• Published 6th Jul 2020
  • 814 Views, 39 Comments

Equestria Boys - SuperPinkBrony12

(Takes place within the "Stallion Six" universe and set before Chapter 217.) As he prepares to take the throne, Shining Arrmor reflects back on a mission to another world many years ago. A world where everyone is a human.

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Homecoming Reunions

After lunch, the rest of the school day came and went without fanfare for Shining Armor. And he had just enough between each class period once he learned where he was going to let Spike out of his backpack (even if it was only for quick little "emergencies"). He also noticed that neither Sunset Shimmer or either of her two "underlings" had tried to make any move on him. Assuming they were still planning something they had decided for the time being not to act.

When the first day came to an end, Shining immediately rushed outside and went around back. After making sure the coast was clear and no one else was around, he opened his backpack again and Spike was now once more free to run around.

"About time, I was bursting in there!" Spike exclaimed as he was visibly panting. "Seriously, we need to find a better place for me to hide for the next two days."

"Sorry about that, Spike," Shining sincerely apologized. "I'll see if I can put a few air holes in there to freshen things up."

The dragon turned dog was relieved to hear that, but he still wouldn't give up on his plan. "I still say this is crazy! We've already wasted a day! Let's just grab the crown and get out of here, we don't owe these people anything. They may look like and sound like our friends but they're not our friends. You know that and I know that."

Shining shook his head, he was not going to change his mind. "I've already come this far, Spike. I might as well see it through to the end. I simply can't allow Sunset Shimmer to do what she wants to anymore. If I don't stop her while I'm here now, I may not get another chance, to say nothing of my chances of apprehending her. And I'll be darned if I let another threat to Equestria get away. Having Chrysalis still at large is bad enough, and I can't shake the feeling that Sombra isn't quite as dead as everypony thinks."

Spike only replied. "Well just don't forget that your plan is gonna be cutting it mighty close. I really don't wanna have to be stuck as a dog for Celestia knows how long!"

"Don't worry, Spike, that won't happen!" Shining vowed. "If worse does come to worse I'll just take the crown at the Fall Formal and then make a tactical retreat. In that case I'll come back for Sunset Shimmer next time the portal opens. But I'm hoping I don't have to make a return trip. I'm hoping I can accomplish everything I set out to do when I got here."

The rest of the day passed uneventfully for the two following that discussion. They spent their time observing the many sights and sounds that Canterlot City had to offer, taking notice of how similar yet different it was from the Canterlot they knew back in Equestria. Some things hadn't changed: There was still a Sugarcube Corner sweet shop run by a Mr. and Mrs. Cake. And there was a Sweet Apple Acres just outside of town where the Apple family lived. But instead of a royal guard there was a local police force. And there were noticeably more technologically advanced locations that included a massive arcade encased within a building (Ponyville had the closest equivalent with a few video game cabinets scattered around an outdoor park).

But as day began to turn to night, a new problem presented itself to Shining and Spike. They would need to find a place to at least spend the night, and no such location seemed like it would accept them (especially when Shining didn't have an acceptable amount of the local currency on him).

Salvation came in an unlikely source, through a chance meeting with Big Macintosh not far from the school. Big Mac was more than a little surprised to see Shining so close to dark. "Hey, what are ya doin' here?" He questioned. "There's nothin' to see or do here after dark at this time of year. Plus it's a school night. You should be at home."

Shining fought back a gulp. "Well that's the thing, I don't really... have a home here."

"What? Don't you have any money? I ain't buyin' for a sec your folks would let you transfer to Canterlot High without settin' somethin' up," Big Mac frowned. "You better not be tryin' to rope me into anythin' illegal!"

"There's nothing illegal going on, I just don't have enough money to find a place to stay," Shining confessed while tugging at the collar of his shirt. "I guess I didn't really think things through. And unfortunately my folks aren't gonna be in town for a few more days. I really hate to ask, but do you suppose it would be okay if I stayed with you and your family until then?"

Big Macintosh was understandably skeptical of this suggestion. He'd learned long ago to be suspicious of strangers when they made offers like that, especially at times like this when there wasn't anybody around to witness whatever might happen.

But taking one look at Shining's eyes stirred something inside of Big Mac. The boy couldn't really explain it, but he felt like he was obligated to help out. As if this guy wasn't as much of a stranger as he claimed to be. "...I suppose there's no harm, we always have a few extra guest bedrooms in case relatives or cousins decide to stop by for a visit," He explained. "But I don't wanna hear any complaints about your venue. You go to bed when you're told, get up when you're told and eat whatever you're served. And if you're asked to help out around the farm, you gotta agree. Hope that's not gonna be a problem for you."

Shining shook his head. "Oh no, not at all," And he smiled as he gave the human Big Mac a hug. "Thank you! You have no idea how big of a help you're being with this."

"Thank me later, I still gotta clear it up with Granny Smith. Ever since my folks died she's been my legal guardian, and the same goes for my sisters," Big Macintosh explained. "Granny ain't quite as quick to give hospitality to strangers, even if I make 'em promise to work on the farm if needed."

"Don't worry, I've already met your grandmother. She was the one who told me to talk to you," Shining Armor replied with a smile. And then he thought of something else. "By the way, not that I mean to change the subject but would you by any chance know if..."

Big Mac interrupted as he guessed. "If Cousin Braeburn's comin'? Well it's your lucky day, or rather night. He was supposed to start school here today, but the only bus to Canterlot from where he's from broke down. He should be here tomorrow though if you wanna talk to him."

"Great!" Shining smiled. "And is there any chance you know where I can find Fancy Pants? It's kind of urgent that I talk to him too, and the same goes for Soarin."

But Big Macintosh sighed as he led Shining Armor to a waiting pick-up truck loaded up with crates of apples. "Soarin and I used to be friends, but ever since Sunset Shimmer came along we ain't really spoken to each other. Not sure if it's cause he thinks I'm a coward for goin' silent, or somethin' else. Doesn't really matter though, he's gonna be graduatin' in about a semester or two. As for Fancy Pants, he's been a student here since late last quarter, but he's hard to get a hold of. Still, I'll see what I can do when we get back to my place."

"If you can put a word for me and let them know I need their support that would be great," Shining Armor told Big Macintosh as he climbed into the passenger seat of the pick-up truck. He was surprised to see Big Mac get into the driver's seat. "Wait, this contraption is yours?!"

Closing the driver side door behind him, Big Mac firmly nodded. "Eeyup. Got my license just last year. Granny insisted I do so so she wouldn't always have to drive to market to drop off our crops," After making sure his passenger had securely buckled himself in (though he had to demonstrate how to do this), he instructed. "Now don't you worry, I ain't one of those drivers who likes to show off. If I did I wouldn't still be drivin' this old hand me down that's been in my family since my dad was about my age. But it's really the only thing I've got left to remember him by, and for drives to and from town she gets the job done good enough. So just relax." He then pressed down on a pedal, and the two drove off into the night.

Author's Note:

While it makes sense for Twilight to sleep in a library from a character standpoint, it doesn't make a whole lot of sense from a narrative standpoint since they never explain or handwave that she made a deal to stay.

And while the IDW comics are secondary canon (meaning canon unless official show/movie material contradicts them), the infamous 2014 holiday special that takes place in the Equestria Girls universe suggests that Sunset Shimmer also sleeps in the library. So assuming that was true in the first Equestria Girls movie, it's never explained how she and Twilight didn't ever meet even by accident.

We know human Big Mac is able to drive as of the start of "Dance Magic", and I wanna say that an old pick-up truck was shown at the EQG Sweet Apple Acres much sooner than that but I can't be sure. There is also a pick-up truck that pony Applejack had in the toyline, so human Big Mac having one here can also be a reference to that.

And I wanted to offer up an explanation for how both human Braeburn and human Fancy Pants could join the group, since again from what I can recall we never officially saw them at any point in the EQG universe.