• Published 7th Dec 2020
  • 585 Views, 29 Comments

The chef's student - vincent789

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Lunarium's mysterious past part 4

After the anti-meat market, Twilight's days were mostly boring. She continued to practice Carpaccio and some other dishes like beacon and such. Which caused time to move quite fast. Making today Sunday, the last day until school begins.

Twilight was casually taking a look at a book about Nightmare Moon, or how her real name is Blacky Moon and such. Twilight was still searching for a cure for Nightmare Moon and Luna Moon. She recently found out that Luna was twin sisters with Blacky and Celestia. Making her really invested in this book until.

"Twilight! Your Lunarium schedule is here!" Night said excited.

"Oh?!" Twilight said as she snatches the schedule out of Night's hooves and onto her own.

Twilight's school schedule.

9:00 to 10:45 Homeroom which is taught by Minno Pepe.

10:45 to 11:00 First coffee break.

11:00 to 12:30 Theory which is taught by Bella Gratin.

12:30 to 13:00 Second major break.

13:00 to 15:00 Practical which is taught by Donut Lulamoon.

"Wait Donut Lulamoon?! Trixie's dad?!" Twilight shouted surprised.

"I did a background check. And it is indeed Trixie's dad." Shining said as he walked inside.

"But, I though he was still debt!" Twilight said worried.

"Apparently the school bailed him out." Night said worried.

"Well, that isn't suspicious at all." Twilight said sarcastic.

"I am not sure either. It feels like there might be a bigger reason." Night said.

"I researched it. And apparently the school owed him or something. Not sure how, but he got hired there right after." Shining said.

"Is he aware of Trixie's fate?" Twilight asked.

"He thinks that she died, trying to run away from the mafia." Shining said.

"How do you know that?" Night asked.

"I asked the ones working on that case." Shining said.

"Hmm, please keep an eye on Celestia for me would you?" Twilight asked Shining.

"Why?" he asked.

"I don't want her to make a move now. Or I might get in trouble." Twilight explains.

"How would that be possible?" Night and Velvet asked.

"Our enemy is aware of me. If Celestia made a move, that might give them enough of a reason to make a move also." Twilight explains.

"Who?" Velvet asked.

"The mafia that is hunting for Trixie." Twilight said which caused Night, Velvet and Shining to gasp in surprise.

"So if Celestia makes a move, they too will move?" Night asked.

"Yes." Twilight replies.

"What would their next move be?" Shining asked.

Twilight then looked darkly at Shining as she moves her hoof and points at herself.

"No..." Shining said shocked.

"Yes." Twilight said grimly.

"I understand. I will prevent Celestia from making any moves. But, can I tell her why?" Shining asked

"That is fine. Just make sure that Trixie isn't nearby." Twilight said.

"Of course. I don't want her to fall into another depression." Shining said.

"She WHAT?!" Twilight shouted surprised.

"Oops." Shining said. "Uh, I can explain."

"Please do." Twilight said with authority.

"Fine. After you left I was in charge of Trixie. Cadence who was on vacation to the crystal empire told me to do so. It didn't help that I had to break the news about your move to her." Shining sighed during his explanation, "After she didn't believe my reasoning. She fell in depression. After that I decided to bake my special cake for those that are depressed. It worked, but she was worried about her father. And told me to keep him safe. When I told her that I am in charge of her. She asked Celestia instead. I actually haven't heard about it since."

"So, she already made her move. Pony feathers!" Twilight swore.

"I guess I have to watch my back from now on." Twilight added.

"Language, young lady!" Velvet scolded, Twilight responded with a grumble.

"What do you mean exactly? This happened in Canterlot, no?" Night reasoned.

"Manehattan is the core of their operation. The mafia I mean." Twilight replied. Night and Velvet gasped at the revelation.

"Does that mean you might be in danger?" Velvet asked.

"Yes. Yes I am." Twilight said saddened.

"Wait, how many days ago did the princess make a move?" Night asked Shining.

"Uh. A week ago, I think." Shining said.

"Isn't it odd, that we have yet to see the mafia's action?" Night asked.

"Huh. You are not wrong. Despite it, I should watch out." Twilight said as she was in thought.

"Luckily school is going to start tomorrow. Hopefully you won't see the mafia there." Velvet said.

"Yeah. The school is protected ground. And after the accident in Canterlot, their security should be at an all time high." Twilight reasoned.

"Isn't that perfect?" Night asked.

"Hold on. Perhaps the fact that Trixie's dad suddenly got a job there and Celestia's move," Twilight said out loud.

"Yeah. I wondered the same. Sadly I can't get any intelligence on that action." Shining said.

"No. It's very likely. Even though the school is controlled by a single entity, it's possible that Celestia influenced them to make this action." Velvet added to the conversation.

Twilight thought for a second and realized that this action was worst case scenario. If Celestia really helped Trixie's dad, then the mafia might switch to Twilight as she is an easier prey. Not to mention with Cadence in Manehattan, they might be unable to make a move on Trixie. But are a lot likely to make a move on, Twilight.

Twilight's face turned grim as she internally searched for an answer. She proposed to herself that the only thing on her name was her ability to cook. Which in turn might make the search for Twilight easier. Not to mention that in the school themself their might be an spy from the mafia.

Velvet was starting to realize that Twilight was starting to get very stressed out. She wasn't sure what to do. But the only thing she could think of was to hug her.

Twilight jumped as Velvet suddenly hugged her, "Mom?" she asked.

"Calm down. If the mafia really wanted to make a move. They would have already done so. The fact that you are here suggests that they have yet to make a move on you." Velvet said as she continued to hug her.

"You're right. Sorry mom." Twilight said as she calms down in her embrace.

Shining smiled. "Leave the mafia's moves to me. As soon as I see their actions and the moment they act on you. I will warn you." he said.

"Thanks big brother." Twilight said as she hugs Shining. Shining returns the hug.

"Okay. So while you focus on school. I will focus on anti-wildlife hunting protest." Night said.

"Yeah. I will watch Celestia's movements for you." Velvet said.

"Thanks, mom, dad." Twilight said as she pulls the two into a group hug.

"Before I go upstairs and make something to calm myself down. Mom, please warn Celestia about my relationship with the mafia." Twilight asked.

"I will." Velvet reassures.

Twilight smiles as she heads back upstairs.

Once upstairs Twilight heads towards her room. And once inside she immediately opens one of the school textbook about "Basic Safety". The book starts talking about some tips and introductions.

'Welcome to the introduction of Safety in cooking.
This book will explain how to safely handle basic ingredients and the know-how when it comes to products that are expired. First thing first, When a product is expired, that doesn't necessarily mean it actually is. The date on a product is designed for the manufacturer and the stores. You have to rely on your eyes and noes. And in rare cases also through touch. For example, A chocolate muffin is truly expired when all taste has disappeared, but also if it breaks apart way too easily.
For more examples and explanations see page 134.'

"Huh. I have some chocolate muffins, don't I?" Twilight says to herself. She then proceeds to walk over to the larder and grabs the set of three muffins. First she tests it on structure, but all three seem fine about that. However when she went to smell it, it smelled awful. She then immediately threw it away.

"Good thing I checked." Twilight said disgusted. She then moved back to her book to read more of the introduction.

'Now about basic ingredients. This book explains the baseline of products considered basic. It mainly talks about products that require attention. Like chicken, you see, chicken is easy and hard at the same time. First when baking it, you MUST ensure that it's cooked all the way through. Or you might get food poisoned, which in rare cases can lead to death.'

Twilight gulped at the word 'Death' but carried on reading.

'Again, there are many ways to prepare it. However this book is more on the safety when coming in contact with each of these products. Rice and flour do also fall under these categories surprisingly enough. Because Equestria can't produce these, and thus have to be imported. Which can carry a sensible amount of danger. For example, the crew is unskilled in moving rice, yet they do it anyways. If you are not careful, these rice can then possibly contain sea salt and bacteria some of which can damage and hurt those that consume it. Like that fateful day all those years ago. You see history does play a massive role in all of these safety precautions.'

"Oh?" Twilight continued to read the small section which the introduction of the book says 'Rambling'.

'You see, about one hundred thousand years ago. Before food standards became wide spread and after clovers act of uniting the races. There was a huge food problem, and that is besides the shortages. You see, during the war between races, many very talented chef died during the food purge that Pegasuses started. However, all was not lost. As amidst the chaos a single entity appeared. Her name is unknown, however it's said that this single chef saved the tribes from self-destruction. This chef placed a whole bunch of criteria under which the products must be handled. After her heroic act she was awarded the first golden chefs award and was named "Rainbow Prismatic Chef" which is the highest status chef in the world. She had only a single wish, which was to build a school. On some flat land, near an ocean and with plenty of resources around it. They named this school, "Lunarium".'

Twilight gasped, she finally found the first ever mention of Lunarium outside of "Her" diary. The book then explained that this was speculation based on historic recordings inside an abandoned cook school somewhere north of Canterlot. It explains that sadly everything else inside the school has been lost to time.

"Maybe mom can tell me more later. Right now I should really get started with lunch." Twilight says to herself.

Twilight then walks to the larder and picks up the ingredients for a chocolate muffin and a sweets cookbook. And reads the ingredients list just in case.

'300 grams of flour,
100 grams of brown sugar,
150 grams of granulated sugar,
80 grams of cocoa powder,
1 teaspoon of cinnamon,
1 teaspoon of baking powder,
a half teaspoon of baking soda,
2 big eggs,
100 grams of unsalted butter,
250 ml of buttermilk,
150 grams of pure chocolate cut in cubes.'

"Yes that looks about right." Twilight says after inspecting the ingredients. And just as she was about to begin, she remembered the book about safety and quickly checked if every ingredient is still readily usable.

Nodding Twilight then proceeded to read the recipe while making the muffins and after some minutes, she fills 12 cups and puts it into a preheated oven at 200 degrees Celsius for about 20 minutes.

After 20 minutes, Twilight lets her muffins rest for 10 minutes before sharing her muffins with Night downstairs.

Author's Note:

Okay, so I ran out of inspiration regarding this chapter. (And got addicted for 4 days on playing Ni No Kuni 2) Ignoring that however. The next chapters will be interesting to say the least. I am going to do my best to recreate my point of view regarding studentship and Twilight way of learning it at that.

Can't make promises. However I sure do have lots of inspiration for the following chapters.