• Published 8th Jan 2021
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Ark: Friendship is Survival - Pomp-Neigh

Equus, a world of magic and many strange yet wonderous forms of life. However, is this world truly natural? Or could it possibly be... artificial?

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Chapter 77 - A pirate's life for Me

After getting her bearings with an affirmative giggle, Pinkie Pie sends her map back to her inventory and looks herself over within a cubical-shaped, two-by-two shelter of thatch composition.

“Okie dokie—armor?” The pink mare tugs at her Hide Armor with a forelimb. “Check! Weapons, food, and water?” She gazed back to her flank, accessing her inventory as her cutie mark illuminated itself with a light-blue hue.


As she continued to assess her supplies, the morning rays of the artificial sun crept through various gaps offered by the collection of dry leaves and modified wood, said wood acting as the backbone of the entire primitive structure.

A brown sleeping bag was positioned nearby, which also happened to be the only furnishing within the living space. The pure simplicity of it all indicated that this shelter was temporary rather than permanent, a trend Pinkie certainly noticed regarding thatch structures.

After some time, the thatched door of the residence is opened with a creak and rustling of leaves, and the sounds of coastal entities bombard Pinkie’s ears as she baths in the warmth offered by the outside world, even from within the doorframe.

A single alighted campfire and other nearby structures similar to hers are within her sights. In truth, she hadn’t personally been to this particular area, but her fellow tribe members had informed her of their passing by during HLN-A’s challenge.

Smiling, Pinkie proceeds down a small wooden ramp with resounding clops before sinking her hooves into the sand. Having consulted her map, she knew that Herbivore Island was located directly across the sea from the coastal, crescent-shaped cliff indention that encased the encampment she now stood within.

The very same encampment Pinkie, Jack, and several others built after the duo escaped from the Silk Spitters. Speaking of…

“Ooh!” The pink mare shouts in realization, eyes widening in response to what had garnered her attention. “Good morning, everyone!” She greets while waving a forelimb before skipping merrily across the beach, kicking up grains of sand along the way.

She soon stops in front of three creatures that she immediately recognizes due to Jack introducing her to them shortly after her... capture. On the left is a dodo with bright orange feathers. To her right, a carbonemys with dark green scales and a black shell. Lastly, in the middle, there was a weird salamander... thing, that had a boomerang-shaped head.

Yeah, she was still mildly bothered by the yeti’s treachery. Although, given her current circumstance and condition, it probably could’ve been a lot worse.

“Alrighty, let’s see if I got this,” Pinkie began, resting her eyes on the ancient turtle among the trio. “You’re Shellshock, right?”

Shellshock nods a few times in confirmation.

“Great!” The party mare shifts to the Dodo. “You’re Mr. Pecks.”

Mr. Pecks flaps his wings while raising his head up high, chirping in affirmation.

“And you’re Salamaya!” Pinkie finished with a vibrant smile while Salamaya wagged her tail before crashing it down upon the sand.

The trio seemed grateful that the pastel-colored Equus remembered their names. Although, truthfully, Pinkie had utilized her HUD’s features to recite their crimson-colored identifications.

She felt guilty, of course, but what did one expect when you’re suddenly snared in a trap set by a pirating yeti after you two escaped from a bunch of meanie-go-beanies together? Then, said yeti–after breaking your trust, mind you–carries you to the rest of their crew, only for you to help them build an encampment after proper introductions, which results in you trusting the yeti again?!

It was a strange turn of events, even by Pinkie’s standards. And Captain Jack Tundra was undoubtedly a unique individual. His mannerisms and actions were a mystery, practically a perfect meld of Capper’s cunning, Captain Celaeno’s authoritative aura as, well, a captain, and Pinkie’s very own unpredictable-


Ooooh… so this is what it’s like for Twilight.

“Well, well, well!” The voice of one Captain Jack Tundra boomed, garnering everyone’s attention as they turned to the yeti’s form standing at the precipice of a towering spire of stone.

“I see me crew are up and hearty! Excellent!” He steps forth, “I hope your stomachs are ready for the- OH-OHFGH!”

Having overestimated his step, the yeti falls off the rock with flailing arms, grunting as he collides with an outcrop of the boulder before crashing down through a large bush, which engulfs him entirely.

Pinkie tried to stifle her laughter while Mr. Peck, Salamaya, and Shellshock looked at Jack’s crash site with deadpan expressions.

“Still got me hat!” Jack shouts from the bush, slightly muffled, as a single arm rises out of the bush holding the hat in question. The clumsy yeti then explodes out from the greenery, jumping high into the air to land on the beach, very nearly botching it.

“That was unpleasant,” He said while dazed. But a shake of his head sets Jack’s composure to normal, despite him fighting the pain from his introduction.

The yeti shakily stumbled his way over to his crew. “Uhm…” Pinkie began as he approached. “Are you ok?”

“Never better, Pinker.” The yeti responds, resting his hat atop his head.

“Actually, it’s Pinkie!” She corrected with a beaming smile.

“Ah, right. Pinkel, got it.”

Pinkie’s smile fell into an insulted frown as Jack now stood before his crew.

“Mr. Pecks!” He beckoned. “Status report.”

The dodo chirps and caws, performing an array of bodily gestures.

“Insightful as always, Mr. Pecks!”

Pinkie looks between the duo inquisitively. “You… understand him? Ooh! Wait, can you talk to creatures, too? Like Fluttershy?”

Jack blinks, tilting his head. “Of course not. And what in the Phiomia dung is a Flufferfly?”

“But-you, you just-huh?” Pinkie flabbergasted.

The yeti shook his head, concern plastered on his features. “You’re not making any sense at all, las.”

As Pinkie imitates a goldfish with wide eyes, truly, she seriously couldn’t fathom how he made it seem like she was the crazy one here, Jack shifts his gaze to Shellshock.

“It would seem our latest recruit has gone a little mad in the nog’n. Would you mind bringing the Equus along, Shellie?”

Shellshock nods, shifting his body sideways as Jack casually picks Pinkie up by the back of her neck and places her onto the ancient turtle’s shell.

“My thanks. Alright then, you bunch of Trilobites!” The captain exclaims while clasping his hands together. “Let’s be on our merry way.”

They then proceed toward the encampment’s exit as Pinkie retains her stupefied expression.


A closed wooden gateway with spiked walls reaching out on either side is laid bare before Jack, guarded by two incredibly large Ursidae with snow-white fur.

Pinkie remembered these two quite nicely. Especially the part when they growled at her and likely would’ve eaten her were it not for Jack’s assurance when she first arrived in his captivity. Yup, good times, the turtle-mounted mare recollected.

“Urd, Sidan,” Jack greets with a flourish. “My beautiful Dire Polar Bear lasses. I trust everything is ready for our departure?”

Urd, the Dire Polar Bear to the right, sits on her rump and gives the captain a saluting gesture. Her fellow ursine, Sidan, walks over to the gate and pushes it open with her powerful forelimbs. In the short distance beyond the opened gateway, the forms of Mr. Peck and Salamaya can be seen encroaching upon a fairly large ship with white sails.

“Oooooh…” Pinkie draws in wonder.

“Now listen up, Pinkel.”

Pinkie wanted to correct the captain, but had already resigned to the fact that either he genuinely forgot her name, or this was just some nickname he chose of his own volition. Either way, one thing was clear. Unlike her, he knew what he was doing.

She had already acknowledged that she couldn’t even compare to his skills out at sea despite his moments of going loco in the coco. With that in mind, she perks up her ears and looks on attentively.

“Are you sure this is what you want? The life of a pirate is one of constant conflict, especially if you’re going to be sailing with a yeti like me.” He flashed a toothy grin. “But let me assure you that the rewards are plentiful, and you can approach all manner of situations your way.

Typical sailors of this island follow the rules and regulations established by their tribes. But us pirates? We make our own rules. And we enforce them with the strength of our backs and the sweat of our brows. But above all, a pirate must always remain true to their code.

Always stay true to your ideals—your dreams. A strong will is a powerful weapon on this island, las. Never forget that.”

The yeti allowed a moment of silence for his words to sink in for the pink equine.

“So, with all that in mind, I ask you,” He leaned towards the pink mare, “are you prepared? Know that whatever choice you make, there's no turning back. You’re either come with me and me crew, or you can trot right off. The decision is yours. But pirates' honor dictates 'no take-backs,' savvy?”

To say that Pinkie’s mind was racing would be an understatement. She had to think this through–hay, she didn’t even know what kind of pirate Jack envisioned himself as. Although, In all fairness, Jack and his crew had been quite courteous to her despite the yeti tricking her like he did. But still, she had to wonder.

Was he tyrannical like King Sombra? Was he just pretending to be friendly only to have meanie-pants motives hidden beneath kindness, like Chrysalis? Or was he somewhere in between, like Discord?

But then it hit her. Despite Jack seemingly being a culmination of past enemies and friends in motives and actions, one thing benefited him, which admittedly made her warm up to him. Or, at the very least, still willing to trust him–Jack has never once made her Pinkie Senses go off. So, filled with new resolve, she made her choice with an affirmative gesture.

“Aye, aye, captain!”

Jack rises to his full stature and chuckles in joy. “Then let’s be off! You’ll be up in the Crow’s Nest, Pinkie Pie!”

Pinkie’s eyes widen with stars as Jack walks off and toward the direction of the parked ship.

“H-he remembered my name!” She celebrated with raised forelimbs as Shellshock began to move, passing through the gateway and flanked by Urd and Sidan.

Pinkie was ecstatic. She was finally in the process of conquering the seas. Only now, she’d be doing so with Jack, and she couldn’t wait to see just how good he was in action, and she would be ready to absorb all he could offer.

Shellshock made his way across the beach, Bears in tow, and Pinkie soon gets a clear view of the vessel from atop the turtle’s shell.

“Oi, Pinkie!” Jack calls out, having boarded the vessel and gone to man the helm, arms resting on the wooden railings.

Pinkie looks upward. “Yes, captain?!”

“Once you’re on board, we’ll talk about Tribe Alliances. Before you ask, yes, I long since noticed that ‘Tribe of Harmony’ bit to your identification.”

She giggles while nodding. “You got it!” However, a sudden thought occurs as she looks over her right shoulder. “Oh! What about the encampment, cap-”


An explosion suddenly encompassed the encampment, pieces of thatch structures and wooden barricades falling with other debris. Slowly, a shocked, slack-jawed pink equine turned her gaze back to the yeti, who held a remote in his hand.

“Want to cover your tracks, Pinkie? A nice batch of C4 can do the trick quite nicely.”

Author's Note:

Apologies for the huge delay, everyone! The good old RL stuff. :twilightblush:

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