• Published 13th Dec 2020
  • 8,434 Views, 356 Comments

A Family From The Moon - GhostCreator

Nightmare Moon was banishen to the moon by Celestia, but no one could predicted a little suprise left by love.

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5 Library

After a close encounter of the third kind with the pink-maned pony Twilight headed to the library. She wanted to see the place before deciding if she should stay there and become a librarian even if it's for a short period.

Ponyville is a quiet town with friendly ponies or it at least looks like it. The lavender mare didn't trust anypony yet. They could be spies discretely working for Princess. Funny. I think of them as bad guys, but probably in their eyes, I'm a bad guy. While complaining about her fate she was observing the town. The streets were clean and normal looking if this is how normal streets looked. Twilight didn't have any examples to compare to. This was the first town in her life. In truth, she didn't know how to act. She started to hyperventilate. Deep breaths Twilight, just go to the library and everything will be fine, calm yourself. She breathed in and out, in and out.

After a few minutes, she came across the library. From her mother's stories, she expected a normal building with bricks and wood. Even with the descriptions from Applejack. What she saw was completely different, It was a library and a tree! The whole library was the tree? The door was located in the middle of the trunk, windows were spread across the whole tree. And it seemed alive without any problems.

While she was admiring the building, she entered through the door. Inside the library were simple bookshelves filled with books, a few tables, and chairs. On the right were stairs to the next floor and underneath them was another door, probably to the basement. There was only one thing that ruined the whole image.


The whole library was covered in books strewn everywhere, there was even a book on the ceiling. How it ended up there Twilight had no idea. You couldn't lay a hoof anywhere because of the scattered books. This sight alone would discourage anypony from coming in. But there was something worse. Much, much worse than this mess.

The smell. It's like something died here. Twilight needed to leave immediately or she would vomit on the spot. How could anypony allow this? Luna imparted that books were rare magnificent things with great significance to society. Maybe they were no longer that rare. Twilight didn't know and didn't care. She had to do something about this.

First, she gathered books in piles from the floor, careful not to damage them. The hardest to recover was the book from the ceiling. She spent half an hour trying to detach it. She already knew the system that the books should be ordered from Luna, even if it took a couple of tries to pull it out from the ceiling.

Then she started cleaning them and putting them in their right places. One by one the library started to look much better. By the end of this task, Twilight was satisfied with her work.

"Oh my, the library never looked this clean! You're really good." Said the new voice from the entrance to the library. It belonged to a grey-yellow mare with a gray mane. "What's your name young miss?"

Well I didn't expect this. Wait... I'm not that young! I'm older than you and I look better too. "My name is Twilight Sparkle and I just came to read some books. But when I saw the state the library was in I couldn't stop myself from cleaning it."

"Oh, it’s nice to see somepony who can appreciate the value of knowledge. Nowadays only a few visit the library” I wonder why “But I fear this is futile." What?!

"But why? It didn't take too long to clean it. And if somepony can peek inside from time to time I'm certain it would be much better."

"That's true, but this is a small town and everypony has their own problem and chores to do. They don't have time to look after it. Especially me."

"You? And who are you?" She doesn't look that important.

"I'm Mayor Mare, the mayor of this little town" Buck my guess "Returning to the topic. We don't have a librarian because nopony seems interested"

"Well I'm interested and I don't have a house" Maybe this’ll be easier than I thought.

"Really?! That's wonderful" The old-looking pony was inches from Twilight's face, grinning evilly. "It’ll solve our problem with the library! Don't move. I’ll return shortly with the contract then you’ll be our new librarian." With this, the mare sped off through the door leaving the stunned pony behind. That was too easy. And why do I feel like I was tricked into this? Twilight wondered if she should just vanish and never return because like her mother said 'if something seems too easy, look closer' and ‘if it’s too good to be true it must have a hidden agenda.’

"I'm back." It looked like pony wasn't running but teleporting. It was highly suspicious. In her hoof, she held a scroll "You just have to sign in a few places and this will be your new home!" Twilight wasn't persuaded.

"What's the catch?" A glimpse of fear was visible in the Mayor's eyes.

"There isn't any catch. You only need to sign. It’s that simple" Twilight didn't move from her spot.

"I'm waiting for your explanation and I won’t sign without it!" The older pony's smile faltered and vanished.

"Very well" In her voice, Twilight heard resignation and sadness. "This place is our only library but like I said earlier no pony wants to look after it. I tried many times to find somepony but to no effect. I don't have the time or patience to take care of it. And when you appeared it was perfect like you were a godsend for just me and my problem. I even sent a letter to the princess but she said she’ll take care of it later. Now you know all of it. Please be our new librarian!" She pleaded, in her eyes visible despair. Twilight felt uneasy. On the the one hoof, she really needed somepony for this work. What a coincidence. But on the other hoof, watching Celestia. She couldn't miss it.

"Ok, ok I’ll just sign it." She suddenly found herself at a table with a 20-inch contract. She signed it quickly. The next moment was spent reviewing each part of the contract. Twilight asked for a small number of bits since she didn't have any. After taking care of a few additional things she was ready to end their conversation. "Since we have that behind us allow me to accommodate myself here." With this said Twilight trotted over to see her new home.

"Ok, bye. And thank you."

Twilight was coming to like her new home. It was pretty decent with a basement and a few additional rooms for her only. Yet it was still a public building with an accessible main room with books for everypony. It could be a problem but it was an advantage too. She could read any book any time she wanted and nopony would doubt her innocence.

When she finished, it was high time for something to eat and she saw a stand with food to eat. She already checked her new kitchen and sadly, she didn't find anything edible. She needed supplies to live here since it wasn't the moon but Equus.

She prepared herself and left on her trip of finding new adventures in finding food. She was cheerful and felt something that she couldn’t place. It was the feeling of having something on her own. On the moon, she didn't have a home or any stuff. Her mother owned the Moon and the only thing that she could call only her was The Element of Magic nothing more. Here, on Equus, She had responsibilities. It was refreshing for nearly 1000 years.

Nothing could ruin her good day.


Why on Equus does fate hate me? And how can there be mud if it didn't rain for the whole day?! She thought with her face in mud and somepony on her back. Good thing that she renewed her spell on her wings.

"Uh, 'scuse me?" A voice from above said.

"Nng." Twilight tried to say something, but mud didn't give up.

"Lemme help you." With this, something pulled her from mud, but she was still covered in it. She hoped that it would be over, however it was not her day. She was showered with water from the cloud.

"Oops, I guess I overdid it. Um, uh, how about this? My very own patented Rain-Blow Dry! No no. Don't thank me. You're quite welcome. " The blue pony said confidently, only to burst out laughing.

"What?" Twilight couldn't decide if taking revenge in the shape of ruining her mane or cursing her to only walk on the ground.

"Nothing, but your mane... Let's just say it is now 20 percent cooler." The grin on the blue-colored pegasus was telling something different.

"I think not. Anyway now I need a mane cut. Do you know where I can get it?" Today was not her day.

"Yeah, look for Carousel Boutique, and the name’s Rainbow Dash." With that, she flew to the sky. Well, it was an interesting meeting.