• Published 19th Feb 2021
  • 430 Views, 3 Comments

Worlds of Destiny - NightFlame389

Grogar failed miserably to conquer Equestria, and now he's trying again. But when he's up against the SCP Foundation, several speedsters, and the author's self-insert OC, can he possibly take back Equestria?

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Temple Peak

The skull cave was empty. Well, almost empty. There were several scattered stone tablets detailing an assault plan on Canterlot, as well as some dangerous magical artifacts that Grogar had collected in the two years between his release and his supposed death. There was a ram-shaped nuclear shadow on one of the walls, and the ram’s eye crystal ball rested on the table-shaped stone in the center.

The Storm King inspected the Alicorn Amulet, only for it to be swiped by Sombra. Sombra cackled as he put the amulet on his neck. The Pony of Shadows placed the Helm of Shadows on his head, fueling his body with the darkness.

Chrysalis peered into the Ram’s Eye, watching the small purple dragon known as Spike eat breakfast in Canterlot Castle. Twilight Sparkle was nowhere to be seen. The scene shifted to Ponyville, where a masked swordswoman was attacking Starlight.

“Wrap it up, we have what we need,” the Pony of Shadows announced

“At this point I’m even willing to team up with that wretched Starlight Glimmer if it means we don’t have to be subservient to them.” The disdain in Chrysalis’s voice was clear as a foggy street as seen by a drunk driver who happens to be blind on a snowy winter night through a tinted windshield.

Soon after the portal closed, hooves stepped into the cave. Twilight and Sunburst burst in, horns at the ready. Sunburst relaxed, but Twilight panicked.

“The dark energy signature was right here!” Twilight said, exasperated. Sunburst put a hoof to his face.

The mountaintop was a whirlwind of red lightning and green light. It was near impossible to get any closer than Grogar and Cain already had. Grogar could barely make out a glowing doorway in the center of the temple.

It had taken the entire journey up the mountain for Cain to thaw out, and Flowey hadn’t reappeared since the battle against Toxa Knight. Cain didn’t fully reawaken when he thawed, but had been murmuring something about hell. He heard bits and pieces of magic far more ancient than himself.

The temple itself was of Greek design. The battle that was occurring had reduced a quarter of the temple to rubble. Broken pillars lay scattered about, an altar had been smashed to bits, and the corpses of two priests lay in the corner. Their hearts had been removed, but there was no sign of damage anywhere on them. Their faces had been brutalized and had clearly been run at full speed on the mountainside, which would likely explain the bloodstains on the mountain path.

By the time Cain woke up, three Reverse-Flashes lay beaten to a pulp and a fourth was in the grasp of a black and yellow robot, clearly of Eggman design. The robot had a green gemstone embedded within its torso. The first three Reverse-Flashes faded as the fourth was tossed out of the temple down the mountainside.

“What I wouldn’t give for that Death Worm right now,” Grogar muttered underneath his breath. Cain wobbled as he climbed down from Grogar’s back.

“A two on one doesn’t seem very fair, does it?” the robot said. “You can call me Shard, but it’s not like you’ll live long enough for that to matter.”

Before either side could initiate a fight, Meta Shogun crashed through the ceiling, still clutching the katana of his fallen subordinate. Meta Shogun scrambled to his stubby feet and spread his wings.

“Heh, one of those idiots is back,” Cain laughed weakly. “We already beat them, didn’t we?” Grogar nodded.

Shard’s hand retreated back into his arm and was replaced by several assorted weapons before he settled on a simple arm cannon. Meta Shogun held his two katanas in a battle stance. Grogar prepared several magical shields.

Meta Shogun dashed forward, but tripped over a rock and stabbed himself with his katana. Grogar stepped on him a few times for good measure.

“I guess that wraps that up.” Grogar turned to Shard. “Now, about you. You said two on one isn’t fair? Well then, surrender or die.”

“It’s not fair for you. Like I said, you don’t stand a chance.” Shard’s other hand retreated into his arm. He settled on a chainsaw. He revved the chainsaw and dashed towards the duo.

The Overseer Council, the Administrator, and NightFlame sat in a large dark room with fifteen chairs around a round table. Each one had their own snacks and drinks. Most had already begun drinking.

The only light came from the bioluminescent creatures swimming in the water underneath the glass floor. Two scarred mosasaurs swam among assorted fishes.

“Why have you called us here?” O5-8 began.

“I’m sure you all know who I am,” NightFlame said, not answering the Overseer’s question. “I’m also sure you’ve noticed the lack of councils who run a singular organization in this world. At most there’s two, sometimes equals like with the British-Australian Drug Empire, and sometimes with one in charge and the other as a subordinate, such as how the American Empire operates.”

“What exactly are you getting at?” O5-6 said impatiently as he drummed his fingers to the beat of Megalovania.

“In this world, you are unique as an organization, but not as individuals. In this light, the fourteen of you are nearly indistinguishable and entirely interchangeable. There is no reason for you to exist anymore.”

“I believe we are in grave danger,” said O5-11, nervously shifting in his seat.

“You see those two mosasaurs under the water? Those two are the last mariners of Grimkahn the Almighty, conqueror of the seven seas. They haven’t tasted true flesh since the fateful Battle of Fathomir where Grimkahn’s armada was defeated in a single decisive battle. They retreated like cowards while their comrades fought valiantly to the end. They don’t want that as their legacy.”

“You’re going to open the glass floor and feed us to them,” Five realized.

“Oh, no, that would be barbaric. I simply poisoned your drinks.” Four spit out his tea. The Overseers all shifted in their chairs. The Administrator didn’t move.

Six pulled a gun on NightFlame. “You are going to give us the antidote right now or I will send a bullet straight through your brain.” NightFlame cocked an eyebrow, but otherwise didn’t move.

“Good luck with that,” NightFlame said with a smile. Six pulled the trigger and unloaded several rounds into NightFlame, who didn’t react. “Have fun dying.” And with that, NightFlame vanished, leaving behind his chair, which was riddled with bullets.

“Why are you so calm?” Three asked the Administrator in a robotic voice.

“I don’t drink,” the Administrator stated as he stood up and stepped towards the door.

“You bastard!” Four weakly yelled towards his former superior, before he slumped forward in his chair, motionless.

“I am an entirely legitimate child, thank you very much,” the Administrator told the now deceased Four. As he closed the door behind him, it locked with an audible click. Two began hyperventilating.

“Let us out you tentacled freak!” Eight demanded. The Administrator didn’t answer. “Fuck, we’re alone now.”

“Look on the bright side, Eight,” Thirteen told his colleague, “We won’t be torn to shreds by aquatic reptiles. We’ll instead be poisoned to death.”

“How is that a good thing!?” Eight shouted at Thirteen. Eight clutched his chest as he succumbed to the poison.

“Twelve, would you like to call a Code Brown?” Thirteen asked.

“Of course I would, but oh well, the door has been locked and I’m about to die.”

“How are you two so calm right now?” Two asked between breaths. Her breaths became quicker and shallower until she passed.

“I don’t like tea,” Thirteen said as Ten cried in the fetal position in the corner. Five collapsed to the floor behind them.

“If I am going to die, I shall face death with dignity, like Frederick the Great,” Seven boldly proclaimed. She positioned herself to be more comfortable in her chair, then remained motionless. Six’s gun dropped to the ground. One and Eleven closed their eyes. All four passed painlessly.

Twelve glanced towards the corner. Ten’s eyes were still open, but they were dull and lifeless. “Everyone else is dead, Joey. I don’t have much time left.”

Thirteen took one last look at the table. Three was still quietly playing with his fingers, though the rest of his body was motionless, and Nine’s breaths gave her away as still alive. “Goodbye, I guess,” he said to Twelve. Twelve sat down as he accepted his death.

Thirteen frowned. He heard the doorknob jiggle. Thinking quickly, he took his fist and smashed the fourth wall. He left just before the door opened.

Shard smashed through the door using Cain as a battering ram. Grogar took his chance and dashed through the door. A flash of yellow and red burst past just before Grogar made it through.

As Grogar slammed the door behind him, two thick vines jammed the door open. The door was pushed open again as Omega Flowey in his full glory entered the battle.

Grogar took in the new place he was in. It was the Church of Poyo. They were free.

Shard dropped Cain by Grogar’s hooves. Flowey and Reverse-Flash assumed their positions nearby. Shard soon appeared next to Pope Bandana Dee.

“So, you’ve managed to escape the Realm of the Forgotten, huh?” Pope Bandana Dee began. “Too bad you’ll fall in battle to the Poyopopemobile before you-”

“Where’s Metal?” Cain interrupted.

“On the ceiling,” Pope Bandana Dee answered, pointing up with his spear. “He may have been one of the strongest opponents I’ve ever faced, but the bar really isn’t that high.”

“There’s five of us and only three of you,” Grogar pointed out. “Give up the spear and we’ll let you live.”

“You only think I’m outnumbered,” Pope Bandana Dee said calmly.

A Bad Time (aka VS Sans)

By the time Grogar noticed the mound of flesh in the corner, it was too late. It moved and formed itself a set of arms and legs. As it stood up, it took the shape of an ear. In response, Grogar tapped deep into his bell’s magic and summoned the Mongolian Death Worm and the Alpha Timberwolf Pup.

“Screwing yourself over even more, are we?” Grogar laughed. “My monsters are far stronger than yours could ever be.”

“Who said anything about monsters?” Pope Bandana Dee replied with an eerie calmness. He pointed his spear straight up, then quickly aimed it at Flowey. Metal Sonic detached from the ceiling and crashed into Flowey. “That’s two down, and we haven’t even begun yet.” Toxa Knight appeared by the side of Pope Bandana Dee in a golden flash. A golden glow enveloped Flowey.

“Wait, no I don’t want to go back!” Flowey begged. “Almighty [̸̨̮͐͠ͅR̶̖̗̞̓͌Ė̸͖̩̳̈́͆D̸̡̪̈́A̸̪͛̃̇ͅͅC̷͙̰̖̆̄̎T̵̗͕́Ẽ̸̜̰͇Ḑ̶͎͇̌͗]̴̲̱͚̐, please! I’ll do anything! Just don’t make me go back to him!”

“Goodbye, Pseudo-Flowey,” Pope Bandana Dee said, “Have fun with Loomis.”

“My power has reached its peak! I can serve you better than I could ever before! Please [̸̨̮͐͠ͅR̶̖̗̞̓͌Ė̸͖̩̳̈́͆D̸̡̪̈́A̸̪͛̃̇ͅͅC̷͙̰̖̆̄̎T̵̗͕́Ẽ̸̜̰͇Ḑ̶͎͇̌͗]̴̲̱͚̐ I’ll do anything for you!” As Pseudo-Flowey spoke those words, the glow around him changed from golden to d̸̳̝͊͑ͅä̶̳͕́r̷͕͍̤̆k̴̭̓ ̴͉̉̀ȑ̸̘̭̉͝ḙ̵͍̑d̸̡̫̈́̿ͅ as he fully f̶̥͕͘a̴͚̘͗́͋d̷͓̼́͊͝e̵͎͑͐d̵̳̲̂̈́̽.

“No more Pseudo-Flowey and Metal is out of commission,” Pope Bandana Dee noted. “Now, Earslayer, do what you do best.”

The Earslayer dashed forward with blinding speed, crashing into the much larger Mongolian Death Worm. The Earslayer produced a flesh-colored blade as it ran up the side of the Death Worm. The Death Worm tried to shake off the Earslayer without much effect.

The Alpha Timberwolf Pup howled. Grogar pointed at Pope Bandana Dee’s spear and said, “Fetch.” The Alpha Timberwolf Pup stared at him confused, then dashed out the door, never to be seen again.

A strange green aura flared to life around Toxa Knight as he charged Cain. Reverse-Flash re-engaged Shard in combat.

“Looks like it’s just you and me, goat boy,” Pope Bandana Dee taunted.

“If you call me a goat one more time I will kill you and everyone you love!” Grogar threatened.

“Jokes on you, I don’t have any loved ones.”

“... me neither.”

“You wanna talk about it?”

Grogar ended their very brief heart-to-heart with a magic blast to the face. Pope Bandana Dee stumbled backwards, barely holding on to his Pope hat and spear. “Let’s dance, goat boy!”

With one wave of his spear, Pope Bandana Dee changed the battlefield to vast green hills. With the grace of a hippopotamus having a stroke in a maternity ward and the delicacy of an elephant being dropped on Hiroshima, Emperor Grogar struck Pope Bandana Dee with the force of a squirrel falling at terminal velocity.

Pope Bandana Dee calmly stepped back as the Earslayer slammed the Death Worm to the ground between himself and Grogar. The Earslayer raised a venom sac above its head as a trophy of victory.

“Ear takes Worm,” Pope Bandana Dee said as he pointed his spear at Grogar. “Check.”

Grogar simply moved out of the way as a golden laser seared the ground where he was standing mere moments before. “You missed. I was two feet in front of you, how could you miss?”

“Well fuck you too,” Pope Bandana Dee replied. “Fuck you so hard that the author shall no longer put any effort into the rest of the chapter!” Pope Bandana Dee’s spear glowed bright white as light go big boom boom and eat everything.

Poison sword guy stab caveman. Yellow fast man punch robot man. Funny hat man slap goat man with pointy stick.

“Me not goat!” goat man screamed. Stick puppy come back and make hill go boom. Poison sword guy get hurt by boom.

Goat man gets mad. Goat man punches funny hat man in face. Big ear thing take sword and stab at goat man. Big ear thing miss goat man with sword.

Goat man take dead worm thing and hit poison sword guy. Funny hat man catch poison sword guy. Yellow fast man and caveman team up to punch big ear thing. Big ear thing stab yellow fast man. Yellow fast man punch big ear thing. Caveman grab big ear thing’s sword.

Caveman grab explody pineapple and throw it to make boom. Big ear thing get hurt by boom. Robot man slap yellow fast man in face with big shovel.

Goat man grab funny hat man’s pointy stick with magic. Funny hat man throw funny hat at goat man. Poison sword guy throw sword at goat man. Goat man take pointy stick and block sword.

“How this work?” goat man says. Funny hat man without funny hat screams as big light go boom boom again from the spear.

“Can we talk normally again?” Cain tested. “Oh, looks like we can.” Cain proceeded to punch the Earslayer in its non-existent face with a fully powered-up punch. A healthbar appeared in the air above the Earslayer. The healthbar dropped to zero and the Earslayer popped like a balloon.

That was surprisingly easy, Grogar thought. He and Cain turned towards Pope Bandana Dee

“That wasn’t the rest of the chapter,” Pope Bandana Dee complained as he swiped his nubby hand to the right, sending both Grogar and Cain flying in that direction. Toxa Knight slammed into both from the other side. The spear slipped from Grogar’s magical grip.

Reverse-Flash caught the spear before it hit the ground, but was immediately tackled by Pope Bandana Dee. Reverse-Flash summoned a blast of red lightning from the clear skies, but before the lightning hit, Pope Bandana Dee rolled out of the way, still holding onto the spear.

Grogar landed on his feet and dashed towards the struggle. Pope Bandana Dee summoned his hat from the other side of Reverse-Flash. When the hat reconnected with Pope Bandana Dee, his eyes glowed white. He rose into the air, spear still in his nubby hand. Toxa Knight flapped his wings and hovered next to him.

Reverse-Flash simply threw two bolts of lightning into the sky, knocking both of them out of the air. A spear made of pure energy manifested in front of Reverse-Flash, jamming itself into his knees.

“No more running for you,” Pope Bandana Dee panted, spear pointed at Reverse-Flash. The yellow speedster simply began crawling at breakneck speed.

“Give us the spear and we’ll call the fight off,” Grogar offered.

“How ‘bout you give me your bell and I’ll spare your life,” Pope Bandana Dee countered. In response, Grogar blasted Pope Bandana Dee with a blast of yellow magic from his horns.

Toxa Knight stopped Reverse-Flash just before he made it to Pope Bandana Dee. Grogar grasped the spear in his magic once more. Cain lit his fists up with blue flame and calmly stepped up to Pope Bandana Dee.

Pope Bandana Dee held tightly to his spear as he tried to step away. Grogar did not let go. Once Cain was in reach, he grabbed the spear and pulled.

Pope Bandana Dee lost his grip and Cain fell backwards. The spear flew out of Cain’s grip, but Grogar maintained his hold on it.

“Got it!” Grogar announced. “Let’s head out!”

As Grogar and Cain were busy celebrating their victory, neither noticed Toxa Knight flying towards them, sword outstretched.

“Checkmate,” Pope Bandana Dee laughed. Grogar turned towards Pope Bandana Dee, eyebrow cocked, then he saw Toxa Knight out of the corner of his eye. He prepared a special trap to capture Toxa Knight, but then Reverse-Flash ripped the energy spear out from his knees and impaled Toxa Knight before he could reach Grogar.

“You blundered into a mate in one,” Reverse-Flash said, twisting the spear in Toxa Knight’s body. Three more energy spears appeared above everyone’s heads.

“All of you will regret this one day,” Pope Bandana Dee ominously said. “Go home. I dare you.”

NightFlame returned to the scene of the crime. He turned the handle and pushed the door in. Inside, Nine bodies sat slumped in their chairs, one was lying on the floor in a fetal position, and two still living Overseers were watching each other from opposite sides of the table.

The Administrator closed the door upon entering. “Three, Nine, I see you two survived.”

“How is Three still alive?” NightFlame wondered aloud.

“Some say he is an absurdly human robot, but there is no way to tell,” the Administrator answered.

“Has he been waterproofed?”

“I don’t believe so.”

NightFlame grinned. He pulled a red button out of his pocket. Three’s eyes opened wide. “Sayonara, O5-3.” The glass floor beneath Three opened and dropped him into the mosasaur pit. One of the mosasaurs swallowed Three in one bite.

“Well done, Nine,” NightFlame said, clapping his hands. “You are now the sole survivor of the Overseer Council of the SCP Foundation, which means you have full power over everything that happens in the Foundation. You will give me full access to all of your MTFs, from Red Right Hand to Pandora’s Box. Do you accept?”

“Never,” Nine defiantly replied.

“Of course you’d say that,” NightFlame sighed. He walked around the table, picking up empty cups and unopened snack bags. “Maybe this will change your mind.” He pulled out a small, soft, yellow rabbit plush and placed it on the table. Nine recoiled in fear at the sight of the cuddly hellspawn. The Administrator quietly backed away.

Nine instinctively blocked her view with her arms. “Fine! You can have everything! Just put that- that thing back where it came from or so help me!”

“Good.” NightFlame put the cuddly hellspawn back in his pocket and stepped out of the room. The Administrator followed suit, leaving Nine alone surrounded by her dead colleagues.

A yellow portal opened in the main hall of the Eggman Empire Fortress. Out of the portal came Grogar, Cain, Reverse-Flash, and Metal Sonic. The moment all four were out, Metal Sonic turned on them.

“Of course Metal would betray us immediately,” Cain complained as Metal Sonic and Reverse-Flash attacked each other. It was only then they finally realized the chaos unfolding in the Fortress.

The Pony of Shadows, the Storm King, and Sombra were engaged in combat with several E-100 series robots. Chrysalis, Tirek, and Cozy Glow were surrounded by some of the Metal series. An Assault Model Death Egg Robot smashed through a section of the wall, dropping in several MTF soldiers with its fist.

“So Eggman backstabbed us, huh?”

Author's Note:

I love the smell of tonal whiplash in the morning

What happened to Thirteen, or should I say, Joey Tamlin? Who is [̸̨̮͐͠ͅR̶̖̗̞̓͌Ė̸͖̩̳̈́͆D̸̡̪̈́A̸̪͛̃̇ͅͅC̷͙̰̖̆̄̎T̵̗͕́Ẽ̸̜̰͇Ḑ̶͎͇̌͗]̴̲̱͚̐? Why did Eggman backstab them? How does Cozy feel about being left in stone? Only one of those questions will be definitively answered in the next chapter