• Published 7th Dec 2020
  • 585 Views, 29 Comments

The chef's student - vincent789

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The student part 4

"Dad I am home!" Twilight shouts after a long day at school.

"Twilight, how was school?" Night asked.

"It was fun. I learned a bit about business and stuff." Twilight said happily.

"That is good to hear. I have some news regarding that new law I told you about." Night said.

"Oh? What is it?" Twilight asked curiously.

"Well you see, I found out that the law barely passed yesterday's court. 7 people agreed while 6 disagreed. It was a very close call. But I have run into a wall. You see, Celestia disagreed. Which isn't good. She might do something that might sabotages the whole law." Night said deflated.

"If she calls for an higher court then I want you to use me." Twilight said determined.

"NO!" Night shouted. "I don't want to use you. They might believe that I have no fighting spirit if I do that."

"Dad listen to me. Celestia cares for me. I am the perfect filly for the job. If we fight this, not as Night Armor, but as House Armor we might stand a chance." Twilight explained.

"You want me to..." Night said surprised, "But that is quite risky."

"It's perfect. Mom's ability in archaeology is highly respected. Dad's ability in astrology is highly respected. I have a lot of high ranking friends. Together we are The house of Armor and House of Sparkle. If we use the power of our nobility we might be able to force the balance to our favor." Twilight explained.

Shocked, Night just stood there. He was calculating the chance of success and the risks involved.

"Besides I have something for you." Twilight said as she hooves over folder with a classified stamp on it. "I collected some shocking information regarding the now illegal trade of wild meat. Believe me this will do the trick."

Night opens the folder and looks at the information. It took less then 10 seconds for his face to go from curious to shock and then to anger. "How did you obtain this?" he asked.

"Trade secret." Twilight said.

Night's eyebrow rose at that. But he didn't continue. "Very well. On sunday the higher court will be held." Night said.

"Good we were going to Canterlot anyways." Twilight said.

"Now with that out of the way. Should I make dinner?" Night asked.

"Please do. This heavy topic made me hungry." Twilight said.

Twilight and Night had dinner before they went to bed.

After a good night sleep, it was Thursday. Twilight ate breakfast and ran towards school as per usual.

As Twilight arrives at Minno's class she sees that there is a small commotion in front of the classroom door. She looks closer and sees that all the female students were looking at a young stallion which appears to be waiting for someone.

As Twilight took an even closer look, she immediately remembers that this stallion was the one she met in Canterlot. He stood at the time next to the stallion whose horn she destroyed.

Her face immediately became dissatisfied and annoyed. Twilight knew exactly who he was waiting for. And it was herself.

"Hey! Your name is Twilight right?" ??? said excited.

"What do you want." Twilight said bitter and gloomy.

"Oh come on! Can you blame me at the time? You blew the horn off my best friend's forehead!" ??? said annoyed in return.

Twilight simply raised her eyebrow, "After you threatened my, now, best friend." she said.

"Ugh fine! By the way my name is-" ??? was about to say his name when Twilight pushed her hoof into his mouth.

"I don't care who you are. Can you please leave? Class is about to start." Twilight said bitter.

"Blaze Pepe." Blaze finished after Twilight removed her hoof from his mouth. "Lulu older brother." he added.

Twilight simply gave him the cold shoulder and ignored what he just said.

"Anyways the real reason why I am here is to tell you this," Blaze moved close to Twilight's ear, "You should lose that court case. The Pepe household is dissatisfied with what you are trying to accomplice." he said.

Twilight looks at him, she then gives him a letter addressed at their household. "Don't worry, we are not looking for a fight." she said, which caused him to relax.

"We are looking to improve food standards. If your master reads that letter, he will know why we are trying to win this war." Twilight said with a smirk.

Blaze looks unimpressed at her, "Do you think that he will read this?" he asks.

"Do you want to fight with a household known for their combat ability? And incredible magic talent?" Twilight asked.

Blaze just walked away, not answering the question.

"I will take that as a no." Twilight said as she laughed maniacal which caused a random lightning to flash behind her.

"Where did that lightning come from?" Minno asked as she walked into the room.

"Not sure." Twilight calmly responds. "It's probably coming from outside as a rain cloud passes over us. Which appears to be moved by a Pegasus."

"That is very likely. By the way, why did Blaze look so, um, worried?" Minno asked.

"He suggested that it is a good idea to have a cooking and mafia household fight with a combat and magic proficient household was a good idea. In court that is." Twilight said.

"I guess my boss doesn't exactly like that potentially devastating law. Which is why he might be a bit upset." Minno said in a tone that suggests that 'Doesn't exactly like' is an understatement.

"Are we going to talk about law this class? Because I have been writing and collecting evidence to suggest that the law is a good thing. Also I am not afraid to talk about some, 'Forbidden law pieces', if I have to." Twilight said sassy.

"Let's not." Minno said.

"Your loss." Twilight said.

"Anyways today I wanted to talk about some sad news. Bella is currently ill so no one is getting some theory lessons for short while. I actually have been more bad news. If you haven't noticed but this is our class today. " Minno points at Twilight and two other students that always bring alongside Twilight a lunchbox.

"Because someone from the kitchen accidentally served some food out of date, which has caused more than half of our students to be ill of food poisoning. Some are in critical condition because of it. And yes that means they are hospitalized." Minno finishes.

"How many are hospitalized?" One of the concerned students asked.

"About 75% of those that fell ill. So we are talking about 7500 students that got hospitalized." Minno said. Everyone in class gasped in shock.

"Oh my Celestia. How could something this bad happen in our kitchen?" The other student asked.

"It was caused by cross-contamination. Someone forgot to switch out their cutting board, which caused the poisons from a bullet fish to end up in a whole load of other foods. In the end everything got contaminated. Which in some severe cases led to severe food poisoning and getting severely poisoned in general." Minno said saddened.

"By the way the law that we are proposing is not meant to ban the selling and prepping endangered species. It's meant to control it by inspectors. This is designed to ensure that cross-contamination and keeping these species safer easier. I don't want it to be banned. I just want that institutions to have a better understanding of the wild meat that they are buying." Twilight explained.

"Really? Is that really the reason?!" Minno asked surprised.

"It is. It truly is. Or more specifically it will be when I will propose it as a compromised between parties." Twilight said.

"If that truly is the reason, then expect our household to support it." Minno said.

"There is a catch however." Twilight said.

"And that is?" Minno asks curiously.

"It must be an organization that cannot be influenced by royalty or nobility. It must be created only to improve the goods and safety of the citizens. It cannot be controlled by any school. And lastly it must prevent the selling of and buying of endangered species." Twilight said.

Minno nodded, "Those are some fair terms. I am sure that most will go in agreement." she said.

"I hope so. Of course I have a few alternative plans if this fails." Twilight said.

"Very good. That being said today I will not start a new topic with so many students missing. I don't want to repeat myself. So instead in the next class I will teach you all how to make your own candy. This is not on any tests, I just want to do something fun with you all." Minno said happily, not a moment later the bell went off.

As Twilight and the two other students enter the canteen, they get a good feel of how many are missing. Twilight looks around and sees that besides them, there are atleast fifty other students.

Twilight grabs her rice ball and juice packet and takes a seat close to the kitchen. She looks inside and see that Royal appears to be alone.

"Hey, Royal! It appears that you didn't get hit by the bullet train." Twilight joked.

Royal looked saddened at her, "I had restaurant duties yesterday at lunch. I feel horrible as I am normally responsible for the bullet fish." he said discouraged.

"Don't feel bad. It happens, it isn't fun, mind you, but it sadly mistakes happen." Twilight said crestfallen.

"I am feeling a bit lost today. I am not sure if I should make anything." Royal said, he sounds rather confused.

"Tell you what. I will ask if I can skip candy making with Minno and assist you instead. Will that help?" Twilight asked.

"I would greatly appreciate it." Royal said hopeful.

Twilight puts her rice ball and juice back in her bag and leaves her table to head to the closest door towards the candy making class. She looks inside and sees Minno preparing to make some fresh candy.

Twilight knocks three times and enters inside. Minno looks confused at her, "What is the matter Twilight?" she asked.

"I want to ask if I can skip this class, just this once, to assist Royal in his kitchen duties. He looks awfully crestfallen and lost. He would really appreciate it." Twilight asked.

Minno simply smiles. "Of course you can do that. He was in a state of shock when I told him about yesterday. And he did look awful. I think it hit him quite hard." Minno said.

"Royal is normally on bullet fish duty. That is why he is so shocked." Twilight said. Which caused Minno to look shocked at her.

"I, see." Minno said as a whirlwind of emotions shows on her face.

"Yes. Please help him. I need a bit of time to think." Minno said with a hint of broken-hearted showing in her voice.

"Okay. See you tomorrow then." Twilight said.

"Yes. Have fun!" Minno said gloomy.

Twilight leaves a very heavy-hearted classroom to move to the kitchen. As soon as she arrives in the kitchen, she looks around. Everything was all over the place. Knife were places where they weren't intended to be. It went on and on and on.

After a while Twilight finally found Royal. He was standing in front of a window. He appeared to be quite depressed.

"Hey, Royal. How about I go and clean the kitchen first, before we start cooking anything." Twilight suggests.

"That sounds like a good plan. In the meantime I am going to figure out how much we should make and what." Royal said.

Twilight proceeds to first order everything. She moves every knife near the sink. Everything else is being orderly placed at the dishwasher. Twilight then starts cleaning every workstation. After that she cleans the floor and sorts the packaged ingredients in the cupboards where it's intended to be.

After a short thirty minutes, Twilight sort the whole kitchen and cleans it. She did the dishes and cleaned the knifes. The kitchen looked the way it's meant to be.

After a few minutes of assessing the kitchen, Royal returns with a plan.

"Let's make some healthy sandwiched. With egg, mayo, lettuce, tomato, cucumber. We are going to one hundred sandwiches." Royal said.

"Understood. I will start cooking fifty eggs. And prepare a proper mayo with spices blend." Twilight said.

"Okay. I will prepare the tomato and cucumber. I will also put the mini baguettes in the oven." Royal said as the started to regain his cooking senses.

Twilight grabs a big soup pan and fills it with some water. She then places the eggs in the pan and put to heat on high to get it to cook faster. Meanwhile she grabs a large bowl and fills it mostly with mayonnaise, she then adds an healthy amount of salt and pepper in it. With a small amount of paprika powder and chili powder for some heat. She then manually mixes it to a tasty mayo blend.

"Mayo is ready." Twilight shouts over the chopping of the cucumber.

"Okay. Please prepare the lettuce." Royal said in return.

"Very well." Twilight said as she grabs a crate of lettuce and starts to finely chop everything and places it into bowl and she mixes some salad dressing with the lettuce. After that the eggs were done, she then put it all under cold water to lower it's temperature and increase the changes the eggs stay whole.

She then peels the egg under a constant stream of water to make it easier to peel. After peeling fifty egg and placing it all in a box filled with water. Closing the lid and giving it a label.

"All done! Eggs and lettuce are ready!" Twilight shouts.

"Not a moment to soon. It's 11:30. We have one hour to ensemble one hundred sandwiches. Let's go!" Royal said "I will cut the sandwiches. You will make them." Royal said.

"Understood." Twilight said as her hooves started to move into a rapid motion.

After 30 minutes Twilight and Royal finished 100 sandwiches. They placed in the display tray and opened the window to accept students.

"I can take it from here. Here, take this sandwich. You deserved this extra long break. Thank you for bringing me back to my senses." Royal said finally smiling.

"Anytime Royal. Anytime." Twilight said happily.

"By the way Twilight what do you want to be when you grow up?" Royal asks curiously.

"I want to be a master chef. And own my own restaurant." Twilight said calmly as she munches on the sandwich.

"A master chef, eh? You dream big." Royal said.

"I will try to make that dream a reality. Right now it's just a dream." Twilight said dreamy.

"Of course. Now then it's lunch break I hope everyone likes these sandwiches." Royal said as the bell went off.

"I hope so too." Twilight simply said, "Even if they don't like it, You and I are the only ones in the kitchen. It's simply not possible to make anything complex right now."

"That is true. And I will ban bullet fish recipes for a while. Until everything has been sorted out." Royal said with vigor.

"That is a good idea. I am not sure if I want to eat anything with bullet fish involved for a while." Twilight said.

"Heh. I wish I could say the same. I have to prepare some at the restaurant in a few days. I had to because the princess wants it." Royal said.

"I see. Welp cooking duties goes first. Besides Celestia almost never eats it. She isn't a big fan of fish. It must have been Trixie's idea." Twilight said.

"Yeah it most likely is. I heard that she is big into fish. To the point I heard rumors of her having visited fish farms." Royal said.

"I know. But not just eating them. She also loves to keep them." Twilight said.

"Yeah. By the way she is wondering when you will visit her." Royal said, "Will you tell me?"

"Saturday. I will bring some news about her father with me." Twilight said.

"Ah Donut Lulamoon. I see. I will tell her that you will visit very soon." Royal said.

"Thanks!" Twilight said as she finished up her sandwich. "Well class is about to start, I will see you later."

"Will you visit my restaurant on Saturday?" Royal asks before Twilight had a chance to leave.

"I am not sure. But if you could, can you place a reservation for that day, please?" Twilight said.

"It will be on the house. It's my form of gratitude for today." Royal said.

"You don't have to. But I will accept your generosity." Twilight said stubbornly.

"I guess I will see you this Saturday. I don't work on Friday." Royal said.

"See you this Saturday!" Twilight said with a wave as she rushes towards Donut's class.

"Bye Twilight!" Royal said as he turns around "Now, how do I explain this to my manager..."

As Twilight rushes to Donut's class she looks at a nearby clock. She was five minutes late. Below the clock was a sign stating 'No running in the hall'. Twilight immediately stopped running and speed walked towards class.

Once there she was a full ten minutes late. As she looks inside she saw no Donut or anyone else. Confused she looks around when she bumped into Minno.

"Twilight! Just filly was searching for." Minno said relieved.

"Where is Donut?" Twilight asked confused.

"He is back home. He had a work incident after your class left the classroom. So I am afraid that his class is also cancelled. I got this information just now." Minno said.

"Aw." Twilight said unhappy.

"Did you like his class that much?" Minno asked.

"They were my favorite." Twilight said.

"I see. Well perhaps you could join us on candy making." Minno offered.

"Okay." Twilight said somewhat dejected.

Minno knew that Twilight was very into practical lessons despite her theory knowledge being so high. But that made her realize that Twilight might feel lonely without someone else that holds the same brilliance. And despite her best efforts to make school somewhat fun for Twilight, she felt that Twilight still lacked some trust in her.

"Tell you what. Royal has left the canteen kitchen for his restaurants duties. And with the chef that normally makes Lulu's and Blaze's carpaccio missing. Would you like to make some carpaccio for them? I heard you are quite talented." Minno offered instead.

Twilight's eye widen. "I would love to but," Twilight said.

"But?" Minno asked.

"But isn't candy making on the exam?" Twilight asked.

"Yes. But only if Donut gives you that lesson. Not if it's from me. What I am doing is just a bit of practice and fun. Nothing exam or tests serious." Minno explained.

"I see. But what about tomorrow? Will Donut be here tomorrow?" Twilight asked curiously.

"No. He has to go to Canterlot for some official business. And Bella will still be quite ill. We also have no replacement teachers as they too got hit by the bullet fish incident. Instead I will do Theory and Practical with you three," Minno explained.

"Okay. I guess I will make a carpaccio salad for them. I got some inspiration to make something unique." Twilight said.

"Can I get a hint?" Minno asks curiously.

"Sure. I am going to swap out the balsamic vinegar to balsamic cream. And I am going to add a mixture of some lettuce leaves on the bottom. And something more... But that is a secret." Twilight said.

"Okay. I guess I will hear it if they liked it." Minno said somewhat jealous.

Twilight laughed, "Don't worry. I will make you this too sometime." she said. "Thanks teacher. Next time I will join you on candy making. It's just a bit too boring with only two other students."

"I know. I will see you tomorrow." Minno said.

"See you tomorrow." Twilight said as she waved at Minno before heading back to the canteen.

Once inside the canteen, Twilight was about to enter the kitchen when she heard some familiar voices on the other side of the main entrance doors. Twilight then quickly dove inside the kitchen and listened to the conversation which was about to take place inside the canteen. After looking closely who came inside she saw Lulu and Blaze. But she also surprisingly enough Celestia with them.

"So I heard you met up with Twilight?" Lulu said to blaze.

"Yes. I have a feeling that she does not like me." Blaze said.

"I wonder how that happened." Celestia said with knowing eyes.

"Okay. I messed up okay. But for her to be this hostile, in my home for goodness sake, was a bit excessive. Even for Twilight." Blaze said.

"She might not be aware that this school is also your house at the same time." Celestia said.

'Oops. I might have gone too far with that one.' Twilight thought while feeling a tad bit guilty.

"I never told her. So I am verily certain that she did not know that." Lulu said.

"But wasn't her hostility more passive than aggressive?" Celestia asked.

"It was. But there is a saying that states to not shoot the messenger." Blaze points out.

"Perhaps, but you did thread on dangerous territory. That new law is something that her family is fighting for. She is probably the one that started it." Celestia said.

"That would be the Twilight I know." Lulu said somewhat proud which caused Celestia to also bear a smile

"Okay. I guess I was also a bit insensitive. I will admit that. But still, her fighting spirit is scary." Blaze stated, "Even father was all like. "Oh, she is prepared to fight fire with fire?!" He said. Although I appeared to be smiling despite it."

"Yes. Your father felt that Twilight was preparing something. Perhaps she is preparing an ultimatum. Which would certainly help the current tension that is being felt in court. Even Trixie was too scared to enter court with me, thanks to the very unpleasant atmosphere around it." Celestia said.

"That would explain it." Lulu said.

As the conversation about the law continued Twilight realized that she still had a job to do. That new Carpaccio salad recipe that she was working on will have to be served to these three. And it wasn't going to made by itself.

Twilight immediately prepared the thinly sliced meat and some balsamic cream. She grabbed six different types of lettuce and cut it thinly.

Twilight's chopping could be heard in the canteen, which caused Lulu to pause for a bit.

"Oh yeah. Today is Thursday. It's the only day that we get some meaty Carpaccio served to us." Lulu said.

"But wait. Isn't our chef ill because of the bullet fish?" Blaze asked.

"Huh. Maybe someone else is making it today." Lulu said.

"I will allow me to be surprised." Celestia said.

"Me too." Lulu said.

"Fine. But it's still suspicious. How come we hear the chef chop now. Not like 10 minutes ago?" Blaze asked skeptical.

"Perhaps the chef had entered the kitchen late. Be happy that we atleast still get some Carpaccio." Lulu said annoyed.

"Okay. Okay, I will not question it any further." Blaze said.

Twilight oblivious to that conversation, continued on the Carpaccio salad. She finished finely chopping the lettuce and mixed it with some honey mustard dressing. She grabbed three deep plates and made a small stack of lettuce salad on the bottom. She placed one layer of Carpaccio over it.

She then decorated it with the balsamic cream and some roasted seeds. She added some pesto to it and three bowls of Carpaccio salad* is done. Twilight places them on a cart and pushes it to the canteen. She places a fork, knife and spoon next to each plate before moving it to the canteen.

As the cart reaches the door she uses her magic to open the door and reveal herself to three very confused looking ponies.

"Twilight? Why did you make our Carpaccio?" Blaze asked surprised.

"Uh. Because there is no one else to make this dish today?" Twilight offered.

"I get that. But out of everyone, why you?" Blaze asked again.

"Minno offered me to make this for you, three." Twilight said as she places the three plates in front of them.

"Well that is surprising. I did not expect you to be preparing this." Celestia said, "I am pleasantly surprised."

Lulu simply looked at the Carpaccio salad. She noted that it looked differently. And instead of commenting on the fact that Twilight made it. She simply started to eat it without any question.

Celestia and Blaze notices Lulu excitement when she started to eat it. Which caused both of them to also take a bite.

"I heard you were good. Not this good." Celestia said.

Blaze didn't say anything and was busy eating it. Lulu also had nothing to say. And Celestia was calmly eating it.

"I am going to say something kinda rude." Celestia started, "This is better than Royal's bullet fish Carpaccio."

Twilight gasped at that, Lulu and Blaze simply looked up surprised.

"And no. That is not just because I play favorites with Twilight." Celestia said, "I honestly like this more."

"That is good. I am fairly certain that he does not want to make anything with bullet fish in it after yesterday." Twilight said.

"What happened?" Celestia asked.

"An inexperienced chef forgot to swap out his cutting board the was contaminated with the poison of the bullet fish. Which caused him to poison ten thousand students in one day." Twilight explained.

"Oh my lord!" Celestia gasped in horror.

"Yup, that wasn't good. Thankfully I am resistant to bullet fish poison." Lulu said.

"Yes. And some bring a lunch box with them." Twilight commented.

"Yes, which is very smart." Blaze agreed.

"Anyways. How is my Carpaccio salad? It's a new and improved recipe." Twilight said.

"I like it. It is a bit different and a bit more healthy." Blaze said.

"It is delicious. You should make me more at this in my castle." Celestia said serious.

"This is a massive upgrade from the last Carpaccio you made for me. I love it!" Lulu complemented.

"Good. Time to improve this one. I love making this one. But I feel like it still lacked something." Twilight said.

Blaze, Lulu and Celestia looks unimpressed at the conclusion. "It's good enough as it is." Celestia said.

"No. This is an incomplete version that I am making. I just gave you an alpha version of the end product." Twilight said.

Blaze mouth went agape. "This is an incomplete version?!" he said shocked.

"Yup." Twilight said.

"Wow. That is very impressive." Lulu said. "I thought it was complete."

"So did I. So did I." Celestia repeated.

"No. I want it to me more salad like. It's still a little too meaty. I want it to be more healthy." Twilight said.

"I see. In that sense it's indeed too meaty for an somewhat healthy salad." Blaze said.

As the bell went off, Twilight decided that she was going to end her conversation here.

"Well If this is your house, then you will clean your own plate. I have to go home, I still have a lot to prepare for Sunday. I will see you Saturday and Sunday, Celestia." Twilight said as she simply left the canteen.

"I will clean the plates, I am sure you two still have something private to talk about." Blaze said.

"Thanks." Lulu said.

Twilight meanwhile left school and arrived back home after a few minutes.

"I am back!" Twilight shouted.

"I am happy to hear that. How is your evidence pile coming along?" Night asked.

"I couldn't make progress today. Too much happened at school." Twilight said.

"I see." Night said disappointed.

"However I have already prepared an ultimatum and the plans thereafter." Twilight said.

"Oh, what are you planning?" Night asks curious.

"I want to build an organisation that will control, inspect and prevent certain wild meats from being sold on the market." Twilight started, "It is critical for the survivability of certain endangered species. And also it's designed improve the standards on the trade of meat in Equestria."

"So, instead of the entire banishment of wild meat trade, you want to prevent where it is possible and create licenses for those that wish to trade and hunt these creatures?" Night asked.

"Exactly." Twilight said.

"I see. I have a feeling that most ponies in the court will favor this idea." Night said in agreement.

"I hope so. The catch is the no nobility and royalty can control this organisation. This is to prevent cheating of the system." Twilight added.

"Again that makes sense. I hope that this will indeed succeed." Night said.

"Anyways I am tired of talking about this law. Let's have dinner and sleep. Tomorrow will be an interesting day for me at school." Twilight said.

"It thought that Friday was an ordinary day." Night said.

"Not with 60% of the students ill from food poisoning." Twilight said.

"What?!" Night said shocked.

"They got the poison of the bullet fish in their food. About 30% of them are in critical condition." Twilight said.

"Which is how many students?" Night asked.

"7500 students." Twilight simply stated.

Night mouth went agape from the shock. "Oh my Celestia. That is horrible." he said.

"It is. Which is just another reason why we need this organisation as soon as possible." Twilight said.

"I see. Well I guess I will make an healthy salad for today's dinner." Night said.

"Of course. By the way, my Carpaccio salad overthrew Royal's Carpaccio salad. Atleast according to Celestia." Twilight said.

"Oh? Then how about you make dinner this evening?" Night asked.

"Sure! I would love to." Twilight said happily.

Author's Note:

* This is the version of the salad that I make at my workplace. It's a near replica. You can make this at home too.

And also, YES! This books first 5k Worded chapter! I finally had it in me to do this.
Although it took about 4 weeks. Sorry for the delay!