• Published 19th Feb 2021
  • 430 Views, 3 Comments

Worlds of Destiny - NightFlame389

Grogar failed miserably to conquer Equestria, and now he's trying again. But when he's up against the SCP Foundation, several speedsters, and the author's self-insert OC, can he possibly take back Equestria?

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Calm Before the Storm

Author's Note:

If you want to skip this chapter, feel free to. When I re-shuffle all of the In-Between scenes this entire chapter will cease to exist

Lucas and William stood at the edge of the Outback. While alone, they used their real names. When at NightFlame’s neutral ground meeting spot, they were Australian Drug Dealer and British, respectively. British almost had to change his name before the other guy named British came out as gay. Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on your perspective), Gay British had perished during the Scarlet King incident.

Lucas had met William some time after Woodrow Wilson’s invasion of Australia. Both were rightfully mad at Wilson for invading their homelands, but were absolutely pissed that he considered Australia, India, China, Russia, and Brazil “small countries”.

Together, they spread opium across the entire world, save for Romania for some reason.

They were at the edge of the desert because one of his goons had spotted an unidentified flying object in the general area. He had already spotted it at least twice, and it didn’t seem like it was landing anytime soon.

“I think we should just shoot it down,” William suggested. “That shall teach them for violating British-Australian aerospace.”

“Mate, our anti-air defense systems are in London dealing with the Knotzi bombers. The world is in a fuckin’ constant state of war, what with Wilson invading every country he sees and the Knotzi Empire in the bloody middle of Europe. Even Lars is at war with the Soviets.”

Lucas looked into the sky with his binoculars again. The UFO had returned. He shoved the binoculars into William’s hands and said, “Mate, look at this.”

William looked into the sky and saw the UFO, now identified as an alien spaceship, getting closer. “Oh my god, what is that?” he asked no one in particular.

“These are binoculars, you fool,” Lucas replied.

“I see, but what is that big metal thing in the sky?” he asked, pointing to the UFO with his free hand.

“I believe that to be an alien spaceship. You wanna shoot it down?”

“Sure,” William said, handing the binoculars back to Lucas. William pulled a comically sized rocket launcher out of his pants pocket and pointed it towards the spaceship.

The spaceship exploded. A tall gray alien ejected out of the cockpit and parachuted his way down to the ground. He made its way towards Lucas and William. When he arrived, he held his hand up and said, “Take me to your dealer.”

Fortnite stood in front of the rack that Dr. Eggman had told them to put all of their weapons on. His assault rifle hung alone, as Cain had taken his weapon when he left for the mission several hours ago.

He took his rifle off the rack. He recalled the First War where he fought alongside Backwards and Magical Douchebag.

He originally needed no coercion to join the DLMDBF. His oldest enemy, McFlap, was on the opposing team. It wasn’t until Void Creature revealed himself that he began to regret his decision. Most of the DLMDBF fighters were never made aware of Void Creature and his ultimate goal. He doubted even Magical Douchebag would be working with the DLMDBF if he was aware of Void Creature’s end game.

Normie didn’t participate in the fighting, but he was right there, supporting the DLMDBF. His oldest friend had been killed by Predator without any regard for what he could provide to the Alliance.

Though he could easily use his DLMDBF provided portal device to leave immediately, he decided he would have some fun. He entered the main lounge where Death Slug, Satanic Cultist, and Magical Douchebag were playing TF2. He announced his presence.

“Hey, guys, just so you know, I’m quitting. It’s nothing personal.”

“See ya around, chucklenuts,” Magical Douchebag replied. Fortnite turned around and headed towards the control room.

On his way, he passed Predator, who merely snorted and lashed his tail. Fortnite ignored him and continued on his way. Did Predator know what he was doing?

Upon entering the control room, Fortnite found Eggman along with a red spherical robot and a yellow cubical one. The yellow one, Cubot, somehow had gotten himself stuck in the trash. He cleared his throat.

“Doctor, can I speak with you for a moment?” Fortnite asked.

“Of course, I-never-bothered-to-learn-your-name-deal-with-it, what is it?”

“Have you ever heard of the tale of Void Creature? It’s not one Dark Lord would tell you.”

Eggman’s eyes focused on Fortnite. “Please do go on.”

“Void Creature is the one who Dark Lord serves. He is a demon from the Void Between Worlds, also known as the Endless Void. A few years ago, he waged a war in my home realm. The war devastated the entire universe. Do you know why he tried to enter my world?”

“Why did he?” Eggman asked, a wide creepy grin now on his face.

“He wanted to destroy it. He wants to destroy everything. He claims all of existence as rightfully his to destroy.” The grin vanished from the Doctor’s face. “No one even knows how he was defeated in the first place. None of the witnesses have said anything. Now, with your help, Dark Lord has been preparing for Void Creature’s return to this sector of the multiverse. You may do what you wish with that information.” Fortnite stood up and left.

Eggman checked the cameras. The Pony of Shadows had just returned and was in the main hall with the statue of the pegasus filly. The changeling queen cast some sort of magic on the statue and the little pegasus filly was freed.

The Doctor turned back to his command console. He typed in the override code: Hedgehog, Chaos, Angel, Sage, Ark, Badnik. All privileges he had granted to the Alliance were revoked. Once he pressed enter, all of the biological entities in the Fortress besides himself would be marked as intruders and exterminated.

He only had one thing left to do.

NightFlame, Loomis, and a few others looked over the table that projected a 3-D map of the Eggman Empire Fortress.

“My sources say they’re about to go through a pretty big civil war,” NightFlame said to the group. “Something about opposing ideologies that have never been mentioned in any of the previous ten chapters.”

Loomis continued, “Hammer Down will attack first, drawing fire from all of the Fortress’s defenses. NightFlame and I will lead a smaller strike team into the heart of the base. If we take the base of operations before the GOI―that means Goat of Interest―returns, then we capture the GOI and the BCOI―Bible Character of Interest―the moment they return.”

“If their mission failed, we simply capture them, no questions asked. If their mission succeeded, our objective becomes obtaining the spear, and then we capture them. If you got all that, say ‘Schaved Bauxlls’.”

“Why would we ever say that?” Nine asked.

“It’s because of that stupid friend of his that runs the Fake News Channel,” Loomis answered. “Who names their kid ‘shaved balls’ anyway?”

“I shaved my balls today!” exclaimed Lars unhelpfully from the other side of the table.

“Thank you for your input, Lars,” NightFlame said to the man wearing a bowl of soup on his head.

“I’ll be here all day, making from with the cheese,” Lars said incoherently.

“What is he saying?” Nine asked, not understanding a single word that came out of Lars’s mouth. She turned toward the Administrator, who simply shrugged.

“He said he’ll be making from with the cheese all day,” NightFlame explained unhelpfully. Nine placed her palm on her forehead,

“Schaved Bauxlls,” Lars said, slurping soup that spilled out of the bowl glued to his head.

“Lars is ready, so I should be too,” Loomis said. “Schaved Bauxlls.” He proceeded to put spaghetti in his notebook.

“Schaved Bauxlls,” everyone else said in unison.

“Schaved Bauxlls,” said Eggman from a video call that he just initiated. “Greetings, gentlemen. I, the great Doctor Eggman, am here to propose an alliance.”