• Published 6th Jul 2020
  • 814 Views, 39 Comments

Equestria Boys - SuperPinkBrony12

(Takes place within the "Stallion Six" universe and set before Chapter 217.) As he prepares to take the throne, Shining Arrmor reflects back on a mission to another world many years ago. A world where everyone is a human.

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Confrontation and Showdown

When the "group" arrived they had some time before classes were to begin for the day. That was more than enough time to track Soarin to the school's soccer field. His skin color was a very pale blue, just like his pony counterpart. And he had the same moderate emerald green eyes and very dark grayish blue eyes. He was currently wearing an alternating blue and yellow colored soccer uniform and matching shorts.

Yet before Shining Armor could try to talk to Soarin, he was most surprised when Sunset Shimmer of all people was standing outside the field as though she were waiting for him. And indeed she was as she smiled in a not so friendly way. "Hello, Shining Armor. That is your name, isn't it?" Feigning ignorance she was quick to add. "I hear you're the one who's trying to challenge me for the Fall Formal. I'm glad we finally get to meet face to face."

Shining was not fooled even for a second. "You're not here for pleasantries, Sunset. What is it you want from me?"

Sunset continued to feign ignorance. "Want? Who says I want anything? Well, aside from a little chat between you and I, just so we understand each other. But would you deny me that? I would hope not for your sake."

Big Macintosh understandably protested the idea. "Don't listen to her, Shinin'! You owe her nothin'! This is how she's always acted just before she back stabs ya."

However, Shining was quick to reply. "I have to at least hear her out. She's obviously up to something if she wants to meet with me," And he approached Sunset Shimmer despite the others exchanging looks of worry. "Alright, Sunset. You've gotten my attention. Now drop the act and tell me what it is you want. As you said to Thunderlane the other day 'I know you know'."

Sunset Shimmer's smile seemed to fade as she remarked with a sigh. "Always so forward, but if that's really how you wanna play I suppose I'll go along. But not here, there's too many witnesses. We need to go somewhere where the two of us can talk, alone. After all, we both know that there's something that makes us special. And it's not just that we're both running for the same thing."

"What's she talking about?!" Fancy Pants inquired. "Are you keeping secrets from us, Shining?"

Shining struggled to keep his composure. "There's a time and place to have the discussion we need to have, but for now I need you to trust me and let me have this private talk with Sunset. I know it seems strange, but trust me when I say I know what I'm doing."

"Let's hope so, for all our sakes," Braeburn commented. "And don't take too long, classes will begin shortly. Once they do it's gonna be impossible to talk to Soarin again until lunch at the earliest."

Sunset led Shining away from the soccer field and into the school. They passed several classrooms and made their way around several hallways, until finally coming to a stop in one that was a dead end. Half of it was lit up like normal, but the other half was completely in the dark. Sunset explained. "They tried for years to get the light working in this hallway, but eventually they gave up and let it burn out. Every so often though it flicks back on, just like magic. You know, like the kind of magic that powers the portal between worlds. Or the kind of magic residing in an Element of Harmony."

Shining stood his ground. "Then you know how important my crown is, and why I need to get it back!"

"Well, if it means that much to you I suppose I'd be willing to cut a rare deal," Sunset offered. "I must admit I'm impressed you so easily countered that nasty video I set up. But do you really think your luck will hold until tomorrow night? Don't forget that the portal will close up for a very long time if you fail to retrieve your crown in time."

"What are you proposing, Sunset?" Shining asked with a quirked brow.

Sunset Shimmer smiled even as she stood in the darkened hallway. "I can get you your crown back, and you can return the original to its rightful place. But only on the condition that you never set foot into this world ever again! It's my domain now," She then grinned. "And your plan was to get your crown back, right? That's the only reason you entered the contest to begin with."

However, Shining Armor quickly replied. "That was my plan originally, but now I think I'm much more interested in putting a stop to your reign of terror at this school. Besides, I made a promise to Princess Celestia to bring you back to Equestria with me."

The teenaged girl laughed and threw back her head. "Let me give you some advice, prince," She ceased her laughing as the final line was delivered with cold, calculated malice. "Don't make promises you can't keep. You seriously think I'm gonna let you take this away from me? You and your sister already took away everything else that was important to me, everything I thought I'd always have in Equestria. So why would I want to go back to a world where I'm nothing but a wanted criminal and a disgraced former student?"

"Oh, so that's what is this about!" Shining realized as he narrowed his eyes at Sunset. "You're mad that Princess Celestia moved on and found a new student. You're mad that she found more worthy ponies to unlock the Elements of Harmony."

"And who wouldn't be?! Princess Celestia made me believe I was like no other pony when she took me in!" Sunset hissed as she clenched her fists. "I should've known that too was a lie, just like everything else she said and did. But she'll pay, and so will you and your sister. All of Equestria will pay," Then she adopted a knowing smile as she commented. "There's a reason I stole your crown, you know. I bet you'd never imagine what can happen when you introduce an Element of Harmony to a world such as this. A world where magic doesn't yet exist except in the world of children's fairy tales and make believe."

Shining staggered back in shock as his eyes widened! "Sunset, do you have any idea what kind of horror you'd unleash on this world?! I don't but I'm certain it can't be good."

Sunset only laughed anew. "Like I care what you think. I just felt it was fair to warn you."

"It doesn't have to be like this!" Shining insisted as he approached Sunset and looked her firmly in the eyes. "End this madness and give up! We can both return to Equestria unharmed, and I might just be able to spare you from a terrible fate."

"Fat chance! I've come too far to turn back now because of you. Far as I'm concerned, you're just an extension of old sunbutt, and I hate her!" Sunset coldly remarked. "By all means, keep doing what you're doing. Oppose me if you're so determined to win back your crown. You won't succeed, but I'll enjoy watching you fail. Those who get in my way always end up crushed one way or another. So don't say I didn't warn you when the time comes," She then effortlessly switched back to her innocent persona as she declared. "I think I've held you up long enough. See you soon, prince."

Sunset left the hallway as quickly as she had brought Shining to it, and Shining returned to the soccer field where the others were waiting.

"I can't believe you agreed to that!" Thunderlane remarked with dismay! "Now I know there's something different about you. I can't imagine any normal person doing even half of the things you're doing."

Fancy Pants, meanwhile, asked with concern. "You were gone for a couple of minutes. What did you and Sunset Shimmer discuss?"

"Nothing that would concern the likes of you for the time being. I don't think it was an idle threat but at the same time I'm not sure she actually intends to go through with whatever it is she has planned," Shining commented before shaking his head. "But that's not important right now. What is important is that I get Soarin onboard so we can put my plan into action. Is he still here? Please tell me he is!"

Gesturing a hand across the soccer field, Big Macintosh pointed directly to Soarin. "He's still here. Classes haven't started yet, but they will soon. If you're gonna talk to him you'd better do it now, and you'd better do it fast."

So Shining did. He strolled across the field in a somewhat clumsy fashion and approached the young soccer star. Clearing his throat, he began to introduce himself. "Excuse me, I'm-"

But Soarin spun around, locking eyes with Shining Armor and cutting him off. "-Shining Armor. Yeah, I've heard of you. You're the new kid, right? The one who's looking to take down Sunset Shimmer and finally knock her off that high horse she rides on?"

"High horse?" Shining blinked in confusion.

"Figure of speech," Soarin quickly replied. "Anyway, I was told you wanted to meet with me. And I'm guessing it's got something to do with Sunset Shimmer."

The disguised prince nodded in confirmation. "You catch on fast, that's exactly why I'm talking to you. I have a plan, and you're absolutely vital to its success. So will you help me?"

Soarin answered in a noticeably serious tone of voice. "I'm not sure. You sound pretty confident, but I've seen for myself way too many times where that confidence just goes right out the window. I don't want to be involved with just another half-hearted attempt."

Shining quickly began to plead. "I'm serious! How can I possibly convince you, Soarin?"

The young soccer star soon gave an answer. "How's about a little contest? If you can beat me at a challenge of my choosing, then I'll join your merry little band of misfits or whatever it is you call it."

"Bring it on! Name your game!" Shining firmly vowed. He was prepared for anything.

Soarin's "contest" involved the use of a goal and several soccer balls. He set the balls down on the field a ways back from the goal and explained to Shining. "This is one of the most effective drills the team practices every season and off-season. In soccer, few positions are as vital to a team's success as a goalkeeper. But not just anyone can be a good goalkeeper. So what I'm gonna do is simple: I'm going to kick these balls down the field and at the goal, and it's up to you to stop the balls from going in the net."

"And how do I 'beat you' at this? Are we going to take turns?" Shining questioned.

Soarin shook his head. "Nah, there'd be no point in comparing scores. Besides, I've already got a record from the last time I did this. I believe it was five balls that I managed to block," And he told Shining Armor. "If you can block at least five out of the ten balls I kick, it'll count as a win for you. Of course, if I score more than five goals... well, it's obvious isn't it? So best of luck. Show me whatcha you got! Are you ready?!"

Shining took up his position at the goal. Although unsure of himself he knew he couldn't allow Soarin to see or know about this so he instead replied. "I'm ready whenever you are, Soarin!"

"Then let's get this show on the road! Don't expect any mercy from me either!" Soarin vowed and then kicked the first ball towards the goal!

Shining immediately dove in the direction he thought the ball was going to go in. By some stroke of luck he was able to block it, which immediately filled him with a sense of optimism. "One down already! I can do this!" He thought to himself.

Unfortunately, however, the disguised prince's "luck" would not hold. The next two balls shot right past him despite his best efforts to block them. He did manage to block ball number four, and ball number five bounced off the side of the goal and thus counted as a miss. But the three balls after that all slipped past him and into the goal. When ball number nine was kicked down the field, Shining dove in front to block it! But he could only watch as it slipped by him as he fell to the grass.

"And that's game!" Soarin declared as he rushed over to Shining's side. "Come on, stand up."

But Shining could only hang his head. "I lost."

Soarin just grinned. "Hey, cheer up, buddy. I'm still going to join your group. You passed the test."

Shining gasped, spinning around and blinking in confusion! "What do you mean I passed! I thought the deal was that if I could block five balls in ten shots you'd join, and if not you'd obviously decline."

Soarin quickly pointed out. "I didn't say I wouldn't join if you didn't win, you just assumed. I knew I'd probably win the penalty kicks, I'm not co-captain of Canterlot High's soccer team for nothing you know. Didn't think there was any way a newcomer like you could hope to beat me. The whole point of that 'exercise' was to see how you'd manage against impossible odds. A chump would've given up as soon as they failed to block the first ball, realizing that there was no way their luck would hold. But you kept going, you didn't give up. That's what I was looking for all along."

Shining felt his heart begin to flutter! "Oh, Soarin! You don't know how happy you've made!"

"Hey now, don't go getting all mushy on me," Soarin laughed and played it off. "I'm onboard, but Sunset Shimmer hasn't been defeated yet. Let's save the celebrations until then," Then he asked. "So, now that you've got me roped into this even if by my own free will, what exactly is this 'plan' of yours?"

The other teenagers came over to join Shining as Braeburn asked as well. "Yeah, what is your plan?"

Shining motioned for the boys to huddle together with him. "Well, since you asked, here's what we're gonna do." And he began to whisper his plan to them on how they were going to rally the school to support him.

Author's Note:

Sunset confronting Twilight in the darkened hallway is probably the most memorable thing she does as a villain, hinting at her true plans that ultimately don't get much elaboration. I wanted to change it up and flesh it out considering the different circumstances behind Shining Armor's pursuit of her.

And I changed up the recruiting of human Soarin slightly, since while human Rainbow Dash's was soccer themed as well and likely had a similar objective to what Soarin was looking for here, human Rainbow Dash reveals that she also partially did it to show off (there's really no fun or challenge in beating someone who's new to a game you're good in, especially if you don't try to teach them the rules before hand).