• Published 19th Feb 2021
  • 430 Views, 3 Comments

Worlds of Destiny - NightFlame389

Grogar failed miserably to conquer Equestria, and now he's trying again. But when he's up against the SCP Foundation, several speedsters, and the author's self-insert OC, can he possibly take back Equestria?

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The Shark Punching Center (Shark Wars: Razor’s Edge)

“God damnit, Harold!” Michael slammed his fists on his desk. “This selachian menace has gone too far! I thought we’d be done with this by now! New world, new start, but nooo, the sharks have to be everywhere. We can’t even punch them because now they can punch back!” Michael placed his hand on his forehead. “We harpoon the first shark we see, and then it somehow comes back to life.”

“At least the Sharkic cults died with the last universe,” Harold said.

“That’s barely any consolation considering in the last world, selachians never built entire empires and waged war on humanity.”

“Mr. Michael Michaelson and Harold Krakerjak, if I may,” said a voice from the doorway to Michael’s office.

“What is it, Melvin?” Michael sighed. Melvin Nelson was a hard worker, but suffered from sleep deprivation.

“The Foundation detected several strange surges of energy across the world, and some line up more with other worlds, especially the ones that the Foundation has had to deal with in the past. This is way out of our league.”

“Fine. Harold, Melvin, call everyone here, from Harley to William. We’re gonna need all the help we can get.”

The Ocean Queen (Shark Wars: Razor’s Edge)

The water shimmered a brilliant blue in the Sparkle Blue, the life after death. One of its newest residents, Takiza the betta, was lost in his thoughts.

He had noticed the evilest residents vanishing from the Sparkle Blue. According to the legends his former shiro, Hokuu, had taught him, it was possible for someone particularly skilled in Shar-kata to escape the Sparkle Blue. Could Hokuu be behind this?

The humans spoke of a man named Adolf Hitler who started a global war because he believed his group of humans, the Germans, were the greatest humans of all time and deserved to rule the world. The similarities Hitler had with Hokuu were not lost on Takiza.

Without even realizing it, Takiza had bumped into a massive frilled shark, nearly thirty feet long. “Hokuu?” he realized.

“Hello, nulo,” Hokuu said with a grin. “A worthless piece of nothing as always, aren’t you?”

“Do you wish to find out if there is yet another life after your second death?” Takiza replied.

Hokuu growled, then launched forward, jaws opened wide. Takiza hit Hokuu between the eyes with one of his frilly fins, and suddenly Hokuu was gone.

He noticed something behind where Hokuu was. A long line of sharks waiting in line. A glowing blue portal in front of the line. He saw Finnivus, Grimkahn, and many of the greatest terrors sharkkind had to offer. His eyes widened in horror.

This was the portal from the Sparkle Blue to the Big Blue, and he had just sent Hokuu, the greatest threat to the Big Blue since Empress Silander, straight through it.

Queen Novo awoke in a cold sweat. Was it just a dream? She couldn’t tell. Takiza, her old friend, had apparently died, and so had his old shiro Hokuu. If the dream was prophetic like many of Celestia’s were, then she had to find a way to help them.

She climbed out of bed, stepped out onto the balcony, and took off, gliding towards the ocean. Before she knew it, she had already made it to the Seaquestria throne room. Faster than a wahoo, she exited the palace and made her way towards the coral reef situated just outside Seaquestria’s borders.

Some seaponies were still awake at this time of night. One tried to ask her what she was doing, but she sped past before he could finish his sentence.

She finally reached the reef. A few dwellers poked their heads out in response to Novo’s presence. She swam past them towards a ring made entirely of pink coral at the center. Inside the ring was a familiar blue portal. The portal to Fathomir was open once more.

She placed one fin on the edge of the portal. “Kaleth, Takiza, I’m coming.”

The Chaos Lord (Equestria’s End)

Discord floated across Chaosville, only stopping to be sniffed by passing flowers. He paused in front of a glowing golden portal that he swore wasn’t there twelve seconds ago.

Out of the portal stepped NightFlame. Discord grinned with glee. “How is my favorite not-kirin doing this fine evening? Tell me, are you here to spend time with yours truly?”

NightFlame pushed Discord’s paw away from his face. “Remember what I told you when we first met, the part you would play when the time came?” Discord’s grin vanished. He leaned back into an armchair he conjured at that very moment.

“I see. Is it time?”

NightFlame nodded.

The Black Rose (Aeon Legion: Starlight)

Kairos woke up to the sound of her singularity AI informing her of a new development in time. Ever since she created Pandora, the AI had been the only form of companionship she had. Sometimes she wondered if it was a mistake to leave behind the only person who ever truly cared about her.

“Pandora, what is it?” she asked.

Pandora’s artificial female voice came from the shieldwatch she wore on her arm, “A new set of continuums have been registered in the Legion’s database. Would you like me to observe the history of these new continuums and list every temporal criminal sorted by how much damage they caused?”

“Yes, that would be great,” Kairos replied.

While Pandora was compiling data, Kairos recalled the events and people that had brought her to this moment. Alya Silverwind, her mentor, the first to see her potential. Lycus, the headmaster of Aevum Academy, who forged her into a hero. Ophion, the mad time king, who had warned her of impending doom. And Terra, Alya’s new squire.

She didn’t hate Terra. Hate was for villains. She wasn’t a villain. At least she hoped she wasn’t.

It wasn’t hard to see how she could be perceived as one. She did kill Lycus, after all. But everything she did was to save Time. Why couldn’t Alya see? She had to kill the worst offenders. She had to save Saturn City from themselves. She had to return the time stolen by the Legendary Blades and other time travelers.

“I have compiled the list,” Pandora said, interrupting Kairos’s thoughts.

“Thank you,” Kairos said. She tapped on her shieldwatch’s holoface, bringing up a list of names. At the top of the list was Starlight Glimmer.

Author's Note:

This was basically a set of teasers for all three sequels: Shark Wars: Razor's Edge, Equestria's End, Aeon Legion: Starlight

If you're reading this immediately following Worlds of Destiny ending, two of those three aren't actual proper sequels and one isn't even available to read yet

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