• Published 12th Sep 2020
  • 6,448 Views, 616 Comments

Project New World - NinjaMare

the world of ponies is about to meet an emissary of an unknown race.

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Chapter 3: End of the First Day.

An hour has gone by since The R.O.V.E.R unit has come in contact with the trio of very small foals, and the two adult equines, and at the moment the mechanical animal is laying in the small clearing where the tree house, with the three foals keeping an eye on it.

The pegasus was playing around with the R.O.V.E.R’s tail, the normal equine along with the unicorn are simply laying between the machines forelegs, while it’s singular eye carefully watches and records them as they, talk. While the two foals continued to neigh and whinny, and occasionally nickering to one another, the R.O.V.E.R’s audio receiver recorded everything and continuous to send the data back to Home Base. While it was recording the foals, the R.O.V.E.R’s internal A.I has been going over the data about the blue pegasus. from the images it has managed to record and take off the equine, the equine was only twice the size of the foals, and measuring around a normal Earth pony height. One key point of interest of the pegasus was its mane, as it was an odd miss-mash of colors that formed a rainbow like pattern.

A moment later, the R.O.V.E.R’s A.I switched from the pegasus to the orange equine, as it had a subject of interest. Which was the hat it was wearing. Even if it was a small piece of clothing, this new source of data was all the more compelling, as it signifies that whatever these alien equines are…they seem to have a great level of intelligence in order to make even a basic article of clothing. Or more accurately, an accessory.

As the sun was starting to make its descent across the horizon, the R.O.V.E.R unit’s motion tracker detected several objects, seven in total, moving in its general direction.

Standing to its full height the mechanical beast turned to face the direction of where the objects were coming from, and with its eye zoom-in function the R.O.V.E.R unit saw the two adult ponies from earlier coming its way. Traveling along with the pair, the machine noticed the same lavender unicorn it has encountered before, but before the mechanical beast could study the trio, something can zipping over to the machine before it’s camera was filled with nothing but pink and yellow. The R.O.V.E.R’s vision was cleared up as the pink and yellow object removed itself from machine, revealing a lean pegasus with a pale yellow coat, almost butterscotch, with long flowing mane and tail of bright pink. The pegasus was neighing and nickering excitedly, as it flew around the R.O.V.E.R.

But the winged-equine’s observation of the mechanical beast was interrupted by an alerted whinny.

The R.O.V.E.R unit turned to face the origin of the whinny, and found a pure white unicorn, easily as tall as a fully grown horse staring at it with what looks to be a worried look. But the machine’s attention was not focus on the horse itself, no, the R.O.V.E.R’s processors were solely focused on the waving mane and tail of the equine! Before the pegasus flew back over to the rest of the herd, the R.O.V.E.R briskly made its way over to the herd, who all tensed up and began nickering and whining, but the machine ignored them as its eye and tail camera began to examine the white unicorn. But as it did so, the machine noted that this unicorn also has a pair of wings, it’s body portions seemed, off-balance, and has a strange sun emblem branded on both its haunches.

As for the unicorn itself, it seemed startled, but it didn’t back away, and just seemed to allow the machine to examine it. The mechanical beast’s tail reached out for the unicorns, mystifying, mane with its appendages. It seemed to have the same compound as the foals, and the blue pegasus own mane. It was also scanning the follicles of hair for any signs of energy, and to the machines internal instruments, the mane does seem to have some sort of energy pulsating through it. But it wasn’t matching up with any types of energy in its memory banks.

The white unicorn gave a startled jolt and whinny when the R.O.V.E.R plucked a single strand of hair, but when the machine brought it into view of its main eye, the machine recorded the multi-colored strand turn a complete almost faded pink color. Designating the strand as a subject of great interest, the R.O.V.E.R stored the hair strand in its storage units before turning its attention the other equines, not only noticing their various expressions but also they’re variety in appearance.

Such as a very bright pink pony, to another white unicorn –smaller than the horse-sized one—with a styled navy blue mane and tail, which instantly caught the R.O.V.E.R’s attention and causing it to study the pony up close. Although it would seems the unicorn wasn’t interested in being studied, and quickly hid behind the lavender unicorn.

While the R.O.V.E.R continuous to try and study the unicorns, its audio receptors picked up more equine noises. But generally ignored them, not fully—as it was still recording the sounds it hears—and just tries to examine the equines. But during it’s examination of the small herd of equines, the R.O.V.E.R noticed that these specimens are all females. After the mechanical beast was finished examining, creating full profiles of each of the ponies and the horse, it was about to leave the small herd of mares to continue its mission, but was stopped by the large unicorn galloping in front of it. And appears to be trying to interact with the R.O.V.E.R…which only tilted its head as it recorded the newest pattern of noises.


After Rainbow Dash was brought to the hospital, a doctor began examining her injured wing. Which was thankfully not to badly injured, just a bad burn, but it will take some time for it heal properly so the pegasus was told not fly around for a few days. Of course a few days being grounded for a pegasus like Rainbow Dash, might as well be a whole year. Once everything at the hospital was over with, the two friends were on their way to the library, where they would tell Twilight what the Crusaders found.

“Still can’t believe I’m stuck being on the ground for three days.” Rainbow grumbled as she and Applejack make their way to the towns library.

“Ah still can’t believe you tried to fight that thing Dash! What were you thinking?!” Applejack jargoned.

“Hey, I thought I could take that thing—”

“Yeah and look what it got ya.” Applejack retorts as she points at Rainbow’s bandaged wing.

The pegasus grumbles some more as the pair make their way to the library, but when they finally reached their intended destination, the pair saw two royal guards stationed at the door. When they approached the two armored pegasi, they gave the two mares a once over before letting them in, where Twilight and the rest of their friends stood. Along with princess Celestia. And from what little of the conversation they managed to catch, something was amidst.

“—It was definitely big princess, bigger than you. and it’s body it was…I’m not sure it looked like it was made of metal, while covered in metal.” Twilight says as she paces around, while the other ponies watch her. “And it’s head is round with a singular blue eye, and it looked like it has an eye on its tail—oh my stars its tail, it-it—it can grow these grey spindly, things.”

Applejack and Rainbow Dash looked at each as they continued to listen to Twilight, prattling on about what she’s seen. But as the two continued to listen to the unicorn, everything that she’s saying…sounded a little too familiar.

“Twilight…while I admire your determination to show me how much you’ve grown, you disobeyed my request to stay here until we've learned what caused this disturbance.” Celestia says like a scolding mother, to which Twilight nodded in apology. “But now that we know what it is that caused the disturbance, we might be able to contain this. We just need to find this creature.”

“…actually princess…” Applejack said getting the others attention. “Ah know where this, creature, is.” Celestia approached the earth pony with a concern and stern expression.

“And where is it?” Applejack told the princess where the metal creature was, as well as what happened just a little while ago…and who it is keeping an eye on it.

The group of seven ponies left the library, and began making their way to Sweet Apple Acers, with he two pegasi guards following behind them. but the two were instructed to keep out of sight by riding on a cloud. After the group have left Ponyville behind and traveled down the dirt road, the princess began asking Applejack and Rainbow Dash of what they know about the creature, however neither mare could really say anything, except for Rainbow. The only thing she could say about the creature is that its capable of firing magical blasts like Twilight can, and is incredibly strong.

“We should be close to the crusaders clubhouse, and we should be able to—”

Applejack stopped in mid-sentence, as a shining glint caught her eye…that’s where she and the other ponies saw the head of the creature. It’s eye staring right at him. to the farmer, seeing that eye look at her with such, intensity, Applejack felt like the creature was staring right through her. it was actually kind of unsettling.

“Oh my goodness!” Fluttershy said, rather excitedly at that, as she zips past the others—catching the others off-guard—as she flies to creature. “Fluttershy!” the group said unison but the pegasus didn’t seem to hear them.

“This is incredible! I never a creature like you before!” Fluttershy says as she flies around the creature, looking at every part of it. “Do you have a name? what kind of creature you, and are there more of you?”

“Fluttershy!” the pegasus ‘eep!’ as Celestia calls out to her. “We don’t know what this creature is capable of, so please come back.”

“I’m sorry princess, I didn’t—EEP!”

The butterscotch mare gave a startled yelp as the creature brushed past her, and made it’s way over towards Celestia. The guards were about to move in, but the princess singled with a wing to stay put as the creature stopped a foot from the princess, whose entire bulk was nearly twice Celestia’s own heigh. She was already around six feet in height…and yet this creature made her look like she was just a teenager, as it was easily twice her size.

“Don’t worry princess!” Apple Bloom said as she and her friends meet up with the other ponies. “It isn’t going to hurt you, it’s just curious.”

The princess simply stood still and allowed the creature to look her over, but as it does so, the princess takes the opportunity to look the creature herself. It’s body was so unusual. Twilight, Applejack and Rainbow described it to being a creature with metallic like skin, but upon closer examination it looks like this creature is, purely machine. But it couldn’t be, nothing in the world should allow a machine to move and walk around like an actual creature, and yet this large thing is moving around like it was like any other animal. The princess flinched a little when the metal creature’s tail inched closer and closer to her, watching the strange limb come closer, before the tail began brushing through her mane.

“See princess, it’s not dangerous.” Sweetie Belle said as she pattered the creatures leg. “It’s just very curious.”

“I see that.” Celestia says as she feels those slender tendrils thrift through her mane, feeling each one move independently.

“It’s such an odd creature though, you’d think it’s nothing but bones just by looking at it.” Rarity said as she looked at the creature.

“Oh maybe we can feed it something, so it doesn’t look so skinny.” Pinkie says as she begins bouncing around, not really disturbed by the beast, then again, the pink pony is rarely bothered by anything.

Just as the ponies were starting to feel, somewhat less scared, of the creature, Celestia gave out a startled yelp as she felt a strand of her mane be plucked from her head. the ponies then watched as the tail of the creature removed itself from Celestia mane, while its tendrils were holding a single strand of Celestia’s hair. Celestia brought a hoof to her head to rub the general spot of where the strand was plucked from, while she and the other ponies watch the creature play with the strand, before it stuffed it in a pouch located on its hindlegs.

“Looks like it really liked your mane princess.” Pinkie commented with a little giggle, which caused the creature to look directly at her. “OH! I can see myself in its eye, cool.” As the pink pony looked herself in the eye of the creature, it turned its attention to Rarity who flinched when she noticed the creature was looking at her, and then made it’s way over to her.

“Okay now mr…miss…whatever it is you are, that’s far enough now.” Rarity says as she scuttles back, before hiding behind Twilight.

“So princess, what are you going to do with the creature?” Fluttershy asked as she watches the creature look over the pair of unicorns.

“I’m not sure.” Celestia says to the butterscotch mare. “I don’t think it will be a good idea to bring the creature to Canterlot, as I’m not sure if it harm any pony. Or that any pony might try something to harm it.”

“Well we can’t let it just wonder around; it’ll scare the towns ponies to death.” Rainbow remarked as kept a watchful eye on the creature, making sure it didn’t try anything. But that’s when the creature seemed to lose interest with the unicorns, and began to wonder off. “Hey, get back here!”

the ponies were about to chase after the creature, the guards on the lone cloud were about to dive at the creature, but Celestia flew to the front of the creature and stopped it from leaving the clearing.

“Creature can you understand me at all?” the alicorn said to the creature, hoping that it shared the same level of sentience as most other animals in Equestria have. But the creature just tilted its round head to the side. “Fluttershy, can you assist me. This is your area of expertise.”

“Of course.” Fluttershy said as she flew over to the alicorn, and looked the creature in the eye.

“Hello there, my name is Fluttershy. I’m sorry to say that you can’t leave, at least not until we figure out what to do with you.” the creature continued to tilt its head to the side, before it looked around itself, then back at Fluttershy and sits down on its haunches. “Thank you for understanding.” The pegasus said sweetly before giving the creature a pat on the head, creating some gentle pings and clanks, and feeling how cool its body was.

“So now what?” Applejack asked. “Ah mean, Ah honestly don’t feel comfortable having this creature here in the orchard.”

“Oh come on Applejack, we keep telling you that the creature is nice.” Apple Bloom retorted.

“I have to agree with your sister though Apple Bloom.” Celestia said to the little foal. “Until we know what this creature truly is, we need to keep it in a secure location.”

“But where princess?” Twilight asked. That’s when Fluttershy spoke up, and proposed something that honestly her friends wouldn’t think she’d say. Then again, she was a dotting caretaker to all creatures, no matter what they look like.

“I’ll be willing to take the creature in.”