• Published 19th Feb 2021
  • 430 Views, 3 Comments

Worlds of Destiny - NightFlame389

Grogar failed miserably to conquer Equestria, and now he's trying again. But when he's up against the SCP Foundation, several speedsters, and the author's self-insert OC, can he possibly take back Equestria?

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First Encounter

The chance to be free was in his grasp, and it slipped away just as fast. While the bearers of the Elements of Harmony were trapped in Tartarus, the Pillars and Royal Sisters were without magic, and the Royal Guard was preoccupied with Cozy Glow, the last piece of his magical prison broke. He managed to escape, massively weakened.

By the time he made it to Mount Everhoof, someone else had already stolen his bell. He tracked them to his old skull cave. He had realized someone had been impersonating him. He watched on as his windigos returned to wreak havoc. He had watched as the three villains overpowered the impostor, and proceeded to conquer Equus. He had watched on as their teamwork destroyed the Pillars, the Elements, and more.

He was almost proud of them. But then they lost, just when victory was in their grasp. As long as the Spirit lived on, he could not have his victory. He planned to take their statue and release them, and conquer the world.

It had been two weeks since Twilight’s coronation. He wanted to find his bell and take back what was rightfully his. He paced around his cave, different magical artifacts scattered around. The Alicorn Amulet, the Memory Stone, the Helm of Shadows, the Misfortune Malachite, and the Time Twirler were all gathered within the span of a few weeks. The Rings of Scorchero were heavily guarded by a group of guardian creatures, and the Bewitching Bell and the Staff of Sacanas were locked up in Canterlot.

He formulated a plan he could use with just the four artifacts he had. Stealth wasn’t his strong suit, but with what he had, it was his only option. He planned on breaking into the School of Friendship to steal the six artifacts stored there, then use those to attack Canterlot. He could exert control over some monsters, but with the amount of power he had, it wouldn’t be worth it. Besides, Tartarus was too well defended ever since the trick Discord pulled.

He looked over his resources one last time. He swiped the Alicorn Amulet and the Memory Stone and prepared to leave. Just as he was about to step outside, a blue glowing portal opened behind him. He stopped, sighed, and turned around to face this newest distraction.

“Hello, Grogar,” NightFlame said, introducing himself. He was standing with someone else. “I’m NightFlame, and this is Loomis.” Grogar sized the two of them up, to see how big of a threat they may be.

NightFlame stood twice as tall as Grogar when he was on all fours. The amount of discipline on display suggested a martial arts background, but no military training.

Loomis was a few inches shorter than NightFlame. He had light brown hair and green eyes. He stood with a slight slouch, and Grogar could easily tell he was non-athletic. A golden crown floated in the air above his head, but other than that, there was nothing notable about him.

“Who are you, who sent you, and why are you here?” Grogar asked, without giving them time to answer. He already had the Amulet in hoof, ready to use it in case things turned south.

“I already answered the first question, we sent ourselves, and we’re here to tell you to go to hell.” Loomis nodded as NightFlame stepped forward. “My name is NightFlame, but I have been called many names, most recently Bitch-Ass Motherfucker.”

“Why would you let anyone call you that?”

“You’ll find out soon enough. What were you planning to do?” NightFlame continued getting closer, as Loomis took a seat.

“Nothing much, just take over Equestria,” Grogar answered with complete honesty.

“Ooh. Looks like I’m gonna have to reschedule,” NightFlame said. Grogar tilted his head in confusion.

“Your obsession with Equestria is a bit worrying,” Loomis noted.

“Not as much as your obsession with that weird Australia thing where nine drunk dudes hate each other and try to kill each other.” At this point NightFlame was right in front of Grogar.

“That’s a weird way to say I play TF2.”

“Hold on,” Grogar interrupted, “Back to the part where you said you had to reschedule. What was that about?”

“You’ll find out soon enough,” NightFlame said, as he punched Grogar. The ram’s spirit left his body as he plummeted down to the deepest pits of hell.

“Was that really necessary?” Loomis asked once they were safe at their base.

“Trust me, it will set off a chain of events that will lead to us finally winning that war.” NightFlame popped a couple Cheez-its in his mouth. He held out the package to Loomis. “Want some?”

Loomis reached his hand in and grabbed a singular Cheez-it. He didn’t eat it. He instead got up and walked out to the kitchen. Inside, his faithful assistant Ospot Cobblewald was washing dishes. “Hey Ospot, remember to tell Lawrence he’s not allowed to start World War III, then stop British and Australian Drug Dealer from conquering the world with opium.”

“Will do, my good sir,” Ospot replied. “I’ll even try to stop Wilson from invading Brazil.”

“Good. This world cannot fall if NightFlame fails like his predecessor.” Loomis shuddered as he remembered the one who came before. An image of a tall, wiry humanoid with blank white eyes and unnaturally long fingers flashed into his mind. As soon as it entered, he pushed it away.

Loomis tossed Ospot a Cheez-it. “Keep up the good work.”

“Yes siree bob!” Ospot promised. As Loomis walked away, Ospot hummed something about a penguin to himself.

Fires burned, demons roamed, and horrible evils ruled the land. After some time, Grogar had gotten used to being here. Only two years had passed since he fell, yet it felt like an eternity. He was expecting some ancient villains from Equestria to also have ended up in hell, but all he saw was his father, a centaur named Tirac, and some of the monsters slain by Gusty the Great. It seemed as if the only other villains from Equestria in hell ended up in higher circles.

On his second day in hell, he had learned that time ran differently. Almost everyone who ended up in the deepest pits of hell had been there for thousands of years, even if they only died yesterday. He heard legends of one who had been there since the Flood. His only sin was envy, but he was driven mad by the demons. While he had just been a farmer before, he now was bent on destroying the world he came from.

Speaking of the demons, Grogar realized he created a very similar creature while he was alive. Apparently they were driven extinct by Star Swirl and the Pillars. Not only did Harmony plot against him at every turn, but she raised several generations of heroes to oppose him.

He packed up his things and moved on from where he was. He often left marks visible to those who were airborne wherever he went. He looked up towards his next stop. A cliff, with a cave conveniently placed. He leapt up and started his climb.

The cave was just big enough for him to hide out in for a few days. In the back was a raised platform perfect for a bed. On every wall and the ceiling were cave paintings.

He drew a circle on the ledge and went to sleep. As he drifted off, the paintings began glowing blue.

“Sleep tight, my pawn. Soon, you’ll be one step closer to your dream.”

Author's Note:

Giving characters motivation.

I wholeheartedly swear this is the shortest chapter.