• Published 7th Dec 2020
  • 585 Views, 29 Comments

The chef's student - vincent789

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The Canterlot Court case part 3

Author's Note:

Dear reader,

My name will be "Writer" for now. I am here to let you know that I have decided to change this arc somewhat. The dark side of this story wasn't meant to ever become the spotlight of this story. Because of this I have decided to change it up.

Instead of a story where everything goes downhill, I have decided that that is not what this story is about. It's about food and kitchens and recipes and stuff. Not law and court rooms. Because of this I have decided to chance this chapter before publishing this chapter.

This meant that I deleted 3,5 k of words that I already had made after the last chapter. This is mostly the reason as to why it took longer to let this chapter get published. The other reason was because irl my work was finally getting picked back up, for the longest of time why restaurant was closed because of the corona virus for seated guests. With the lock down gone and with the rules getting lessened it would mean that my job will once again be more stressful.

This will grant me more inspiration, but also slows me down. She please understand that my work schedule will prevent me from making chapters on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. This will mean that these chapter might take longer to get released.

Yours truly,


A few hours passed, Twilight was still pacing in front of the fireplace after going home.

'Was I too harsh to Celestia? I know she was only trying to protect me from the harsh reality of this change.' Twilight thought.

Twilight shed some tears. After her encounter with Donut, she felt that the world was against her. Besides helping him over his fear of Trixie not acknowledging him as her father. Twilight's bottle of emotions were starting to get strained by all the weight of her actions.

And while Night and Celestia weren't aware of it. But Twilight was feeling abandoned. Despite her knowing that she can't just lean or her father for a while or on Celestia for support. Twilight finally realized how Luna could fall into darkness. As Twilight felt her life was starting to get too much strain.

As another hour passed. Twilight's guilt of shouting to Celestia finally hit a breaking point. She couldn't take it anymore. Twilight looked at the clock. Trixie's workday ended two hours ago. Sighing, Twilight grabs a bag which has some powerful prepared spell for breaking and entering out of a secret compartment. She put in onto her back and exited her home.

It was twilight, the sun was low enough that purplish and orange colors hing on the horizon and Twilight was on the move. Using some decent camouflage spell, she crept through the darkest of alleyways and bushes. As she masterfully dodges and avoids guards that were on patrol, they were on the lookout for some shady ponies. Twilight was one of those and she knew it.

She carefully headed towards the castle and saw the same duo, that she saw earlier in the day. One of them noticed her, but said nothing. Twilight meanwhile approached the duo calmly.

"You are denied entry into the castle." The duo said at the same time.

"I know." Twilight said as an evil smile appeared on her face.

One of the guards saw it and was immediately alert, yet he was too late. Twilight grabbed one of her hypnosis spells and casted it onto the both guards immediately. Causing them both to drop their weapons and let Twilight in.

After Twilight passed them, they fell down into unconsciousness. Twilight was still smiling, until she saw one of the patrols heading her direction. Using a teleport spell, she reappeared onto Celestia's balcony. Although she forgot to notice that she tripped every intruder alarm Celestia had set up near her balcony.

Celestia on the other hoof immediately realized that it was Twilight. Her magical footprint was something she could not forget after the slums incident. Which helped Twilight from getting attacked by her, although she was spooked by it.

"Twilight Sparkle." Celestia stated annoyed. After her encounter that day with Twilight, she was in a bad mood.

Twilight flinched. Which made her prepared one of her stronger, anti-magic scroll. Just in case, that she would get attacked by Celestia.

Celestia removed her binders on the window which revealed a very scared Twilight. Celestia's eyebrow went up as she inspects what Twilight was holding. 'A powerful anti-magic spell designed against dragons? That is pretty impressive.' Celestia though.

"Don't get closer!" Twilight shouts as she prepares her scroll even further, some of the lines started to shine as the user felt more threatened.

Celestia realized that the scroll might activate if she doesn't hurry. Casted a spell faster than Twilight could react. She casted a very powerful nullification spell in a practical instant. Destroying the scroll before Twilight could do anything.

Realizing the scroll was destroyed, Twilight prepared to cast a powerful combat freezing spell instead.

However before Twilight could do that, Celestia simply casted the same spell twice.

Twilight once again realized she was powerless. She simply gave up as she laid on the floor while repeating "I am sorry!" over and over again.

Celestia also realized that she went overboard seeing that her opponent was a simple filly with a little bit more magic than normal. She sighed as she slowly approached Twilight. She wasn't smiling, but she was feeling a little guilty.

"Why are you on my balcony, Twilight?" Celestia asked.

Twilight was unable to answer however. She was spooked too much. She did not stop repeating the same words over and over again.

"Twilight!" Celestia finally shouted.

Twilight flinched, her eyes were filled with tears and she hiccuped in fear. Feeling cornered, she looked up in shock and sadness.

Celestia looked at Twilight, she saw her eyes, it was filled with guilt. She finally understood why she was here. Sighing, "Come in. Let's talk. I am sure that is why you are here." Celestia said.

Twilight slowly and cautiously entered Celestia's bedroom. She still looked cornered and afraid.

"Take a seat." Celestia said as she points at one of the chairs. Twilight looked at the suggestions and decided that the ground was the best option.

Celestia simply raised an eyebrow at Twilight unwillingness to listen. But allowed the choice regardless. "So, before you begin. Will you remove yourself from the court case?" she asked.

Twilight gulped away her fear and said, "Only if you will listen to my request, right now and here." she said.

"I can allow that." Celestia said as she smiled.

"Okay. So it's about this..." Twilight started as she explained everything. Why she wanted this law to pass, what she found during her search for evidence, etc.

After an good two hours passed, "And that is about it." Twilight said as she finished her explanation.

Celestia appeared to be in deep thought. She looked at the presented evidence and realized why Twilight did her best to such an degree. "So all you want, is a way to control the flow of goods, prevent the sales of endangered species and improve the quality of the overall meat that the consumer buys and eats. Is this correct?" Celestia asked.

"That is the only reason. You know that I am a chef right?" Twilight asked.

"In training, but yes." Celestia said nodding.

"Well I want to atleast serve meat with the proper quality tag and price tag. I don't want to be able to accidentally buy the wrong quality or buy something with a price way higher than that it's worth." Twilight said.

"I see." Celestia said, internally she was impressed. Twilight's explanation of these change were critical and important. Even Celestia realized that Twilight's demands were important for the future of Equestria's increased demand of meat.

"If you try to atleast chance some of those things, then I am willing to step away from the court case." Twilight said.

Celestia looks up at Twilight and smiles. She extended her hoof, "Deal?" Celestia said.

"Deal!" Twilight said as she properly shook Celestia's hoof.

"Now with that out of the way." Celestia started, "Why did you break and entered the palace?" she asked.

"I wanted to apologize for my actions at the diner." Twilight said with an guilty voice.

"And you choose to resort to break and enter?" Celestia said, as she raised an eyebrow.

"Yes." Twilight said.

"Why?" Celestia asked.

"Because, I can't take it anymore. My bottle of emotions couldn't take it anymore. I felt overwhelmed and needed to do something." Twilight said as she looked to the ground in shame.

Celestia smiled, "Oh Twilight. I am so happy that you finally decided to act like your age. I totally understand. You needed some attention and needed it from me, specifically." she said.

"Are you angry at me from breaking and entering?" Twilight asked ashamed.

"Annoyed at most. I am just glad that you came clean before everything was going to happen." Celestia admitted.

"I see. But I may have assaulted you guards." Twilight admitted.

"How so?" Celestia asked curiously.

"I used an forbidden hypnosis spell on them." Twilight said.

"That is alright. I only lasted a few seconds correct?" Celestia asked.

"It does. However they are knock out cold by the after effect." Twilight said.

"It's fine. I will send them on a small vacation. However I must ask-" Celestia started, but Twilight jumped ahead.

"I stole them from Cadence." Twilight admitted.

"You WHAT!" Cadence said angrily as she broke down the door at the moment.

Celestia and Twilight simply looked annoyed at her direction. Cadence realized that she was caught, gave a sheepish smile before teleporting away.

"Well, I didn't. I actually got it from Shiny. He took it away from Cadence. He feared that she might use them for the wrong reasons. And wanted me to remove the enchants, it's actually harder then it looks." Twilight admitted.

Celestia nodded, "Of course. Give these to me. I will disenchant them for you." Celestia offered.

"Sure. I do want to give it back to my brother though." Twilight said as she hoofed the scrolls over to Celestia.

"Please leave it up to me. I can at the same time check up on Cadence and potentially remove even more of these scrolls." Celestia requests.

"Only if you give me a scroll to train disenchanting on." Twilight said.

"That is fine. I still have some of them. I was going to give some more to Trixie but at the rate that she is disenchanting them, I do not think she needs these." Celestia said as she showed some high level scroll enchants.

Twilight's eyes went wide, "She is that good?!" she asked surprised.

"She is. She has even managed to disenchant some alicorn level scrolls." Celestia confirms.

"Well, color me impressed. I will use these to train my skill. Thanks Celestia." Twilight said as she got some of the scroll. She put it into her bag.

"Sure. You are always welcome to visit me again." Celestia said with a smile.

"Okay. Actually there was one scroll I did successfully disenchant. You can have that one also." Twilight said as she hoofs the blank scroll over.

"Well done." Celestia said as she takes the scroll.

"I have to go home now. It's way too late." Twilight said with a yawn.

"Let me get you home." Celestia said as she lights up her horn. And after a single teleport later, she was back home.

"Thank you Celestia. After the court case, I have something to give you." Twilight said.

"I cannot wait." Celestia said before teleporting off.

Twilight knocks on the door and when it opened it revealed a very angry Night Light.

"Where were you, young lady?" Night asked.

"At the castle. I may have shouted at Celestia and couldn't bare the weight of such an action." Twilight admitted.

Night's angry face softens, "Come in we can talk all about it." he said.

"Sure. Oh and I have decided to step out of the court case after all." Twilight said.

Night looks at Twilight, "I am so glad. If I fail then atleast you won't be there to see it." He said.

"You got to have more confidence then that." Twilight said as she enters the house.

"I know, I know." Night said as he and Twilight moves to the dining room.

After a nice dinner, Twilight and Night goes to sleep. Twilight's sleep will this time be quite peaceful.

- Somewhere else in Canterlot -

"Knock! Knock! Knock!" Someone was knocking loudly on Royal Chef's door.

"I am coming!" Royal shouted.

Royal opens the door, "It's the middle of the night, why are you-" he said angrily as he puts his own hooves in his mouth.

"Hey!" ??? said.

"Why are you here?! Twilight is still in Manehattan!" Royal said scared.

"No, she in in Canterlot. Which means you have job to do." ??? said annoyed.

"But, I can't do this! She will hate me after this!" Royal pleaded.

"It's orders from her! You must or you will put the whole mission in jeopardy!" ??? shouted.

Royal's eyes went small, "I understand, my queen." he said while bowing.

"Good. Now sleep. Tomorrow you must get her to cook for her. She demands it!" ??? said with an evil grin.