• Published 8th Jan 2021
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Ark: Friendship is Survival - Pomp-Neigh

Equus, a world of magic and many strange yet wonderous forms of life. However, is this world truly natural? Or could it possibly be... artificial?

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Chapter 48 - Battle For Ponyville Pt:8


-South Western Ice Fields-

Due to the CMC’s tampering with the Ark’s weather systems, the ice fields of the southwestern region of the Equus installation had been noticeably reduced in size. Despite this, several foundations of ice plates remained, all while the Blue Obelisk floats over this general vicinity.

Positioned just below the Blue Obelisk, a stream of transparent light with matching coloration beams down and made contact with a terminal raised out of a metallic foundation like a podium. A series of blue lights travel through several lay lines, forming an X pattern upon the hexagonal-shaped metallic platform. And the terminal within the epicenter is a direct copy to the one positioned within the Crystal Empire Castle throne room.

A legion of hippogriffs can be seen observing the Obelisk from afar with caution present on their features. Every one of them wore golden chest plates with helmets resembling a Roman motif. In addition, their weaponry consists of spears, swords, and shields.

“This is getting ridiculous,” A yellow female hippogriff with a white tail and crest comments. “We’re already dealing with Novo knows what those little creatures are, and now this giant ‘Obelisk’ is acting strange? World’s gone mad, I tell ya.”

“Tell me about it,” Another female hippogriff responds, standing alongside the former while taking on a pink coloration with a purple tail and crest. “General Seaspray has yet to return from Canterlot, and the sky literally broke apart after two giant floating heads began arguing.”

“Yeah. There are even rumors that some strange infection is terrorizing, uh,” The yellow hippogriff places a claw to her chin in thought, “What was the name of- ah. Yes, Ponyville.”

“The one with the School of Friendship?”

“Yeah, that one - although I’ve never been there myself. But according to the rumors, that infection is some serious stuff, and those who managed to flee the infected areas are… mentally scarred.”

“By the sea… that sounds awful. I hope everycreature there is doing alright,” The pink hippogriff turns her gaze towards the Obelisk, “So, I just got here, but based on the report, that floating structure began to ‘pulsate?’”

“In a manner of speaking. We were stationed here to ensure that no one approached the obelisk. Then, out of nowhere, it let loose some strange energy that blew away several of our flyers in the process via some strange pulse of gravity. And don’t get me started on the forward camp we had established beneath it.”

“How did you guys stop it?”

“...We didn’t. It stopped on its own accord, and we’ve been observing it from this distance ever since.”

“Look!” A male hippogriff exclaims from the forefront. “The Obelisk! It’s doing something again!”

As was stated, the Blue Obelisk began to illuminate with vibrant light and energy. This causes all attendees to shield their eyes with their wings and talons. The luminous phenomenon continues for a brief moment before the Obelisk ceases its actions, and as the gathering of hippogriffs lowers their appendages, their eyes are widened in absolute shock and awe.

A feminine bipedal figure with black hair now rests on their stomach directly beneath the Blue Obelisk, but the cold chill of the metallic foundation stirs her awake. She lets loose an annoyed grunt before she starts to lift her well-toned body off of the ground. And in one smooth motion, the individual stands at her full stature, roughly 5 foot 7 in height, with nothing but a bra and underwear to offer her minuscule protection from the elements.


“Wh-what manner of creature is that?!” A male voice inquires amongst the hippogriffs.

“It looks like… an ape?” A female voice inquires. “O-or… maybe a type of Storm Beast?”

“But… it doesn’t even have fur! Unless you count that mess on its head!” Another female responds. “It must be freezing!”

“I’m more concerned that it came OUT of the Obelisk!” A male responds.

Many others began to voice their own curiosities and concerns, but two individuals began to approach the being in question. But unlike the apparel of the other hippogriffs, these two presented an appearance that practically radiated with those of a higher rank as their entire body is covered in protective armaments.

As the duo began to step onto the metal foundation, the biped before them had completely ignored their presence as the individual fixated their gaze on the terminal. The female had accessed the terminal with a glowing hue from the diamond-shaped implant that rests below their left hand’s wrist.

“Excuse us, but we must ask that you come with us for questioning,” One of the two hippogriffs said in a deep male voice. “We mean you no harm, but I hope you can understand our caution given the circumstances. We will also provide warm clothing should you require it, although we admit that your anatomy will limit our options.”

No response is garnered.

The two hippogriffs turn to each other before looking back at the newcomer. “Creature, my name is Crashing Waves, and I respectfully ask that you respond to Commander Tsunami’s request.” The second hippogriff said, notably female.

The female biped seems to finish its task with the terminal. “Perfect. It arrived with me flawlessly, although Helena could’ve chosen a more convenient Obel-”

“We won’t ask you again,” Commander Tsunami interjects. “I have been given strict orders not to allow anyone else to approach this Obelisk, but you came out of it. If you do not come with us peacefully, I will take you to her majesty by force if I must. I do not wish to antagonize you, creature, but you’re blatantly ignoring us.”

The biped turns its gaze towards the two hippogriffs. Its eyes seem to scan their forms up and down, followed by taking in a cold breath.

“My name is Mei-Yin Li,” The biped finally responds, cold mist escaping from her mouth. “I have no obligation to you or anyone else on this Ark, so I’m not allowing you to take me anywhere.” She walks towards them before stopping at a short distance near the edge of the metal platform.

“I’m currently angry that Edmund’s managed to do all of this; to top it all off, it’s freezing. In other words,” Mei narrows her eyes, “Stay out of my way.

Those words caused a strange sense of fear to become engraved into both Commander Tsunami and Crashing Waves’ forms.

“I am here simply on behalf of Helena Walker, and I will aid in the efforts to eradicate Edmund’s influence from this installation,” Mei extends her left hand and aims it towards an open space, although away from the two hippogriffs before her. “I have far more pressing concerns, and you two are not one of them.”

Suddenly, the attention of the two hippogriffs - not to mention the force behind them - is pulled towards a bipedal behemoth made entirely of futuristic metals and technology. It had been called forth by Mei’s actions, manifesting from a green outline and imitation that appeared before the actual object itself was brought into existence.

Mei-Yin suddenly sprints towards the metal giant, but what shocks everyone else present is how the giant, in turn, actually turns its gaze towards her. It began to walk towards Mei, its girth shaking the ice in the process as it extended a hand outward.

“I’ve got ya, beautiful!” An unknown feminine voice calls out from the mech as Mei-Yin jumps into the air and lands on the giant’s palm. The metal giant raises its hand until Mei-Yin becomes at ‘eye level’ with the entity.

“Now then, get inside me, Mei~”

Mei stares at the behemoth with a deadpan expression before facepalming. “I’m too cold for one of your terrible puns, Diana.”

“Awwww… you’re no fun.” The metal being sighed. “Ok. Fine, business before pleasure and all that.”

A compartment opens up on the back portion of the metal biped’s head as it brings Mei-Yin closer with an open palm. Mei hops onto the mech before running along the top side of the entity’s head and entering the compartment. The compartment closes, and Mei-Yin becomes seated within the cockpit of this mecha. A screen is now present before her, giving her a clear view of the outside world through the mecha’s ‘head region.’

“Alright, Diana. Take us to Ponyville asap, and once we get there,” She narrows her eyes, “I want you to enable manual cerebrum controls. I’ll take over from there.”

“Heh, looks like someone’s been paying attention to my lectures on proper MEK usage,” A series of buttons could be heard on Diana’s end. “I’ve got an excellent connection to your MEK Unit from Earth, and yes, that MEK comes with your favorite attachments. Dual blades with a shield generator, yes?”

Mei chuckles. “You know me all too well, my beloved.”

“You’re lucky that this is one of the last two MEKs that Santiago personally designed. The more ‘common builds’ aren’t exactly as expansive as this baby is.”

The MEK suddenly raises its right arm above its head with a closed fist as a series of thrusters fires up in tandem, much to the shock of those who observed from outside.

“Now, up, up, and awaaaaay!”

The MEK takes flight, slowly gaining altitude before adjusting its thrusters which push it forward at a generous pace. And as the mechanical giant’s form shrinks into the distance, the hippogriffs remain dumbfounded by the scenario.


“Y-yes, Crash?”

“What, in the name of Tartarus, just happened…?”

Commander Tsunami slumps his shoulders. “To be blunt: I’ve no fucking idea.”


Powerful roars echo all across Ponyville, accompanied by various forms of retaliation. The sky became alighted by magical outputs and the travelings of energy projectiles, and the conflict had progressed towards the edge of Ponyville and between the Everfree Forest. All while four gigantic serpentine heads clashed with several agile flyers, snapping at them with powerful jaws and ravenous intent.

“Alright, Wonderbolts!” Captain Spitfire exclaims, her Tek Armor offering a boost to her speed via a jetpack positioned on her back. “Looks like this freak is putting on quite a show! Are we going to let it outdo us?!”

“Ma’am! No, ma’am!” Her fellow bolts respond in unison. This consists of Soarin, Fleetfoot, Blaze, High Winds, Misty Fly, Silver Zoom, Surprise, and Thunderlane.

Much like Spitfire, they also wore their Tek Armor with pride. But their vocation’s unquestionable uniform could be slightly seen beneath their futuristic apparel. The flyers flew in a V formation with Spitfire at the lead, and as they bank around to combat their infected foe once again, the pegasi spread their forehooves apart before a series of holographic claws elongated from their forelimbs via their equipment.

“Alright, team! Here’s a new routine for us all!” Spitfire starts. “It’s called: cut this thing down until there’s nothing left! Any complaints?!”

The pegasi cross their forehooves in front of them as they prepare to swipe away with their blades, which forms a smirk on Spitfire’s muzzle.

“Hah! I didn’t think so!”


The hydra roars out as two of its heads are focused on Daybreaker and Nightmare Moon. As the sisters blasted the behemoth with their spells, making doubly sure as to take advantage of their flight to stay out of the beast’s reach, the other two heads of the atrocity had devised a plan of their own.

“Don’t let up, my sister!” Daybreaker roars out, a torrent of flames being unleashed from her horn.

“As if we wouldst ever allow thee to do more harm to this monstrosity!” Nightmare Moon responds with a smirk, although the expression had another meaning, which Daybreaker had caught onto instantly.

“Oh?” She inquires. “Is that a challenge, Lulu?”

“Verily. And one that I’m currently winning.”

Daybreaker’s left eye twitches. “Oh, it! Is! On!” She shouts with her flaming mane and tail pulsating as the two alicorns amplify their attacks in unison.

The sisters continue to relentlessly unleash their attacks on the two heads of the hydra, but then the other two heads make themselves known before tossing two chunks of Ponyville’s houses at them. This causes the sisters to stop their attack and attempt to dodge the oncoming obstacles, but a sudden series of V formation flyers make themselves known.

The sounds of slicing blades and the scent of melted wood and hay follow soon afterward as the Wonderbolts made short work of the debris with their futuristic claws—which possessed the capacity to slice through metal like hot butter.

“We’ve got your back, princesses!” Soarin shouts as he cuts away at a large log that had been part of the house’s makeup.

The hydra roars out again before all four heads lunge towards the Wonderbolts, whose attention is diverted. But a sudden series of powerful energy projectiles are unleashed from below, which throws off the entity’s attempts.

“Yak make monster pay for hurting yaks and friends!” Prince Rutherford roars out from below, a gathering of his fellow yaks and their allies standing beside him. “Yaks, fire!”

Interestingly, the yak prince and his fellow kindred are donned in Tek Armor but fashionably designed to their species. They resembled armored tanks whose bodies were covered in futuristic apparel. Their heads are concealed behind a helmet with a flat surface as to use for bludgeon force, but their most notable feature is what’s strapped onto their backs:

In addition, several Stryders begin to join the assault of the yaks as beams of energy collide with the hydra. But among these Stryders, one, in particular, stood with yellow lights instead of the usual blue hues.

“All Stryders, engage!” Lyra Heartstrings exclaims as her eyes are filled with the same colored energy. Bon Bon stands beside her as the duo is mounted upon the Stryder’s back.

“Bring it down!”

Suddenly, a large shadow flies over Lyra and her allies during their assault as Starlight Glimmer passes over, mounted upon the back of her Voidwyrm. The duo approaches the hydra with anticipation.

“Alright, big guy,” Starlight says with narrowed eyes. “Let’s see how you like this!”

The Voidwyrm’s mouth parts and a sphere of electricity gathers within before being spewed forward. The attack spread out in a cone shape, but it looked like the draconian entity was scanning the hydra. That is, if these ‘scans’ didn’t include scorching the infected titan.

The hydra roars out as one of the heads tries to bite into the Voidwyrm, but the draconian performs a barrel roll and dodges a large set of jaws that grazes past Starlight in the process. But during this action, the Voidwyrm’s legs had scratched into the hydra’s face and even gouged out its left eye, causing the entity to screech in response.


Down below, Prince Rutherford continues his assault, as do the yaks alongside him. In addition to all other species who possessed other ranged weaponry. Those who bore melee-based weaponry stood in front of them in a formation as if ready to charge forth at any moment. Some even had a small shoulder cannon attached to the appropriate proportions.

Several familiar faces, such as Tempest Shadow, her Storm Beasts, Silent Gorge, Iron Will, Thorax, Pharynx, Fleur De Lis, Big Mac, Autumn Blaze, Queen Amira, General Seaspray, Sunset Shimmer, King Aspen, Chief Thunderhooves, and many more are among these masses.

“This… this is absolute madness,” Sunset Shimmer comments, standing to the left of Iron Will in Tek Armor while possessing a currently deactivated Tek Shoulder Cannon and holding a Tek Sword in her right forehoof. “That thing isn’t giving up. We’re throwing everything we’ve got at it, and it’s still fighting on.”

“Fear not, for we will be victorious,” Queen Amira responds, positioned to iron Will’s right. “Like a sandstorm in the Saddle Arabian desert, we will rage against this foe, and it shall feel the sting of our combined might.”

Iron Will flexes with both his shield and sword in either hand. “You also have Iron Will standing here!” He strikes another pose, “We’ve already won this fight!”

The minotaur is suddenly bonked on the head by a griffon’s talon. “You’d better not get overconfident out here, muscle head.”

“G-Gallus?!” Iron Will exclaims after recovering, turning to the griffon. “Starlight told you to-”

“One: Starlight’s not my mom, although I appreciate her worry,” Gallus interjects, floating in place with the flaps of his wings while his claws are covered in the same blue energy as Iron Will’s Tek Sword. “Two: Ponyville is my home. And three…” The griffon lands beside Sunset Shimmer with closed eyes as the trio looks at him.

“When I got back to Canterlot… when I saw Ocellus and Smolder… it was the look on their faces that did it for me,” His eyes open, “I don’t want anycreature of any age ever to experience that level of fear, especially my friends,” He turns his gaze towards Iron Will, “You better not even try to make me leave, muscle for brains.”

Both Sunset Shimmer and Queen Amira form a smile in response, and as Iron Will is about to commend the griffon, the infected hydra lets out a powerful roar that nearly deafens all in attendance. Both on land and in the air.

Suddenly, the many wounds on the behemoth begin to regenerate as the entity is surrounded by a lavender aura, much to the stunned expressions of all in attendance. All of their combined might and efforts had been undone before their very eyes, and the hydra itself lets loose a guttural laugh.

Then, a series of purple pillars of energy start to manifest, followed by many strange imitations of Equus’s lifeforms: Corrupted Avatars, the same entities that had manifested within the Ark’s System Root. These are dominantly terrestrial threats, and each is made of light-blue and white energy with various fragments of metal that form the body itself. Despite the lack of facial features, one could easily tell who these entities were representing just from the form alone.

“What in the…” Tempest Shadow mutters in shock amongst the ground forces. But one of the Corrupted Avatars takes a form that catches her attention instantly: the Storm King. “No, it-it can’t be. You’re dead!”

However, it wasn’t just the Storm King as other familiar past foes stood amongst the imitations, such as King Sombra and the Pony of Shadows. But there are also those who lost their lives during this conflict. All this, In addition to wildlife such as manticores, cockatrice, and timberwolves. Or metalwolves, in this case.

The entire force now has to contend with these enemies alongside the infected and the hydra. Regardless, everyone readied themselves for battle. And as these new foes run towards the forces of Equus, a matching rumbling of encroachment sounds off as Equus’s defenders charge forth with their weapons at the ready and various warcries sounding off.

“Oh no,” HLN-A comments with dread, witnessing the hydra’s actions from afar. “The infection mutated the hydra’s natural regenerative properties to unparalleled heights! And the Corrupted Avatars are thrown into the mix! Bloody hell, this is getting out of control!”

The AI is currently floating beside one of the buildings positioned at the edge of Ponyville, which is also behind HLN-A’s allied land-based forces. The building also possessed a hole in the wall as if something had been thrown through with tremendous force.

“Come on, HLN-A. Think, think, how can we stop this?”

A cough can be heard originating from behind HLN-A, and the AI turns back to the hole only to see Princess Cadence emerge from the breach with a limp in her steps.

“Woah, woah, woah!” The AI shouts in concern as it flies hurriedly towards the pink alicorn. “I told you to stay hidden and recover from your wounds, mate! That hydra gave you a good old tossing!” HLN-A starts to scan the alicorn, “I’m performing a damage analysis.”

“W… why…” Cadence comments with her head lowered in shame. “Why is it always… me.”

“Pardon?” HLN-A inquires.

Absolute frustration builds up within Cadence’s form before she lifts her head with a teary expression. “Why am I always so useless?!” She roars out.

This causes the AI to stop the scanning process. “Bollocks, love. You’re not useless, and this is not the time to be thinking like that.”

“Oh, please,” The alicorn retorts with a scoff. “What did I contribute to this fight, huh?”

“Mate, you faced the CMC with Celestia and Luna-”

“Exactly!” Cadence interjects with flared wings. “But that was with my aunts, and I probably didn’t even contribute nearly enough in that battle as I am in this one! I mean, when Megan made us eat those strange chips-”

“Element,” HLN-A states with the material in question present on their visor. “Your bodies are able to process it in the same sense as a Ferox from the Genesis Simulation.”

“Yes, that,” Cadence starts again. “Both of my aunts transformed into, well, look at them. And apparently, those are their true forms. But when I ate it? Hah, surprise, nothing but a green aura that surrounds me. I don’t even get a transformation, just a subpar power up.”

Cadence turns her gaze to the sky and watches as Daybreaker, Nightmare Moon, and their aerial allies continue the fight against the hydra. All while the ground forces engage with the Corrupted Avatars and the infected.

“I’m supposed to be a princess who defends her subjects. I’m supposed to be a Guardian of and for the Ark,” Cadence comments somberly. “But compared to those two, not to mention Twilight… I’m nothing.”

HLN-A stares at the alicorn with a sad face emoji. “Love… that’s not true at all. We all have our strengths and weaknesses, but we can still help out uniquely. Besides, Celestia, Luna, and Twilight all needed help from time to time. They’re not unstoppable gods or anything.”

“Right you are, HLN-A,” Discord’s voice echoes out, appearing after a resounding ‘POP’ along with the faint scent of chocolate. But before HLN-A or Cadence could speak, the Overseer raises his eagle’s talon.

“Hold up,” He said. “I’ve got a plan, and I don’t want either of you to interrupt me,” He snaps his lion’s paw, but nothing happens.

Both Cadence and HLN-A look toward each other and back to Discord. “You, uh, ok there, mate?” HLN-A inquires.

Discord snaps his paw once more. “Rrrrgh! Stupid lack of Element, why won’t you-” A quad-pod easel with a large board and three colored markers, red, green, and blue, appears. “Ah! There we go!”

“Wait, lack of Element?” HLN-A inquires.

“Atatata! No interrupting,” Discord scolds with his eagle’s talon before grabbing onto the green marker and popping the lid off. “Now then, this green dot is you, Cadence. I don’t have a pink marker, so you’ll need to forgive me.” He draws a green pony onto the board.

Then, Discord proceeds to draw the three obelisks with each matching pen around Cadence and in a perfect triangle formation with her in the epicenter. He also adds a dome that surrounds the obelisks and Cadence as a whole.

“As you can see, these are the obelisks with you in the middle, not to mention the dome of Equus is all around you,” He turns to the duo and raises a single digit on his eagle’s talon. “Now, class, can you tell me what this could possibly mean?”

“Discord!” HLN-A roars out. “We don’t have time for this!”

“Oh, fine! Excuuuuse me for keeping your brains active!” Discord exclaims as he tosses his red marker. “Cadence here is the key to ending the infection and temporarily repairing the Ark’s dome until I can make full reparations,” He points his talon to HLN-A, “And you are what we need to contain those Corrupted Avatars.”

“W-what…?” Cadence questions in disbelief before looking away. “You must be mistaking me for-”

“No, I mean you, missy,” Discord interjects as he pokes Cadence’s right wing with his paw. “Do you even have the slightest idea what you are? What kind of Guardian you are?”

Cadence shakes her head slowly.

Discord wipes his eagle’s talon across his face with a frustrated sigh. “I suppose I can only blame myself and Megan for this ignorance. You are the embodiment of the Ark’s Purification Protocol. In other words, where Celestia, Luna, and Twilight are the Ark’s offense, you, Cadence, are its defense.”

Upon truly absorbing Discord’s words, Cadence shifts in place and takes on a determined stature. “What do I have to do?” She inquires.

Suddenly, HLN-A comes to a realization as an exclamation mark pops up on their visor.

“Wait, of course! The lack of Element is due to the Ark’s dome being removed. And considering the installation’s current movement, all of that oxygen and Element particles are being blown into space.”

“And that’s why we need to act now,” Discord responds. “The longer we take, the more dangerous the situation becomes for everyone else.” He turns and faces the direction of a particular crystalline structure.

“Quickly, to Twilight’s Castle!” He declares dramatically.

“Hang on, where is Megan?” Cadence inquires. “Is she there waiting for us?”

“Oh, you needn’t worry,” Discord responds. “Let’s just say that she’s on the hunt... for a ram.”

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