• Published 12th Sep 2020
  • 6,449 Views, 616 Comments

Project New World - NinjaMare

the world of ponies is about to meet an emissary of an unknown race.

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Chapter 10: Getting Back into the Action

Fluttershy awoke with a small yawn as she stretches her body, as the birds outside were in the midst of their morning chorus. Emerging from her bed, and then making it, the pegasus trotted to her bedroom window and looked out into her backyard. As the pegasus looked out into the yard she saw her newest friend, another unknown creature from beyond a mysterious portal, standing at its full quadrupedal height and looking down at the royal guard that was assigned to keep an eye on it. It’s been a few days since the pair have made themselves at home at Fluttershy’s cottage, and the mare was pretty happy to have new residences at her little home.

The guard was a pegasus mare named Soft Breeze, and surprisingly like Fluttershy, was just like her in some aspects. The mare was lean in build to where her armor looked more like it was just hanging on her body, her coat was a pale pink color while her mid-length mane and tail were bright sky blue with a few high lights of white. When the guardmare came to Fluttershy’s cottage and introduced herself, she was kind and polite, and seemed to be very respectable, and from what Fluttershy could see of the mare right now was that she was calm and patient.

“Good morning Miss. Breeze.” Fluttershy said after she opened her window and waved at the mare. The guard looked up and gave an equally happy smile and wave, even the creature that Pinkie called, Grapefruit, looked up at her…and waved its claw.

“Morning Fluttershy.” The guard pegasus said. “Did you sleep well?” Fluttershy nodded.

“How did you sleep Miss. Breeze? Was the guest room alright?”

“It was fine Fluttershy.” Soft Breeze said before looking back to the creature.

Fluttershy then made her way out of her room and began her usual morning routines. Once she has the pegasus made her way down to her lower floor, where all of her little animals were either awake, or just waking up and were looking for food. Approaching a hallway closet Fluttershy pulls out a bag of animal feed, some biscuits, and a few other foods that animals can eat. Flying around the cottage the pegasus began to pass out food to her many animals, both inside the cottage and outside it, and as she worked Soft Breeze accompanied her in passing out the food, like a good guest should do for their host.

When the pair made their way to the backyard where the more exotic animals live, Fluttershy and Breeze began to give each animal their food but as they did so, they kept looking over to where Grapefruit was. Which was currently with Harry, Fluttershy’s bear friend, and the bear was gently rolling Grapefruit around as it was curled up in a large ball. The odd little bug that Pinkie as had named, which was Buzzard because of its loud buzzing sounds, was flying closely by as it never strayed to far from its larger companion.

“Alright Harry I think that’s enough playing, time for breakfast.” Fluttershy said sweetly as she placed an empty beehive at the entrance of a make-shift cave just outside her backyard. The bear growled before stop playing with the rolled up creature, and made his way over to his cave. As the bear left the creature both pegasi watched as unusual armored creature un-curled itself.

“Sorry about Harry rolling you around like that.” Fluttershy said to the creature, who just shook its body and gave the mare a very neutral expression. Even after a few days of housing Grapefruit, the pegasus was still unable to understand it, as it displays of emotions seemed limited, but thankfully Fluttershy was able to tell how the creature was by its action.

“So Fluttershy, what does Grapefruit eat exactly? I don’t think I’ve seen it eat anything.” Soft Breeze asked her fellow pegasus as the creature lumbers off to a different part of the yard, as Fluttershy starts pouring chicken feed for her chickens.

“I’m not sure actually.” The butterscotch pony said. “I tried fruits and vegetables when it came around lunch time the first day it came to Equestria, but it didn’t eat anything. I then tried fish and animal food, but it didn’t eat them either.”

“Then, what does it eat?” the guard asked as she looked towards the creature, and watch it lay in a nice patch of sunlight, its metal hide gleaming in the light.

“I think it actually eats sunlight.”

“Sunlight?” the guard mimicked as she looked over to her fellow creature observer.

“After resting in direct sunlight for a few minutes, Grapefruit seems to be fine and full of energy.”

Fluttershy then looked over to the creature, watching it sun bathe for a few moments. Both mares sat down and continued to just watch the purple beast soak up the rays of the sun, and just as Fluttershy said, a few minutes later and the creature bolted to its feet and trotted about in an energetic fashion. It even curled up into a ball and rolled about for a few seconds.

“Well how about that.” Breeze said as she kept watching the creature roll about the yard, its little bug friend keeping pace. “Say, whatever happened to the first creature that came to Ponyville? Did it ever come back?”

“I don’t think so.” Fluttershy said. “From what Twilight guesses, these creatures can go through portals anywhere they want, so its hard to tell when one shows up or disappears.” A small frown came to the yellow mare as the sight of the first creature being tackled by the changelings made her feel worried about it.

“I do hope Gleam is doing alright, wherever it is.” Breeze gave a comforting pat to the caretakers back, while giving her a small smile.

“I’m sure, Gleam, is doing fine wherever it may be right now.”

Fluttershy gave her new houseguest a warm smile back as she thanked her for trying to make her feel better. The mare was then surprised to have Grapefruit roll up to her, and give her a soft nuzzle, its skin being very cool to the touch as it did so. The mare hugged the creatures head as she nuzzled back, and saying thanks to it in the process.

~~Home Base~~

Back at the researchers facility, Augustine and her team were watching the footage being played of their newest robot unit, acting like an actual caring animal as it comforts the little pegasus. The head researcher actually admitted she was surprised to see the robot be so, interactive this way, the Manufacturers really did good work with this unit.

“I gotta say, this working out really well.” Charles says as he then watches the two pegasus fly off, with the S.E.A unit rolling after them. “These ponies seem to be at ease with this new unit being around.”

“Well considering its not a lumbering giant metal cat, I’m not at all surprised.” Adam said as he stood up from the table and stretched. “I’m off to get a troll of coffee, does anyone want me to bring any specific treats?”

The group of people around the table began giving the old man a list of foods they would like, along with their coffee. The old man then left the room to fetch everyone’s desired treats, the group continued to watch the footage being played, while Aynesworth continues to fine tune the decoding of the ponies language, and trying to come up with a program to actually speak to the equines. But that task is proving to be a little harder than it would seem. As for the other two members at the table, Charles was still studying the endemic wildlife that the S.E.A unit has been compiling, along with the previous data that the R.O.V.E.R unit gathered, while Augustine just kept watch on the screen. That is until the phone in her coat pocket rang.


“Miss. Augustine its Rodger from Manufacturing.”

“Greetings Rodger, is there a problem with something?”

“No ma’am. In fact I’ve got some good news. R.O.V.E.R is back up, and ready to deploy.” Rodger said with excitement over the phone.

“That is good news, deploy the old boy whenever you’re ready.”

“Will do ma’am, but before we do come and have a look at the bot, we’ve given it a few upgrades that you might want to see for yourself.”

Augustine then hanged up her phone, and proceeded to head out of the Observation Deck and made her way to the Workshop. As walked down the steps from the room she was in, the woman looked over to A.P.E as it stood in its station, and as she walks past it the memory of its creation—or more accurately the reason for its creation—came to the forefront of her mind. The image of the large robot wrestling with what was essentially a t-rex gorilla on World 2, while the research party huddled in tall trees waiting for the robot to come out the victor.

“Glad our expeditions on World 2 is over with, cause I really don’t want to go back there.” a shiver then ran down the woman’s spine as the thought of the 3rd World came to her.

“…or World 3. NO THANK YOU!” the woman said pretty loudly as she continuous down the hall, reaching the Workshop within a few more minutes of walking.

Upon entering the large chamber the familiar sounds of machinery at work, and people talking over it. but after entering the Workshop, the sight of R.O.V.E.R walking about in the large open space in front of the entrance, with its more obvious changes caught the woman’s eye.

“AH! Miss. Augustine glad you could make it, check it out!” Rodger said as he gestured to the robotic beast. “You like the changes we’ve made?”

“Not bad, the old bot needed an upgrade or two.” Augustine said as the R.O.V.E.R looked over at her with both its eye units.

“We’ve swapped out its leg units so it can be a bit more efficient.” A female workshoper said as she approached the mechanical beast. “The front legs allow not only better traversal, but the digits allow it to grip the ground better, especially the back legs! Now it will be harder to knock the poor thing over, and if it gets into fights, its able to stand its ground better.”

“And I assume the new drones are for added surveillance?” the team nodded, that’s when a stout man with a pair of goggles on spoke up.

“Like the S.E.A unit, these drones act not only as a second pair of eyes, but as mobile aerial assist units. So now the R.O.V.E.R has four laser armaments, but we’ve also added a little something extra.”

“And what’s that?” Augustine asked.

“We’ve added two smoke screen chambers under the main laser ports. So the unit is able to use it to escape much easier.” The head researcher stood there as the R.O.V.E.R walked over to her, lowering its head where the woman petted the robots head.

“Is it ready to be put back in action?” the group of engineers nodded in unison. “Then let us head to the Gate Chamber.” The group of engineers followed Augustine, and the robotic creature, out of the Workshop and down the corridor to the Gate Platform Chamber.


Back at the old ruins, where the R.O.V.E.R unit was first deployed, a large portal opened up where the mechanical beast emerged from. As it strolled out of the portal the machine’s twin drones zoomed out, flying all over the place scanning the area for signs of danger, but their were no signs of any enemy threats and returned to hovering around the main unit. Once the R.O.V.E.R unit has fully emerged into the world, the portal behind it snapped shut, leaving the newly upgraded mechanical beast alone in the new world. And before the metal beast did anything, it reared its head unit up as high as it could…and unleashed a roar that was reminiscent of a lions roar, but so loud that it echoed throughout the forest, announcing its return to the new world.

Comments ( 113 )

Trouble is a afoot.

dem robots are using a linux kernel

Before I read this, I must know: Does the actual show exist in the human world?

Judging by their reactions, I'd guess not

Ooooh, Can't wait for the Ponies to see R.O.V.E.R Now

R.O.V.E.R 2.0 is here! With Extra Armor, and Offense/Defense Weapons, and some Drones to assist it nice. How will the Main Six, Celestia, and Luna react to seeing the New and Improved R.O.V.E.R?

We also learn of another Robot Unit called S.E.A. Possibly for Aquatic/Ocean Worlds. 🌅

Also, I remember that the First World is just a Ice Planet. World 2 is just a giant Jungle World. And World 3 is a Very Dark Place, with some Horrific Monsters in it. I mean, WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG IS World 3????!!!!!! 😧

Ah yeah ROVER got an upgrade!

Also, so far we met the ROVER first, then the APE, followed by LARC, and now the SEA - what does SEA stand for the mech?

Rolly polly bot is cute, like a friendly armadillo/panda/ape thing? also ROVER 2.0 looks awesome.
I wonder what kind of shenanigans the bots will get up to next?

I have to say I'm liking ROVER V2.0

Excited to see what the robots will get up to next. I wonder how the creatures, pony and others alike, will react to the new ROVER?

Ooh la LA! I'm digging the new rover! :pinkiehappy:

I wonder if the scientists ever thought to give the bots that would end up interacting with alien life a way to make the eyes light up to make different shapes or colours to show mood

ROVER 2.0 for the win!

the SEA unit living with Fluttershy, and ROVER 2.0 can, the Manufactures crew made sure to implement this feature now that the humans have found intelligent life.

S.E.A = Settlement/Exploration/Adventurer.
as for World 3, if you and others want to know, I can upload a lost file from one of the expeditions of the world. and show why the corrodents of the world is erased and banded from ever visiting (in case someone saved the data of the world.)

linux kernel? what's that?


Is it something like a Very Water Down Version of the Warp in WH40K. Because that is Pure Nightmare Fuel Times 100 Trillion!!! 😰 😵

imagine a world in perpetual darkness, with only getting enough sunlight that's akin to being very late afternoon, darken woods, swamplands, and caves systems that run through out the whole planet, and tunnels that stretch up into the sky. while looming mist that's mixed with sulfur fills the air, and looming in the darkness are Lovecraftian monsters, and what could be described as paranormal activities happen on a daily basis, which fucks up with all kinds of machinery...which is why the ROVER had to be re-built a 3rd time...from scratch as the Vr.2 was utterly destroyed by one of the more aggressive monsters.

S.E.A = Settlement/Exploration/Adventurer

no. in virtually 99% of my HiE fics, the MLP show never exists UNLESS I specify that it does in the Prologue or Chapter 1.

I feel like there’s a dip in the quality of grammar in this chapter. Might just be me though.

I personally find it a bit odd to redeploy R.O.V.E.R though I guess it’s understandable that they still want to explore the planet. I just personally think they should focus on the S.E.A unit and the ponies for now. It’s safer for the inhabitants and it’s easier to focus on one stream of data at a time. What say both units are in danger simultaneously? They can only save one at a time.

On that same note, the ROVER roaring on arrival is completely unnecessary. Why would a scouting unit announce its arrival in such a manner? On the bright side, this implies its able to vocalise and thus has speakers now.

that is really cool, I wonder if you are going to add a robot spider?

at this point, I have no other robots planned to be created at this time.

1.) my grammer is hit or miss anyway, so, there maybe a dip here.

2.) the main thing that the humans want right now is information, not just about the ponies, but the world itself. that's why the ROVER is sent as an advance scout sort of agent for the humans. and there are more people in the facility than I touched on, so one set of people will be focusing on what the ROVER is discovering, one group handles the info that the LARC is cataloging. and the main group, Augustine and crew, will be focused on what the SEA unit is doing among the ponies, so they can learn how to eventually make 1st contact. also, the ROVER now has more ways to defend itself until help can arrive, or it manages to dip the fuck out on its own.

3.) while it maybe unnecessary, the reason why I had the ROVER unit roar is a.) show that it now has a way to vocalize with its new mike. b,) i just thought it would be a good way to end the chapter. and, just because its a scout, doesn't mean it has to be quite, I mean, this is a large mechanical creature that has bits and bobbles clanging with every step it takes.

This is very good keep it up can't wait to read more chapters


Minor question: the Sisters asigned a single Royal Guard to help Fluttershy watch over Grapefruit, but leave Ponyville unguarded against future changeling attacks?
Not to mention their enemy are shapeshifters. They can subtly start replacing ponies in the town in preparation for a new assault.

i haven't stated it yet, but there will be a guard patrol posted in Ponyville.

Great work love ROVER upgrade now it can easily defend it self now and i can’t wait to see him with the other robot can they two robot talk to each other

I never said ROVER would return to Ponyville. that's what the SEA unit is for. the ROVER is to survey the land and collect data on the terrain, animals, plant life and see if the world is safe for humans to visit.

linux is a free open sourced operating system for computers, open sourced essentially means you can mess with it all you want, because there is no licensing when it comes to the source code. the downside to this is that there is no tech support, the upside however is that the source code is truly yours and not owned by a massive corporation. linux is everywhere, you just don't know it. The linux kernel (kernel means base operating system with all programs and drivers stripped) is used in almost everything, this is because that they are EXTREMELY durable, versatile, and adaptable you can modify the source code to your heart's content to fill almost any role. unlike with windows you have to sign like 17 different non disclosure agreements in order to mess with the source code. here are some things powered by linux https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2016/08/25-awesome-unexpected-things-powered-linux
the reason I think the rovers are powered by linux is because I don't think that they would like to have to get a new licensing agreement every time they roll out a new rover


So the World itself is something like it would be in the Creepypasta or SCP Universe. 🤔

If the Ponies FINALLY made contact with Humanity, and they learn that the Scientists once visit the other Three Worlds. They can tell the Royal Sisters, Main Six, Spike, and the Other Ponies, to NEVER go or visit the Third World EVER! Because, the Third World is like a Nightmarish World that will make even Celestia, Luna, Cadence, Shining Armor, Discord, Twilight, even Chrysalis be VERY TRAUMATIZED!!!!


No fair. I really like for the Main Six, Celestia, Luna, and the other Ponies see the New and Upgraded Version of R.O.V.E.R. 😞

I didn't mean that the ponies won't ever see ROVER again, its just that the ROVER won't be around Ponyville. since the Mane 6 go on crazy adventures, they'll come across ol' ROVER eventually.

yeah it's basically Creepypasta given life.

and I have no plan on the humans allowing the ponies to visit Earth, as it might be to much for them when they make first actual contact. and if they do visit, the data on World 3's location is deleted. there's still data about the world, what they could manage to get, before literal shit hit the fan.


What do you mean when "Literal Shit hits the fan"??!! Something Bad is gonna happened?!


Well I like for the Main Six, Spike, Celestia, Luna, and some other Ponies meet R.O.V.E.R 2.0 Again very soon along with S.E.A being together with R.O.V.E.R. And once they FINALLY meet Humanity itself.

They can see the other Robot Units like A.P.E., and L.A.R.C. It will be so cool for the Ponies to see ALL FOUR Robot Units Together.

my computer runs linux mint with root gui enabled

1.) i was talking about the incident that forbade people to even know of World 3, and why it was erased from the system.

2.) Don't worry, after an adventure or two, the ponies will get to meet humanity and all of its robots.

At the end there why would the R.O.V.E.R unit roar?

To assert its dominance

Why would it want to assert dominance it is clearly the dominant lifeform in the area that the roar could be heard

I HAV SPEEKERZ NAOW!!!!! Chezberger?


At the end there why would the R.O.V.E.R unit roar?

Sorry, replied to wrong comment. I had to log in to comment and didn't check the content, only the poster when the page refreshed.

EDIT 'Chezberger' was a joke because it is cat-like.

The antenna for controlling the two drones is sticking up like a flag poll. Not only will it make getting through small gaps a pain, it also shouts "I am an obvious weak point, shoot me!" Too say nothing of the lack of redundancy.

No ponies on Earth? I can think of at least one, but she probably isn't on their Earth. Not that Sunset is going to show up, since we are between Seasons 2 and 3. ...or are we mid-Season 3? Has Sombra been dealt with yet?

Rover is the most ethical of felines and as such gets all the cheezburgrs.

Now all it needs is a top hat, collar, and monocle.

the antenna doesn't control the drones, its the relay that allows ROVER to connect to Home Base, and it can be withdrawn into the chaise.

yes Sombra has already been dealt with, the prologue kind-of mentions it.

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