• Published 12th Sep 2020
  • 6,448 Views, 616 Comments

Project New World - NinjaMare

the world of ponies is about to meet an emissary of an unknown race.

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Home Base Files - #04: the Next Move

The portal was re-opened upon Augustine’s confirmation that the A.P.E unit has the R.O.V.E.R unit safe in its hands, and soon the large blue colored robot came lumbering into the Gate Chamber, hauling the R.O.V.E.R behind it. the operators of the Gate Platform looked upon the poor mechanical beast, seeing it covered in chunks and globs of green, something.

“Get the engineers in here, and have them give the R.O.V.E.R a look over. We don’t know what kind of damage those creatures could’ve caused.”

“Yes ma'am!” the staff in the Gate Platform chamber said before running around to perform tasks, while making way for the A.P.E to bring the R.O.V.E.R to an empty space in the chamber.

“Damn! I didn’t think we had to resort to this, now the ponies will think we’re otherworldly monsters. Which will make studying them even more difficult.” Augustine said to herself as she roughly scratches her head of brown hair.

“Well it’s not like we could let those creatures capture, or destroy the R.O.V.E.R unit.” Charles says as he meets up with Augustine in the chamber, watching as a team of engineers enter the chamber and began checking the machine over.

“True. And maybe I’m over thinking this situation.” The woman says as she watches the A.P.E unit stomp off to its station.

“So, what are we going to do now?” Charles asked Augustine. The woman tapped a finger against her head, thinking of a response.

With how everything things went into the town, from the invading swarm of predatory insect-like equines, to showing the A.P.E unit just demolishing a good chunk of the swarm. Which from the peaceful life style she and her fellow researchers had seen of the ponies, probably traumatized a good number of them, and probably would make them wary if another robotic unit would just, appear, in their town.

“I think for the time being, we’ll let things on World 4 settle down and leave the ponies alone. And once the Manufacture Department has finished with the new unit, and have at least a good amount of the ponies language de-coded will we try and further our study on them before actually make first hand contact, without robots.” Augustine finally concluded. “How is the new unit coming along?”

“They’ve just finished the skeleton and base frame, and are starting to craft the body and write up the A.I code and systems.” Charles said as he and Augustine went back to the Observation Room, where a Aynesworth and the elderly researcher Adam were. and watching the footage from both the R.O.V.E.R and A.P.E units. “Good to see you guys join us.” The dark skinned man said to his compatriots.

“And it appears we missed quite a bit.” Adam says as he continues to watch the footage, which just got to the A.P.E unit smacking the lone insectoid-equine…and making it pretty much a crushed grape on the floor. “Do you know what these creatures are Augustine?” Adam asked the woman as she sat down at the table.

“Unfortunately, no.” the woman said with a tired sigh. “But right now, we may have a bigger problem.”

“And what would that be Miss. Augustine?” Aynesworth asked.

“It would seem Gabriel is trying to develop some bio-weapon formulas for weapons develop, and soldier enhancements.” The other three researchers looked at each other with bewilderment, and surprise.

“But the Geneva Convention—”

“I know Adam, and I’ve said this to Gabriel. But he brushed me and my complaint aside, and saying that he some brokers who are backing his research up.” the other members either groaned, sighed in annoyance, or just rubbed the bridge of their nose.

“Who does the Board of Directors keep that man around, ever since he’s joined this project he’s been nothing but a major pain to deal with.” Aynesworth groans as she slumps into a chair. “Especially when WE have to take the falls for his failed projects, and researches.”

“Well don’t worry, I think this is the final straw to finally sack him.” Augustine says as she gets up from the table while she speaks to the others. “Miss. Aynesworth, please continue your work on de-coding the ponies written langue—” the blonde woman nodded as she rolls her chair to a nearby computer. “Charles, see if you can give the Manufacture Department a hand in finishing the new unit.” The dark skin man nodded as he left the room.

“Adam.” The old man looked towards the woman. “I want you to launch the L.A.R.C unit into world 4.” The old looked puzzle.

“But Miss. Augustine, the L.A.R.C is supposed to be sent in after the R.O.V.E.R, once its finished with its initial surveillance of the land.” The woman nodded as she turns to head for the door.

“Normally, yes that is the basic protocol. However—” Augustine looked out the window of the Observation Room, and down into the Gate Chamber platform chamber, where the mechanical animal was still being worked on.

“The R.O.V.E.R is currently going under maintenance, to make sure nothing was damaged. So we’ll just have to use other means of surveillance the world, but make sure to instruct the machine to avoid any settlements or areas with a large population of the equines.”

“And where are you going Miss. Augustine?” Adam asked as the woman opened the doors.

“I’m going to the Board of Directors, and putting an end to Gabriel’s little projects…and ensure that not even a high school won’t even hire him.” with that the woman stepped through the doors, which closed with a ominously silent swoosh rather than the usual clang.

“She really can be frightening when she wants to huh?” Aynesworth said as she looked at Adam who was fiddling with one of the other monitors.

“That she can.” He simply replied as finished whatever it was he was doing at the computer screen.

~~World 4~~

Out in the fields that surrounded the settlement that was just attacked by the insectoid-equines, a portal was ripped open and a carrier unit came rolling out of the rift in space. But un-like the one that first brought the R.O.V.E.R unit into the world, this one didn’t have clamps, it instead was holding up a large circular platform…with a new type of robot sitting on it.

“The location is clear of any prying eyes, and the L.A.R.C unit is clear for takeoff.” the carrier operator said into his headset.

“Roger that, prepare for launch.” Adam’s voice says from the other end.

A moment later after the operator was given confirmation, the machine on the platform began to come online. The units long wings folded down from their upright position, the propellers begin to twirl as the thrusters burst to life as hot air started to waft over the field, and the carrier operator. After coming to life the aircraft unit slowly ascended into the air, and as it did so, its long cable like neck slithered out of its body, making the round one-eyed head look towards the operator who gave a small wave before driving back through the portal. While the machine withdrew its neck back into its body—

Before flying high into the sky at the speed of a fighter jet! the thrusters creating a resounding screeching sound, as the machine disappears into the great blue beyond.