• Published 13th Dec 2020
  • 8,435 Views, 356 Comments

A Family From The Moon - GhostCreator

Nightmare Moon was banishen to the moon by Celestia, but no one could predicted a little suprise left by love.

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19 Cracks in the rock part 3

After a few hours Twilight could finally say one thing about Discord.

He was a jerk.

He was a master at chaos magic, she could admit. But beyond that? Nothing more than a bully with a new target to play with. Constantly teasing, treating others like toys and never admitting to anything. Anypony would hate him. He was completely disintegrating any plan, harmony, or order that was before his appearance.

But it, in itself, wouldn't present much harm to others. Some chocolate raining, or a floor made from soap, wouldn't harm too much anypony. The problem arose after.

The chaos he left after his play was much more dangerous. His magic would slowly dissolve creating dangerous and unstable structures, beings, and many more. Furthermore, she had read about creatures that were created after he left. One of the less harmful ones was the Poison Joke. A beautiful flower, that is until you touched it, then it would play a joke on you, any joke. There was one accident where an unfortunate pony could leave his home, or more precisely he became his home. He was scared of flowers for the rest of his life.

And there was one more thing she needed to take into account. She hasn't seen him angry. But if he is that dangerous when happy then how much worse would the world suffer if he was angry? Twilight let her mind wander while she was running through a triangle, twisted corridor that once belonged to Canterlot Castle.

"Come on Twilight! Let's play more!" Shouted Discord, while chasing her in remade castle. Well, at least my magic works on his creations to some extent. With this thought she avoided Spirit of Chaos once again.

As Luna raced to the hideout chaos magic slowly spread through Ponyville and Everfree Forest. In the beginning, it was small. Some pink clouds raining chocolate drops, or animals dancing. But as time passed the world became unrecognisable.

Now she had to fight to even move forward.

Thankfully, once she entered the forest and vanished from view, she could spread her wings and speed up. But still, there was a question what to do?

Discord was without question a problem. Not only how to defeat him, but it is even wise to face him in the first place. With his magic and his understanding of her, he could see through her disguise and reveal her to everypony, if she decided to confront him in her disguise.

Of course, she can confront him without it, but then everypony would know that she was real, and the witch hunt would start as soon as the issue with Discord is over.

And considering all the lies Celestia spread through the kingdom, she wouldn't be seen as a savior but as a monster.


It's a word that many used to describe her. She hated this word. She hated being considered one. Even now she should call any being a monster.

Not even Discord.

She knew better than anypony that pain.

But she couldn't do anything about it now. She could only try to protect herself and her daughter.

Finally, she reached her hideout. The area around was already transformed by magic and unrecognisable even by her, but inside was still the same. If she hadn't left a magic mark and traveled there many times, she wouldn't find it. And that would be a big problem considering that she had collected and prepared a few things just for a similar fight. So all she needed to do was collect them.

"Nightmare?" Luna jumped starled. She looked at the source of the voice.

Cadence stared at her with an eyebrow raised. It had been a long time since she was imprisoned here, and she got used to seeing her. "What are you doing?" Even then Cadence still didn't like talking to her. Luna temporarily focused on Cadence.

"Something." She didn't have time to explain. However, Cadence present presented a problem. She was an alicorn and a prisoner of her. She could be crushed if enchantments would hold against chaos magic. Or she would be found by Discord and without her magic she would become a plaything for him. Still would be very dangerous knowing that a fight between alicorns would amuse him very much. Or she would leave after everything is over informing Celestia about this hideout.

However, she couldn't just release her. She was her bargaining chip in case Twilight was discovered.

"What?" Cadence was disturbed by Luna's continuous stare. But if we fail to stop Discord it wouldn't mean anything. Finally Luna signed and asked. "Do you know how to fight?"

"Um..." Cadence was visibly surprised by this question." A little. Why?"

Without answering, she opened the door to her cell. Cadence didn't like that one bit, but before she could voice her displeasure, Luna removed inhibitions rings from her horn.

"What?" She was very surprised by her behavior.

"Come with me." Demanded Luna. "And this isn't a suggestion or request." Without further ado, she turned to leave.

Princess of Love was standing there stunned. She was being freed or prepared to be killed? But if so then why don't do it here, or at least keep rings on her to prevent her from fighting or escaping? What she should do?

Standing here won't help me. She finally decided and followed her captor outside. At least it could be worse.

How wrong she was.

As soon as she saw the light of day she wished she stayed inside. Outside was chaos. It could be described otherwise. Before she even could comprehend what she was seeing Nightmare surrendered her with her magic and pulled.

Just in time to avoid being flattened by a big rabbit with horns and wings.

"Don't just stand there!" Shouted Nightmare Moon while grappling with a four-arm pig. "This is all doing of Discord, we need to stop him.

Why it is happening to me? Lamented Cadence.

Meanwhile Twilight was hanging by her tail from the ceiling with Celestia.

"Beautiful view don't you think? "

The said ceiling wasn't supported by anything and was more a plot for them to hang up than a real thing. Made by Discord to allow them to see what happened to their home. Underneath them was what once was Canterlot Castle now a bizarre park of strange things. Maze stretching up to the sky, a lake where looking at it reassembled letter w, or guards running around wearing destroyed suits resembling bears, rabbits, and a fox? Further was even worse many things gained legs and started running or/ and chasing ponies.

"You won't get away with this!" Twilight rolled her eyes, she had heard this phrase too much lately from Celestia. She focused on undying her restraints with her. Thankfully Discord didn't restrict their magic.

"Celestia you are getting bored." Sighted Discord. "Look around you. There is nothing that you can do to stop me. A lone alicorn with one unicorn trying to save the world. Tsk. Tsk. So cliché." He snapped his claw teleporting them next to him.

"You don't even have your little gems since you banished your sister."

"What?" Both Celestia and Twilight were surprised.

"What what? You didn't think that I didn't know what happened that day? Oh, Celestia such a lovely job you did in casting out your sister." He smiled reminiscing about that time.

"How do you know it?"Celestia asked surprised." You were already petrified!"

He bopped her in the nose." Yes, I was, but it didn't interrupt me in watching others you know?" He teleported them back. "Oh and what a day it was!" He proudly stated. "You battled her so willingly, so vigorously. You never allowed her any chance to rest." He snapped his claw again. With a little bit of glitter, he suddenly was holding a little figure of Nightmare Moon. "Such a shame that it didn't last longer." He signed like it was something he could watch all day long.

But then he scratched his chin with his foot. "But you know what is the best in all of this?"

"I don't care what you think Discord" Celestia tried to play uninterested, but her trembling betrayed her. Discord wasn't very disturbed by her act.

"The history swapped your places."

"What?" It was the only thing that escaped Celesta's mouth because quite simply she didn't know how to replay. Swapped your places? What it could mean? Does that mean that Celesta was supposed to be banished or what?

But before she could comprehend this fact, Twilight decided that was good a good moment to free herself and Celestia.

"Oh you are no fun, Twilight" His tail reshaped itself to resemble a claw and then snapped. Twilight and Celestia were surrounded by his magic. But it didn't stop Twilight from trying.

"You can try however you want, but you should know..."Discord proclaimed but was interrupted by his magic being dispelled.

He frowned and snapped his claw again"Ok you were lucky twice but..." Twiligth freed herself again.

He again surrounded them in his magic."The third time's a charm" Twilight freed herself.Spirit's eye twitched.

He caught her.

She escaped.

He caught her.

She escaped.

He caught her.

She escaped.

"Grahhhh!"Discord's head exploded in flash of light. After this, he reached his arm to where his head was and produced new one. "How are you doing this?"

Discord adding have enough of this game, used his paw and cough Twilight.

"Now let's see how you are able to resist my magic." He grinned.

His magic flew from his eyes and mouth creating small cloud. After said cloud reached the size of Twilight it flew at her. Alicorn in disguise tried to move about the way but couldn't. She even tried to hold her breath, but she could forever.

Finally, she breathed in a bit.

The cough she received was the biggest in her life. This was nightmare. She knew it was mistake. This was the worst thing ever.

"I have never smelled more rotten breath! Brush your teeth sometimes!" She was dying.

"What?" Discord breathed some onto nearby relatively normal plants. Trying to see if his breath really was that bad.

Plants immediately withered.

"Could you puff -cough- this away?! It's literally -cought- killing me! You monster!"

"Ok, ok jeez" Swapping his fingers the cloud vanished. Twilight could take a breath of relieve.

Discord was not amused. "I find it insulting. Just to let you know, I couldn't brush my teeth when I was petrified." He shook his head." Back to the topic." Twilight floated in front of him and he started looking her up.

"Hmm, it is interesting." He stopped as in deep thoughts." It seems that Magic is strong in you. But it shouldn't without the rest." This didn't escape the Celestia's notice.

"Twilight! Elements, weapon against Discord, are..." But before she could finish Discord took her mouth.

"You always want to spoil my fun." He was spinning her mouth like a toy." It seems that I can't keep your dear student-" He stroked her chin with free law."- so let's play a game" He snapped his claw and Twilight vanished."Let's how fast she can get here to hear what you wanted to say." His smile twisted into evil grin." In the meantime, we have time to ourselves. Don't you agree, dear Celestia?"

And he received a blow to his head. Who interrupted him again.

"Long time no see Discord" Came the darker voice. Discord dusted himself of and turned around.

"Welcome back, Lulu" He looked at second newcomer." And Princess Cadence. How nice of you to come, but I am busy already with Celestia. Can't you wait a ..." He was interrupted again with a blast of magic from Nightmare. "It seems not"

He flew up and started gathering his magic.

"Then Let's play"

Author's Note:

Another one! And longer too!
I should make next chapter next week but no promises!