• Published 13th Dec 2020
  • 8,435 Views, 356 Comments

A Family From The Moon - GhostCreator

Nightmare Moon was banishen to the moon by Celestia, but no one could predicted a little suprise left by love.

  • ...

2 The life on the Moon


"Twilight where are you ?" Luna asked but heard no response. It's been almost 3 years after she gave birth to her daughter. During this time she grew quite a bit. The moon affected how she grew greatly, but not in the sense you would expect. While the Moon couldn't offer a lot, she got quite creative. This or she would've gone crazy. She always would find something to do. Usually, it was playing hide and seek like now.

"Twilight, you can't hide from your mother. I will find you -" Luna yelled while her mind thought about how good her daughter was in this particular game."- eventually" Luna's ears suddenly caught a new sound, little giggles from behind.

Aha! Slowly the princess trotted to where she suspected to find her daughter. A few steps later and Luna found Twilight curled near the edge of a crater.

Even though she was nearly 3 years old, she looked one and a half. Her body was unnaturally small along with her wings and horn. Fortunately, nothing was wrong with her horn. She didn't like it at all, but she couldn't do anything. This was probably caused by the lack of proper food and the conditions of the Moon, conditions which she couldn't change even if she wanted. She was still very weak after the fight with her sister and giving birth to her daughter. So the most she could do at the moment was take care of Twilight. Luckily, she wasn't alone in this.

Floating near her daughter suspended in her magic was The Element of Magic. From the first moment she could use her magic, she brought it everywhere with her. Between them was some sort of bond. While Twilight keeps the Element in her magic, the gem surrounds her in a faint glow protecting her. Luna tried many times to hide the Element unsuccessfully. Somehow twilight always found it no matter where she would hide it. Luna even tried sending it into space, only to find it again next to her daughter. After this, she gave up.

"I found you!" Luna shouted and mercilessly started tickling. The laugh-filled air was music to her ears, even if she didn't have anypony else to share this moment with she was happy.

4 years have passed for Luna and Twilight. In this time Luna started teaching her daughter some magic. She couldn't do much, still disempowered after an accident like she started calling it. But for Twilight it didn't matter. She showed an understanding of magic much better than any filly she knew. The most difficult magic was instantly understood by her. Luna couldn't believe it, but eventually she accepted it and started teaching much more powerful and even dangerous techniques. Like now her daughter was practicing creating enchants on Moondust.

"Twilight! where are you? You know I'm not angry if you can't do a spell correctly." The constant fear of failure was the biggest problem for the young filly, even if completely illogical.

"I'm here mom!" The voice from the east answered. Luna trotted over and saw her daughter.

"Don't you have some spells to practice?" Luna asked while sitting down next to the pony.

"Yes just... I wanted to watch the stars, mom" She whispered, not even looking at her mother. "Can I ask you something?"

"Of course Twilight, you know you can ask me whatever you want." Luna said while a small smile appeared on her face.

"Ok" Twilight turned to Luna and asked. "Why are the stars crying?" Her big eyes focused on the princess.

"What" Luna didn't know what to think. Stars weren't alive, they couldn't cry. "What do you mean? Stars can't cry. They’re not like us."

"But mom they’re crying so loud! They’re hurt. They need my help. Can we help them?" Twilight asked with tears in her eyes.

"They need help? But why? How can we help the... wait? Why do they need you?" Luna didn't like it. She just discovered that stars could cry and they needed her daughter's help. "How you can help them?"

"I-I don't know. They’re screaming to guide them somewhere.’’ Twilight said, "Mommy tell me what to do!"

"Eeehh... we don't know. It never happened before." This was the strangest situation Luna has ever been. What to do? I don't know if it is true or my daughter is hallucinating. Maybe...no This won't work. Or.. no I'm not that powerful. That spell.. no!. I don't know! "Twilight can you try to do what they are telling you?" Maybe Twilight could do something that I can’t do, but she’s only a child. "I can't hear them. Only you can, so hope for them lies with you. If you think you can do something do it."

"Ok, mommy" Twilight said, focusing her magic. Her horn came to life, creating lavender sparks. Luna looked to the stars. What she saw, took her breath away. One by one the stars gleamed and started moving together with Twilight. Faster and faster. It looked like nothing that Luna saw. It was such a wonderful show that Luna didn’t notice an hour had passed. When it was over Luna took a glance at her daughter and she froze, on her flank was a six-pointed star.

"Twilight! You received your cutie mark! And it seems your special talent is stars!'' Luna was thrilled. Her daughter discovered what her talent was.

"Not stars"

"What? But if not stars, what?" Luna asked."


"What type of magic, dear daughter?"

''Magic. All magic"

7 years before the 1000th Summer Sun Celebration.

Twilight grew to be a beautiful mare with potent magic. Even though the Moon couldn't offer much she found her ways. Her favorite game was hide and seek and guessing games. It was a simple game with implied rules. Mother would describe something from Equus and Twilight would create an illusion of it. The more fitting the illusion to reality the better.

"Of course, any game of non-stop repeats would get boring. In between games and studying Twilight exercised. It was the best activity to pass the time. Because of it Twilight was not only clever and knowledgeable but fit too.

Luna couldn't imagine a better daughter. She was everything she could wish for. But there was one thing that was constantly worrying her. She could feel that the time of her return was near. What will happen will decide the fate of the world.

Before the 1000th Summer Sun Celebration

"Twilight can you come here for the moment?" The voice of her mother brought Twilight from her exercise. She slowly settled down from her flying course. It was hard because of the lack of an atmosphere. It forced her to use more powerful beats of her wings combined with her magic.

"Of course mother. What do you need?" Twilight asked with curiosity. It was uncommon for her mother.

"You remember what I told you about Celestia, my fight and why we are on The Moon" When Twilight nodded, Luna continued "Excellent. The time of our return is near, and we want to immediately confront Celestia to get the throne after we return. To do this we need to strategize to eliminate our enemies, so we ask you to help us"

"I think that confrontation isn't the right choice." Luna's jaw hit the ground.

"What?! She deserves punishment. She banished us to the Moon for a thousand years. You can't be serious!"

"I didn't mean it like that! What I meant is we shouldn’t fight with her immediately, but plan carefully what to do so we will know what to expect."

"You’re serious? Please she’s weaker than me. Yeah, it’s true that she’s older than me, but I nearly won with her the first time,"
"That's the point," The confused look on Luna’s face told Twilight that she didn't understand.
"You almost won, I'm sure by now she’s prepared for us with at least a few backup plans if we win. What more she might take into account the lack of magic, so she will be more careful. The first time you had followers, surprise, and power. Now you don't have anything. And seriously why immediately fight? It’s better to know the battlefield before the fight."

"So what do you recommend great tactician?" Luna said with a smirk. She knew that what Twilight said was right, but she wasn't pleased by it.

"Simple, I will come to Equus a few weeks before the right time and see what I can do."

"What?! No! What if something happened while I’m still here? I can't lose you like I lost my love. I won’t allow it!"

"Mother it’s the only logical conclusion. No one knows me, not even Celestia. Plus I'm powerful. I'm more than ready to do this." Luna was fuming. Her most precious daughter wanted to go to Equus alone without her. She only knew what she told her. She’s never seen anything on Equus. "Please, mother." Twilight used the most powerful weapon against any mother. Pleading combined with big eyes. It was super effective. Also, Luna knew, that like her she was stubborn.

"Very well you can go, but promise me that you’ll be careful" Every mother cares about her child and Luna was no exception.
"Thank you, mother. I promise I’ll look after myself." With this, their thoughts focused on different matters.

The time of goodbye.

"So it’s time. Only a few weeks to the celebration. You’re sure about this, Twilight?" Luna's eyes were welling with tears. After all, she wouldn’t see her daughter’s first experience on Equus.

"Of course. I’ll see you again." Twilight hugged her mother. After a few moments she let it go and her adventure began.

Author's Note:

Ok, I really have no idea how to write like Luna should talk, so... sorry.