• Published 8th Jan 2021
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Ark: Friendship is Survival - Pomp-Neigh

Equus, a world of magic and many strange yet wonderous forms of life. However, is this world truly natural? Or could it possibly be... artificial?

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Chapter 52 - Lavender roar.


“OK. I can do this. I can do this. I can do this,” Twilight repeats, pacing back and forth on a cliffside while taking hyperventilative breaths. She momentarily pauses to stare at the large redwood forest just beyond a river that cuts in between - but then resumes her previous actions.

The forms of Granny Pithecus, Spirit - with Skitters sitting on his left shoulder, and HLN-A can be seen observing the nervous display of an alicorn. A thatch-comprised shelter is positioned just behind them as the morning rains begin to cease.

“She always like this?” Granny inquires with a pointed finger as she turns her gaze to HLN-A. “Ah thought you said she was some princess er sumth’n? Cuz she sure as Phiomia shit don’ act nor look like it.”

“She is,” HLN-A answers. “but, in her defense, she’s still pretty young and inexperienced in comparison to her-”

“Yeah, yeah, whatever,” The ape interjects with a dismissive gesture before walking toward Twilight, causing the AI to project a deadpan expression on its visor.

Spirit shakes his head with a sigh.

Twilight continues her pacing. “What if I mess things up? Oh, what if I make him angry?” Her eyes widen as she jolts her head upward with a gasp. “What if he declares war on us?!”

“Hey, Mejoberry,” Granny beckons. “Let me talk to ya fer a second.”

“Granny!” Twilight shouts in hope. “Please tell me that you’ve got some advice.”

“Sure do,” Granny gestures for Twilight to come closer with her right hand’s middle and index finger, “Come ‘ere.”

“Oh, thank you. Thank you. Thank you.”

“Come right here.”

“I just really want to make a good impression on him.”

“Atta girl. Just stay right there.”

Upon trotting in range, Twilight yelps as a swift force suddenly picks her up by her left hind leg. Granny Pithecus lifts the alicorn into the air and dangles them upside down before her annoyed face and narrowed eyes.

Granny swiftly slaps the alicorn across their features with three of her left hand’s fingers, causing Twilight to “Oof” in response - her widened eyes staring into the giganto’s own with a stunned expression.

The force of the attack wasn’t too much for Twilight to bear, but she certainly could feel the aftermath’s pulsation, likely a bruise forming under that patch of lavender fur.

HLN-A had tried to intervene, but Spirit halted the AI’s approach by blocking their way with a stern expression while saying:

“No. This has to happen.”


“Now, you listen to ol’ Granny,” She ponders for a moment with a side gaze, “Get your crop plots together, girl!” The ape roars out, offering Twilight a fine view of her inner rows of teeth and the void that is her throat.

In the far recesses of Twilight’s mind, she is indeed grateful that Gigantopithecus are herbivorous.

“What do you think this island is, huh? Sunshine and rainbows?”

Twilight slowly shakes her head as tears begin to form in her eyes.

“Ah ain’t gonna sugar coat shit fer ya. Look, you’ve got a good head on your shoulders, and your heart is in the right place, but by Grok, you all need to toughen the fuck up!”

The alicorn sniffles; tears fall to the floor as they drape down her head.

Granny grabs onto Twilight with both hands and turns her upright before setting the equine onto the ground. And as the alicorn still weeps with a lowered gaze and quivering form, a light-brown finger places itself below her chin and guides her head upward.

“Wipe them tears off that face, Mejoberry,” Granny starts, but her expression is softer than before. “Go on, now.”

Twilight adheres as she sniffles once more and wipes her tears away with both wings.

“Ah’ve been with all of yas fer the last three days, and in that time, your biggest weakness stuck out to me like a bright-skinned dino in the forest,” She leans in closer, “You’re too soft.”

“I’m s-sorry… it’s just,” Twilight sobs, “How we were raised on Equus.”

“This ain’t ‘Equus,’ now is it?” Granny inquires after standing at her full stature with her hands rested on her hips.


“I’m also holding you accountable for this, robot!” Granny exclaims as she turns her gaze to HLN-A. “You’ve been holding their hooves all this time when you should’ve been more strict! What the hell have you been doin’?! Reading them bedtime stories?!”

HLN-A tries to retort, but a pointed finger and growl from Granny Pithecus cease the AI’s actions.

“One word, and I’ll smash you to bits. I mean it.”

“I’m so sorry…” Twilight murmurs out, but just enough for the giganto to hear.

Granny looks back to Twilight, rolls her eyes, and grunts in frustration. “For the love of - you gotta be ferocious, girl! If you want to survive on this island, you must forget all that nice sappy shit and be a mean, equine Tyranno-fucker!”

Twilight nods slowly.

“Now, don’t get Granny wrong; there’s a time and a place to show some kindness. And I’ll never forget how all of yas helped me,” Granny states, patting Twilight’s head before retracting her hand.

“But when push comes to shove, you’ve gotta be MEAN,” She emphasizes by growling, “You’ve gotta show every living thing here that, despite your small size, you ain’t nuth’n to fuck with!”

Twilight adjusts her stance and tries to push back her former sorrow, although a small semblance of it remains.

“Now show me your mean face and roar!”

Twilight takes several breaths, raises her head up high, and shouts in a primal fashion.

Granny scoffs. “That face of yours is pathetic, and what the hell was that?! It sounded like a Dodo dying after falling off a cliff! Roar, girl! ROAR!”

Twilight closes her eyes with gritted teeth. And in that very moment, a particular past voice emanates within her psyche:

-Tribe Leader?- The Demon king inquires, followed by laughter which sends ripples within Twilight’s consciousness.

-My eyes can decipher many things with but a glance, and with you, all I see is an absolute failure. I might as well kill you all here and now. And when you all respawn, I’ll hunt you down and do it again, and again, and again.-

“No!” The alicorn shouts with closed eyes, accompanied by angered features and flared wings. “No! No! No! No!”

“That’s the spirit!” Granny exclaims. “Now, give me a roar!”

Twilight’s eyes flares open, and her muzzle parts with a neigh before she roars out and unleashes an unrelenting force of wind from her throat, although it doesn’t seem to be enough to push back an opponent.

The action causes Granny Pithecus to shield herself with her arms, all while HLN-A, Spirit, and Skitters are shocked by the phenomenon.

“Bloody hell!” HLN-A exclaims.

“That roar,” Spirit comments as Skitters hides behind the UNI-CRN’s mane. “It sounds very different, but there’s no mistaking what it resembles.”

The thunderous commotion dies as a resulting exhausted Twilight takes in shocked breaths. But a strange golden/orange corona surrounds her, and where once a panicked and sorrowful alicorn stood, a now determined and courageous equine stands after recovering from their stupor.

“I promise from this moment forth,” Twilight starts. “I will lead my friends - my tribe - through thick and thin. And we’ll face anything that comes at us without fail,” She narrows her gaze towards Granny Pithecus, “And if I can’t convince your Tribe Leader, Grok, of my proposition… then he can stay the buck out of my way.”

“O-oh dear,” HLN-A comments. “I’m proud of you, mate! But, uh, just try not to pick a fight, okay? ‘Least not until you guys get some better equipment.”

Spirit chuckles. “Now we’re getting somewhere.”

Skitters hops merrily on Spirit’s back. “Oohoo ahaa.”

Granny lowers her arms and looks down upon the determined pony. The two stare at each other for a moment, and the giganto smiles devilishly.

“Now you’re ready to meet the big boss.”

Granny turns in the direction of the Redwood Biome and conjures forth a type of firearm from her inventory. She aims the weapon skyward and pulls the trigger, but the projectile that’s let loose isn’t precisely what Twilight had in mind. In fact, if she recalled correctly, this must be the Flare Gun that Pinkie Pie had constantly mentioned but never got around to crafting.

The flare explodes into a golden/yellow blossom and illuminates its space in the sky before falling down to the earth with a trail of smoke.

Satisfied with her actions, Granny Pithecus turns to HLN-A and Spirit.

“Sure you don’ want to come along, unicorn?” The ape inquires. “Could be an opportunity fer ya. Plus, I know one ape who’d enjoy talking with you.”

Spirit shakes his head. “I appreciate the offer, but I must decline. I would’ve loved to learn more about your kind’s advancements, but I have…” He hesitates, looks away, and starts to walk off, “Personal business I must attend to.”

Skitters dismounts the UNI-CRN and runs towards Twilight, mounting the alicorn swiftly before resting on their right shoulder.

“I’ve noticed something’s been bothering him,” HLN-A comments as she floats beside Twilight. “Maybe we can ask him about it later. By the way, love, what you did just now was quite unexpected.”

“What exactly did I do?” Twilight inquires. “It was so strange and- wait, didn’t you once show us creatures that possess their own abilities? I think it was when we tamed Vanellope.”

“Right you are, mate,” The AI answers. “What you did is very similar to the roar of a Yutyrannus. We’ll need to explore this in the future, but right now, I have some questions that need answers.” HLN-A looks towards the volcano positioned just beyond the redwoods in the distance.

“And I know exactly where to get them.”

The AI suddenly disappears within a flash of light, causing Skitters to jump and retreat behind Twilight’s mane, making her chuckle.

“Here they come!” Granny exclaims while pointing to the upper portions of the redwoods, garnering Twilight’s attention.

“Who are they?” Twilight inquires.

“Those are the Sky Bats Squadron,” Granny answers as she raises her arms. “Prepare yourself, and whatever you do, don’t resist the grab.”

-Grab?- Twilight inquires internally.

The alicorn soon makes out seven Pteranodons being ridden in a flawless V formation. These flyers begin to descend as their riders seem to notice Granny waving them down, performing a unified barrel roll while sky diving towards the hat-wearing giganto.

The flyers soar around Twilight in a display that nearly reminds her of the Wonderbolts back on Equus. But during her observations, she takes an interest in the apes that mounted these pterosaurs. Some are as wide and large as Granny Pithecus, while others are much slimmer, more anthro than their larger counterparts.

However, the alicorn's thoughts are suddenly dispersed as she’s swooped away by one of the flyers.

“Easy with that one, Kerchak!” Granny exclaims as another pterosaur latched onto her shoulders and carried her away. “That Equus is with me, boy!”

Kerchak looks down at Twilight’s form being held within his ptera’s talons. “Pretty strange Equus you’ve got here, and it’s a bit on the smaller side. How long did it take for you to tame it?”

“That ain't no tame,” Granny responds. “She’s just like us, able to come back from the dead and everyth’n.”

Twilight snaps out of her stupor and looks up to Kerchak, taking note of his metallic armor that covers his light-blue-coated body, giving her a general idea of how successful Granny’s tribe must be.

“My name is Twilight Sparkle, sir. And with all due respect, along with Granny Pithecus's vouching, I’d like to speak with King Grok.”

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