• Published 7th Dec 2020
  • 584 Views, 29 Comments

The chef's student - vincent789

  • ...

Future's call part 2


11 months before Luna's return


Twilight's days were speeding up. With each class being similar to the last, she filled her days with with day outs that mostly consists of cafes and restaurants. She also recently started to fitness which was quite taxing.

Today, however was her turn to visit a certain carrot farm in Ponyville. Carrot top's farm to be precise. Although Twilight didn't know that yet.

"Twilight!" Minno shouted annoyed.

"Huh? What?" Twilight said as she woke up from sleeping in the classroom.

Sighing, Minno walked towards Twilight's school desk. She stared at Twilight for a few seconds, "Why are you so sleepy? I have noticed that you have been sleeping during class more often lately." Minno said somewhat disappointed.

"I am sorry. I recently changed my schedule, so my sleep patron has been quite terrible lately." Twilight said with a yawn and somewhat frustrated at herself.

"What did you add?" Minno asked curiously.

"Fitness and lots and lots of outings into the city." Twilight said with a tired smile.

"Twilight. I understand that you are trying to become better at cooking. But if you sacrifice your learning time, I might have no choice but to prevent you from exiting outside your apartment at an certain hour." Minno said.

"I know. But it's not that I do it at night. It's the strain from the fitness. I haven't participated in a sport for a long time. My body is just not used to it." Twilight explained.

"Wait. How many times a week do you go fitness?" Minno asked confused.

"Every day besides the weekend." Twilight said.

"And how intense do you sport?" Beef cut in.

"Uh. I think I do four hours of heavy sportsmanship class." Twilight said as she casually just dropped the hardest class to follow in a fitness classroom.

"You WHAT?!" Lamb shouted shocked, which caused Beef and Minno to cringe at the sudden loud scream.

"What is so special about it, Lamb?" Minno asked even more confused.

"Well, it's a class designed for top athletes or for geniuses. I heard that even the current world champion has a hard time with it's curriculum. It's the hardest sport class IN. THE. WORLD!" Lamb said as she shouts the last part.

Minno and Beef look shocked at both Lamb and Twilight. Twilight meanwhile just scratches the back of her head.

"Care to explain yourself, Twilight Sparkle?" Minno asked with a growl. Her face contorted in anger.

"Well. Fitness is expensive. I looked at the closest fitness location and the price is way too much. I couldn't afford it. After failing to get in, in any location in the city. Some random fitness school noticed my potential and persistence and said I could join for free if I joined their heavy sportsmanship class. And after failing to get in so many locations, I had no choice but to accept." Twilight explained.

"Why were they rejecting you?" Beef asked confused.

"Racism and sexist. They rejected me, because I am a unicorn and female." Twilight said with a flat tone.

Minno then sudden smashed in Twilight's desk. She appeared to be enraged. Which causes Twilight to move back some steps.

The rest of the class looked at Minno after she smashed Twilight's desk in. They appeared either shocked, respectful, or equally angry. After Minno smashed Twilight's desk, Coffee and Tart entered the classroom with a loud bang.

Both of them look at Minno, who still appeared to be enraged. They then looked at Twilight's desk and Twilight. Twilight appeared to be on the brink of mental breakdown as her face filled with scared tears. They look at each other, before rushing to Twilight's aid.

Twilight meanwhile, had a bad memory reawaken from within her. The sound of the desk getting smashed and her explosion she caused in the slums of Canterlot were too similar. It overwhelmed her ability to think straight and as soon as Coffee got to her, Twilight totally crumples in as the sound of soft, but tense sobs fill the classroom.

Coffee quickly realizes something was wrong with Twilight. Her inability to notice the now shock face of Minno and Twilight automatically forming a ball, told him that Minno has triggered an old memory. One that destroyed Twilight's strong facade and absolutely destroyed Twilight's ability to behave like a young adult.

Coffee looks at Twilight like he was caring for his daughter. She too had seen her fair share of bad things. It would seem that Twilight was no different. He then proceeds to pick Twilight up, and before he walked towards his personal living room, he showed a very angry glance at Minno.

Minno who saw the glance, deflated. Her rage all but forgotten. She looks at Tart. Tart appeared disappointed at her. Tart was casually picking up Twilight's bag, before also quickly leaving the classroom, leaving Minno to look at what she has just done.

"What happened, Teach?" Beef asked in scared confusion.

"I may have snapped. And went over an line I should not have crossed." Minno said with a saddened smile towards Twilight's desk.

"I have some wood glue?" Lamb offered the distraught teacher.

"It's alright. We might just replace Twilight's desk. Thanks for the attempt." Minno said as looked at lamb with a kind smile.

Meanwhile Coffee moved the purple blob that was confused and crying, into his own personal living room. A room he would often share with Lulu to talk about Twilight. Today however was a different day. Today Twilight herself got moved into this room.

Tart then placed Twilight's bag onto one of the couches and she opens the curtains behind Coffee's personal kitchen. She looks at Twilight, and looks at the ground for a moment, "Is there anything I could assist you further with?" she asked.

"Get me cup of coffee and a cup of hot chocolate milk. Make sure it is your cup of hot chocolate." Coffee said as he points at some chocolate that was left over from Tart's last cup of hot chocolate.

Tart looks at the chocolate and nods, "Very well. I will be back in a few minutes." she said as she walked out of the room towards the candy making kitchen.

Coffee looks at Twilight and notices that besides her crying, she was also shaking. And appeared cold on touch. He walked to the fireplace and lit it up. Something he hasn't done for a long while. He moves Twilight closer to the fireplace and sits down besides her.

"Twilight." Coffee said softly, he made sure that his full attention was pointed at Twilight. He had never seen the strong and determined Twilight, so fragile and broken. It broke his heart.

Twilight meanwhile only responded with, sorry's and pained sounds. Twilight was having flashback of the sounds of pain that the ones must have experienced, right after Twilight lost control over her magic.

In an attempt to break her lose from her trauma. Coffee gave Twilight a fatherly hug. And although it didn't work entirely. Twilight's sobs did became slightly softer from it.

Meanwhile Tart was practically running towards that classroom. As soon as she opens the door she spots Donut. He was casually making some honey candy.

"Tart, what is the matter?" Donut asked worried as he sees Tart's pained expression.

"I need to quickly use your kitchen to make some of my 'Joy hot chocolate milk'." Tart said as she grabs lots of different types of chocolate tempering equipment.

"What happened? Did we get another surprise visits from those dictionaries?" Donut asks confused.

"No. Twilight had a mental breakdown. I am not sure what happened, but after Minno smashed Twilight's desk in, the loud bang must have triggered a traumatic experience." Tart said as she pours some chocolate into the bowl that was right above a pan filled with hot water.

"The slum disaster." Donut said simply.

Tart actions slowed down, as she heard ponies say that a young filly accidentally unleashed a super destructive spell that destroyed the entire slums in Canterlot. Her eyes widen as she put two and two together. Realizing that, that must also be the reason that Twilight doesn't use much magic, despite being a unicorn. Filled her heart with sorrow and empathy.

Donut looks at Tart, "She might have been caught up in it. Causing her to be afraid of loud sounds." Donut deducted.

"No. It might have been Twilight who caused it. I heard that a young and powerful filly caused the disaster. And seeing Twilight almost never use magic, despite being powerful in it..." Tart said as she realized that Twilight choose cooking to stay far away from magic.

Donut who looks shocked at Tart, realized that she might be right. "Oh my little Twilight." He said as tears form below his eyes.

"I am shocked to see that she still suffers the consequences of her own actions, 5 years later after the disaster." Tart said.

"Let me make something special as well. I will make my Trixie cookies. They were made after the disaster struck the slums. And were hoofed over to the slum dwellers during the rebuild of the slums." Donut said determined.

"Sure." Tart said, which caused both of them to make the best hot chocolate and cookies. They have ever made.

Back to Coffee and Twilight. Twilight had fallen asleep, despite this, she was moving and shifting as the traumatic experience continued in her dreams. Coffee realized that hugging her had little to no effect, decided to atleast give her a proper cushion.

He then walked to his desk and called out Tree Seed. He is an expert in helping ponies deal with traumatic experiences.

"Tree?" Coffee asked through a magic scroll.

"Yes, Headmaster?" Tree responded quickly.

"I need your help. One of the students is suffering from a mental breakdown after an event regarding Minno earlier today. I need you assistance." Coffee asked with an professional and very serious voice.

"Understood. Where are you?" Tree asked.

"In my personal living room." Coffee answered.

"Very well. Flower wants to come with me, is that OK?" Tree asked.

"Yes. That is fine. It's a female student." Coffee said.

"Understood. I will there in three minutes. What is her current condition?" Tree asked.

"She is asleep and having nightmares. She is also not thinking straight. Be very careful with her. She seems to be in a lot of pain." Coffee said worried.

Hearing Coffee's worried voice was never a good thing, Tree looks very serious at Flower. Flower noticed Tree's glance and nodded. "Understood." Tree said as he cut the connection.

Walking back to Twilight, he noticed that she woke up and went straight back to sobbing in place. Coffee decided that the only thing he could do was hugging Twilight. So he hugged her.

Meanwhile Tart nearly bumped into Tree. Luckily Donut grabbed Tart's hot chocolate milk before the collision. Tart looks annoyed at Tree.

"Sorry about that. I got a call from the headmaster that he needed me." Tree said. Flower glanced at Donut and waves. He returned it with an smile.

"I see. I am heading there too. Let's go together." Tart said, grabbing the hot chocolate back from Donut and running at practical top speed towards Coffee's living room.

As the duo sprints towards the living room, Tart looks at Tree. "The student is Twilight Sparkle. Minno's bang from earlier today, might have opened up a suppressed memory from Canterlot." Tart explains.

"I see." Tree said.

Flower thought for a moment when she said, "The slums disaster?"

"That is correct. She is the one that most likely accidentally caused it." Tart said.

Tree's mind went into a sudden halt, quickly realizing what Tart just said, caused him to look shocked at Flower and at Donut.

Noticing the shocked face, Donut nods at Tree. Flower on the other hoof looked equally shocked. But they did not have time to be shocked. They had arrived at the living room.

Tart opens the door slowly, she noticed Coffee hugging Twilight in an attempt to calm her down. She also noted the soft sobbing sound coming from Twilight. And the lit up fireplace.

Tart and Tree walk into the room slowly. Donut and Flower were walking on eggshells. They attempted to make as little sound as possible.

"I brought the coffee and hot chocolate milk. And Donut brought some special cookies." Tart said softly.

Coffee looked up and slowly nodded at Donut and Tart. They nodded back and placed the drinks and cookies on the living table. They then quickly left the room.

Tree meanwhile took a seat on one of the bar stools next to Coffee's kitchen. Flower followed his example and waited until Twilight was ready to start talking. This took an agonizingly long time. But Tree and Flower had all the patience in the world.

After a three hour wait, Twilight's crying came to an halt. She looked in front of her and took a sip of the somehow, still hot, chocolate milk. Coffee smiles and he too took a sip of his coffee.

"Are you ready to talk about your trauma?" Coffee asked.

"Yes." Twilight said, Tree was grabbing a notebook and a pencil, after he was ready Twilight started to talk.

"Remember the slum disaster?" Twilight asked.

Coffee had a sinking feeling. Flower and Tree were looking already sympathetic at Twilight.

"I am the cause. I was showing off my magic to one of the magic guards when I shot a too strong magic spell. It destroyed the target. Broke Celestia's magic barrier and exploded in the slums." Twilight said as her eyes were empty. Devoid of any emotion.

Tree and Flower look even more shocked at Twilight. But Coffee looked like he was there. Ignoring their looks Twilight continued.

"After the explosion hit the slums, there was a second delay. And then the spell exploded. Destroying the slums," Twilight's eyes filled immediately with tears, "And killing 500 innocent slum dwellers in an instant."

Coffee noticed Twilight's tears and hugged her, Twilight immediately calmed down, but her eyes still looked empty.

"The explosion created the biggest disaster since Luna's banishment. It killed 500 instantly, and another ten thousand the following day. The amount of injured slum dwellers and bystanders was enormous. In an instant all hospitals, noble houses and the castle was filled with injured ponies and stallions. They had to make a makeshift hospital that was the size of Ponyville. But the amount of damage was absolutely massive. They said somewhere in the billions." Twilight said.

"And I caused that." Twilight finished. Her eyes and body spoke volumes. She was both physically and mentally broken from it. "Then I-" Twilight start to make a re-telling of the days following soon after. What she did to redeem herself and what price she paid.

"And that is why I broke just now. Her angry face combined with the bang made me remember those days." Twilight finally finished. Her eyes devoid of emotions and her body just tired of it all.

Coffee took all the information in. He was not shocked about the event, he had heard about it after all. No what shocked him was that Twilight had the power to continue despite it. She was a filly, age 8, when she performed Equestria's worst disaster.

"It took all my power to not kill myself. And even more power to continue on living. I may have been forgiven. But I will never forgive myself." Twilight finally finished as she took a seat, back in front of the fireplace.

"Who forgave you?" Flower asked as she steps on a landmine. Which earns her some angry glares from both Tree and Coffee.

"The slum dwellers. Even the ones that lost family in the process, forgave me. Perhaps my actions following the disaster, made up for it, somehow." Twilight replied.

"I know you are angry. But you improved their lives afterwards. You chose to not forgive yourself, as a warning to yourself, right?" Flower continued. Ignoring even more angry glares from Tree and Coffee.

"That is right." Twilight said.

"But the path to improve, requires you to forgive yourself first. Mistakes happen and if you run away from it, only then will ponies get angry at you. But you didn't. Which means they know that you acknowledge your own action and consequences. The real reason they forgave you, were so that they also forgave themself. That means you have to move on, Twilight." Flower stated.

"It's hard." Twilight said in a small voice.

"I know." Flower said.

Sighing, Twilight looks at Coffee and gives him a hug, "I will work on it. I might be a bit empty for awhile though. Keep that in mind." Twilight said as small genuine smile appeared on her face. Her eyes were still empty though.

"I will convey this information to the other teachers." Coffee said kindly.

"Thank you." Twilight said.

"And put Minno on probation for a few days." Coffee finished.

"Please don't." Twilight said suddenly.

Coffee raised his eyebrow, "Why not?" he asked.

"She deserve to know the truth." Twilight said.

"I will talk to her about it." Flower said.

"Thanks. Can I please go home to recover?" Twilight asked.

"One more thing. This weekend you are going on an excursion to a carrot farm in Ponyville." Coffee said.

"Okay." Twilight said.

"Now, please take your time. You are allowed to go home early." Coffee said.

"Thank you." Twilight said.

After that ordeal, Twilight went home and recovered. She then followed class emptily for a few days, until the weekend arrived. Sadly for Twilight, her eyes would still be quite empty when the excursion rolls around.

According to the letter Twilight received, the excursion was led by Minno with as guest star Lulu. Twilight smiled a little to see a familiar name on the letter. However she did notice that she had yet to return to her former self, much to Twilight chagrin. She was hoping that it would she was going to return back to normal in time, it did not.

The letter states that she was expected to be at the train station at 0700* and have some clothing on that was appropriate for farming crops.

Looking in Twilight small closet, she remembered getting a way too large farmers outfit from Carrot Top when she was younger. She thought it might now that she was a bit bigger and older. As she puts it on, it fits perfectly.

Choosing that as farming clothing, she made her way to the train station and arrived about fifteen minutes too early. She noticed Minno and Lulu on platform four and made her way to them.

As Twilight approaches platform four, she overhears Minno talking with Lulu.

"Is Twilight with us today?" Lulu asks excited.

"She is." Minno said, her voice was filled with worry.

"Is she alright?" Lulu asks, not realizing Minno's worried voice.

"Yes and no." Minno said, which caused Lulu to turn around and look towards Minno.

"What is wrong?" Lulu asked,

"Well-" Minno was about to start, when she spots Twilight approaching them.

Following her eyes, Lulu also spots Twilight.

"Hey Twilight!" lulu waves.

"Hey lulu." Twilight said with a flat tone. Her empty eyes cause her to speak in a depressed tone. Which prevents her from seeming excited.

Lulu looked confused at Twilight's lack of excitement. When she sees Twilight's empty eyes. "Are you feeling alright?" she asks confused.

"I am fine. I just feel a bit under the weather. It will pass like rain however." Twilight said.

"Your ill?" Lulu asked.

"Mentally. She had a mental breakdown a few days ago and still feeling its effects." Minno cut in.

"I see. I hope that this outing will make you feel better." Lulu said with a smile.

"I hope so too. So where are we going?" Twilight asked.

"To the carrot farm in Ponyville. It's called Carrots keep. And is owned by Carrot Top." Minno said.

Carrot Tops name caused Twilight to regain some color. "Sorry, what?" Twilight asked confused.

Lulu noticed Twilight's eyes. They weren't as colorless as a few seconds ago.

"Well some of my vegetable-expert-in-training wanted to meet Carrot Top. She has the biggest and most important carrot farm in Equestria. With a market share 85%." Minno said.

"I see." Twilight said smiling. "It has been awhile since I have seen her. I am glad to hear that she is doing great."

"You know her personally?" Lulu asks.

"She was my first friend. I have known her since I was a baby." Twilight said.

"So you know Equestria's best carrot farmer by first name basis?" Minno asked.

"Well I am the one that ate the first carrot she ever pulled out of the ground." Twilight with a smile as all the color had been returned in her eyes.

"Wow. That is incredible." Lulu said dreamily.

"And I am the one that might have pushed her into becoming the best farmer. I told her I wanted to become a master chef, but that requires the best carrots in the world. Which caused her to try and do exactly that." Twilight said proudly.

"I see. Well everyone should arrive in a few moments." Minno said.

And true to her word, in the next few minutes everyone arrives. Just in time for the train to arrive. They all entered the train afterwards the train departed after a few moments had passed.

And it took 5 hours to arrive at Ponyville. 1 hour less then Canterlot, due not having to climb up hill for like an hour. In that time, Minno explained to everyone what they should expect when they arrived.

"First we are going to town hall to meet the mayor and then we are going towards Carrots keep. I expect you to follow without diversions. We then-" Minno continued on and on about the expected activities.

Twilight however couldn't care less. She was just excited to meet Carrot Top after a long time. And after arriving to Ponyville they immediately went to town hall. There, Twilight would met Mayor Mare for the first time ever and after some introductions, they headed to Carrots keep.

Once they had arrived Twilight and her class looked at the massive carrot farm. It had greenhouses, rows of all types of carrots and ponies that were in the process of pulling the carrots out of the ground. It was then that a familiar face entered Twilight's view.

"Welcome to Carrots keep. I hope you all had the proper attire." Carrot Top's mother said. She looked through the crowd of students when her eyes land on Twilight.

"Is that you, Twilight Sparkle?" Carrot Top's mother asked.

"It's been awhile. The farming attire you gave me, finally fits me." Twilight said with a smile.

Carrot Top's mother smiled with glee. As she sprint towards Twilight in full speed in an attempt to crush hug her. However thanks to Twilight's training in heavy sportsmanship class, Twilight simply side-steps which caused Carrot Top's mother to miss her.

Causing her to smash her face in the ground. "Are you alright?" Twilight asked as she gets out of her stupor.

"Oh, you are good." Carrot Top's mother said with a dangerous smile. Before giving Twilight an extra strong bear hug.

"I take it, you know each other?" Minno asked as she carefully removes Twilight from her bear hug.

"Oh yes. She is our best customer and good friend." Carrot Top's mother said with a gentle smile.

"Is she the cause as to why you guys became so famous and capable?" Lulu asked.

"It is. Thanks to her, my daughter has basically became obsessed with carrots and choose becoming the best carrot farmer over becoming the richest carrot farmer." Carrot Top's mother said with a big smile.

"And thus choose to improve the carrot better and faster." Minno added.

"Exactly. Oh! Carrot Top is going to be so happy to see you. But first, this is an excursion. Not a family visit. So business goes first." Carrot Top's mother said with a business smile. "I am sure you understand."

"Of course. Although I already know the layout of the farm and how to pull carrots thanks to Carrot." Twilight said with an smile.

"I know. Everyone but Twilight is going to learn about the farm, its layout and it's history. Twilight you are going with me." Carrot Top's mother said. "My sister is going to guide you guys. Just wait a few moments, then ring this bell."

"Understood. Have fun Twilight." Minno said with an smile.

"Thanks!" Twilight said smiling in glee.

After walking a few moments, Twilight stops.

"What is the matter dear?" Carrot Top's mother asks.

"Before we going to have fun. I have an order I would like to quickly give you." Twilight said.

"Of course. What is it?" Carrot Top's mother asks curious.

"After the school assisted me after I had a mental breakdown, I would like to make them my best carrot soup that I can make. That means getting the best of the best." Twilight said.

"Of course. The usual?" Carrot Top's mother asks.

"No," Twilight smile turns evil, which cause Carrot Top's mother to gulp, "I need 1 ton of golden high dutches carrots."

Carrot Top's mother eyes widen, "You want WHAT?!" she asks with shock.

"I will pay you the proper amount." Twilight said with an innocent smile.

"What is the problem-" Carrot Top was about to ask when she turns the corner and sees a nervous mother and an innocent looking Twilight Sparkle.

"Twilight!" Carrot shouted smiling.

"It's been awhile." Twilight said and the duo hugged each other.

"So what was the shouting?" Carrot asks curiously.

"Oh nothing. I just need 1 ton of golden high dutches carrots. That obviously have to be of royal quality." Twilight said with an innocent smile.

"Uh." Carrot said as she took in what Twilight just said.

"I need it by next weekend." Twilight added.

Carrot took one look at Twilight before fainting. Which caused Twilight to rush to her aid, with wide eyes.

"Is she going to be alright?" Twilight asks Carrot Top's mother.

"She is fine. This is a sudden request indeed." Carrot Top's mother said as she was thinking on how to fulfill this order.

"Ugh. Twilight, you like to make me faint." Carrot said somewhat annoyed.

"Is it fulfill-able?" Twilight asks.

"Yes. You might get some delays though." Carrot said.

"Oh and it has to be in Manehattan. Send the bill to dad." Twilight said.

"Okay." Carrot said.

"Now that business has been concluded, let's go to the place that I wanted to show you something." Carrot Top's mother said.

"Oh! Are you going to show her the revolutionary design for greenhouse carrot farming?" Carrot asks.

"I am!" Carrot Top's mother said.

"Okay! Good luck, I am currently training some beginners on the farm." Carrot said as she walks back.

"Good luck!" Twilight returned. She and Carrot Top's mother walks towards a slightly bigger than normal greenhouse.

And as soon as she enters, Twilight gets a good look at the state of the art design. The large hall and she sees as a watering cycle started, every carrot got the exact amount of water in an instant. Without the use of any magic. It was technology. She sees a lot of security guards roaming it perimeter and scientists looking after each and every plant.

"Hm." Twilight said concerned.

"What is it?" Carrot Top's mother asks.

"The watering cycle is off by a few milliseconds and the ground hasn't been properly treated. I can even see some carrot perishing." Twilight said.

Carrot Top's mother look shocked at Twilight. It took Twilight only a few moments to realize the flaws.

"Not to mention. The air is contaminated," Twilight points at the air conditioning unit, "It's too close to a source of too much carbon monoxide. And finally, the amount of light is inadequate. I am not impressed." Twilight said as she turns around and leave the big facility.

"You better fix those issues. Or you might lose a customer." Twilight warns.

Carrot Top's mother eyes went wide, "Why would you leave us?" she asks.

"I am a chef. I take the care and process of each ingredient very carefully. I will not allow the abuse of any product I buy in. I take, taking care of ingredients very seriously!" Twilight said with an growl.

"I- I understand." Carrot Top's mother said with an stutter.

"Very good." Twilight said as she once again takes an innocent smile.

"Okay, well, why don't you join your classmates for the remained of their visit?" Carrot Top's mother asks.

"Sure I don't mind pulling some carrots out the ground." Twilight said with an smile.

"Well enjoy your time then. I am going to forced to go and harvest enough for your order." Carrot Top's mother said somewhat annoyed.

"I was fun doing business with you." Twilight said with an innocent smile.

"Like wise!" Carrot Top's mother said in return before leaving Twilight.

Twilight made her way back to the group. The group was in the process of attempting to pull a hard tail type carrot. This meant that the carrot was impossible to pull out if you didn't how to. And from the looks of it, they were failing to succeed.

"Here let me try." Twilight said once she got close enough.

"Sure." Lulu said exhausted after her attempt.

Twilight appeared over top of it, using her mouth pulled the carrot out sideways, instead of upwards. This caused the carrot to get free. And out the ground it goes.

Everyone's mouths hit the ground. That included the sister of Carrot Top's mother.

"That was easy." Twilight said in the form of a taunt.

Lulu and Minno puffed their cheeks up. After causing them to pout, the sister of Carrot Top's mother asked if she was interested in joining the farm longer.

"Nice try. I am a chef, not a farmer. So not thanks." Twilight said with an smile.

"It was worth a try." the sister of Carrot Top's mother said shrugging.

The remainder of the day, Twilight spend roaming Ponyville. Until she sees the library, entering it reveals an old looking librarian.

"How can I help you?" The old lady asks.

"I want to buy a book. Is that possible?" Twilight asks.

"It depends. Which book?" The old lady asks.

"Bread Baking by Donut Lulamoon." Twilight said as she grabs the book. It was dusty and appeared to not have been used much.

"Depends. How much do you offer?" The old lady asks.

"I will pay it 250 bits and an more up-to-date version of the same type." Twilight offers.

"Deal!" The old lady said with an smile.

Twilight then hoofed over the bits and the newer book. "Pleasure doing business with you, madam." Twilight said politely.

The old lady nods as gives Twilight the book. Twilight then turns around and leaves the library behind.

After adding the book to her special magical dimensional space or inventory for short. Twilight continues to explore Ponyville until her time is up. When the time was up, she and her class go home, to Manehattan.

Once they had returned, Twilight waited until the delivery came. Meanwhile she would have to talk to Minno about the fitness thing.

The following week was mostly boring until Friday arrived,

"And that is class for this week." Minno said as the bell rang, "Twilight please stay seated, I need to talk to you."

Twilight who raised an eyebrow, stay seated like instructed. She watches as her classmates leave the classroom, leaving her with Minno.

"Okay. First thing first. I had a chat to Coffee about the fitness thing and found something out for you, if those classes are too hard for you." Minno said.

"Oh?" Twilight said somewhat interested.

"This school also have sport clubs. That include fitness. If you are interested..." Minno suggested.

"Thank you, but no thanks. I am finally finding my place in that sport school. I like my fellow athletes and I already noticed the massive difference in energy and strength. Besides I have already sighed up for one of their fighting tournaments in school. This is not against other sport schools, but rather against each other." Twilight explained.

"You have WHAT?!" Minno shouted as she nearly smashed the teacher desk. Luckily it didn't break.

"You really got to stop doing that!" Twilight said suddenly very angrily.

"Sorry." Minno said as she drooped slightly, "But why did you enter?"

"They said that this would be perfect to see how far I have come. And they did say that they would go easy one me." Twilight said.

"I see. Can I watch?" Minno asks.

"Yes. But there is an entree fee." Twilight said.

"That is fine. Which tier are you?" Minno asked.

"Beginner." Twilight said.

"Okay. I will come." Minno said smiling.

"Now can I please leave? I am going to late for my training." Twilight asked.

"Sure, sure. Get going then." Minno said, "Have fun!"

Twilight waved, before running at top speed towards home. She arrived faster than a taxi, thanks to her training. Once home she grabs her athlete bag and run towards the sport school.

"Hey boss!" Twilight shouts.

"Twilight! Good to see you. You are in the nick of time. What was the hold up?" The boss asked.

"School." Twilight simply answers.

"I see. Well, get dressed, we will start in 1 minute." The boss said.

After Twilight quickly got dressed, she enters the room alongside the other students. Most them were earth pony, there was also a hoofful of pegasi and Twilight as the only unicorn.

"Good everyone is here. Today you are going to learn how to do a proper jab. Twilight you are going to use the karate dummy again. I want you ready for the event." The trainer said.

"Yes, sir. I might have some ponies that are going to watch the event." Twilight said.

"Good, more income." The boss said happily.

Twilight walks over to the dummy and starts using jabs and kicks on it. Every time stick got too close she would dodge, side-step or block it. The speed of her jabs were faster then the dummy could respond. For every 10 jabs, the stick would try hit Twilight. Twilight had strong and mostly very fast jabs. She would overwhelm an opponent before she would do any serious damage. But if overwhelm wasn't an option, she was able to perform some seriously painful kicks that would make most earth ponies buckle under the pain. However Twilight has an advantage over knowledge.

Her knowledge of the anatomy of the pony body was impressive to say the least. She could knock the pony out cold by a single poke. Yet she would usually choose the cruelest action. Beat the crap out of your opponent. Why? Because she likes hitting things. It made a satisfying sound and is usually the most interesting.

Back to Twilight, she was really into it today. Her desire to show her talent made her even more wanting the beginner cup title. And also she just felt very light today. Until,

"Klunk!" The karate dummy made that sound.

Twilight blinked as the dummy fell apart. Their were some serious cracks in the frame work. Those cracks were at the location Twilight was punch it.

The boss approaches the origin of the sound and looks at the dummy. "It would seem that you have outgrown this dummy rank. I will place normal rank karate type dummy. Well done Twilight." The boss said as he ruffles Twilight hair.

"Of course." Twilight said with an humble smile.

After the boss placed the dummy, "This is made out of bamboo. If you get hit, it will hurt about ten times more than the previous one. Good luck." he said.

"Thanks!" Twilight said as she starts punching the new dummy. Twilight slowly went and punched the ever living daylight out of it. Normally she punched about 10 times a second. Today however she was punching ten times that amount. The sound of Twilight going absolutely ham on it was present over whole room.

This was also distracting the other as they looked at Twilight in confusion and awe. The boss noticed that everyone was distracted by Twilight's intense punching and incredible concentration. The boss shouted to pay attention and he would soon watch Twilight. He look surprised at Twilight's ferociousness and deep focus.

He was smiling at Twilight, he then saw Twilight's good old rival enter the room. He saw his mischievous look as he approaches Twilight. Moving back his right front hoof and going with an insane amount of speed towards Twilight's back. Twilight meanwhile got an intense sense of danger from behind. Her mind and body as one, dodges her rival's hoof and immediately returning the favor by punching him in the face. Twilight did not control her strength however, which caused the rival to literally get punch to the other side of the room and into the back wall.

As soon as Twilight regain focus, she looks at what just happened. Gasping, she runs towards her rival.

"Are you okay?" Twilight asks. Not noticing the boss both surprised and gleeful smile.

"Uh. Remind me, not try that while you are trying to focus." The rival said groaning.

Twilight smiles as she simply moves back to the dummy and continue to punch the ever living daylight out of it. She continued to punch the dummy for 6 hours straight. 2 hours longer then normal.

"What time is it?" Twilight asks as she finally lands the final punch on the dummy.

"It's been six hours." The boss said besides her.

Twilight's eyes goes wide, "I am not allowed to continue after four hours. Why did you not warn me?" She asked confused.

"That rule only works when you are not practicing for a tournament." The boss said.

"I see. But I should really go home now." Twilight said.

"I know. Something tells me that you are going to go far, this tournament." The boss said.

"I am going for first place!" Twilight shouted as she ran towards the showers.

"Are you now? That is interesting. You weren't interested in that at first. I am curious if you succeed." The boss said to himself, "This year is going to be very interesting."

After Twilight showered, she ate dinner and collapses on her bed. The following day came and without needing to go to school, she went towards the sport school instead.

Once she had arrived with her sport bag in tow. She entered and saw the boss just sitting in his office.

"Hey boss!" Twilight shouted.

The boss looks up and sees Twilight, "You are very early. I just finished getting everything in place." he said.

"I am just very eager." Twilight said.

"I know you are. Today some big wig are using the main hall. I will move you into one of the private rooms." The boss said.

"Are you sure? I thought those were for the king rankers." Twilight asked surprised.

"Their tournament is today. They won't be able to use it for a while. I already moved your dummy it's in room 1." The boss said as he hoofs her the key.

"Thanks boss." she said as she takes the key and goes towards the allocated room.

Unlocking the door and in she goes. Locking the door behind her she puts the bag on the ground and she starts punch the dummy a little to check it. Then she first stretches and then she starts going ham on it. She was alternating between kicks and punches. Of course in order to properly hit a dummy, Twilight has to stand on her hind legs. At first Twilight couldn't do it if she tried. Now however she could do at extremely easily.

Twilight was now slowly increasing the speed at which she punched. Her current top speed was 120 punches a second, but after yesterday, she was certain that she could do better than that. She slowly sped up after she reached 100 punches a second. Her concentration and focus start to reach an all time high.

'110...... 120....... 122..... 130.....' Twilight thought, as her speed gradually increased. Then she finally hit her second cap. 200 punches a second. This was close to a B rank karate fighter.

'Pretty good if I say so myself.' Twilight thought. Twilight then went back to 100 punches a second as she was still punching the same spot over and over. Until she experienced a sudden burst of strength.

"HA!" Twilight shouts, as she punches the same spot with a lot more strength that usual.

"BAM!" Was the sound the dummy made after Twilight accidentally broke the dummy. The side of wall had a massive dent in it. While the dummy itself was all but demolished. That is the second dummy, Twilight broke in two days.

Gulping, Twilight unlocks the door. She walks to the office of the boss. He was luckily still in there. Twilight knocks on the door.

"Who is it?" The boss asked.

"It's me sir." Twilight said.

"Ah. Twilight. What is the matter?" He asked.

"I may have broken another dummy." Twilight said somewhat disappointed.

The boss raised his eyebrow and walked alongside Twilight to her room, only to find an demolished dummy and a massive dent in the wall. "Well I will be. You did. That is impressive." He said.

"Is it?" Twilight asked confused.

"It is. For a pony to break two dummies in two days time is pretty impressive. But it's even more impressive for a unicorn." The boss explained.

"I see. Is it because unicorns are weaker by nature?" Twilight asked.

"Physically, yes. Mentally, no. Let me grab you a Rank F karate type dummy." The boss said.

"Thanks." Twilight said.

After a few minutes, the boss had placed a much bigger and heavier dummy into the room. "There we go." He said.

"What about the dent?" Twilight asked.

"We always get dents. Don't worry about it." The boss stated.

"Okay. Thanks." Twilight said as she started to punch the new dummy. Not before locking the door once again. And after several hours of practicing on this dummy. Twilight took a toilet break and took a snickers. After the break she continued for hours on end.

After 12 hours of practice, Twilight realized that she has done everything she could do for the matches. And that she needed to catch some sleep. After all the tournament is this sunday. She exited to room with her bag in tow. She quickly takes a shower and left to go home. Only to immediately pass out on bed once she was home.

Once she woke up, it was seven O'clock in the morning. She ate some much needed breakfast. She then prepared her fight gear. She also carries the medical box with her. Just in case. She takes a shower. And slowly walk towards the sport school.

When she finally arrived in front of the sport school, she saw a massive crowd of spectators. She also spots the Pepe family in the crowd. She goes towards in the entrance and enters through the front door.

"Ah Twilight. You are in time. Get to booth 13, in the booth you find a T-shirt. Put that on and wait for either your number being called or your name. And yes 13 is an unlucky number. But only for those that which to fight bad luck." The boss said with a wink.

Twilight smiles and runs towards her booth. Once inside she sees a letter from the boss.

Dear Twilight,
If you are reading this then that means you are getting ready for the fight.
You are to knock you opponent out cold and not even attempt to use magic.
Oh and remember your goal. Win first place! And not lose yourself in the process.

Good luck,
- Boss

'Thanks for the advice, boss.' Twilight thought. She puts on her T-shirt and placed some bandages over her two front hooves and some one both her hind legs. She had a safety helmet in her booth, but decided against using it. She then took a seat in part of the booth the signals that the fighter is ready.

Twilight waited and then she saw the spectator doors open and every seat being taken by them. One full section was being used by the Pepe family alone. She noticed at Lulu was waving at her. Twilight simply nodded at her as she stood on attention.

"Welcome to the beginner ranked tournament! Today we have a total of 13 fighters. The other 12 fighters are fighting elsewhere." Boomed the announcer.

"First goes number 2 against number 3. Both fighters are boxers. Number 3 is and jabber and number 4 has a nasty hook. Good luck to both of you!" Shouts the announcer.

Twilight took a good look at both of them and noted that number 3 was more likely to win. He had more experience and the hook truly was a nasty one. As soon as the match started it was already over. Number 3 hit number 2 with a TKO. He immediately hospitalized number 2 with a nasty hook to the ribs. Breaking 3 ribs with a single punch.

"That was quick! Next up is Number 4 against Number 5. Number 5 is a seeded boxer, he is very likely to win. Number 4 has won against a seeded before, but not this one! Number 5 is known to TKO fighters. Number 4 likes endurance races!" The announcer shouted.

The match started immediately and number 5 almost got an immediate KO on number 4.

"He stood back up! Amazing endurance! Number 5 has to fight harder then this!" The announcer shouted.

As soon as the tournament continued. Twilight looked at the tournament lineup and noticed that she was up against a seed 1, which meant he was the previous champion and most likeliest to win. Twilight gulped, she hoped that she would make it past him.

As soon as she was done looking at the tournament lineup, Number 4 makes a miraculous win on number 5 with a KO.

"Number 4 did it again! He won against a second seeded! Incredible!" The announcer shouts with respect and shock present in his voice.

"Next up number 6 vs number 7. Both of them are street fighters. Number 6 has been in the semi-finals once. Number 7 likes kicks. Good luck for both of you!" The announcer shouts.

While the fight was on-going the announcer explains how seeded works. "A seed is the value that represent their scores of the previous tournament. Seeded 2 means second place. Seeded 1 means the previous champion." The announcer explains.

After he was done, Number 6 kicks the bucket, letting number 7 win.

"Number 7 won due to a KO." the announcer shouts.

"Next up is Number 8 vs Number 9. Number 8 is a boxer and a lightweight. Number 9 is a staff user. This is going to be an interesting match up." The announcer said somewhat interested.

Just as the fight started, it was clear who was going to win. Number 9 had a better offence and defense. She was also quicker. Number 8 lacked experience and appeared to only join for fun. He was shut down with an TKO. He got two broken hind legs.

"That was interesting." The announcer said somewhat disinterested. Twilight felt similar.

"Next up, Number 10 vs Number 11. Both are seeded, seeded 7 and seeded 5 respectively. Number 10 is an all-rounder, Number 11 enjoys kicking. Good luck!" The announcer shouted.

At the start of the match, neither moved for 2 minutes. As soon as number 10 made a move, it was over. Number 10 threw an over the shoulder heavy punch. And in that instant Number 11 got below her and uppercut her from below. Knocking Number 10 out cold instantly.

"There goes Number 10. She tried too hard. And forgot the basics of boxing." The announcer said disappointed. The announcer looked at the lineup and saw that Twilight was up against seeded number one. He felt bad.

"Next up Number 12 vs Number 13. Number 12 is the previous years champion. This is Number 13 first show." The announcer shouts. As soon as he did Twilight walked out of her booth and onto the stage.

"Number 12 is a boxer, number 13 is a karate user. Number 12 like pulled punches. Number 13 is a strong and fast jabber. Good luck!" The announcer shouted.

Twilight looks the earth pony in the eye. She wakes up all her well-trained combat senses. And goes into a deep focus. The referee entered the stage.

"No killing, besides that everything goes. Good luck." The referee stated. He looks to both sides and nods.

"BEGIN!" The referee shouts.

Twilight and the earth pony didn't immediately moved. They waited and watched. Then the earth pony threw a 'fast' jab. Twilight side-stepped and used her left front leg to push away his jab, while also jabbing his face with her right about 120 times in an instant.

The earth pony stumbled back a few steps. His head rattled by Twilight's action. Twilight however, didn't grant him his chance to recover. She turned around gave him a strong kick with her left hind leg. Causing him to hit the ground.

"He is down!" The announcer boomed in surprise.

The referee counted, but at the number two he stood back up. The appeared quite bit angry.

"Oh you are going to get it now." He said angrily. Twilight simply raised her eyebrow, but said nothing.

As soon as the fight restarted, the earth pony chose to fight close combat. Twilight was not fazed by this. She was still able to dodge his punch with ease from this distance. Him closing up had for him and massive disadvantage for him. Twilight chose that enough is enough. She struck him three times. A powerful hook on his exposed belly, A powerful kick on left hind leg and lastly a strong chop on his neck.

This was enough to knock him out cold, once again. The referee started to count, he cut himself off however as he checks the state of the earth pony.

"TKO!" The referee shouts. Which caused the Pepe family to celebrate.

"Oh My Celestia! A total newbie knock the champion from his throne! Number 13 wins this round!" The announcer said surprised and in awe.

The referee approached Twilight, "How was this match?" he asked, with the announcer microphone.

Twilight yawned, "Too easy." Twilight said simply. "He didn't even slightly match my speed."

The boss, who had watched to full match nodded, 'That was indeed an too easy match up for Twilight.' he thought.

"I agree! I saw how you hit his head 120 times in less than 700 milliseconds. Something that fast is nearly impossible to see!" The announcer shouted.

Twilight raised his eyebrow at the announcer. The boss choose to approach at that moment.

"The announcer is a world champion S rank. She specializes in speed." The boss stated.

Twilight gasped in shock, before quickly leaving the stage to go back to her booth.

As soon as she is inside her booth the announcer continued.

"Next up Number 3 vs Number 4, good luck to both of you." The announcer stated.

As soon as it started, Twilight knew the outcome. Number 4 is strong against strong opponents but not against weaker opponents. Number 3 is specialized in hooks. His specialization will beat number 4. And just as Twilight stated. Number 3 won.

"Specialization won against endurance. Well done number 3. You will face me next round." The announcer state.

Twilight saw number 3 gulping.

"Next up Number 7 vs number 9. Good luck!" The announcer shouted.

Again, Twilight knew who would win. Number 9 was strong contender. Twilight knew she will have to face her. Just like she predicted. Number 9 did indeed win. One jab was all she needed.

"Wow. A single jab KO." The announcer clearly didn't seem very excited.

"Next up Number 11, seeded 5, vs number 13 the underdog. Good luck!" The announcer seemed somewhat excited. Twilight got the strong feeling that she wanted to fight Twilight.

Twilight got up the stage against an male earth pony. They both got ready.

"Good luck! And BEGIN!" The referee shouted.

The earth pony rushed to get into Twilight's face. He had his hind legs extended. And he made contact. It hit Twilight's hind legs. Twilight didn't bother moving. After getting hit, Twilight felt nothing. I was too weak. She raised her eyebrow at him as she jumped and smashed front and hind legs into the earth pony's belly. The pain was too much and he was knocked out cold.

Actually Twilight just used the four cold poke technique. Which would put him in a forced knock out state. It would seem that the announcer noticed exactly that. The referee approached number 11 and shouted.


"And she got a TKO using an advanced anatomy knowledge technique. The four cold pokes!" The announcer revealed.

"Next up Number 3 vs Number 1. Number 1 will not try to knock you out cold. She want to see if you are allowing into the finals." The referee shouted.

Number 3 stood in total fear against the confident number 1. Twilight didn't think that number 3 is strong enough. It would seem that most thought the same way. That included number 3 himself.

"I- I DNF!" Number 3 shouted.

"Number 3 DNF'd Number 1 wins by default." The referee shouted.

"Aw." Number 1 said, somewhat disappointed.

"Next up is Number 9 vs Number 13. Number 1 who do you think will win?" The referee asked.

"Number 13. She is just too strong." Number 1 stated.

Twilight and the female earth pony stood in front of Twilight. Number 9 seemed nervous.

"Begin!" The referee shouted.

Twilight allowed her to hook Twilight. I did nothing. Twilight blinked and knocked her out cold with a single powerful full round kick. The referee looked at number 9 and said, "TKO!"

"And that was the semi-finals. Next up Number 13 vs Number 1." The referee shouted.

Twilight simply stayed on stage. As Number 1 stood on stage.

"My name is Elena Pepe. I heard about you through Lulu. I have High-hopes for you." Elena said.

"How am I not surprised that it's a Pepe." Twilight said unsurprised.

"Hm." Elena said.

"Begin!" The referee shouted.

It was quiet. Nobody moved. Twilight and Elena stared at each other. After think for a moment, Twilight closed the gap in an instant. Elena attempt to kick her and missed because Twilight side-stepped during her motion. Twilight stood behind her and gave her a bear hug. Elena attempted to free herself, but failed thanks to Twilight doing an equestrian surplex. Smashing Elena's face into the stage.

Lulu and Minno look shocked at Twilight and Elena. Elena was downed. The referee counted. He reached 2 when he checked Elena. "It's an TKO!"

Twilight was having a mixture of emotions, happy, confused, angry. But her worry overpowered it all.

"Are you okay?" Twilight asked as she attempted to wake Elena up.

"She is fine." The boss placed his hoof on Twilight's head, "Her weakness is her head. A single surplex is enough to knock her out cold."

"bu- bu-" Twilight felt annoyed at the easiness of it.

Sighing, "Who is my next opponent?" Twilight asked.

"You won. The opposite had a double TKO. There is no fighters left besides you." The boss said.

"Well that just sucks." Twilight said unhappily

"Does it?" The boss asked surprised.

"Yes. I do not want the beginner's cup. This was not fun at all." Twilight said determined refusal.

The boss sighed, he knew that Twilight would refused the cup even if she won. "What if I told you that this is normal?" he asked.

"Then I would not have participated." Twilight said.

"Well it is. You either accept the cup or leave my sport school." The boss warned.

"Fine I accept. But I am leaving the competitive scene." Twilight said annoyed.

"That is fine. Just note that you can rejoin it anytime." The boss said with an smile.

"Yeah, yeah." Twilight waved him off.

"I am going home." Twilight said.

"Not after the celebratory and the cup giving." The boss said.

"UGH! Fine, I am coming. How long does it last?" Twilight asked.

"Only two hours." The boss replied, "Plus we have a chef name Royal Chef as our chef today. He said that he will make food that is fit for royalty."

Twilight's eyebrows raised at Royal Chef's name. "And why is he our chef today, then?" She asks curiously, her annoyance all but forgotten.

The boss raised his eyebrow at Twilight's surprisingly sudden good mood, "He always does this. He had a brother that became a champion once. Ever since then he choose to cook at these types of events." The boss said, "Sadly his brother also got permanently hospitalized after he tried to go too far. He is a good friend of ours and is the one that started this sport school."

"Talk about coincidences and fate. It would seem that Royal and me are intertwined with each other." Twilight said cryptically.

"Well let's go! The party won't start itself. In fact I heard the Princess Mi Amore Cadenza was visiting this party. She knew Royal's brother quite well." The boss said as Twilight got off the stage.

"And also Cadence, huh." Twilight said honestly surprised.

The boss raised his eyebrow at Twilight's lack of adding status behind name. But said nothing.

They both walked towards the party when Twilight realized something.

"So why is this party so big? Did the S rank tournament finish?" Twilight wondered.

"It did. That is indeed why this party is so massive. We had two winners. One karate, the other jujitsu." The boss said.

"That is amazing!" Twilight's mood did a three sixty as she suddenly had stars in her eyes.

The boss laughed, "It would seem that your win wasn't as hard on you than I thought." The boss said.

"Sorry, boss. I felt a little upset on the lack of proper winners and lack of good fights." Twilight apologized.

"I know you do. In fact I feel that most spectators felt underwhelmed by it also. Well besides seeing you wreck the champion. That caused the crowd to go wild." The boss said.

"Did it? I didn't notice. I am glad their stay wasn't entirely boring." Twilight said.

"It did. So will you accept the cup or not?" The boss asked.

"I will. But why did you blackmail me?" Twilight asked confused.

"You weren't thinking straight. I had to keep you in line. Did you think I was actually going to kick you out?" The boss asked.

"Yes. Seeing how many sport school refused me. I didn't expect any less." Twilight said.

"Did you know that the one that started this sport school was a unicorn?" The boss replied smugly.

Twilight's eyes widen as large as dinner plates. "And he still became a world champion?!" Twilight asked surprised.

When the boss nodded, Twilight mouth hit the floor. She just couldn't grasp how a non-earth pony could become a champion. It stumped her.

"That is why I accepted you so easily. You had potential and a strong desire to get stronger. I like that." The boss said smiling, "We can continue this talk later. You might even meet the boss. But right now get seated on the chair with the number 13 on it. The crowning will start in 1 minute."

Twilight nodded and ran towards the seat. She looked to her left. There sat the S rank champion of jujitsu. To her right sat the S rank champion of karate. Those two looked at Twilight in surprise. They did not expect the unicorn to get a victory this early on in her career.

"Everyone, Welcome to the celebration party. I am called The Boss. And I run this sport school. Today we have three winners. One in the beginners rank and two in the S rank tournament." The boss stated.

"First, let's applause to my boss. Keep Royal!" The boss said. Keep entered the platform in his wheelchair.

"Thank you Boss. Before I will crown these amazing individuals, please understand. Beginner rank and S rank are still massive victories. They look small on paper. But for these individuals getting these ranks are the start of their career. Yes after S rank there is still some other ranks to get." Keep said.

"Please give these athletes an equal amount of applause. We are not playing favorites. The boss is going to grand these individuals cups and medals. Congratulations to the winners." Keep said before moving his wheelchair into the crowd.

"Thank you Keep! First the S rank champion of jujitsu. Elly Beek!" The boss shouts as the crowd gives a big applause. "This is your second S rank champion win. Keep up the good work. You get the S rank gold cup. A gold medal in knocking two athletes out in one hit. And a bronze medal of fortress. Congratulations."

"Next up, the S rank champion of karate. Water Crane!" The boss shouts, again the crowd cheered. "You get the S rank platinum cup for winning the entire tournament. A gold medal for getting placed first and a gold medal for showing a pony three times you size who is boss. Congratulations."

"And last up. The athlete that has joined us as recently as three months. And that wrecked the previous champion like he was nothing. Twilight Sparkle!" The boss shouts. Twilight walked up stage, Royal who heard the name couldn't believe his eye. Even Keep who sat on the first row was surprised to see a young unicorn walk up stage.

"This young girl receives the platinum beginner rank cup, for doing a clean sweep and doing this tournament win first try!" The boss shouted, which received a large applause and also many surprised gasps from the crowd.

"You will receive the gold medal cup of technical play. The gold medal of destroying the previous champion. The gold medal of fortress for taking two hits that would normally knock a athlete unconscious, taking it like it was nothing. And the platinum medal for winning your first tournament on your first attempt. Congratulations." The boss said as he puts all three medals on Twilight. His face was smiling in glee.

"Twilight has received one more thing. She got an invite to a F rank karate tournament. And her rank got increased to rank F." The boss added. Which caused Twilight to gasp and look wide eyed at the boss.

"Thank you for coming and enjoy the party!" The boss said as the crowd dispersed.

Twilight approached the boss in shock, "Why did you increase my rank?!" she asked in shock.

"I didn't. The organization that makes these types of tournaments told me to increase your rank. Saying that you are too strong for both beginner and intermediate beginner tournaments. You destroying your competition made them realize that they have underestimated you." The boss said with an smile.

"Wow. That is awesome. I hope you will spar with me some day." Water said hopeful.

Twilight looks shocked at the S ranker, "I- what?" Twilight said confused and shocked.

"Just because we are S rank does not mean that we do not spar with other lower rankers. In opposite, to prevent us from getting weaker against lower ranking athletes we spar with low rankers like you." Elly explained.

"I see. I would gladly want to spar then. This win was very unsatisfying. I had hoped that announcer was a bit more of a fight. Sadly not so much." Twilight said saddened.

"You won against an S rank?!" Water and Elly shout at the same time.

"Yes in a single move too." Twilight said drooping. Not noticing the sweat drop from both Water and Elly.

The boss and Keep were laughing at their reaction. Twilight looked confused at the boss. She did not understand why they were laughing.

"Well I want to go chat with Royal for a bit. Have fun you two." Twilight said oblivious.

In the meantime Water and Elly were mumbling in shock and surprise. But both had a competitive smile on their face. Twilight was going to have a hard time in the future. The boss saw it coming, Keep too saw it coming. In fact the whole Pepe family knew that her sister will want to have some revenge later. There would be some revenge had, later.

Twilight meanwhile had reached Royal. Royal was staring at Twilight in surprise.

"Hey Royal." Twilight said somewhat worried. She noticed Royal's stare.

"Twilight. You are becoming many things. A powerful mage, A capable chef and a starting out athlete." Royal said.

"Don't worry. I do not plan on making the athlete my career. I want to become a chef, more than anything. It's just nice to take break from cooking once in a while." Twilight said smiling.

"So I see. Still I would hope to see you carry an S rank cup one day." Royal said smiling widely.

"Nah. That is unlikely. Even if it did happen. I am not actively searching for fights. No getting some fighting ability is handy for when I will own my own restaurant and have to deal rowdy guests." Twilight reasoned.

"And finding ingredients in the wild." Royal added.

"That too, that too." Twilight said nodding.

"By the way. The princess is coming any time now." Royal said, as not a moment too soon the doors open, revealing a slightly wet Cadence. It was raining outside, but the lack of windows prevented Twilight from realizing this.

"Your highness. Welcome to our humble sport school. Please make yourself at home!" Keep said.

"Keep, you can call me Cadence. You know that." Cadence said in grace.

"I know your hig- Cadence. I just haven't seen you for so long that I have been a bit, ah forgetful." Keep said apologetic.

"Keep." Cadence said annoyed, "You don't have to act like this. Be more natural. I like your cheerful self more."

"Sorry." Keep said drooping a bit.

"Now then. I will enjoy this party quite well." Cadence said.

Twilight points at Cadence, while looking at Royal. Royal nods as he goes back to work. Twilight then decided to approach Cadence.

"Hi Cadence." Twilight casually said.

Cadence looks at the direction her name was spoken and saw Twilight. She noted at she was carrying 2 gold medals and 1 platinum medal. "Did you participate?" She asked somewhat surprised.

"I won my first beginner rank tournament." Twilight said with an smile.

"How did it go?" Cadence asked. Surprise was clearly in her tone. She did not expect Twilight to be fighting to begin with, let alone win a tournament.

"It was boring. I had a clean sweep. It was so boring and easy that the organization moved my rank to F." Twilight said smiling.

"I see. Is this a way for you to recover from, That incident in Canterlot?" Cadence offered.

"Nope. I am just fighting in my spare time. It's fun and enjoy it." Twilight said happily.

The boss who just happen to overhear that. Raised his eyebrow. 'I guess I will ask Twilight later.' He thought.

"Well ignoring that. Why don't we have some fun, while also catching up?" Twilight offered.

"Sure lets take a seat over there and," Cadence said as she and Twilight took seat. Retelling her to story of this book.

Author's Note:

*seven O'clock in the morning 24 hour time.

11.3 K words. I can't believe I just pumped out my longest chapter ever.
I hope you enjoy this. Only one more chapter before the prologue.