• Published 8th Jan 2021
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Ark: Friendship is Survival - Pomp-Neigh

Equus, a world of magic and many strange yet wonderous forms of life. However, is this world truly natural? Or could it possibly be... artificial?

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Chapter 42 - Battle For Ponyville Pt:2

The dome that had always protected Equus’s lifeforms from the scorching sun has given way, and although the blanket of space is all too prominent for all to see, the entire Ark’s temperature began to rise with every passing moment.

Ice caps began to melt and fall apart in the far north and south; jungles and various greenery caught aflame withers and dries out. And several deserts took on temperatures even higher than they usually possessed—or simulated in the Ark’s case.

Suffice to say, every being from every corner of the installation could feel the drastic aftermath of the Corrupted Master Controller’s actions. Sweat-inducing conditions naturally prompt denizens to seek cooler climates and to retreat into any form of shelter. Only those who had a tolerance for the rising heat could effectively operate unprotected, although even they are being put to the test.


Lyra Heartstrings is currently making her way over a grassy hill, although the rising temperatures are causing the greenery around her to wilt and wane. In addition, the local area around the UNI-CRN quakes as she’s being accompanied by eight large Stryders, two of which are walking directly behind her.

Retreating individuals can be seen nearby, both on land and in the air. All of whom are escaping the infected Ponyville while also seeking shelter from the rising temperatures.

“Discord!” Lyra exclaims while her horn is alighted, progressing further up the hill, which blocks the view of Ponyville. “Please tell me you’re working on repairing the dome!”

-I’m going as fast as I can!- The Overseer responds internally. -It’s not as easy as you’d think! That crazy nutjob did a good number on the Ark’s systems, and he’s trying to scorch the entire installation!-

-I understand,- Lyra replies with a nod. -Keep working diligently, Overseer. I know we’re all under a lot of pressure, but try to keep your head on your shoulders.-

-My head is literally rolling around right now! Ok, look, I’ll call you back. And before you ask, yes, I’ve already dispatched my Attack Drones and Defense Units. They’ll be beamed down to you at any moment.-

“Affirmative. Megan has also unleashed the Voidwyrms that were being kept deep within the volcanoes of the Dragon Lands. They’ll be invaluable in aiding the other nations of the installation.”

-Ok, good. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have damage control to- hey! Don’t drop my head! Bring it here now!-

Lyra ends communication.

The magic lime unicorn finally reaches the precipice of the large hill, and her eyes widen upon taking in the form of Ponyville. At the same time, the frontal portions of two Stryders peek over.

At that moment, pain and sorrow fills the heart of the UNI-CRN. To see the place she called home in such a sorry state due to the infection made her close her eyes with gritted teeth.

“This is all wrong!” She opens her eyes once more and looks skyward, “Margret, Shawn, Santiago, Uma… I failed you,” Her head lowers in defeat, “I promised to protect Megan and prevent the King’s influence from spreading further… b-but, I-”

“Lyra!” A familiar voice calls out from above as rocket propulsions accompany the exclamation.

Lyra raises her gaze towards the encroaching form of Bon Bon, donned in Tek Armor. Bon Bon lands onto the earth and unleashes a small shockwave which blows Lyra’s mane and causes it to flutter.

“S-Sweetie Drops… I-”

“Save it.” The beige mare interjects, approaching the unicorn as her futuristic armor clanks and hums. “Explanations and ‘I’m sorry,’ can come later. But right now, we need to stop this, and you’re the one between the two of us who has the answers.”

The earth pony now stands before Lyra and gazes towards the Stryders before settling her eyes upon the unicorn once more.

“I’d ask what these things are, but seeing as you’re leading them, they’re here to help us, right?”

Lyra nods.

“Alright then. So, what do we do?” Bon Bon narrows her eyes. “How do we stop that monster from winning?!”

Lyra could only stare at her best friend with wide eyes and an agape muzzle, trying to scrape her mind for a satisfying answer. But she couldn’t bear to add more lies, and so, she sighed.

“I’m not going to lie to you, Bon. I truly have no earthly idea if we can stop this,” Lyra’s expression hardens, “But you know what? This isn’t entirely like what happened against the King.”

“The King?” The tek mare inquires as Lyra trots past her, prompting Bon Bon to turn around. “You mean, like… King Sombra?”

“Pfft! As if!” Lyra responds while rolling her eyes. “Sombra’s nothing but a screaming ant compared to the King Titan. It’s a long story, Bon. But the difference between what we’re dealing with now and the King is that we were truly helpless against it, all those years ago…”

The unicorn starts to float in a yellow gold aura with closed eyes. All while Bon Bon looks on in wonder.

“But right here, right now,” Lyra continues as she floats just above the Stryders, all of whom had lined themselves up in formation at the hill’s precipice.

The magic lime mare spreads her forelegs apart and opens her eyes - eyes filled with yellow and gold energy. In response, the blue lights on every Stryder takes on the same coloration.

“We can strike back!” The UNI-CRN exclaims as her voice echoes. She points a forehoof forward, “Go! Initiate cleansing protocols! Sweep away this infection and save any survivors along the way! Lethal force is authorized!”

The earth begins to rumble as each Stryder heeds to Lyra’s command and proceeds forth. The heads of each equine-shaped machinery begin to morph as large turret-like extremities present themselves.

Mission parameters acknowledged. Commencing purification protocols. Pulse cannons engaged.


Amongst an undisclosed and dark location, the humanoid form of Helena Walker appears, following a series of transparent particles. The homo-deus floats in place for a brief moment with closed eyes before opening them.

After absorbing her surroundings, Helena lets loose a sigh that breaks through the silent darkness around her.

“It’s been quite some time since I’ve been here. Due to the Earth losing its rotation, Arat Prime sits in constant darkness on this side of the planet. An eternal night, if you will. Naturally, it’s also much colder here compared to Sanctuary.”

The humanoid starts to float towards a nearby structure that is artfully integrated into a mountainside; its metal comprises the same metallic substance used in Sanctuary, not to mention the Arks.

“Heh. There I go talking to myself again. But now that I’m here, it’s time to visit an old friend.”

Helena approaches a prominent duo of closed metallic doors, each capable of retreating into two separate horizontal frames if one were to gain entry. It is complete with a still-active control pad that gives off light-blue lighting via its screen. However, such things matter not to a homo-deus as Helena phases through the doors like a ghost.


A white light-blue light emits from Helena’s form and illuminates the numerous halls she navigates through. Windows offered momentary glimpses into the many abandoned rooms of the structure before disappearing into the darkness as the homo-deus passed by. However, although the atmosphere resonates with abandonment as if no living thing had been here for an unfathomable time, it was still incredibly well kept.

The homo-deus looks forth, her expression focused. “Edmund… you’ve gone too far with your actions, although you’ve certainly crossed that line long ago. It’s time for me to make good on those reinforcements I promised to Megan Williams.”

Finally, after traversing through the final corridor, an opened room with lights makes itself known. In addition, multiple voices can be heard, growing ever louder upon Helena’s steady approach. And most interestingly, it was her voice with a slight autotune tone.

“HLN-A Unit # 002, what’s the status on Scorched Earth? Anything new to report?”

Hot as ever, Zero. Wyverns are flying through the skies, Deathworms hungrily eating those who wander beyond the safe zones, you know, the usual stuff. Er, well… kind of.”

“‘Kind of?’ Care to elaborate on that, 02?”

“W-well… there’s sort of a situation here, mate. Look, I’m just gonna give it to you straight: the Raptor and Mantis population are bloody SMART!”

“Well, yes. Those two species have always been quite intelligent. In fact, the Mantises were even smarter than Raptors.”

“No, no, no, Zero. I don’t think you quite get it. I’ve been reactivated for only two days now, and from what I’m seeing, the Raptors and Mantises here have effectively REPLACED humans! They’re bloody wielding weapons, wearing armor, taming other creatures, and building structures! Heck, the Raptors are nearly walking upright now! In fact, here. I’m sending you an image right now!”

The image appears upon Zero’s visor:

“What?!” Zero exclaims in utter shock. “How is that even possible?!”

“I have my theories, but it certainly has something to do with what Helena did for The Survivor. Oh! Gotta go! I finally found that tribe of Raptors I’ve been looking for.”

“Hey, wait! Don’t leave just-”

‘Connection lost,’ plasters itself onto the AI’s visor.

“Yet…” Zero sighs before regaining their composure. “I can’t believe what I just heard. What in the name of Helena is going on there?”

“Hmm, I was not aware that I was an expression,” Comments Helena, her arms crossed in the doorway while wearing a smile which prompts the HLN-A Unit before her to turn rapidly with an exclamation mark present on their visor.

“H-Helena?! What are you doing here?!” The AI exclaims before zooming about the room hurriedly, floating objects via a wave of energy that escapes their visor. “Oh, buggers! I wish I knew that you were coming; I would’ve tidied up a bit.”

The room itself wasn’t all too very large, and where both Helena and the AI stood, a series of computers and holograms features various Arks, planet Earth, and even several life signatures, which beeped and hummed together. But the most interesting aspects of this room are the two pods that sat just before them and beyond a set of metallic railings—sitting nicely within the room’s epicenter.

“I see your sister unit has discovered the aftermath of my actions,” Helena starts while Zero finishes fixing up the local area, floating objects, and neatly setting them down.

“You’re referring to when you moved human survivors off of the two official Arks, correct? The Island and Scorched Earth?” Zero inquires, floating towards the homo-deus. “And did I hear you right? Aftermath?”

Helena nods, “Indeed. What’s happening on both The Island and Scorched Earth installations was practically guaranteed to happen. The odds I’ve calculated were very high on the statistical outcome matrix.”

“W-wait, so, you knew this would happen?”

“Yes, Zero,” Helena responds before a small dome forms around them with a simple gesture of her right hand, blocking out the outside world.

A series of hexagons and particles float all around them within this dome. It was as if they had entered a simulated alternate reality, a whole new realm of technological makeup. And floating just before them is a large implant.

“Gotta say: I’ve seen you do this so many times before, and it still amazes me,” Zero comments, looking around the new realm. “That implant belongs to whoever accesses this realm, correct?”

“That’s correct,” Helena answers, followed by a chuckle, “Ah, this brings back so many memories. Back when I first encountered and instructed The Survivor. Back when I called myself: The One Who Waits.”

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