• Published 7th Dec 2020
  • 584 Views, 29 Comments

The chef's student - vincent789

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Prologue (start of book 2)

"Twilight! I got your room set up." Night shouts exhausted.

"Okay!" Twilight shouts as she leaves the room to head upstairs. Once upstairs she took one good look around and noticed a few remarkable things.

First the room was atleast four times bigger than her room in Canterlot. Second It had a fully functioning test kitchen and larder installed. And finally the bed from home has been moved here. The room itself had same wallpaper and flooring. However it also has a balcony that was overlooking the city.

Twilight opens the door and walks onto the balcony, moving closer to the edge she looks over the city. In front of her was her new school, 'Lunarium' and to the left was the train station which she arrived from yesterday. Her stuff however arrived only today, so yesterday there were still in Canterlot. These buildings were the centerpiece of the city, the station was made from white steel and the school was mostly made from brick, yet these stood out as they were both absolutely massive. Despite the distance from which she was viewing these two buildings, they still appeared massive.

The view was amazing but nothing could beat the beauty of her new home. As she turns around, she looks at her new home. It had three floors and was comprised of many rooms. From them all, there were three rooms that stood out.

One would be the 'Astrologist' work room, it was a room with the most accurate ceiling wallpaper made to date. It held as many stars as ponykind had discovered so far. And lots of bookshelves holding thousands of books about the universe. It was dad's new workplace.

On the other hoof, mom's new workplace wasn't moved here. As the building was unable to hold the weight of her workspace. Not to mention, moving thousands of kilo's of sand up and down would be impossible. So Velvet decided that her home in Canterlot wouldn't be sold, otherwise she would lose her workspace.

However, the two other rooms were, Twilight's room and the gym. The gym was huge as it also housed a swimming pool and a full sized soccer field. These were the things that made Twilight's new home special and a tad bit lonely.

Satisfied she walked back inside from the balcony, when Velvet suddenly entered the room. She was carrying some books, which she placed next to Twilight's bed. Moving her attention back to Twilight.

"Twilight. There is a friend at the door. Her name is Lulu." Velvet said.

"Okay. I will go downstairs." Twilight replied.

"Do that. Your parents will meanwhile finish the move. You just go and get used to this new place." Velvet stated, pushing Twilight out of the room.

Twilight nodded as Velvet closed the door. Twilight then moved towards the living room. Once at the living room, she spots not just Lulu, but also Leaf and Morning.

"Nice place you got here." Leaf said with a hint of jealousy.

"Thanks, but it is a bit too big for a family of three." Twilight said scratching the back of her head.

"That it is. Wait, three?" Morning asks.

"Yeah. Shining is going to stay in Canterlot. Something about his girlfriend or something." Twilight said disappointed.

"Ah. I see. Yeah, I heard that Cadence has gone missing." Lulu explains while eating a cookie that she got from Velvet.

"Huh, that's odd. I remember her saying, something about the crystal empire. Oh well, that is none of my business. I need to focus on school." Twilight said a bit confused.

"By the way. When is your school going to start, Twilight?" Morning asks.

"That won't happen for atleast this week. They say that next week is the openings day." Twilight said sipping some thee.

"I see. Then how about we go and explore Manehattan?" Leaf suggests.

"I would love to. But I already got my hooves on an old cookbook from Lunarium. It was made in the golden years and I have been waiting to use it." Twilight said.

"Oh? Can we see it?" Leaf asks.

"Again I would love to, however the book is ancient Equestrian. I have yet to translate it." Twilight said.

"I see. How did you obtain such a museum piece?" Morning asks more curiously then before.

"That's..." Twilight thought about how to discretely say it. "It's complicated. I can tell you, but be quiet about it."

"We will." Lulu answered too fast.

Twilight sighed, "Okay, so this house has a slight flaw. One of the bedrooms is enchanted into the penthouse and can't be removed. However the books on the shelves can be touched, only with the permission of royalty. Luckily I got Luna's permission. But this book might contain things, not intend to be found. Because of this, Celestia must not find out. Or this thing might turn into a grimoire and a bad one at that." she explained.

"Is it because of Luna's bad connection to her?" Leaf asks, which was totally ignoring Lulu and Morning's shock at Luna's name.

"It is one of the reasons. More than that, I can't reveal." Twilight explained.

"We understand. Please be careful. We will leave you to that. If you find any recipe that might be useful. You better tell us. Or we might reveal it after all." Morning warns.

"Of course. I understand. If this book turns into an nightmare. I shall reveal it to Celestia." Twilight promise.

'That is a good promise. Please keep it to such a reason.' A mysterious voice stated worried.

Twilight heard it and nodded. The others decided to leave Twilight to it. Twilight meanwhile casted her most powerful and safest seal spell on the book. To protect it from the wrong ponies.

Meanwhile Velvet and Night watched Twilight quickly safeguard the book. At the worried foreboding of her parents. And Twilight quickly went back to explore.

Velvet and Night looked at each other. "Should we report this?" Velvet asked.

"No. Too dangerous. If Luna is truly watching, then she will help Twilight. I am sure about that." Night said worried.

"I hope so." Velvet said.

Twilight meanwhile entered the library. It was large, but nothing compared to Canterlot Library. Grabbing the book, she starts to record and translate her finding onto another book.

'Recipe of the gods.' The title of the first page stated, Twilight knew that most bad books usually had such a title. Knowing the extreme danger she was now in. She casts every single holy spell in the room to assure her own safety. The walls, ceiling and floor were now as bright as holy magic itself.

'Today was my first day. It truly is, the start of my school, from which it is far from civilization, Lunarium has started I heard about *----* that she absolutely loved her first day. I can't help but wonder if documenting this event was truly a good idea. My sister said that it would bring me closer to her sun.'

Twilight couldn't help but wonder. Who was the first student and why was it blacked with ink. However now she was sure. This is not only a diary as it's also a document. Most likely written by Luna.

'But I can't help but wonder, why was Luna so sad. I thought she loved the attention, yet here she is. sluggishly walking around. She would call me *----* and I would approach her, she would always complain about being tired of Celestia's food, yet when the food would appear before her, she would always eat it. '

Twilight was now very confused. If the one calling Celestia her sister, yet it wasn't Luna. Who is this then? Nightmare Moon? Was she something else before what she is now? And why was the name always covered in black ink?

Twilight had now more questions than answers. However she decided that, that was enough. Moving the book into safeguard. She disabled the holy magic and left the room. Only to bump into Velvet.

"So, how is your book?" Velvet asked.

"Confusing." Twilight answered honestly.

"How come?" Night asked, also joining the conversation.

"According to this book, Celestia had TWO sisters. Luna and whoever those black spots were." Twilight explains.

"Hmm. That is not wrong. I have seen these details in other ancient books as well, yet when I ask Celestia. She knows nothing." Velvet explains.

"This book might be that creatures first diary. But it's extremely dangerous. I need to be extremely careful." Twilight said worried.

"We understand. I will make a holy magic enriched room for you to use." Night said.

"That would be appreciated." Twilight said.

"But for now. Let's eat some dinner. I made some..." Velvet started when Twilight blacked out, she used too much magic.

"Twilight!" Night shouted as Twilight collapsed. "She used too much magic."

"Of course. Then let's do something else. I will report Celestia about this book. But not the details. Is that alright?" Velvet asks.

"Go ahead. I will watch over Twilight."Night said as he levitates Twilight to her room and into her bed.

"Thank you." Velvet said as she teleports away.

Meanwhile Night was cutting up an apple for Twilight to snack on. As a worried spirit watches over the two.

*I told you. It would take too much energy.* ?? said.

*Sorry. I just wish for the world to know the truth.* ???? said disappointed.

*I know. I know.* ?? said.

*Should we help her?* ???? asked.

*Don't. She will be fine.* ?? stated. The two entities then mysteriously disappear.

Author's Note:

The start of Lunarium, the arc.

Arc 1, Lunarium's mysterious past.

Next up, part two.