• Published 6th Jul 2020
  • 814 Views, 39 Comments

Equestria Boys - SuperPinkBrony12

(Takes place within the "Stallion Six" universe and set before Chapter 217.) As he prepares to take the throne, Shining Arrmor reflects back on a mission to another world many years ago. A world where everyone is a human.

  • ...

From Two to Four

Just like when Shining and Spike had traveled through the mirror to the human world (albeit separately) they felt their bodies being twisted and pulled in all sorts of directions while surrounded by bright, swirling lights. At last, however, they emerged from the portal back in the safety of Equestria and back in their old bodies. Shining had to readjust himself to standing on four legs instead of two.

Twilight immediately rushed forward to pull Spike in for a hug as an enormous sense of relief washed over her. "Oh, thank the stars you're okay!" She hugged the little dragon tightly. "You have NO idea how worried you made me, Spike! Please, don't ever run off like that again! If you do I'm gonna ground you for a month, I mean it."

"Sorry, didn't mean to frighten you. But I was right, Shining did need my help," Spike pointed out. "You wouldn't believe the kind of crazy stuff we encountered on the other side of that mirror. I think it was partially because of me that Shining's mission was a success."

Princess Celestia then spoke up. "It's good to see you both back in one piece. And from the looks of things you were successful in retrieving the Element of Magic. But where's Sunset Shimmer? Did you encounter her at all?"

Shining paused, looking back to the mirror. "Well, let's just say I left her in capable hands. She won't be causing anymore trouble, I can guarantee you that."

But several ponies in the room shot their friend a puzzled look, and Big Macintosh even asked. "Beg pardon, sugarcube. But just what the hay is a hand?"

"Oh, it's nothing... really. Just a slip of the tongue," The young prince blushed as he realized his mistake. "I meant to say hooves."

Princess Celestia, however, spoke up with a smirk that seemed to indicate she knew the truth. "It's alright, Shining Armor. You don't have to lie to me. I may not know exactly what unfolded over the past three days, but I do know that this mirror leads to a world that is both similar and yet different to ours."

"Sorry we couldn't go with you, but it looks like you had things under control without us." Soarin commented.

"How were things on your end?" The alicorn asked as all departed from the room that housed the mirror. "And what did you do with the fake crown Sunset left behind?"

Princess Luna spoke up. "There were no big threats that surfaced during these past three days. We had everything under control. And as for that duplicate crown we secretly tossed it through the portal not long after Spike went through it. It probably got picked up by some passerby and returned to its rightful owner, just like with your crown."

"Perhaps that's why they didn't make such a big deal out of me taking this crown back to Equestria, even if it was mine in the first place," Shining realized. "Either that, or they already were preparing a replacement for the next Fall Formal." But he knew that if he said any of that out loud nopony would understand a word of it, not even Princess Celestia.

There was one other thing that caught the prince's attention as he entered the main hallways of the crystal castle. "By the way, I haven't seen Flash Sentry around since I became co-ruler of the Crystal Empire alongside Cadence," He pointed out. "I assume that since I didn't vacate my position as Captain of the Royal Guard, he returned to his old post?"

But Cadence grinned. "Actually, he just put in to transfer here. He would've been here for the now called off royal summit if it hadn't been for his train from Canterlot being delayed. In the two days he's been here though, he seems to have taken quite an interest in your sister."

"What?!" Shining gasped as Twilight blushed hard!

"It doesn't mean anything! He's a nice stallion, but we hardly know each other. No sense rushing into things so soon." Twilight insisted.

Shining could only shake his head. "I'm gonna have to have a talk with Flash about some personal boundaries. I won't have him getting distracted making goo goo eyes at my sister." He thought to himself, but aloud he only asked. "So, I assume the royal summit here has been scratched?"

Princess Luna reluctantly nodded. "My sister and I will be expected back in Canterlot first thing tomorrow. We can't delay for a small affair that none outside the room we were in know about. I'm sorry."

Princess Celestia then pointed out. "But you're free to come to Canterlot to seek our advice on being an alicorn anytime you want. And Luna and I look forward to having you in Canterlot to assist with the upcoming Summer Sun Celebration. It'll be Luna's first since her return."

"In the meantime," Cadence commented. "You're welcome to travel to Ponyville if you have the time, though we'll both be expected to oversee the Crystal Empire's preparations for the Equestria Games, including that new stadium we just built."

Soarin declared. "Just because you're a prince now doesn't mean we're not gonna stay in touch. Those three days of separation were agonizing. Even if life takes us in different directions, we'll always have our friendship. You can count on it!"

The flashback ended as Shining Armor's mind returned to the present, soaking up the applause from the crowd now that he had announced his desire to replace the Sunset Sun Celebration with the Festival of the Two Sisters. It was remarkable how far he'd come from being the unsure of himself alicorn from all those years ago, even though it had to have been less than a decade (maybe half a decade at best?).

As the applause was winding down, however, and the festivities were drawing to a close, Shining had his attention drawn to his friends. Soarin in particular wouldn't stop ribbing him. "Hey, Shining. You okay, buddy? For a while you kind of looked like you were zoning out."

"Oh, sorry," Shining realized as he fought back a blush. "I was just thinking about some old memories."

"Anything in particular?" Soarin questioned.

"Not really," Shining shook his head. "It's fine to look back on the past, but dwelling on it for too long is pointless. Better to look forward to the future and prepare for it. A new dawn is about to rise in Equestria."

Soarin nodded his head. "Yeah. But whatever troubles may be lurking around the corner, whatever changes may come, we can get through them together as long as we have our friendship."

The prince couldn't help but snicker, which made the Wonderbolt co-captain blink in surprise. "Something funny?"

"It's just, what you said," Shining Armor pointed out. "It's not unlike something you said to me long ago. You were right back then and I know you're right now. The friendships we have will overcome any hardships we might have to endure." He meant it sincerely, but there was a nagging part of him deep down that was still worried about what had unfolded just hours prior.

For the time being though it would do him no good to mention it, especially not when Soarin suggested. "Come on, buddy! Our friends are all waiting! Let's enjoy what's left of the last Summer Sun Celebration together!" And the two stallions made their way down a side of the podium to greet their friends.

Author's Note:

I realized that I forgot to mention in the previous chapter about Shining Armor taking his crown back would mean Canterlot High doesn't have a crown for Fall Formal. So I hope what I added here to correct that makes some sense.

Since this story began with a flashback I figured it was best to end it on a flashback. And I didn't want to do the unfunny joke of Pinkie Pie predicting the whole plot with "Just a Hunch". It wasn't funny when they tried it with her human self, and to reuse it with her pony self just felt sloppy and uninspired.

As I'd already established Flash Sentry in this universe before the events of the flashback, I had to make something new of the intended revelation of his pony self in the original film. And although it's come to light now that the original film was meant to conclude all of FiM, the fact that the royal summit is never brought up again and Twilight is still questioning her status throughout Season 4, I felt it best to offer some explanation about why the royal summit ended here and how it segways into the events of Season 4 in my Stallion Six universe.

Speaking of which, Chapter 217 should come out by the second or third week of August. And again, any sequels/continuations covering the remaining EQG content in this universe are up in the air. I may do them some day or I may not. They're not a high priority, and I most certainly won't be doing any before I complete the main universe they're part of.

Comments ( 4 )

This was a great ending, I'm looking forward to seeing the next chapter in the Stallion Six universe come August

Excellent work on the final chapter to this story. The exchanges, characterizations and general wrap-up are, of course, quite well done. I enjoyed the detail of how they already returned the crown Sunset tried substituting for the Element of Magic as well as Shining mentally reminding himself to remind Flash NOT to let himself get distracted by Twilight.

And, whether or not you do decide to tackle the other films/specials (or at least the four most important ones [which would be the other three actual films and "Forgotten Friendship"]), I will respect your decision one way or the other. And, yeah, I get that the wrap-up to the main series will definitely come before the other stories in the "Equestria Gang" series (and probably also after Volume Eleven of your "What If?" series too [which will almost definitely be the last one for THAT main series before going on to the POSSIBLE, but NOT definite "Equestria Girls Edition" and "Comics Edition"])

But anyway, I'll definitely be looking forward to more of your work.

And, yeah, a possible one-shot set at the same time as the "present day" of "the Last Problem" (which would be two decades in the future for BOTH series), but in the "Equestria Girls" universe that has an older Sunset, now Principal of Canterlot High (and Sci-Twi as either Vice-Principal or as Science Teacher), looking back in reflection.

So, does anyone wonder if Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon would also become social pariahs like Sunset? Snips and Snails not being social pariahs can at least be chalked up to them being too stupid to know any better, but since Diamond and Silver aren't idiots, would they become social outcasts too?

Heck if Diamond and Silver did become social outcasts, would their reputations ever manage to recover after Sunset makes amends with everyone or do they remain outcasts? And would they ever still manage to reform a new friendship with a redeemed Sunset without all three of them being mean bullies of the school?

Kinda do think this is a topic worth discussing so I do wonder if anyone would love to respond to this.

Do you wonder if Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon would also become social pariahs like Sunset? Snips and Snails not being social pariahs in canon can at least be chalked up to them being too stupid to know any better, but since Diamond and Silver aren't idiots, would they become social outcasts too?

Heck if Diamond and Silver did become social outcasts, would their reputations ever manage to recover after Sunset makes amends with everyone or do they remain outcasts? And would they ever still manage to reform a new friendship with a redeemed Sunset without all three of them being mean bullies of the school?

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