• Published 13th Dec 2020
  • 8,434 Views, 356 Comments

A Family From The Moon - GhostCreator

Nightmare Moon was banishen to the moon by Celestia, but no one could predicted a little suprise left by love.

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8 Summer Sun Celebration

The day of Summer Sun Celebration

Today was the day. The 1000th celebration of Celestia beating Luna. Exactly 1000 years ago Twilight's mother was sent to the Moon after the battle with Princess Celestia. Even if you’re immortal it’s a long time, especially alone on a cold desolate moon.

Twilight couldn't keep her composure, she wanted to jump and scream with joy. This was the day when she would see her mother again after weeks! Fortunately, her friends thought she was happy because of the Celebration, not something different.

But first, she needed to help to prepare for this cursed Celebration. She was assigned to overlook Celebration since she’s new and was good at organizing things She made a checklist and took some snacks for later. Everything was going smoothly until he arrived.

Applejack was collecting additional apples for apple pies, while Twilight was counting the number of different foods that will be served at the Celebration. Granny Smith was in the kitchen since she was too old for hard work, even if she insisted she was. Applebloom helped Big Mac and the rest with preparing other things. In other words, everything was normal for the Apple Family.

Then he came.

He was a white-colored station with a red mane. He was probably between thirty and forty years. On his flank was a picture of a chest filled with gold, diamonds, and other valuable gems. From his posture and how he was looking at others, you could tell he was from nobility who doing nothing. Let's hope that I'm wrong. Twilight from the start didn't like this pony, but her mother taught her not to judge a book by its cover. So when he was near she decided to greet him.

"Welcome, sir! What can we do for you?" Twilight greeted him in her warm voice. "This is Sweet Apple Acres?" He said in a bored tone. "Yes, we are currently preparing for the Summer Sun Celebration so if you need something you need to wait until we are done." He stopped listening after confirmation and just went to the farm, without a word. Not a very nice stallion. Twilight returned to her work.

An hour later she said farewell to the Apple Family and went to Fluttershy to check the music. There shouldn't be much problem of a with the music. The last time I checked Fluttershy had made good progress. She was in good mood, the encounter with the stallion already forgotten. Nothing could ruin her mood.

"Speak louder you lowly peasant!" Or something could. It went from the place where Fluttershy was training her birds for the Celebration. Judging from the voice it wasn't a nice situation. Twilight sped up a bit.

The view which greeted her wasn't nice either. The station from earlier was standing next to Fluttershy, who was curled and visibly shaking. It was obvious that something wasn't right.

"Hey! What's going on here?" Twilight's voice interrupting them. "It’s not your concern. It's between me and this pegasus and you better leave before..." He said in a threatening voice. For any other pony, it would be enough to think twice, but Twilight wasn't an ordinary pony.

"Or what? You’ll shout at me? Please. You’re harassing my friends here. I don't know what happened, but I will not stand idly when my friends need me. Moreover, last time I checked threatening others was punishable by law, so you better stop when you can." Twilight said while standing between the pony and Fluttershy, with no intention of leaving. Luna taught her to always protect others no matter what, especially when they could become her future subjects.

"Listen here, you little peasant. You have no idea who I am. I'm Sunchaser from Platinum House, a personal student of Princess Celestia and I'm here to oversee the preparation for the celebration for our beloved Princess. This pegasus- " Sunchaser shot an angry look at Fluttershy. "- was planning to train birds for the celebration, when Princess needs the best, not some common birds. And if you want to interrupt my work you will face consequences."

"Actually, Fluttershy is the best for preparing the music for celebration so don't you dare shout at her. What's more I'm overseeing the preparation and nothing seems out of order so leave. If the princess wanted something more she would order." Thankfully she was already angry or they would hear the venom in her voice when she said the ruler's name. "Now I believe it is high time for you to leave." With this, she teleported the stallion out of her sight.

She took a deep breath and asked Fluttershy. "Are you alright?" Even if she knew her friends for only a few weeks she cared deeply about them and Fluttershy was always the shyest and weak of them all. "T-thank you. " She was still shaking, but at least she didn't run. "I think you should take a little break to compose yourself." Twilight helped her stand and took her to her home near the Everfree Forest. The biggest shock had passed, but she was still scared. Unfortunately, Twilight couldn't spend the rest of the day with Fluttershy, she still needed to do her chores.

"I must be going. Sorry that I couldn’t stay longer but the world won’t waiting for anypony." With a silent acknowledgment from the pegasus, Twilight continued with her work. The closer the night the more excited she was. Who wouldn't? Today at midnight she would again see her mother. She just needed to survive this today.

The rest went smoothly. She reported to the mayor and went to her home/library. Once inside, she made a big cup of delicious hot chocolate. Now she just needed to wait, nothing could go wrong.

Or could it?

While relaxing reading one of many books, she heard something at her front door. The library was closed for the Celebration, so nopony should come this late. As she trotted to open the door, she glanced at a window. It was started to rain. Somepony was knocking at her door the louder the closer she got to the point of nearly knocking it from the frame.

"I'm coming! I'm coming! There’s no need to be so loud." She opened the door and immediately she wished that she didn't do it. Sunchaser- the same pony who shouted at Fluttershy, was standing in front of her.

"Yes? What do you want?" Be calm, Twilight. Maybe he’s lost. She thought wistfully. Yet she still had her calm voice. At least I can train my cold composure for later.

"Is this Golden Oak Library?" He said in a voice full of arrogance.

"Yes?" Twilight answered. I don't like where it is going.

"Excellent! Now, step aside. I want to see my new living place." Without waiting for anything, he tried to step inside. He was stopped by a purple shield in front of the door. "What new living place? It’s my home and if you want to borrow a book you need to come tomorrow." The situation was unheard-of. Why he thinks he could simply walk inside somepony's house with this lame excuse?

"Listen. This isn’t your home and I don't care what happens to you. Even if Princess Celestia personally told you to stay here she didn't mention anypony else. Now leave." He said while gesturing to someone. Two fully armored ponies came from the shadows. "Or else..."

"No." At this response, guards step closer and lift something. It was a small object with strange buttons. Twilight didn't even have time to completely tell what it was when they touched her shield with it instantly breaking it. "WHAT!?" How it is possible?! My shield is nearly indestructible! The shock caused her to freeze up and allowed the two ponies to catch and throw her from the library. How they did it? The simple thought swirl in her head. While they holding her she noticed a similar object and many more in one satchel, this could be useful. She snatched some without alerting the guards. They’re so arrogant that they couldn’t imagine that somepony could steal something from under their noses.

They threw her out in the rain. Only then she fully realized her situation and shot inside again. "I'm not going so easily." She stated ready to fight. Sunchaser was already inside and didn't pay much attention to them. "By the order of the Crown, you must leave. It’s private property." Said the left guard.

"Yes, Me I'm Ponyville's librarian! I signed a contract with Mayor."

"It doesn't matter. Princess Celestia can overrule any contract signed by any other Mayor in any other city. Now leave or we will have to arrest you." Sunchase was back and watching this scene with a big grin plastered on his face. He seemed like when others were in trouble. I don't think they could contain me against my will even if a full legion was here, but that would raise suspicions. I can't allow that. Especially now that my mom will soon be here. "I will be back and I will have my home back." Twilight said while opening the door with her magic. Of course, it wasn't everything she was doing. She had a few things she needed to take and she didn't think that he could allow her.

"Can I take my things with me?" Before any guard could answer it was Sunchaser who replied. "There isn't anything that’s yours and I will not waste money for a commoner like you." That confirmed her assumption. Thankfully, this conversation gave her enough time to secretly move them without them noticing.

Twilight eyed him and left. It was still raining, so under the nearest roof she summoned her things. All her money, a few important books, those things from the guards, and most importantly the Element of Magic. They probably couldn't even touch it but better safe than sorry. What now? I'm homeless again. Mother’s still is on the Moon. She thought about what to do next. Maybe one of my friends could help me? With a bit of luck maybe I could persuade them to help me and my mother. The closest is Rarity. I only hope I can stay with her for the Celebration.

With this, she trotted to her target. She’s only been in Ponyville for a few weeks, but she already liked her new home. The inhabitants of this village were very nice.

Rarity owned a small shop in Ponyville that specialized in making suits and dresses, usually fancy. When Twilight arrived lights were still on, fortunately. She knocked a few times and waited.

And waited.

When nopony answered she knocked again. This time the doors was opened by a young filly. She saw her earlier walking around the village numerous times.

"Hello. The shop is closed and Rarity isn't receiving any orders. Please come back later, preferably tomorrow." Then she tried to close the door. But before she could do it, Twilight stopped her. "This isn't about clothes and I need to talk with Rarity. Please" A big smile was on her face with puppy eyes." Eh, ok. Wait here." Twilight complied. Something could be heard further in and then Rarity showed up.

"Twilight!" Rarity looked surprised. Well, what sane pony would come to shop at the time like this. "What are you doing here? I thought you’d be in your home preparing for the Celebration."

"I’ll answer your questions, but I can enter? I'm not made of sugar, but rain isn’t pleasant in the middle of the night."

"Oh! Of course! Where are my manners? Sweetie could you make some tea for my friend, Twilight" When the younger pony left. Rarity continued. "So?"

"I was kicked from the library "Twilight was pretty attached to the library. It was the only place besides the moon that she could call home.

"What? But how? The mayor shouldn't kick you. You were perfect for the job."

"It wasn't the mayor" At question look from Rarity, she continued. "Earlier today a new stallion came from Canterlot to oversee preparations beside me. I met him with Fluttershy and he wasn't nice. Fluttershy was trembling after meeting him but returning to the main topic. A few minutes ago he came to my library and when I opened the door he told me that it’s now his library and ordered two guards to kick me out!" Twilight's voice grew and Rarity could sense anger within it. "I couldn’t bring anything with me. And what’s worse he said that it was perfectly legal since the Crown can override any contract how they pleased." She looked at Rarity.

"Tell me is his name Sunchaser?" Rarity asked calmly.

"Yes, how did you know?"

"He terrorized half of Ponyville and our friends. We were going to meet up with Applejack, but Fluttershy didn't show up. Now I know why. But why are you here?"

"Well, I thought I could stay here with you for a while. I don't have any other place and I'm short on bits. Plus it was the closest in this weather." Twilight looked at Rarity with a hopeful look.

"Of course darling, that’s what friends are for to help each other." Twilight was relieved she could safely wait for now. While they were preparing space for Twilight to sleep no one noticed the disappearing shape from the Moon.

The time has come. The last of the enchantments keeping Luna on the Moon vanished freeing her again. Her strength is back in full and basking in her full form. She was excited to see how the world changed while she was banished. She couldn’t waste any time though, her main priority was her daughter.

She flew to her old castle, hoping to find a trace of her daughter. But when she finally found it it was in ruin and surrender by a deep, dark forest. It looked like nopony had been here for a long time. Why they abandoned it, she didn't know, but they had to move somewhere else. She flew higher and saw a city on the side of the mountain. It was mainly white and gold architecture that simply shouted Praise Celestia. The biggest monument of her glory she could make.

While she thought about what to do next she spotted something descending from this city. A chariot pulled by two stallions with the last pony Luna wanted to see, her sister Celestia. She had no idea what she was planning, or doing, or even why she left her castle. She must’ve felt the magic break from her prison, even though the lack of a face on the Moon was a big sign.

She decided to follow her as a mist. Turning to mist was one of the many abilities connected with the night. With this, it’s easier to sneak up on anypony. With Celestia heading to a small town near the forest with the ruined castle. Coincidence? she thought.

Her sister stopped near the village and went to the forest. It was already suspicious, but without risk, there is no gain. This turned out not to be a great idea. A few minutes later she lost her. She found her in a nice, open glade. She strained to see what she was doing.

"We meet again, Nightmare Moon." Celestia turned to face her. How did she know?

"It seems our little trick didn't work on thou." Luna circled her in the open glade. She knew that a fight was inevitable.

"I only have one warning for you. It will end today." With that, Celestia attacked with a magic blast. Night alicorn countered with her own beam of darkness while conducting shields against solar power. Solar power was the main form of attack from her sister, it’s effective and difficult to counter.

Seeing that her blast did nothing Celestia decided to use brute force. She attempted to kick Luna while using magic to blind her. Luna simply jumped away from her.

"Celestia don't play with us!" I couldn’t believe that she thought that’d work. I took in my magic from the nearest tree and using it as a sword she went to hit the solar pony. It was destroyed easily by Celestia's kick. This wouldn’t be an easy fight. Nearly two minutes later Luna found an opening. Thanks to her daughter she learned to cast more concealed traps. And Celestia finally stepped on one. It was a simple skid trap, but effective. With this Luna used all her magic and shot Celesta through the forest. She flew to where she crashed while she was trying to get up. She seized her in her magic and blocked her magic. She won.

"You win." Celestia said. What? "Do what you want." She won, but something wasn't right. Celestia was known for her schemes. She even earned herself the title Mastermind. It couldn’t be so easy. She hesitated and it seemed Celesta noticed. "Luna, keep fighting!" What's her game? Is she encouraging me to fight? She always has a back-up plan when something goes wrong..... with this she understood. It was all planned, her being alone in the forest and losing, even her sending me to the moon to drain my magic to make me weak! I’d be vulnerable and easy to kill. I'm not safe here!

"Nightmare..." Before she could finish her sentence Luna hit her hard in the head, making her world spin. She used it to teleport far away. She could risk leaving her daughter alone, even if she would make Celestia pay. Her daughter was the most important.

The fight still left her weaker, but still, she had plenty of strange to fight for later. Now she must find her daughter. Think Luna, where she would go? She could risk appearing in big cities since they were always well-guarded in her times. Maybe a smaller village? She saw one while flying after Celestia. It was a good start.

Celestia should be here at any moment.

"...it is my great honor to introduce to you the ruler of our land, the very pony who gives us the sun and the moon each and every day, the good, the wise, the bringer of harmony to all of Equestria..." Congratulations Celestia, you did it. Everypony thinks that you are perfect. They celebrate even my mother's night, thinking it is yours. You always wanted glory. The family was nothing to you? Twilight was in an even worse mood than before. She couldn't stand this praise to Celestia. The bringer of harmony, that’s rich. The only thing she brought was pain. But since she ruled alone, no pony could stand against her, I guess.

"...Princess Celestia!" Mayor Mare shouted, but nopony showed up. Ponies began to think something wasn't right. Twilight too, but for other reasons. If her mother somehow met Celestia it could go poorly. She didn't want that.

"I'm sorry my little ponies for being late. Something came up, but now we can celebrate!" There she was, Celestia, standing on a balcony in her full glory. But something wasn't right, there was a strange mist surrounding her. It usually means illusions or something like that. For any normal pony seeing through it would be an impossible feat, but Twilight was nothing, but ordinary. She was trained by the master of illusions since dreams and illusions were relatively close, plus it was magic of course. So Twilight saw what she didn't want to show. What she saw startled her. She was beaten pretty badly, with bruises all over her body, and a few cuts. It was clear she was in a fight. There weren't many creatures able to hurt alicorns that old. It could mean only one, she fought her mother. She grew worried about her. Twilight, deep breaths. You won’t help her if you lose your cool. First I need a base operation then I will plan what to do next.

"Twilight darling, come we will ask her Highness if she could return your home." Rarity said and began to move towards the Princess. Twilight joined her.

"Princess, could we take a moment of your time?" Rarity said with great respect. Twilight nearly sighed hearing it, but she stopped herself thankfully.

"Yes, my little ponies" I'm not her little pony!

"I'm Rarity and this is my friend Twilight, we have a question about the library" Celestia eyed them carefully. Thankfully, Twilight still had her magic sealed. She’s pretty sure she could see through many illusions. Still, she didn't like this look she gave her when she saw her cutie mark. What are you planning?

"In this case, you should ask the Mayor not me. I will call her." Before Rarity could interrupt her she summoned Mayor.

"Yes, your highness?" She bowed before Celestia. "What can I do for you?"

"These two ponies have a question for you."

"I'm sorry for my boldness but it was you who we want. You see.." She was again interrupted.

"Ah. Princess nice to see you again. I hope that the Celebration is to your liking. I did everything I could, even if some ponies weren't helpful" It was him again, Sunchaser.

"Now hold one darn minute! We weren't helpful?! It was you who offended us!" Came the sudden voice of multiple ponies. In the front were her friends- Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and even Fluttershy hiding behind Applejack. But before it could escalate even further Celestia spoke.

"Please. everypony needs to calm down. I will deal with every one of you, but first were these two mares." She looked at us. "So what is the problem."

"So you see your highness, my friend is from afar and..."

"Can I have my home back?" Twilight couldn’t stand it. Celestia blinked.

"Pardon me?"

"Today Sunchaser came to my home and kicked me out, telling me that it was ordered by the Crown. So I'm asking can I have it back?" The sudden silence came upon the crowd. Everypony was looking at her.

"WHAT!?" In a small town like this everyone knows everyone. She became popular after her accident.

"Princess, why did you do that?" Came the question from many ponies.

"I didn't do that, he was supposed to stay in Golden Oak Library."

"That had been my home for a few weeks already." Princess Celestia looked puzzled.

"But I thought that it was empty."

"It was, your highness." Came the reply from the Mayor. "But a few weeks ago Twilight started living there. I already sent you a copy of the agreement signed by her."

"Well in that case I can move you to a new home?"

"Why I can't live in the library? I've already accustomed myself there!" Why she is reluctant to this idea?

"Yes Princess, why? Twilight is a good pony and Chaser is bad! He's so mean to everypony! We don't want him here! Twilight is so helpful and a good organizer in the library!" Pinkie asked. It was clear that Celestia couldn't find any argument against this. Well, at least I'll have a nice show.

"Very well, Twilight can return to being Ponyville's librarian. Now some pony else..." She was swarmed with demands and explanations. This allowed Twilight to leave without anypony noticing her. Well, anypony, but one. Rainbow Dash saw her sneaking out the door. "Where's she going" She followed her outside.

Twilight ran into the forest. She thought of some sort of signal for her mother. Something which could allow her to locate Twilight if she wasn't killed or captured. What could work? In her absent mind, she looked up into the starry sky. "Night today is really beautiful and the stars shone so brightly... That's It!" She gathered her magic to cast a simple illusion in the sky. For any pony, it could be meaningless, but not for Luna. Now she just had to wait.

A half-hour later she still was waiting. This isn't good! What could've happened? Was she killed, or worse captured and tortured?! If then where would she hold her? I don't know today's garrison! I would have to find a steady good-paying job and hire mercenaries, but even then they wouldn't stand a chance against an alicorn. Maybe I should act like a good maid in her castle and find out where she's holding her. It's risky, but I could find something useful. Still...

"Twilight..." Came the voice from her left.

"Mom!" She sprung and flew blindly into bushes. She hit something dark and fluffy. "You're alright!"

"Of course, I am, why wouldn't I be?" She was smiling, she was reunited with her daughter.

"I saw a beaten Celestia and I thought that you lost."

"Hey! I'm not so old to lose to her!" This caused the younger mare to giggle. "Anyway, How was your time? Is everything ok? You're not hurt? You said you saw Celestia, which means she was near you. And where have your wings?" Luna said worriedly. Like any mother, she cared about Twilight.

"One, it was good. I made some friends and found a place to stay and work. Two, no I'm not hurt. Third, I sealed my alicorn magic to not alarm anyone. I can unlock it any moment."

"Good." Luna hugged her. "I missed you so much for these few weeks."

"I missed you too, mommy!"

Unknown to the family one blue pegasus was near them. She followed Twilight interested in why she left.

"What are you doing here, Twilight?" This was strange even for her. Maybe she's a spy? Working for some evil force to dethrone Celestia? She was itching for a fight. She was getting ready to confront Twilight when she heard a voice.

"Mom!" She forgot she was a traveler! It seemed she was waiting for her mother. What was I thinking Twilight's not some sort of evil alicorn of Nightmare Moon. With this, she decided to give Twilight some space and returned to Ponyville. How would have history shifted if she decided to listen longer, no pony knows.

Author's Note:

Trying old eques, long way ahead.
Sorry for not publishing much, but I wanted this chapter to be good.