• Published 7th Dec 2020
  • 585 Views, 29 Comments

The chef's student - vincent789

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The student part 1

Today was the day. Twilight's exciting story as a starting chef. She is of course still young. But this school will have a lasting impact. And right now it's 7:45 in the morning. Twilight is fussing about her stuff while eating a sandwich as breakfast.

"Did you pack all of my textbooks?" Twilight asked Night as she searched her entire backpack.

"Of course. However today is only introductions. No need for textbooks, yet." Night said somewhat annoyed.

"That doesn't change the fact that it's my first day at school. I want to make a good impact on my classmates." Twilight said as she ate the remainder of her sandwich.

"I know. But you should get going it's 8." Night said.

"It is?!" Twilight looks at the clock. "It is!" she said afterwards as she rushes towards the door and heads outside without even giving a shout as she rushes towards school.

After taking the elevator down, she waved towards the nearest taxi and off she went.

The trip took 40 minutes to get there, but once she had arrived one of the teachers told her to get to the auditorium for the entrance speech. Once inside the doors closed behind her as she took a seat next to one of the students.

"Hello everyone! My name Tart Pepe, I am the vice-principal of this school. Before the principal makes a speech, let me explain what your school years are going to be like. The first year will be mix of theory, practical and some history. The second year starts to focus on practical and competitive. The last year consists of tests, exams and theory. Then after these three years, you will get another year of internships and going to places." Tart explains.

"Let's first get a quick word from the head of the student council. Her name is Flower Seed." Tart introduces.

Flower then takes the microphone. "Hello everyone. As you just heard, my name is Flower. The job of the student council is to ensure and quick and supportive response to actions that are done inside the school, but done outside the school itself. Let's say, club, competitions and the like. We also assist with financial support regarding home situations. Like poverty and financial abuse. We hope to see more of your actions." Flower finishes with a bow, before placing the microphone back on the holder.

Then a younger looking stallion takes the microphone, "Hello everyone. My name is Coffee Pepe. I am the principal of this school. Before my speech, let me explain a few things. First we have replaced the previous genius class teachers, as they were accused of having ties with the local mafia. So instead, they are going to get the following teachers. Minno Pepe is the homeroom teacher, Bella Gratin is the theoretical teacher and Donut Lulamoon is in charge of practical activities. Now on to my speech." Coffee explained before rambling about safety, health and random cooking information.

Twilight meanwhile was sweating about the information of the mafia. 'So, they tried to infiltrate this school?!' she thought.

"And now that my speech is complete. Let me explain what is now going to happen. Tomorrow at 9 class will officially start. Today the upper-class students are going to showcase what you could experience and the best chance to sign up on some clubs. Basically it's a bit of a festival. I hope you brought your bits because some of the high class food is being prepared also. We also invited a special guest, Royal Chef! This stallion is Canterlot's most important chef, so please go meet with him. Thank you and Welcome to Lunarium!" Coffee finished as he walks of the stage.

Everyone then rushed out of the auditorium into the festival just outside it. Twilight on the other hoof was not so eager, she was sweating about that small bit of information regarding the mafia. This caused her to still stay seated. Something which security noticed. Worried, one of the staff approached Coffee and points at Twilight. He nods as he started to approach Twilight.

"You are Twilight, correct?" Coffee asked.

Twilight turned to the call of her name, only for her to jump "Yes, sir." she said anxious.

"No need for the sir. Just call me Coffee." Coffee stated,

"Sorry, Coffee." Twilight said embarrassed.

"Very good. Now you don't need to worry. As far as I understand the mafia is yet to be aware that you have entered this school. They were mostly after your practical teacher." Coffee explained.

"I know. But I would be lying if I wasn't worried about it. After all, they sort of, are aware of my presence here too. I told them that I would become a chef." Twilight explained.

"I see. But don't worry. Princess Celestia seem to be aware of that. She has some secret guards placed on you. And is fully aware of your relationship with them." Coffee explain.

"She WHAT?!" Twilight shrieked.

"Yes. After your slums incident. She doesn't trust you regarding your own safety." Coffee explained further.

Twilight then just grumbled.

"Besides if her most fateful student is worried about you. Of course Celestia would ensure your safety. Plus the fact is, Trixie didn't get depressed because you left her alone. She got depressed because she believed with honest to heart that you would be targeted instead." Coffee explained.

"I see. I am sorry." Twilight just drooped instead.

"It's alright. So regarding the mafia. Celestia asked them about you. They said the following "Twilight? No we do not consider her a target. I just like to mess with her. She is so innocent and cute."" Coffee said in his best impression of that stallion.

"Well that is good news." Twilight said as she brushed off the cute comment.

"Which is why, you don't need to worry." Coffee said, "Now why don't you go have fun at the festival?"

"No. I got in the genius class through mostly luck and a some skill. I need to be prepared." Twilight said.

"No. I placed you there because you are the most safe. But you are skilled, stop beating yourself up." Coffee said annoyed.

"Okay." Twilight said uncertain as she trudges outside.

"Besides, we love to have you." Tart added too late. She was already gone. "Aw darn." she said saddened.

"It's fine. You did fine. I didn't know that she had a lack of self-confidence." Celestia said as she appeared from the shadows.

"Your highness. You are still here. I think her failing her first entrance exam made her tank a hit on her confidence." Tart explained.

"What happened?" Celestia asked worried.

"She was too tense." Coffee explained.

"I see." Celestia said as she warped away.

"She looked," Tart started only for Coffee to cut her off, "Relieved and worried." he said.

"Yeah. Twilight truly must be a special pony. For the princess to worry about." Tart said.

"Principal?" Flower suddenly asked.

"Yes?" Coffee said as he turn towards her.

"Royal Chef would like to Twilight. Is that possible?" flower asked.

"She just left. He is too late." Tart said as she spoke for Coffee.

"Darn. I will tell him that." Flower said disappointed as she left the auditorium.

"Even Royal is worried. She truly must be special. Keep an extra eye on her Tart." Coffee instructed.

"Understood." Tart said.

Meanwhile Twilight already successfully made it back home. "I am home!" she shouted, but none was home.

She saw a letter on the living room table which read: 'I am currently debating with local food distributors for a increased tax ratio regarding hard to come by products like wild meat. - dad.'

"Atleast that is going pretty well." Twilight said smiling.

'I wish my school life would be a bit easier as well.' she thought.

Twilight then entered Night's office only to see a huge mountain of paperwork. As she looked through them she noticed lots of letters to diverse local food agencies. Most of them were denied. But he didn't give up as she notices lots of letters to those same agencies some of which had about a thousand denies, yet he still eventually managed to get them to agree.

Impressed, Twilight looks through Night's reasoning and saw a bunch of mistakes. Things that didn't add up and plain old oddities. Twilight after a while decided to make a fake letter on behalf of a fake agency that will address these oddities. She hopes that it will help dad.

As she grabbed a typewriter and the most commonly used paper that she had, she began writing a letter. The letter went something like this,

Dear Night Armor,

We are from the food protection agency, Annabella. We saw one of your letters arrive at our agency. We are impressed by your cause and reasoning. However there were a few things that stood out as odd. For example, you stated that rice production would increase by 20% if we decrease the amount of storage we allocate for them. But that is just wrong. We suggest to increase the efficiency of production by improving work conditions for the farmers and increasing the price accordingly. That way our production would not only improve worldwide but also increase the quality of the products. We expect the price to increase by 30% but the amount of production will most likely increase by 100%. With a slight 10% increase in quality per each ton.

Yours truly, Annabella.

Twilight then added a fake autograph and put the letter in a sealed by stamp envelope. She then carefully added it to the pile of incoming letters. Just as she placed it, Night entered the house.

"Hey dad." Twilight said as she entered the living room.

"You are early. What is up?" Night asked suspicious.

"Oh they are having a festival. I am more interested in the learning aspect of the school." Twilight explained.

"I see. Welp make yourself comfortable." Night said he was about to enter his study.

"Oh, dad! There was a letter at the door. I placed it onto your desk." Twilight said gullible.

"Thanks." Night said as he closed the door behind him.

While Twilight went back upstairs to read some more of the safety book. Night took a good look of the letter that arrived.

"But this is," Night said as he triple checked the letter, "It's brilliant! But I have never heard of this agency before. Oh well, I guess I will make a copy and send the original to food agency HQ." he said to himself.

"Also I see no address? Just who in the world is Annabella?" he asked himself.

'No matter, let's see where this agency saw these mistakes,' he thought as he noticed more than a few mistakes in his work, "Horseapples!" he swore.

Twilight who was using magic to listen in got a bit nervous. "Oh dear. He is actually going to send it there." she said. "Oh well. No one will know." she added.

Twilight then read some more of the book before heading downstairs to make a quick dinner and to go to bed early. Tomorrow will be a busy day.

Author's Note:

That it will be. I am happy to say that I regained my inspiration. However I am going to take a bit longer to upload chapters, due to the fact that these chapter will be harder to make. (More research = more time)

Next up part 2

To be continued,