• Published 6th Jul 2020
  • 814 Views, 39 Comments

Equestria Boys - SuperPinkBrony12

(Takes place within the "Stallion Six" universe and set before Chapter 217.) As he prepares to take the throne, Shining Arrmor reflects back on a mission to another world many years ago. A world where everyone is a human.

  • ...

A Broken Heart

When the light faded again, the ground below where Sunset Shimmer had been hovering was now a smoldering crater that was charred black all around. Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon had reverted back to normal (though still shaken with fright from the whole experience), but there was no indication as to what Sunset's fate was.

Spike momentarily forgot that the entire student and faculty body of Canterlot High was now freed from Sunset's mind control as he clapped his paws, stood up on two legs and cheered loudly! "Alright! Way to go, Shining! That's what I'm talking about!" By the time he realized his mistake it was too late.

"Hey, did you guys hear that?" A student spoke up. "The dog just talked. Does anyone else find that weird or is it just me?"

Another student whispered back. "Dude, after everything that's happened here tonight, I'd say a talking dog is the least weird thing of all. That light show was super freaky."

The five teenage boys touched back as their pony like forms faded, and Shining Armor descended and reverted to his human appearance shortly thereafter. "So, did we... you know... win?" Braeburn hopefully asked, unsure of what to say or how to feel.

"It looks like we did," Thunderlane commented. "Sunset Shimmer won't be giving us anymore trouble. But what do you suppose happened to her? I hope she's still alive."

Sunset was, Shining Armor and all the others watched as the defeated teenage girl managed to pull herself up out of the crater. Her body was bruised all over and her hair was frazzled, but otherwise she showed no signs of being any worse for wear.

If the teenager had been at all changed by what had been done to her, she didn't show it outwardly. She instead crawled forward, extending her arms even though it was clear she lacked the energy to do much of anything. "It... can't end... like this..." She weakly protested before she collapsed. "I... must... have my... revenge."

Shining just scolded her as he shook his head back and forth. "It's over, Sunset Shimmer. You've lost! You will never threaten anyone or anything in either world ever again."

Flash Sentry then stepped forward, soon gazing upon the weakened state of the girl he'd broken up with not too long ago. "Just look at you now, Sunset Shimmer. You're pathetic," He jeered at her. "When we broke up, you said I'd regret it. You said I'd come crawling back to you someday. But it looks like you're the one who's been reduced to crawling. You're lucky my dad's not here, or he'd have you arrested on the spot for your crimes."

However, Shining raised a hand and cut Flash off. "That's quite enough of that, Flash. There's no need to resort to such petty conduct. And that goes for everyone gathered here. This is not the time to get even, it won't solve anything or erase the pain she's caused."

"But she still needs to pay!" Fancy Pants protested.

"And pay she will," Shining declared as he retrieved his crown and placed it back atop his head. "As prince of Equestria and the Crystal Empire, as well as Captain of Equestria's Royal Guard, I'm officially taking Sunset Shimmer back to stand trial in Equestria for crimes against the crown."

But of course, Sunset Shimmer weakly protested as she raised an arm. "No! Please, don't take me back! I already told you I'm never going back!" By this point tears began to well up inside her, and she lost any will to hold them back. The girl wept openly since it was the only thing she could do. "This world gave me a new lease on life. Back in Equestria, I'm just a former student and a traitor. I'd have no future there."

Shining Armor wasn't so convinced. "It's not like you'd be locked away in a dungeon or turned to stone," Then he realized something. "This isn't about going back, it's about having to face Princess Celestia."

Sunset weakly nodded. "I know what she must think of. She hates me. I don't blame her, I'd hate myself too if I were in her horseshoes."

"Why do you think the portal wasn't destroyed the moment you slipped through it," Shining pointed out. "Princess Celestia never gave up on you, Sunset. She always held out hope that you'd come back one day. She never meant for either my sister or myself to be your replacement. But life goes on, the Elements of Harmony had to be wielded by somepony worthy and my sister's magical abilities basically required the kind of tutoring only a princess could provide. If you come back to Equestria with me, look Princess Celestia deep in the eyes, and tell her sincerely how sorry you are I'm sure she could find it in her heart to forgive you."

Sunset Shimmer only retorted back. "You don't know that. As soon as I step back through the portal it's out of your hooves."

Shining then pointed out. "Think about it like this, Sunset Shimmer. You never got a chance to say goodbye to your mother, did you?"

"No," Sunset answered as bitter memories she'd long suppressed came bubbling back up to the surface. "We weren't on speaking terms and it all happened so fast. The day after I'd heard she was sick she'd already died."

"Well, at the very least don't you think you owe it to Princess Celestia to give a proper goodbye?" Shining proposed. "You could come back to Equestria to apologize and make amends, and then you could return to this world to live the rest of your days in solitude."

Nothing would convince Sunset Shimmer, however. "Forget about me. Forget about this world. Destroy the portal after you return so that no one else may repeat the mistakes I've made," She pleaded. "Please, I beg of you."

It was then that Principal Celestia stepped forward, clearing her throat. "Assuming that what you've publicly announced is true, which surprisingly I don't find hard to believe anymore, Sunset Shimmer still has a long list of crimes she has committed in our world. Not just at Canterlot High either. As my sister will attest, Sunset has had more than her fair share of run ins with the law."

Vice Principal Luna scowled as she nodded. "Indeed. More than once I've been called to basically bail her out of juvenile detention since she lacks any permanent legal guardians."

Shining was understandably hesitant at the idea of letting Sunset go when she was so close, especially since it would mean breaking the promise he'd made to Princess Celestia to bring Sunset back with him. "I don't know about this. Once I go back to Equestria, how do I know she won't slip through the cracks and go back to her old ways?"

"She won't, we'll see to it that she stays out of further trouble," Principal Celestia promised as she gestured to the five teenage boys surrounding Shining. "Seeing as these five played a big role in your defeat of Sunset Shimmer, it only seems fair to entrust them with being unofficial parole officers of sorts."

Flash Sentry volunteered. "I'll help too. It's probably the least I can do. I might even be able to talk my dad into letting her stay with us until she can get back on her feet. My dad isn't the chief of police around here for nothing, if Sunset steps out of line at all he'll be sure she regrets it in an instant. I can vouch for that." He seemed to briefly shudder as he said that.

Spike spoke up and pointed out. "We really don't have much time, you know. It's almost midnight. If we don't leave soon we'll never get back to Equestria. I know you made a promise, but I don't think Sunset Shimmer has any intention of coming back with us, either willingly or otherwise."

So it was that Shining sighed and reluctantly made a statement. "Well, I suppose this could be considered part of Sunset's punishment for her crimes against Equestria: Exile to this world she previously fled to," And he told the five friends. "I'm counting on you to continue my work. It's up to all of you to ensure that none of this ever happens again. But if it does, if Sunset should go wrong again, find a way to contact me and I will come back."

"You heard the man!" Soarin firmly declared to Sunset Shimmer. "Don't expect any mercy from any of us. You'd best watch your step, for your sake."

Sunset Shimmer weakly nodded. "Trust me, I've lost any desire to continue doing what I've done."

"Excellent," Principal Celestia smiled. "Then you won't object to helping clean up this mess. Your brief rampage blew the front of the school off. It's going to take some time to build a new one. And you can start first thing tomorrow, once I've had time to call the insurance company."

Shining Armor, meanwhile, went over to Spike. And then the two made their way to the base of the statue, preparing to depart back to Equestria. But Shining still found the time to give a brief farewell speech. "I trust all of you will keep what has unfolded here tonight to yourselves. Be assured that Spike and I will do the best we can on our part to conceal knowledge of your world. It's best for both worlds if neither knows the other exists."

Principal Celestia seemed to smirk. "You think anyone is going to believe that magical she-demons and flying teenagers caused any of this? Even the local tabloids wouldn't be able to dream up such a crazy story."

"Excellent," Shining smiled. "But don't be alarmed if one day I should happen to come back, or someone who looks strangely like your principal does. I have a feeling Princess Celestia may want to come and see Sunset Shimmer for herself someday if she should find the time." Then both he and Spike stepped through the portal and disappeared from sight.

"Best. Fall Formal. Ever!" The human Braeburn cheered at the top of his lungs afterward. And everyone had to agree that the night was going to be one that they would never forget even if they might want to.

Author's Note:

I definitely wanted to flesh out Sunset's breakdown and apology, because while Sunset would go on to get a really good redemption arc (and character) in "Rainbow Rocks" at the time many didn't like how she seemed to just get off the hook for everything she had done. There's also the matter of Twilight staying after Sunset's defeat for a dance, even though the portal is supposed to be about to close, which I decided to scrap here since it serves no narrative purpose.

I felt like it was important to add the clarifications on the importance of maintaining the secret in both worlds, even if both sides assume that no one in their worlds will believe the other world exists.

And on the subject of human Flash's father, I feel like I should specify before any kind of "implications" begin to be speculated: I see him as being a strict but firm parent who imposes a no-tolerance policy for any kind of misbehavior. But at worst he might occasionally perform a little bit of disciplinary spanking if he believes the situation calls for it, and he doesn't do it very often. I don't wish to start a debate on the subject, so I ask that you all be civil about it and avoid kind of provoking.