• Published 12th Sep 2020
  • 6,449 Views, 616 Comments

Project New World - NinjaMare

the world of ponies is about to meet an emissary of an unknown race.

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Chapter 5: Things to Come.

R.O.V.E.R was still at work in scanning each page of every book that was in this tree library that the ponies have constructed, continuously adding to the storage of data in its memory banks, in fact the amount of data that R.O.V.E.R has currently on its memory banks was already close to being full. Downloading all the information from the books of the ruins, along with the scans of the various endemic fauna, and now the new stores of information being scanned from the books of the library, has the machines memory banks more than half-way full.

As the machine was scanning and logging the contents of the books, it’s tail camera was trained on the two ponies and small reptile in the room, conversing in their unique language.

Interestingly enough, the R.O.V.E.R unit noted that despite the reptiles snarls, hisses, and bizarre cackle-like noises, the two mares seemed to understand it perfectly, and vice versa.

During the conversation, the metal beast watched as the unicorn levitated a small rolled up scroll to the reptile…where it puffed out a gust of green fire and the scroll turned to smoke and went flying out the door! This whole event and bizarre interaction caught the R.O.V.E.R’s attention, to where it abandon the books, and marched outside the door—nearly breaking the entrance—as it scanned for the wisp of smoke. After finding it, the machine watched it fly off into the distance, leading to a tall narrow looking mountain some miles away from the settlement, where a large structure sat on the side of the mountain.

As the mechanical beast watched the wisp of smoke, that is now a spec on the horizon, it’s audio receptors picked up more panicked neighing and knickers from multiple other equines, but the machine ignored them and continued to just stand there like a statue as the R.O.V.E.R unit was awaiting for advice from the research team back at Home Base. It was waiting to see whether or not the research team would have the mechanical animal follow the smoky wisp, or remain in its current location and continue to study the settlement, and everything in it until further notice.

After a brief moment, the machine’s posture laxed as it went back into the library, where it continued to study the books. But as the machine goes about documenting the books, the R.O.V.E.R’s tail continues to scan the creatures of its surrounds, in case if it picks up other types of unusual happenings.

Not more than three minutes after the machine went back to studying the books, that another strange occurrence happened. The tail noted that two flashes of light—a golden yellow and a light blue—occurred just outside of the tree, and the tail snaked out through the door way, the previously documented white winged unicorn now stood along with the lavender unicorn, and the butterscotch pegasus and reptile. But there was a new winged unicorn among the small group. This winged unicorn was midnight blue in color, it’s mane and tail also free flowing like its larger counterpart, but instead of an aurora this unicorns mane and tail was more like a night sky. And unlike the alabaster winged unicorn’s golden accessory, the other unicorn was sporting more silver accessories, complementing its nightly colored scheme.

As the white unicorn and the lavender one were, conversing, the blue unicorn noticed R.O.V.E.R’s tail camera looking in their direction, and began trotting over to the tail which coiled up like a snake as its tendril feelers emerged from their sockets.

The unicorn seemed startled by this and flared its wings while furrowing its brow, but what the R.O.V.E.R found interesting wasn’t the simple threatening display the unicorn was giving, no, the machine was more interested in how the unicorn was acting. The way the unicorn was positioning itself, and the look of caution on its face as well as its natural equine dialect, greatly showed the machine that these equines are indeed capable of expressing a wide range of emotion.

Just like, humans.


Yesterday Luna was told by her sister that a strange creature came to Ponyville, a creature that even Celestia hasn’t seen in her thousand years of governing the country. It was said to have a lean, almost gangly body with various parts of it sticking or hanging out, while its body looks like it was made out of metal. While also having an odd dark green skin color. At first Luna didn’t put much thought into her sisters little story about the creature, thinking that somepony in Ponyville must’ve just found a rare exotic Everfree creature, but when that letter from Twilight came flying into the dining room and spoke about the same unusual creature that Celestia was talking about, Luna’s curiosity about the creature was peaked.

And when Luna saw the creature herself, it was certainly a sight like no other.

When she and her sister arrived in front of the library that Twilight resides at, Luna looked for the creature to see if it is as stunningly unusual as she was told. And her expectations were not shafted. Upon noticing only the tail of the creature, peeking out of the library door, the lunar princess made her way to the building to investigate. And when she saw the creature the alicorn was astonished. It’s body truly did look gangly, almost to the point of being merely skeletal in nature.

As the night princess was studying the creatures back, her attention was pulled away when the beast’s tail slither it’s way to her. the midnight princess took a cautious step back as the slender limb inches towards her, its unblinking eye staring her down…and as three slivery grey tendrils emerge from sockets around the eye, and wriggle around like worms. Overall the sight was quite disturbing, and if Luna was truthful, was also very unsettling. The feeling of unease only grew as the unsettling limb further slinks over to her, causing the princess to take another step back, flare her wings and giving a warning glare to the beast.

“Stay where you are beast, do not come any closer!” Luna said as she said commandingly to the serpentine appendage.

“Easy Luna, there’s no need to cause an incident.” Celestia says as she trots to her sisters side, calming her down before Luna does anything, reckless. “The creature is merely curious about newcomers.”

“Forgive me sister, its just…this creature…” Luna mutters as she glances at the appendage, watching it linger in the air, its tendrils looking like they wish to touch her causing the princess to shutter.

“I know it’s a bit unusual sister, but the creature won’t harm you unless provoked.”

Luna gives a relaxed sigh as she nods to her sisters words, her posture relaxing as her wings fold against her side. Once Luna was calmed the ponies ventured into the library, after brushing past the observing tail eye, the two princesses as well as Fluttershy, Spike and Twilight stood at the creatures side and watch it read through another book.

“So this creature is capable of reading?” Luna questions as she looks more at the perfect spherical head of the creature.

“Yeah it really shocked us to see it do so, but so far we haven't been able to talk to it.” Twilight says to the princess as the creature returns the book to its proper place on the shelf, before grabbing another via its tail tendrils. Celestia then made her way to the front of the creature, where she tried to grab its attention before it began reading its new book.

“Excuse me, creature.” Celestia says politely but the creature ignores her, and goes about reading its new book. Clearing her throat Celestia tries again to garner the creatures attention. “Excuse me creature, but could I have a word please?”

Again the creature seems to be ignoring the solar princess, and seems far more interested in reading the book. While Celestia seemed to be a little annoyed that the creature was unresponsive to her, Luna however was more lived as this creature is blatantly ignoring her sister.

“Creature!” Luna bellowed, causing the machine to look up from its book and look directly at midnight alicorn. “When our sister speaks to you, you will give her your upmost—”

“Luna, enough!” Celestia says harshly, causing the other alicorn to flinch at the sudden outburst from her sister. “Communication with the creature is difficult, there is no need to raise your voice at it.”

“Apologies sister, I…did not know.” Luna says regrettably.

“It’s fine Luna.” Celestia reassures her sister with a more calmed tone of voice. “Though admittedly this is going to be a, difficult challenge. If the creature is indeed intelligent, but is un-able to speak modern Ponish…then we can’t ascertain what it is, or where it came from.”

“Or why its here.” Luna commented as she gives the cyclopean creature a suspicious look as it goes back to reading the book.


Elsewhere in Equestria, far off to the West in desolate remote land dubbed, the Badlands, something was stirring. Jutting out of the expanse of sandy dunes, dried landscape, a massive black stone structure like a insect hive stands like an ominous shadow. In this mound at the utmost peak in a ill-lit room, Queen Chrysalis stands atop her dark throne as her changelings gather around her, their pale blue eyes shimmering in the dark as their chitter and buzzing wings fill the air. Once all members of the changeling hive were present, Chrysalis raises a hoof to silence the chittering and the buzzing, sending the room into an ambient silence. A silence that was short lived as the queen began to speak to her hive.

“We…failed!” the hive chittered and hissing for a bit before going silent as Chrysalis continues.

“We had the city of Canterlot within our very hooves, and yet we LOST IT!” the queens frustration was emphasized by a stomp from her right hoof, causing a loud thunderous ‘thud’ to echo through the chamber. “And the reason for our foil, was that accursed Twilight Sparkle and her now sister-in-law!” Chrysalis snarled as simply saying those names tasted like bile in her mouth.

“And in the wake of their, victory, we were scattered about Equestria. Beaten—” several changelings hissed.

“Bruised—” others snarled as their wings buzzed furiously.

“And bloodied as we were tossed against the very land itself like garbage!” changelings baring injuries of various kinds all gave crackling snarls as they stomped their hooves.

“But don’t worry my subjects.” Chrysalis says as she spreads her wings, a wicked smile growing on her muzzle. “We will have our vengeance on those ponies.” The queen then looked off to the side of the chamber, where three sets of eyes could be seen from the shadow of a small hole.

From the hole in the wall a trio of pegasi came trotting out. One was a black stallion with a grey mohawk mane, while the other two were mares, the one on the left was blueish grey with a long blonde mane and tail, while the other was white with a neatly trimmed mane and tail of green with bright pink highlights. After emerging from the hole the ponies reverted to their true changeling forms, as crackling green flames enveloped them.

“Thanks to our spies we learned where Twilight Sparkle, and her friends reside. And with this bit of information, I will devise a plan that will allow us to get our revenge on those mares who disrupted our plans. Who knows…” Chrysalis says with a little bit of mirth in her distorted voice.

“Perhaps we can use them to get at Princess Cadence, and her colt toy husband.” The hive erupted in sinister cackling and hissing, as the changelings cheered as their hooves waved in the air, ready to enact their vengeance now. Again Chrysalis raises a hoof to silence the hive as she continues speaking.

“But for the time being, we will gather our strength, or spies will continue to keep tabs on them. And once I have come up with a plan of attack…we will act!”

The changelings gave one last cheer to their queen as they slowly quieted down, before leaving the throne chamber and to different sections of the hive to rest. As for the queen, she took to the air and flew off to her own personal chamber to rest, and begin plotting on how to get her vengeance on that accursed unicorn. Even thinking about the adolescent mare was enough to make the queens blood to boil, but despite her frustration the queen brushed it off and focused on her current agenda and plans.