• Published 8th Jan 2021
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Ark: Friendship is Survival - Pomp-Neigh

Equus, a world of magic and many strange yet wonderous forms of life. However, is this world truly natural? Or could it possibly be... artificial?

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Chapter 65 - A class's departure, and Spike's Flight


The orange and black door to a roman-motif building opens wide, and the sounds of excitement are unleashed by those within. Rows of tables with accompanying chairs can be seen through the doorframe, indicating the building’s true purpose as a place of learning.

“Now, come along, class!” Sir. Gideon Apesworth proclaimed, stepping into the doorway as he gestured for the younger apes to follow. “Please form a line, little ones. Nice and easy; no need to push and shove. Oh! And, Grunda?”

“Yes, grandpa?” The yellow youngster responds -- a member of the slimmer variety of Gigantos, just like her grandfather.

“Have you already contacted your parents?”

Grunda nods. “They’re ok with me coming along.”

“Very well!” Gideon exclaims with a raised closed fist. “And with that, I now have all of your parent’s consent. Come, let us be off!”

They disembark from the schoolhouse as Gideon turns around with a flourish and strides forth with the pride of a seasoned adventurer and teacher, an orderly line of young individuals of varying genders behind him.

The group treks around a pair of herbivorous quadruped dinosaurs that sport rows of plates and spikes throughout their bodies. Both possessed somewhat similar anatomy, yet they maintained their uniqueness, which went beyond a simple difference in size.

Gideon approaches the largest of the duo, his class gathering around behind him as the ape respectfully bows, garnering the dinosaur’s attention.

“Good afternoon, our valiant protectors,” Gideon rises to his full stature, adjusting his glasses and explorative attire. “Thank you for all that you do to keep us safe. Please know that your efforts are, and always have been, greatly appreciated by my class and me.”

“Thank you, Mr. Steg and Miss. Ken!” The class said in unison, some waving their hands while others bowed respectfully.

The Stegosaurus grunts while lifting and lowering his head repeatedly, his Kentrosaurus ally doing the same while wagging her tail. Gideon, satisfied with the actions of his class, waves at the duo of herbivores before beckoning his students to continue onward.


Other occupants of Maimuta greeted the group as they traveled toward a closed Dinosaur Gateway with a pair of armored Gigantopithecus of the larger variety posted on either side, lost in conversation.

The encroaching class garners the attention of the guards, their talks halting as they turn to Gideon and his charges:

“Ah, there you are, Gideon,” The guard to the right starts. “Everything is prepared for your departure. Decanus Equulla will be your escort; you’ll find her and two of her finest legionnaires just down the mountain trail. In addition to your, well, ‘Dip-mobile.’”

“Excellent!” Gideon beams. “Our most Innumerable gratitude, gentleapes.” He rapidly adjusts his stance and clasps his legs together with a closed fist resting over his heart.

“For the glory of Maimuta.”

All the while, Gideon’s students had followed their teacher’s actions in unison, a closed fist over their hearts and conjoined legs. The two guards nod before resting a closed hand over their hearts, returning the gesture, and responding in tandem:

“Victory through discipline.”

Spike’s form flew through the air with determination and a hint of disappointment on his features, trying to focus on his current task, which did reasonably well to push back his inner worries and regrets.

He had already harvested three supply drops after disembarking from Sanctuary, although these only consisted of two white drops and a single green package from the heavens. Helpful, but the draconian had hoped for something a little… more.

The supplies he garnered from the white drops were only suited for basic necessities -- two Hide Beds, a single Mortar and Pestle to grind ingredients with, and arrows of narco-inducing and death-bringing varieties.

But those were only the items he had kept after discarding the more useless resources.

As for the Green Supply Drop, the only noteworthy item he had retrieved was a Trike’s saddle of primitive quality. It was still a boon, to be sure, but the tribe lacked a particular three-horned requirement.

He was pretty disappointed by his lousy stroke of luck. Actually, these drops almost seemed like one of those silly slot machines in Las Pegasus. Twilight often told him not to even bother with those greedy things, often saying:

‘Las Pegasus wasn’t built on winners, Spike. Well, unless you count the owner of the place, that is. Statistically speaking, they can’t allow you to win a ton of bits as they’d need it to keep the place going, but they must also keep up the illusion that you can win.’

Spike chuckled at the memory… and missed Twilight all the more because of it. But that is precisely why he wanted to get something, anything, of worth from these drops. He had decided not to go looking for trouble with that tribe in the Redwoods, although he failed to remember their name.

But that didn’t mean he couldn’t prepare. He didn’t- no, he refused to trust them. Not until they offer an olive branch or anything else of the sort. Heck, give him back the mare who raised him! Then, he might consider it.

And so he continued, turning his head to the left, only to grunt with a finishing growl as he took in the island’s central Redwood Biome:

Twilight was there… Luna, dammit -- she’s right there! If Spike could just sneak in and- no, no. With a shake of his head, he stowed those thoughts away. The draconian had inertly promised Rarity and HLN-A that he wouldn’t do such a thing.

But sweet Celestia, did he really want to. Alas, Spike, the Brave and Glorious, was a dragon of his word.

With hesitation and closed eyes, Spike tilted his body sideways and changed his course, flying towards the distant Snow Biome that consumed a large portion of the Island’s upper territories.

And upon doing so, he takes notice of the blue light shooting down from the heavens.

“No way,” Spike muttered in disbelief, followed by a smile. “It’s a Blue Drop! Yes!” He finished with a fist pump.

In truth, the Tribe of Harmony’s territory was mostly littered with White and Green drops, with the occasional Purple and Red supply crates gracing the land. Spike knew that he couldn’t access them, of course. Given the level requirement. And while he did see other Blue Drops land on other portions of the island, he never wanted to venture there for one glaring fact:

They weren’t alone on this island.

But for one to land not too far from familiar territory made the draconian ecstatic, and Spike jets forth with due haste. He lands at the landing site of the incoming crate, as designated by the sapphire pillar of light. And no predators are in sight, further sweetening his sudden change in luck.

Spike chuckles, manifesting a wooden chair from his inventory and placing the furniture down before sitting on it. He checks the time via the glowing implant on his left wrist.

“Hmm, it’s almost two pm? Perfect! I’ll head back right after this one.” He looks up, crossing two of his claw’s digits, or ‘fingers crossed,’ with a hopeful expression.

“Please, sweet Celestia, let it be something good,” He pleads and mutters. “Come on, please, please, oh, pleaaaase.”

Unbeknownst to the dragon, he was being watched by an ancient species of canine with white and gray fur:

“There he is,” Astrid comments, peeking around a mound of metal. “The rumors say that he fought the Titan of Rage…” She hides behind the metal obstacle, sitting on the ground with her tail swaying as she’s lost in thought.

“I need to approach this carefully. If those strangers can stand up to one of the Titans, regardless of their success, I can’t afford to antagonize them and possibly put the pack at risk.” She ‘Hmms’ in thought. “Spike looks carnivorous; maybe I should reach out to him first? I can’t risk scaring his herbivorous allies…”

“Or, you can just speak to Spike right now.”

Astrid yelps and turns around with a hop, her ears flickering and shocked eyes are resting on Spike, who hovers above the ground with his arms crossed, his wings keeping him aloft.

“Hey there,” Spike greets with a raised eyebrow. “You know, I don’t exactly like being watched.” He scans the Direwolf’s frame. “Who are you?” He asked with narrowed eyes.

Astrid immediately regains her composure, shifting her stance to a display: Intimidating, yet neutral. She at least had him vastly beaten in size, but then again, she was never one to underestimate her opponent on such judgment.

The large wolf chuckles. “Looks like you sniffed me out.” She then raises her head in pride and bellows what seems to be a warcry:

“My name is Astrid Whitefang of the Howling Wolves!”

-Howling Wolves?- Spike questions inertly. -Great. That means there’s a whole pack of these giant wolves lurking about.- He taps his nostrils with Astrid’s initial comment in mind.

“Well, Astrid, a dragon’s nose ain’t nothing to scoff at,” He said outwardly. “Once I picked up your scent, I figured I could try to get the jump on you. Although, if I’m being honest, mine’s is nothing compared to that of a wolf, and I’m surprised you didn’t smell my approach.” He rests a claw behind his neck with a chuckle.

“And don’t even get me started on Timberwolves…”

Astrid simply stared blankly at the flier, a moment of awkward silence taking hold.

“...The fuck are Timberwolves?”

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