• Published 12th Sep 2020
  • 6,449 Views, 616 Comments

Project New World - NinjaMare

the world of ponies is about to meet an emissary of an unknown race.

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Home Base Files - #05: The Investigation is Back On!

Author's Note:

now for anyone who is confused by the title of the story changing, I did it because I've been adding more robots than what I initially thought I would just be sticking with. But don't worry, ol' R.O.V.E.R won't be neglected. hopefully you enjoy the new title, and the new chapter, and the newest robot to handle town and city investigation!

Several hours have gone since the R.O.V.E.R unit has been brought back home to Earth, after its encounter with the swarm of black insectoid-equines. Thankfully, the creatures haven’t done significant damage to it, or its operating systems so it should be ready to return to its duties. But since the engineers had the machine in their hands, they figured they’d might as well give the poor outdated robot an much needed upgrade, after all, this model of the robot is nearly seven years old. So the R.O.V.E.R was going under improvement before it was released back into World 4.

As the R.O.V.E.R unit was being worked on, the head research of the Gate Project, Augustine Brown, was currently in a meeting with the board of directors. Discussing the fate of one of the researchers at the Gate compound, and his work on illegal human experimentations in regards to genetic alterations. There was also the issue of Gabriel disregarding safety protocol in bring in a creature from one of the other three worlds, running tests on it while keeping it in one of the less secure places of the facility as a whole…and then killing the creature rather than return it to its home world un-harmed.

“So with all this evidence in hand, as well as the action the Geneva Convention will undoubtedly bring down on him, as well as you gentlemen. As you are Gabriel’s current employers, he could say that you ordered him to take on this research making all of you take the fall, and leaving him untouched.”

The three men that were sitting in chairs across from Augustine, each donning an expensive suit, and going over the information that Augustine has copied from Gabriel’s own computer. Which as normally is left fairly vulnerable for anyone to gain access to if they so choose. After a minute of going over the date, as well as evidence of Gabriel bringing an un-authorized creature to the Home Base, the three men gave each other concluded looks as they all came to a decision.

“In light of evidence you have before us Miss. Brown; we agree that Mr. Avenarius must be dealt with.” The center director says as he clasps his hands. “However, even with this proof of his disregard for illegal of genetic modification, and bringing a possibly dangerous creature to the facility, we will also need to know who these benefactors are.”

“Indeed.” The director on the right says as he continuous to sift through the date Augustine provided. “If Mr. Avenarius has people that he has confidence in for protection, even from us, we will need to know who they are. Only then will we be able to come up with a plan to bring them in.”

“Until then Miss. Brown, keep a watchful eye on Mr. Avenarius. We will handle the rest.” The third man said to the woman who nodded in response. “Now, other than Mr. Avenarius backroom dealings, what have you learned from World 4 thus far?”

“Well sir from my last report, this world seems to hold great interest. Most of which comes from the inhabitants.”

“Ah yes the, intelligent equines.” The right director said. “Have you been able to communicate with them yet?” the woman shook her head, brushing a few locks of her hair out of her face before speaking.

“Not yet sir, but Miss. Aynesworth has finished with a cipher that’s been working to decode the equines written language, however she’s told me yesterday that only 5% of the language as been decoded to words that we know.” the three men nodded in understanding to the progress the Gate researchers have made thus far.

The meeting continued on for a bit longer, mostly it was just Augustine giving more updates about World 4, and what the Gate personnel have somewhat learned of the ponies. As well as give the men an update on the R.O.V.E.R’s progress. Once the meeting was over with the directors left the conference room, while Augustine headed back to her own duties. But before she did she wanted to check up on R.O.V.E.R’s redesign, and see how the oldest robot of the Gate Project was faring.

“Miss. Augustine!” a deep voice called out to the woman, causing her to turn to face the owner, who was a tall man wearing heavy clothing.

“Hello Rodger, what’s going on?” the woman asked the man as he slowed down from his jab.

“We’ve just finished the new unit you requested.”

“Already?!” Augustine asked in utter shock. After all, the request for a new robot was only put it in, two days ago! Rodger gave a small chuckle as he catches his breath before talking.

“Well when you asked us to build you a new robot unit, we were already building a scouting robot for the military. But we decided to put that project on the backburner, and use what we’ve build so far to make the new unit you’ve requested.”

“Oh. Well then, let’s see what the new robot looks like.”

Rodger agreed and began to lead Augustine to the Gate Platform chamber, rather than the Workshop. The researcher did question why they weren’t going to the construction chamber, to which the crafter to inform the woman that once the robot was done with, they brought it to the Gate Chamber as they assumed that the researchers would want to send it to the new world. upon reaching where the Gate machine was Rodger gestured to the new robot, which was being checked over by a few engineers and a few members of the work shoppers, seemingly checking to see if the robot was operating probably.

Augustine made her way over to the robot, where its head stretched out from its body to meet the woman half way. The woman and the machine just stared at each other for a little bit, before the machine’s head was pulled back into its body by one of the engineers.

“Well. What do you think?” Rodger asked as he stood beside the woman, a small smirk on his face.

“Not bad, defiantly less intimidating…but…why is it, purple?” Augustine asked as she tilted her head slightly.

“We thought it made it cuter, after all, from what Charles has said about World 4 the inhabitants are basically walking plush toys. We thought we not only make it look more friendly, but also colored to be more inviting.”

“…that’s fair.” The woman replied. “Is it capable of being deployed now?” Augustine asked the crew that were messing with the robot.

“Just another minute to make sure its systems are running 100%, and it should be ready for deployment.” A shorter man holding a tablet said as he works on said system.

Another minute or two went by, and once the crew was done, the new robot was now fully operational and ready to venture beyond the portal. As the machine primed itself to open the portal, Augustine headed back up to the Observation room to see what will occur when it crossed the threshold. Entering the room Augustine sees Charles, Adam and Aynesworth, and the southern woman Jessy and the youngest member of the group Richard, a Caucasian man were looking down at the new robot as it stood before the portal that just opened up.

“You think it will be okay?” Aynesworth said as the robot walked through the portal.

“Only one way to find out.” Augustine said as she took a seat, and watched as the new robots camera turned on…and showed the familiar group of ponies from the first few days. “Well…this is going to be strange first meeting.”


Ponyville was still in a very tense state after the small surprised changeling attack, and from the scare that the ponies got when a titanic blue skinned giant came stomping out of a large portal, in fact the giant was so heavy that it left deep engraved footprints in the road. After emerging from the portal, the giant went about in rescue its fallen friend from the changelings…while also killing around thirty of them with little to no effort whatsoever. Course when the princesses learned of this attack, via Spike sending a message from Twilight, they came down to investigate. Luckily, no structural damage—aside from twelve stalls and a few tents—and no pony was hurt to bad, a few scratches, minor bruises, but nothing to substantial.

“It is clear what this was sister, it was an attack meant for revenge from casting Chrysalis out of Canterlot during Cadences wedding.” Luna said to her sister as she, Celestia, and Twilight plus her friends make sure everypony was alright as they made their way to main square.

“I agree Luna, and if Chrysalis intends to make more attempts such as this, we’ll have to post guards at key points of the town.” Celestia said as the group made it to the town square, where she stopped and looked at the footprints pressed into the ground. “Twilight…exactly what did this new creature look like, your message didn’t give any details.”

“Well Princess it was huge! Far bigger than the other creature—”

“Which I decided to call, Gleam!” Pinkie butted in before being pulled back by Rarity, who began scolding her for interrupting Twilight.

“Yea, it was far bigger than Gleam was.” Twilight repeated as she thought back to the titans appearance. “It’s skin was just as shiny as Gleam’s, and looked to be made out of metal as well and, I’m not sure how it did it but. The new creature was somehow able to create a shockwave from its claw…”

“Which, killed, the thirty changelings the guards had to bury, yes?” Celestia said to which the unicorn, and her friends nodded.

The conversation between the mares was interrupted when a large rectangular portal opened, causing any of the nearby towns ponies to see it run away in screaming terror. As for the group of mares, the alicorns stood before the element bearers, who half cowered behind the two rulers and half prepared to deal with whatever would emerge from the portal! But as the ponies kept their eyesight high up, expecting a large foreboding creature to have emerged…what came out of the portal was however…not what they expected.