• Published 6th Jul 2020
  • 814 Views, 39 Comments

Equestria Boys - SuperPinkBrony12

(Takes place within the "Stallion Six" universe and set before Chapter 217.) As he prepares to take the throne, Shining Arrmor reflects back on a mission to another world many years ago. A world where everyone is a human.

  • ...

The Fire Within

The flash faded after only a minute or so although it felt much longer to everyone who had witnessed it. And the first thing they all became aware of was the faint sound of sobbing, sobbing that strangely enough sounded like it was coming from Sunset Shimmer.

"You did this to me, Shining Armor!" Sunset's voice roared, now seeming to take on an echo. "I hope you're pleased with yourself," And then, when she noticed the object of her scorn had yet to open his eyes she commanded. "Look at me!" Upon not immediately receiving a reply she shouted! "LOOK! AT! ME!"

Reluctantly, Shining lowered his arms and allowed his eyes to take in the sight before him. What he saw made his heart sink and his stomach churn.

Sunset's body had been warped and twisted all over. Her skin was a brilliant shade of crimson and her moderate cyan eyes were now reduced to small pupils surrounded by large circles of black. Her hair now looked like it was actually fire. And she even had a pair of bat-like wings as her hands had turned to claws. Yet the crown housing the Element of Magic remained atop her forehead.

"Sunset!" Shining Armor let out a gasp of horror! "What have you done to yourself?!"

"What you made me do!" Sunset hissed as her hair seemed to stand on end. "I'm hideous now! And it's all! Your! Fault!" Her body trembled as she spoke, though no tears were shed.

Shining just shook his head. "No, Sunset. You have done this to yourself. You've destroyed your own body for the sake of power. And now your true colors are visible to all," He promptly scolded. "This is exactly why Princess Celestia knew you weren't ready. The only thing you understand is power."

At that the she-demon declared. "You're right, Shining. Power is the only thing I understand, because power is all that matters. Without power you have nothing, without power you are nothing. And now I'm going to use the power I've been given to get my revenge! I will become stronger than even Princess Celestia, no one will ever ignore me or look down on me again! All will kneel before me and know my name!"

"Not while I'm still standing! I will never bow to the likes of you!" Shining dramatically declared to the she-demon. "Nothing you can do will change my mind."

But Sunset Shimmer replied as she began to grin. "You won't be standing for much longer, prince. You've messed with my plans for long enough, now I'm going to make you pay! Pay with your life for what you've forced me to do!"

Then Sunset took notice of Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon as the two rich girls were trying to make a run for it. "And just where do you two think you're going?" She hissed as her hands began to glow, and the fleeing duo were stopped right in their tracks. "You're going to abandon me? Me? After everything I've done for you?"

Despite the situation they were in, Diamond was able to pluck up courage as she forced back a gulp. "We don't like you anymore, Sunset. You're scary now."

"Oh, you're scared?" Sunset asked in a tone of mock sympathy. "Good! If you two dunderheads had simply done what I asked you to do in the first place, this would've never happened."

Silver defiantly hissed. "We're done serving you. we don't work for you any longer. We'll face the consequences for our many misdeeds on our own."

But Sunset just laughed as her hands started to glow again. "You assume I'm giving you a choice in the matter. You two can't get away from me that easily. I think it's time I made an example out of the both of you, and neither of you has any right to complain about it!" She promptly shot balls of sickly green energy from her hands down at the two girls.

Both Diamond and Silver screamed at the top of their lungs as the dark magic surged through them, transforming and mutilating them into miniature demons not unlike Sunset Shimmer herself. Everyone who had been watching from the school let out an audible gasp at seeing this, some even screamed!

"And as for the rest of you," Sunset began as she turned her attention to the entire school body. "You're going to serve me in a different way. You will be my mind slaves." It wasn't long before she was able to cast a huge beam over all the students and even the principal and vice principal. Their eyes rolled back into their heads, replaced by white glows to indicate that they no longer had any free will of their own.

Sunset Shimmer cackled with fiendish glee as Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon flew on either side of her, and she then turned her attention back to the one she resented so much. "Now it's just down to you and I, prince. By the way, spoiler alert: I was bluffing when I threatened to destroy the portal earlier. The portal between the worlds is the key to my entire plan," And she explained with a malicious grin. "Why be content with one measly high school when I can rule over both worlds? With this army at my disposal and your Element of Harmony aiding me, I will conquer Equestria! Then I'll stabilize the portal and take over this world!"

Shining stumbled back in disbelief. "This was your master plan all along? All because Princess Celestia wouldn't make you an alicorn?"

Sunset nodded. "You make it sound so complicated. I always knew I would have to make Princess Celestia realize her mistake and take the destiny that should've been mine for myself. But when your sister became Princess Celestia's prized protege and you became an alicorn prince, I realized that you'd both taken away what was rightfully mine. A mistake I'm about to correct!"

The disguised prince clenched his hands as he grit his teeth. "How sad. To think you've put all this effort into your plan, and yet you'll be defeated as soon as you step through the portal. Princess Celestia will be more than a match for you, and she'll have the support of Princess Luna and Princess Cadence! You can't possibly tell me you expect to best three alicorn princesses and my friends and sister!"

"Duh. Why do you think I've gathered this army?" Sunset pointed out with a malicious smirk. "I know old sunbutt well enough to know that she's too soft. She could never bring herself to let an innocent creature be harmed. And with this army of humans at my disposal, I have an endless supply of shields and bargaining chips."

Shining realized Sunset was probably right, and he couldn't think of a good retort to that argument. "But... but..." He stuttered as his words failed him.

The fiery she-demon just cackled anew. "You should've stolen back your crown when you had the chance. Oh well. I'll be sure to tell all your friends about your valiant attempt to stop me. How you came so close, only to fail in the end. So, are you gonna admit defeat? Or will you continue to resist? The choice is yours."

Shining Armor knew what his decision was going to be even before Sunset Shimmer offered it to him. But he was surprised to see the five humans he'd befriended approach and stand beside him. "All of you stay back!" He ordered. "I appreciate your concern but I can't ask you to risk yourselves for me any longer."

"No can do!" Soarin vowed. "We're all in this together, buddy!"

Big Macintosh nodded. "Eeyup. No way we're lettin' you face the battle of your life without back-up."

"Ah, how sweet, and pathetic," Sunset taunted and jeered. "But I don't care about any of you, just Shining Armor. He's been a thorn in my side for too long and it's time I removed it, permanently."

"I don't regret standing up to you, Sunset Shimmer," Shining Armor called. "It's not too late to save yourself. Give up now and we can both walk away from this!"

Sunset Shimmer only laughed. "Oh you'd love that, wouldn't you? Well I don't think so! I'm in control here!" She began to rub her hands together. "Oh what I'm gonna do to you, I'm just burning up thinking about it! There's nothing you can do to put this fire out!"

Shining simply replied as he looked up at Sunset. "We'll see about that."

"Famous last words," Sunset declared as her hands started to glow with that sickly green energy again. "Now burn! Burn to ashes!" She proceeded to hurl down a massive ball of the dark energy, intending to incinerate the only one she still perceived as a threat against her!

But not only was Shining Armor not burned, but a vibrant glow began to surround him and the five human boys that had stood beside him. They all began to rise into the night sky.

Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon tried to get close to stop the boys, but as soon as they reached out a hand the glow inflicted a searing, burning pain that caused them to howl!

Sunset Shimmer hovered where she was, all but speechless at the display unfolding before her. "W-what? This isn't possible! What's going on?!"

"True power comes from within, Sunset Shimmer," Shining Armor declared as the glow began to envelope him, causing him to gain wings and a horn. "And it's not just magic but also honesty, kindness, laughter, generosity and loyalty. Those are the elements that constitute the greatest magic of all: Friendship!"

As Shining spoke the five human counterparts to his friends were enveloped by the glow as well. Fancy Pants got a horn and Thunderlane and Soarin grew wings. And all six began to grow pony-like ears and tails. And then they all joined hands as the glow passed between them, illuminating the night sky.

Sunset defiantly growled as she shouted at the top of her lungs! "No! I will not be denied! I won't be cheated out of what's mine!"

"The power you're using is a power you're not meant to wield, a power you don't understand," Shining explained. "But the power contained with my Element of Harmony and the elements that are embodied within these five friends here, that's the power that will allow me to defeat you once and for all. Your reign of terror is coming to an end, forever!"

Just like that, a rainbow colored beam shot up from the group of six and then descended onto Sunset Shimmer! It also enveloped Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, making the ground shake and the wind blow fiercely! Once again, a blinding flash illuminated the area. A flash that lasted for but a moment or two before fading.

Author's Note:

Sunset's demon form is treated like something she intended to have happen from the beginning, and it's also not made clear why or how she intends to use Canterlot High's students and faculty to conquer Equestria. Among the biggest problems she has as an antagonist is that she lacks a clear motive to do what she wants besides just being evil.

Again, the IDW comics do sort of expand upon this by elaborating more on Sunset's time as a pony and why she fled through the mirror, but it doesn't explain what her goal or motive becomes after that. So I wanted to try and flesh it out, turn it into more than a lust for power, a desire to get attention.

I also felt that there wasn't any reason as to why the transformed forms of the human six could have wings but not horns, besides the fact that Hasbro for whatever reason didn't make them for the toys. So I wanted to add the horns here.

We're getting close to the end, folks. At this current pace I expect to have the final chapter done by late Sunday. As for whether or not I'll do sequels/continuations/spin-offs exploring the other EQG films/specials, I haven't decided yet and probably won't make a decision anytime soon either way (I might do them some day and I might not).