• Published 13th Dec 2020
  • 8,435 Views, 356 Comments

A Family From The Moon - GhostCreator

Nightmare Moon was banishen to the moon by Celestia, but no one could predicted a little suprise left by love.

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Interlude- A diary from the Moon

Author's Note:

What you're going to read are notes and some explanations about life on the Moon. Sometimes Luna will be writing, sometimes Twilight. I'm sure somebody would ask "Where they could write it down?" Well, take it with pinch of salt. It is more what that could write if they could. Or maybe they wrote it on the rocks on the Moon. Idk.

1. Just in case. Luna didn't make earlier statues because she was too weak and didn't show Twilight.

2 Element of Magic. Idk if it is a she or he. So I just write he.

"How life can change a pony, we never know when our lives can make a 180." I said. It was just a few months after my fight and assassination. I still couldn't believe it, so much has happened.

First, my own subjects started to hate me and my night. I don't remember exactly when it started, just one day I received a letter demanding that I give my sister unconditional reign over Equestria. I thought it was a joke, But it was only the beginning.

Similar letters came a lot more often. I tried to talk to my sister only to be completely ignored. Day after day I tried, even while we ate. She said that it could wait after the meal, but after that, she just left without batting an eye. Even if I tried to talk to her afterward she’d say she had something more important to take care of and I’m pretty sure it was nothing. I tried after Day Court with the same effect. Supper? Same. Leisure time? She didn't want to talk about work. Making laws? Same.

This had been happening for over 40 years. Yet I still thought I could trust her.

Then the persecutions started. I never had many followers, only a few here and there. Most were rescued by me personally, but even this was too much for the Sun followers. They killed them and destroyed any businesses they had. Obviously, anytime I found one I immediately sentenced them to prison. I thought it was enough.

How wrong I was.

The deaths didn’t stop. With each passing year, it got worse. My sister completely ignored what was happening. In the end, only a small number of ponies living with me in my part of the castle were safe.

I tried to save them, but everything failed. Somepony was releasing Sun followers and overwriting my decision. I couldn't do anything.

In this depressing time, I found love. Dark Heart. Contrary to his name he was a nice and true gentlecolt. He helped me face every new day and guard me in the night. Soon he was a Capitan of my guard, Not because he was my somepony, but because he deserved it. He was tough and wise. One in a million.

Two years later we get married. I sent an invitation to my sister, but she didn't come. I stopped seeing her. I wasn't appreciated anywhere in Equestria, in the land I helped build. I became only a parasite to my holy sister. Whispers about how I was not good enough to live in my castle with the most amazing pony could be heard everywhere.

I didn't listen to them. I focused on my life. After I stopped caring I found that I had a lot of time in my hooves. I focused on my magic and my Aerlic form. It was the first time in a long time when I was happy, if just for a while.

Then he was killed and everything changed.

I looked at my daughter in my hooves. She’s sleeping peacefully holding the Element of Magic. She looks so cute. I’d never thought that one day I would have a daughter, but here she is.

"I’ll protect you my little Twilight."

A year after her birth, Twilight grew to be a very energetic filly. On the Moon, there isn’t a lot of things to do. Fortunately, Hide and Seek is a game she adores, and she is quite good at it.

"You can't hide from me, Twilight! I will find you" Sooner or later I added in my head. The moon has an ample amount of craters, but it doesn't have many places to hide. Yet here she is a bright filly somehow succeeding.

I could spend days searching for her, not that I don't have time. I have too much time really. Normally fillies would return when they get hungry but here? Nope. The longest game of Hide and Seek took maybe a month?

Something flickered in the distance. I knew what it was. The only source of light except for horns and the sun. I slowly inched closer not wanting to be seen.

Light’s coming from a small crater. I look inside and there she is.

"Gotcha!" I shouted and watched Twilight in my hooves. "This time I was better." I love playing with my daughter. "And now my reward." I lowered my head to her tummy and started to blow. Twilight started to wriggle in laughter still holding Magic.

"Mommy!" The Element of Magic is being held in her tiny hooves. At first glance, anypony could tell something was there. It was the first thing she lifted with her magic. She always knew where it was. I saw multiple times when Magic was shimmering in sync with her breathing while she was sleeping.

Magic her only friend, her only toy here, the only thing except for us. So it was completely natural for it to be with her, or maybe there’s something more. I wish I knew, but I'm just happy that my daughter is healthy.

"Mommy, mommy Magic want too" I smiled at her.

"Of course sweety."

Eight years have passed since her birth and I'm worried. When I was on Equss I saw countless mothers and children. I even took care of a few so I know when something isn’t right. Normally mothers have support from their husbands and family. They could ask for assistance, take their child to the doctor to check up on them, or just give them something to eat to help them.

Here, I'm alone and I can't do anything to help my daughter.

She isn't growing properly. She’s an alicorn, but it doesn't mean everything is always fine.

She is currently eight years old but she looks one year old.

It’s probably caused by a lack of food. While we can survive on our magic alone, food, water, and others things help to heal us and grow like any other creature. In all my wisdom I should expect some problems. She’s a special case.

Of course, I tried to do something, but creating in my state is a big problem. In fact, using magic is very problematic for me still. At least the wound is healing nicely.

"Mom, what are you doing?" Twilight saw me once when I tried to create some food for her.

"Oh, I'm trying some magic." I didn't want to lose my concentration, so I didn't turn to Twilight. It seemed that curiosity took over and she looked at what I was creating. "What is it, mother?" She asked innocently.

"I hope a carrot." I was still focused so I replied absentminded.

"Carrot? What’s that?" Surprised from question, I lost my concentration and looked at her.

"This is food." As the words flew out of my mouth I realized that I never told her what food is."Food, my daughter, is something that you eat to replenish your energy and helps you grow. Normal ponies can't survive without food."

"So they can't survive without carrots?" I giggled. She always found a way to make me laugh.

"No Twilight. They have many, many different foods. Like apples, bananas, bread, and so much more. They can create true masterpieces using different ingredients, I was always fond of pie." I looked at Twilight. She seemed lost in her world trying to process new information. Then she looked at the not-finished carrot and I saw a familiar glint.

"Twilight!" I yelped just a little too late, she had already jumped at the carrot and started eating it. Immediately started spurting dust from her mouth.

"Pfffff. Bleh! Bleh!"I couldn't hold in my laughter. "Food is not good."

"Twilight, I didn't finish it. It’s still mostly orange colored moon dust. I'm still not powerful enough to do it yet." I said. "I can show you later how to do it, but fro now come here." I extended my wing over her. "Time for sleep"

"But mom! I'm not... sleepy...." She soon fell asleep. It always worked. My head lowered near my daughter and sleep soon took over.

Sixteen years have passed since Twilight's birth. She finally grew, even if she looked six she was still a mare.

I have been preparing for her celebration the whole day. I set up a table made of moon rocks, smoothed the surface, and tried to make a gift. I took a big rock from one of the many craters and slowly formed it. My magic was slowly returning, so I could finally use telekinesis.

I created small statues of me and Twilight. I hope she’ll like them.

I still remember birthdays on Equss. I had 3-foot cakes, many presents from my guards and music. We celebrated whole nights. The only pony missing at the time was my sister Celestia.

No. No sister. Simply Princess Celestia. Sisters help each other in time of need. They don't try to kill each other. They don't try to steal each other's fame or position. They stick together no matter what.

I don't have a sister.

I can only hope that my daughter will experience a real party someday. With real family and friends that aren’t still. Banished with only her mother to accompany her, without friends and only memories of lifeless landscapes.

"Mom?" Came the voice from behind. I turned around.

"Happy birthday, Twilight!" I shouted while embracing her in a tight hug.

"You didn't need to do this."

"Twilight, I'm your mother. Of course, I needed to do this. This is your sixteenth birthday. You are now an adult. I have even a present for you." I replied and showed her her gift. She smiled.

"Thank you!" Truly mothers will do anything for their children.

"Now time for your celebration."

I’ve been here for almost 500 years. Quite some time, don't you agree? After I became an adult, years became a blur to me. Nothing seemed interesting.

I started advanced training like my mother likes to call it, to help me prepare for Equus and what may wait there. Training consists of every possible exercise Luna could think of. Lower gravitation was compensated for by increasing mass via magic, Mom showed me this spell. Then push-ups, running, fighting with my mother, and flying lessons. Even with lower gravity flying is hard because of the low air density. I have to use my magic constantly to keep myself in the air, thrown rocks by my mom doesn't help.

She had enough magic now to teach me some more advanced spells, and to rescue me from beneath rocks. I like the spells a lot. I feel like it’s second nature to me. Even Luna agrees, she thinks it may be connected to Magic.

The Element of Magic, my oldest friend. I feel connected to him. I don't know how or why I just know. I always know where he is no matter the distance like he’s part of me.

I was born on the Moon but I want to know the taste of true life on Equus. I know it won’t be easy, but I think is worth it. Mother told me about her adventures and places on Equus. I hope they’re still there.

The spell keeping us here is weakening. I think in 500 more years we’ll be free.

I can only hope for a bright future.

My daughter is on Equus…My daughter is on Equus completely alone! She could be killed or captured by Celestia. I knew it was a bad idea. How much has Equestria changed in 1000 years? Maybe Celestia knew about Twilight? If so is Twilight even still alive? She could need help and I'm here stuck for a few more days.

No. Keep yourself together, Luna. You trained her well. She can look after herself. She’s a grown mare, She’s powerful. You saw her training her magic, even you would have problems going against her.

But magic isn’t everything. Celestia could’ve invented something to easily kill alicorns or found a powerful source of magic. The possibilities are endless. And Twilight is alone. No amount of training could prepare anypony for a living situation.

But she’s a clever mare. You knew her well, she can handle it. The possibility of her being discovered is practically nonexistent. Only a few ponies knew about my wedding and nopony else knew about me being pregnant.

This wait is killing me!

I looked at Equus.

Twilight please be safe.