• Published 12th Sep 2020
  • 6,449 Views, 616 Comments

Project New World - NinjaMare

the world of ponies is about to meet an emissary of an unknown race.

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Chapter 4: Continued Exploration

The sun was just rising over the vast horizon and on the outskirts of Ponyville, in a little cottage built into a small hill the owner of the little cottage was waking up. Fluttershy was slowly waking from her peaceful slumber. Sitting up in bed, the pegasus stretches out her body as she gives off a small yawn. After the little stretching out session, and giving her wings a few flaps, Fluttershy slips out of her bed and starts to clean it up by straightening the blanket and fluffing up her pillows.

“Alright that takes care of that.”

The little pegasus mare says to herself as she leaves her room, and heads to the bathroom to, relive herself, before taking her morning shower. As the hot water cascades down the mare’s body, mane, and tail, Fluttershy started to think back to yesterday evening.

When the ponies were brought to where the crusaders club house, and found the strange metal bodied creature, Fluttershy was certainly enamored by it. The creature was unlike anything that Fluttershy has seen out in fields, forest, meadows or in any wildlife books that she owns. To her, the creature’s body structure resembled that a very lean feline, like a cheetah but the odd bits that were sticking out of various spots of its body were, unusual and slightly disturbing but the pegasus figured this creature just has some odd protrusions, like a horn or something.

After initial meeting of the creature, the group of ponies talked about where the creature should be kept, until princess Celestia comes to a solid conclusion on what to with it, that’s when Fluttershy said she would keep an eye on the creature.

Once the matter of where the creature would be kept was done with, Fluttershy guided the creature to her cottage, luckily there was a way through the forest that leads to her cottage. So no pony else could see it and panic. But as the pegasus was leading the creature to her cottage, she’s tried several times to try and communicate with it but the creature either remained silent, or was just seemed incapable of communicating. In fact, the creature seemed more interested in observing everything around itself. And when they finally reached the cottage it started to examine every one of Fluttershy’s animal friends, which was easy to do since all of Fluttershy’s animals were curious about it as well.

Finishing with her shower and drying herself off, Fluttershy made her way to the first floor of the cottage she flew into her kitchen to grab food for her animals. As she entered the kitchen she glanced out the window to see the lovely morning, but she also noticed…that the creature was gone! Fluttershy immediately flew out into her backyard, and began to look around for the creature, but it was nowhere in sight.

“Where did it go!” Fluttershy muttered to herself as she flies all over her home. flying down to her backyard, Fluttershy flew over to her bear friend, Harry, hoping that he’s seen the creature.

“Good morning Harry, I’m sorry to pester you before breakfast but, um, have you seen where the one-eyed creature went off to?” but before the bear could even say anything, the pegasus heard distant screams, and other types of cries of worries…coming from Ponyville.

“Oh no!”


The sun has barely risen, the stars still lightning up the night of this world, and the R.O.V.E.R unit was still exploring.

After being brought to the small pegasus dwellings, the mechanical animal began studying all the animals around the property, and like the ones from the forest, these animals share both similarities and obvious differences between their Earthen counterparts. Aside from examining and documenting the animals, the R.O.V.E.R ventured around the area, examining the pegasus’s home exterior and the other small animal houses around it. Unfortunately, the machine was too big for to fit through the door, but it was able to document the interior with its tail camera, and found the hill-like structure to be like any human household.

Once night had settled the pegasus has tried numerous to try and feed the R.O.V.E.R, but the machine just powered itself down to make the pegasus leave it alone, while also diverting its main processors to study all of the data it has compiled for the day.

Once the R.O.V.E.R had finished going over the data it had gathered thus far and powered back up, the robotic creature went back to its scheduled exploration. Even when it was night time, the machine ventured forth into the world, until it came upon a fascinating find. A small five to six minute walk from the pegasus dwellings, the R.O.V.E.R came upon what appears to be a medieval European town, or a pre-Columbian settlement that’s roughly the same expanse of a small to mid-size US town.

Venturing into the settlement, the machine began searching every single building that it came across, or at least tried to as much as the reach of its tail camera is capable of. While the majority of the buildings were simple thatch roofed, or wood panel, there were some really odd building amongst them. There were also several dozen of what appears to be, stalls, or large tents pitched up. Most them seemed to only to comprise of mostly vegetables, and fruits, one stall seemed to be stocked with nothing but pots and bushels of flowers. One of the more larger tents that was pitched up was stocked with, board games and other types of toys and puzzles. The R.O.V.E.R unit used it’s tail to grab a single board game, the cover being of a volcano and two depictions of two dragons. Placing the board game back down, the machine continued with its investigation of the towns structures and layout.

One of the more interesting buildings that the mechanical beast came across was like the pegasus home, a tree that’s been hollowed out and converted into a building. It was certainly bigger than any of the other buildings it’s found so far, but the door was still as small as the other buildings. However the R.O.V.E.R managed to enter the tree structure, by scrunching itself up as tightly as its body allows, and passes through the door with some careful movements. When the mechanical beast got inside the tree structure, it began to sift through the various books that were lining the shelves, which appeared to be grafted or carved into the very tree itself.

Like the books from the ruins, these books also had the strange hieroglyphic writing, but unlike those books, these ones seemed to have a more refined text to it.

As the R.O.V.E.R was scanning, and copying the information, its audio receptive picked something coming from the upper floor. Turning away from books, the mechanical beast investigated, but after scaling the small set of stairs and its head was in the upper floor, the machine examined the area which looked like a living room like area. But that wasn’t all that the R.O.V.E.R discovered.

In the upper floor, staring in the eye of the mechanical beast, is a small purple scaled, pudgy bipedal reptilian creature.

The little pudgy reptile was measured out to be no bigger than 2’ft tall, has a lime green underbelly, purple top have with a frill comprised of half-foot long dark green spines. The R.O.V.E.R managed to squeeze its upper body through the stairway so it can better examine, and observe the little reptile as it slowly walks backwards. Just as the machine started to examine the reptile, the R.O.V.E.R’s attention was interrupted from frantic equine whinnying and nickering, and when the machine looked to where the noise emanated from the R.O.V.E.R unit found the same lavender unicorn from the day prior.

The unicorn quickly rushed over to the reptile, seemingly protecting it from the R.O.V.E.R, which further intrigued the machines inquisitive AI programming.

Aside from documenting wild life, vegetation, and the world itself, the R.O.V.E.R is also programmed to study the behavioral patterns and actions of a new worlds living organisms, so having a small quadrupedal herbivore act protective of a small possibly carnivores reptilian creature was, fascinating.


Fluttershy was flying over Ponyville as she follows her ears in the direction of the panicked cries, which was coming from the Golden Oaks library. Flying to the treebrary, the pegasus landed softly on the dirt road, and opened the door to find the hind legs and tail of the creature, wedged in the stairwell that leads to the library’s living quarters!

“What is that thing Twilight?!” the voice of Spike cried out.

“It’s the creature I told you about, but what’s it doing here?” Fluttershy quickly flew back outside of the library, and made her way to the upper section where through a window, she could see Twilight with Spike under her, as they backed away from the creature.

“Oh no!” Fluttershy quickly opened the window, and dove into the room and slid to stop in front of the creature. Before giving it a very disappointed look. “No! bad creature, no scaring Twilight and poor Spike.”

The pegasus says disapprovingly. But the creature seemed to ignore her, as it managed to bring the rest of its body up to the top floor, and continued to inch closer to the frighten pair. The weight of the creature making the wooden floor give a very slight, creaking sound.

“Fluttershy do something!” Twilight says frightfully, feeling very uncomfortable as the creature’s un-blinking gaze kept focused on them.

“Please Mr. Creature stop, your scaring my friends!” the butterscotch mare says to try and stop the beast, but it still ignores her. the pegasus gives a defeated sigh as she hovers in front of the creature, looking it directly into its eye.

“You leave me no choice Mr. Creature; I’m just going to have to give you…” Fluttershy closed her eyes as she continues. “the, STARE!”

The pegasus then opened her eyes as wide as she could, while furrowing her brow slightly as she really gives the creature the most disapproving hard stare any pony can give anything…and yet! The creature is not even fazed by it! Surprised that the creature was not even affected by her Stare, Fluttershy actually ceased using it, and just hobbled off to the side as she just watched the creature slink its tail towards the pair.

“The…the Stare, didn’t work?!” Fluttershy bulked as the creature continued to stare at Twilight and Spike, while its tail just swivels around the startled pair.

“Why is it just, staring at us?” Spike asked as he’s no longer frighten of the creature, just sort of, weirded out. “It’s starting to be really unsettling.”

“I think it’s just curious Spike, but I still don’t like that it just came into the library.” Twilight says annoyedly as the creature stops its creepily observation, and makes its way back downstairs, albeit awkwardly, but the creature managed to squirm back down the stairs.

“I’m sorry Twilight, I—”

“It’s fine Fluttershy, but…if you can’t keep it confined at your cottage, I’m afraid princess Celestia is going to have to imprison it.”

“No!” Fluttershy quickly says to her friends words. “I can keep it at my cottage, it’s just, going to take some time to learn its behaviors.”

As the two ponies continued to talk about, whether or not Fluttershy is capable of keeping an eye on the creature, Spike walked over to the stairs and peeked down to see what the creature was doing. And watched it as it going through book, after book, seemingly readying them.

“I don’t why…but something tells me this thing is just, bad news.” Spike says more to himself as he watches the creature re-shelf one book, before grabbing a new book and began flipping through its pages.

“Well first things first—” Twilight said as she and Fluttershy trot past Spike, and headed down stairs, but stopped as they watched the creature read through the books. “Wait! It can…read?!” The unicorn balked as she hurried down the steps, and made her way over to the creature, and watched it flip through pages.

“I certainly didn’t expect this.” Fluttershy said as she joined the unicorn and watched the creature finish one book, before grabbing another.

“Maybe the princess should know about this.” Twilight mused as she trotted over to desk, and began writing out a message, while still keeping an eye on the creature as it reads. ‘Whatever this thing is, it’s no simple animal.’