• Published 13th Dec 2020
  • 8,435 Views, 356 Comments

A Family From The Moon - GhostCreator

Nightmare Moon was banishen to the moon by Celestia, but no one could predicted a little suprise left by love.

  • ...

6 Party!

Author's Note:

Well, one week break.
Anyway, good reading.
Oh, one more, new story is coming [;

Carousel Boutique, what a strange name. Twilight was looking for said building. The last encounter left her with a messed up mane. She had to do something about it. She could always use her magic to do it, but it risks. The fashion from a thousand years ago wasn't a good choice, so she needed to know the newest trends.

Some snickers could be heard around her but nothing else, maybe it was common for this to happen? Twilight didn't know. She still needed to do some shopping after getting her mane fixed.

Ah! There it is! The round building with wide windows and dummies? Let's get it over with.

She opened the door, the quiet sound of a bell jingled.

"I'm coming!" The new voice said.

While Twilight was waiting for this pony she checked around inside. It was a nice place with some dummies wearing clothes in all shapes and colors. It wasn't perfect but who could say it wasn't a place for art?

''Welcome to the Carousel Boutique what...'' The previous voice reappeared. It belonged to a white unicorn with a purple mane. Twilight went to greet her but the unicorn interrupted her. "Oh my stars, darling! Whatever happened to your coiffure?!" Coiffure? What the buck is that?

"What do you mean?"

"I have never seen something so gross as that!" She said while pointing at Twilight’s mane.

"Oh! You mean my mane. Yeah, that's why I'm here. I met a pegasus named Rainbow Dash and she gave it to me. I heard that you could help me." This was getting crazier and crazier.

"Of course darling. But first I need to serve my friend." At this exact moment, Twilight saw a buttery pegasus in the shop.
She looked like she didn't want to be here with her. In her eyes blinked fear and shyness.

"Fluttershy I got your delivery. Could you wait here and I’ll bring it ." The fashion mare disappeared behind one of her doors. Twilight and Fluttershy? were left alone.

"Um hi? Fluttershy right?" Twilight wanted to interrupt the strange silence that fell upon them.

"hi" It was so quiet that Twilight didn't hear.

"Could you repeat that?"


"Um right," Twilight replied but didn't move her eyes from the pegasus, she carefully examined her. A bright pink mane covered one eye. On her flank were three pink shapes. "Is this how butterflies look?" Twilight's mouth was faster than her brain, which was pretty rare. That was blunt. She mentally facehoofeed herself.

"Um.. yes?" Came the quiet reply.

"Ohh, sorry. I’ve never seen butterflies before." This is getting more and more awkward. Her sight went to the ground, she thought everything was said but Fluttershy surprised her.

"You haven't seen butterflies before? Why?" Came the question. What to answer?

"Well, I'm from afar and simply there weren't any." The situation was becoming more and more dangerous. Who would believe her that she hadn't seen butterflies! Luna told her many times that they were everywhere!

"Well, I can show you some" This one was something that Twilight didn't expect. She expected surprise, suspiciousness but not kindness.

"I would be honored!" This was perfect she could learn about animals on the first hoof. Before anything more could be said the white mare returned.

"Here you go Fluttershy and see you next week!" While the yellow pegasus left the store she turned to the disguised alicorn. "Now I can finally do something with you." The way she said it made Twilight shiver.

Uh? I think this is going to be bad

Twilight was wrong. It wasn't bad.

It was worse.

It all started with simply cutting her mane. Twilight swore to never torture her enemies like this. Cutting, trimming, then washing, and repeat. She must learn fast nowadays or she wouldn’t last a week with her.

Midway through her tortures, Twilight thought to talk with the pony. Turns out her name was Rarity, she was a fashionista and a strange pony but that was nothing new. Maybe even good compared to her.

Then came clothes. When Rarity learned that she didn't have much and was earlier attacked by a timberwolf she dedicated herself to make some clothes for her.

It could be the end for her illusion, but rejecting her offer wouldn't be clever either and it’s too good to miss. Twilight didn't like it. With no escape at all, she had an ultimatum. She could temporarily seal her pegasus magic.

The only problem was that it was dangerous. When she would seal her pegasus magic her wings would disappear. She wouldn’t have to worry about her illusion, but in urgent situations, she couldn’t use them right away either. Unsealing can't be done instantly nor right after sealing. Anypony must wait a few hours afterwards, but it was still better than being exposed.

It was strange not being able to feel her wings at her side.

Unfortunately or fortunately Rarity didn't give Twilight a moment to complain about her life. Twilight found herself being overwhelmed by the unicorn's question.

Where was she from? It was the hardest to answer. In the end, she said that she was from Moonigrad, hoping that it would be sufficient.

One more good thing came from this. The old castle of two sisters. It was the previous capital of Equestria, but now it was Canterlot. What happened no one knows, but the same no many creatures were visiting so it was possible that some books with information could be saved. It was a big step for Twilight if everything went right.

In the end, Twilight left with a promise from Rarity about new clothes and a new purpose for the next few days. She didn't notice when it became so late and still she needed to do shopping! Grumbling she bought something fast and went to her home.

Finally, it is over! I'm so tired. Even my training on the Moon wasn't so exhausting. Twilight wanted to turn on the light but something stopped her. Uh?

"Suprise!" Many ponies shouted inside the library. It looked like half the Ponyville came to here.

"Hi, I'm Pinkie Pie, and I threw this party just for you! Were you surprised? Were ya? Were ya? Huh huh huh?" The pink pony said to Twilight. Or tried, because there wasn't Twilight in the door.

"Huh? I thought that Twilight was here a moment ago. Where she is?" She started looking for a lavender mare. She searched a bathroom, bedroom, attic, basement, royal bedroom, roof, ceiling, and every cupboard. She wanted to continue before Rarity stopped her.

"Pinkie! She left. "

"What?! Why? Maybe she forgot something or she is so happy that she doesn't know what to tell us. Oh! Maybe she is preparing for her own party!" Knowing Pinkie she could be talking 36/8. To this day jury doesn't know how it is possible. But before anypony could do something Pinkie left the party in search of her new friend.

With Twilight.

Twilight was running. Everything was going smoothly before this attack in her home. She knew it was too good to be true. Celestia must know that she was there. Probably by now the whole garrison of her army is on her tail. It was no longer safe here for her. But how she knew? She didn't do any mistakes. She was normal. Maybe that was it she was too normal? This town was crazy and she didn't belong here.

For now, she needed a safe place to think and unsealed her magic. Everfree forest was the only place.

She still remembered her meeting with the local fauna, Which wasn't so long ago.

"Ok, that's will be a good distance." She could see any light from town. The only sound coming was the distance growing of timberwolves and other creatures living in the forest. With this, she started the procedure. It was slow but steady. Now any moment and she could...

"Whatcha doing?" Came the voice. Twilight spun around, forgetting her spell. Next to her was the same pink pony with a fluffy mane. She tried to back away, but a magical backslash from her unfinished spell caused her to stop. She lost control of her magic. In the last attempt, she teleported the second pony far away before something could happen to her.

Then her magic went wild she knew no more.