take some satisfaction in forcing the prince to stay here with me."

Shining scoffed at the threat. "I'm calling your bluff, Sunset. The portal's still functional for now."

"But it won't be for much longer. As soon as the full moon starts to dip from directly overhead, the portal will close," Sunset explained. "And the moment it does I will shatter this statue's base!" She then threatened. "Don't even think about trying to make a run for it. I have more control over my own body than you do with yours, I'm smarter than you. Come near me, and one blow from this sledgehammer will knock you out cold and that's if you're lucky."

Shining glared at Sunset. "So you're resorting to violence? You would attack me here, in front of all these witnesses?"

A sadistic smirk crept on Sunset's face as she declared. "Since you keep getting in my way I see no other choice. Of course, there is one way we can end this without a fuss. Just give me the crown, give up your title here and go back to Equestria. After all, don't you want to see your real friends again? And what about your sister and your wife? I may not have learned everything there is to know about you, but I've been stalking your counterpart in this world long enough to know what I need to know. So, what's it gonna be? Better hurry, because once the portal closes I won't have any need to make the offer I'm making now."

Whatever anyone might have been expecting, Shining Armor's response after just a moment of contemplation shocked them all. "You're not getting my crown back, Sunset Shimmer! Destroy the portal and trap us both here if you want. Equestria will find a way to survive without me if it must. But I won't let you continue to terrorize this world in your mad obsession with power."

Sunset Shimmer growled and roared as she dropped the sledgehammer! "Oh, you're ruining everything again! You just can't ever let me win, can you?!" She complained, briefly sobbing. "You're even worse than the princess," Then her eyes narrowed as she declared. "That's it! You've pushed me far enough! It's time I took matters into my own hands! Get over here!" She promptly lunged at Shining Armor!

Frantic and in a fit of desperation, Shining tossed his crown towards Spike! Spike snatched it, only to immediately be scooped up by a frightened Diamond Tiara (Silver Spoon was in a state of shock and didn't know what to think). Spike in turn tossed the crown to the first person he saw "open", Big Macintosh.

This caused a scuffle as Diamond and Silver reluctantly entered the fray, thinking that Sunset would surely berate them and betray them if they didn't try to help her out. The crown changed hands multiple times, never truly remaining in anyone's possession for very long. All the way the news of a disturbance out front had drawn the entire school, and even some people who had been walking nearby. Yet even the gathered crowd only stand there and watch. Things were unfolding too fast for anyone to keep track of who was who and what was what.

Eventually, however, the crown found itself resting with a new owner. And unfortunately it wasn't the one who rightfully belonged to. Sunset Shimmer had managed to emerge from the chaos with the crown firmly in her hands, and she held it up high as she dramatically declared. "It's mine again! No one's gonna take it away from me! NO ONE!"

All the others stopped fighting as they gazed upon a triumphant Sunset Shimmer. Shining Armor felt a knot form in his stomach as he now recalled Sunset's conversation with him the day before. Her words about an Element of Harmony in the human world, though vague, began playing in his mind as realization dawned on him. This was Sunset's final, desperate gambit! "Sunset, I'm warning you!" He called to her. "If you don't give me back my crown right now, whatever happens next is on you. Please, don't do this! There's no reason to drag this out, give up and come back to Equestria with me."

"Never! I'll never go back!" Sunset protested as she placed the crown over her head. "I didn't wanna have to do this. I really didn't wanna have to do this. But you've forced my hand, and now you and your pathetic rag-tag group of friends will pay!" Forcing back tears she then declared to everyone. "I know what you all think of me now. You think I'm just a monster. Well then, let me show you how much of a monster I can be!" She lowered the crown, placing it on her forehead quite firmly.

Sunset's eyes glowed white as a sickly green aura with hints of some kind of black energy seeping out enveloped her completely! There was a blinding flash that lit up the night sky brighter than the full moon! No one knew who or what would emerge from this pillar of light. But a sickening feeling formed in the hearts of all as they seemed to realize that whatever it would be would not be good.

Author's Note:

Pretty much agrees that the original film began to fall apart in the third act (there's even a trope name for it entitled "Third Act Stupidity") for a variety of reasons. Among them is Sunset Shimmer's threat to Twilight about the portal. We later learn that she was only bluffing, but her threat to destroy the portal right on the spot doesn't hold up when you remember that the portal has yet to close. So if she actually tried to destroy it she would really just cause the sledgehammer to go through the portal and into Equestria.

I changed that so that her intent is to wait out the clock and then destroy the portal when it's closed. I also cut "This Is Our Big Night" since again it's just a montage song, and it only existed in the movie for a montage of Twilight and the human five trying on different outfits.

And I wanted to offer more of an explanation as to how Spike ended up abducted, and why Spike didn't just go back to Equestria while on his own.