• Published 19th Feb 2021
  • 421 Views, 3 Comments

Worlds of Destiny - NightFlame389

Grogar failed miserably to conquer Equestria, and now he's trying again. But when he's up against the SCP Foundation, several speedsters, and the author's self-insert OC, can he possibly take back Equestria?

  • ...

Shadows and Reverse

In a realm of red lightning, a man in a yellow suit stood alone, watching events unfold. Dark Lord appeared behind him.

“Reverse-Flash, I’ve come to bargain.” Dark Lord held up a wad of cash.

“I don’t need money.”

“There’s a group of villains who need your help. You are the guy that created the Legion of Doom, correct?”

“Yeah, in another time. It failed, everyone quit, they all died, including me.”

“The new Legion of Doom requires your help. My plan for them is to rewrite reality using an object you are familiar with. The Spear of Destiny.”

“What’s the catch?”

“You won’t be in charge.”

“You son of a bitch. I'm in.”

“Here, I brought you everything.” The Pony of Shadows dropped a whole bunch of rocks and a stone statue in front of Grogar. The ram pieced the fragments of the Storm King back together. As he prepared his resurrection spell, the Pony of Shadows held it in place.

Slowly, the Storm King began to transform from stone to flesh and fur. When he was fully reborn, he yawned, then looked around.

“Where am I?” he wondered. He noticed Grogar and the Pony of Shadows nearby. “Who are you two?”

“Are you fucking kidding me,” the Pony of Shadows deadpanned. “Are we literally just some fucking myths to him?”

“Oh, you’re the Pony of Shadows!” the Storm King realized. He turned to Grogar. “But who are you?”

Grogar facehoofed. “Grogar, father of monsters, Emperor of Tambelon. Ring a bell?”

“Oh yeah, I think my dad told me about you. You were taken out by wind, right?”

“I was defeated by Gusty the Great, not some wind.”

“Eh, same difference.”

As the three villains and one statue of three more villains attempted to have a comprehensible conversation, Cain portalled in from somewhere.

“Hey Grogar, Baldy McNosehair has the secret base up and running. You wanna come check it out?”

“Yes.” Grogar picked up the statue with his magic and dragged the Pony of Shadows and the Storm King along with him.

“You’re not reviving them?” the Pony of Shadows asked while being dragged.

“They failed even together. I have no need for weaklings. Not anymore.”

“What about Sombra?”

“I’ll bring him back later.”

When they arrived in the fortress, they encountered Strykore already watching TV and complaining about his defeat being televised for all to see. Doctor Eggman ate popcorn as a couple of crab robots brawled in the corner. A blue metal robot hovered in the air, apparently deactivated.

Strykore turned off the TV, moved the couch he was sitting on aside, and began texting someone named “Golden Queen”. The two Crabmeats picked up crumbs from the ground. Eggman shoved Metal Sonic to the side. The Pony of Shadows dropped the statue next to Metal Sonic, then sat down. The Storm King grumbled something about a staff before sitting down next to Strykore. Cain simply stood to the side.

Grogar dumped his ink on the floor. He painted a circle, several runes inside the circle, a perfect replica of the Van Gogh's Starry Knight, and added a heart shape in the center. Grogar’s horns lit up, and Grogar blasted his symbol with magic.

A dark portal opened above the center. A red curved horn appeared through the portal and dropped to the ground. The horn surrounded itself with shadows, and a pony formed from the darkness. When the pony fully reformed, Sombra stood among all of the villains.

“Where am I?” he asked everyone.

“Hell,” Cain joked.

“Not funny,” Grogar said. “Anyway, you’re in... where are we?”

“My fortress,” Eggman explained. “Welcome to our army.”

“What army?” Cain, Sombra, the Storm King, the Pony of Shadows, Grogar, and Strykore simultaneously asked.

“... I have a robot army stored in the basement as well as a factory for building more.”

“I was going to revive my own army, but that works.” Grogar placed the empty ink bottle back into his bag. “Wait. Can I still do that?”

“Yeah sure, do whatever, this is only my backup fortress,” Eggman said nonchalantly.

"This is only your backup fortress? Holy hell, I don't even want to know what your primary fortress looks like!"

"Cain, shut up and let me do my thing." Grogar used the remains of his previous ritual, but this time, dumped an entire McDonald’s Happy Meal into the center. Six chicken nuggets rolled in the ink. Some fries and a small bottle of chocolate milk sadly dropped onto the summoning circle.

“Isn’t that supposed to be flesh and blood?” the Pony of Shadows asked. “I mean, I’m not as familiar with dark magic as you are, but are you sure that’s going to work?”

“Ghosts have no taste buds. They can’t tell the difference.” Grogar reached back into his bags and pulled out a can of Coca-Cola and poured it onto the Happy Meal.

Another dark portal formed, and this time, several spectral creatures and a few corporeal ones appeared. They began to duplicate. Once Eggman saw how many there were, he pressed a conveniently hidden button on the wall, which caused everything, from the Happy Meal to the liches and zombies to fall through the floor.

“Keep armies in the basement!” Eggman announced. “That’s the number one rule here! The other ones are “No Living Plants”, “No Music”, and “No Pineapple Pizza”. That last one is the most important.” Everyone settled back down to where they were as the floor closed.

Fortnite, Magical Douchebag, and Backwards waited outside Loomis’s office for something. The door opened, and a teenager in a backwards baseball cap and sunglasses stepped out (wow that’s a lot of sunglasses). He was holding a phone, which clearly had TikTok installed.

“Hey, Normie. We got things to do.” Normie ignored him. Fortnite tapped on Normie’s head. “Dude, look up.”

Normie looked up from his phone. “Do you mind? I was editing my TikTok about being interrogated by a magical king who could kill me by punching me.”

“That’s not important right now. We need to figure out who’s been killing people, and isn’t a three foot tall jelly bean.”

“Well, that’s sus.” Normie returned to his phone. “Hey, you wanna play Fortnite later?”

“Dude, that’s literally my name, but we gotta do this first.” Normie nodded and put his phone away. The gang left the area as some guy with a cowboy hat, a ski mask, and a knife walked in.

As the door closed, they heard, “Yarr, betcha weren’t expecting me!” After that, they heard the sound of a body hitting the floor.

“What the fu-” Magical Douchebag said.

“Watch your fucking language, bitch!” Fortnite scolded.

They passed the cafeteria, into a hallway, where someone, the man with the deformed neck, was singing:

“My show takes flight, under fondue at night,
Flaunt pay noot rip Scooby peas,
A wring thumb tough ice inflation,
Cheez-it rooks LinkedIn machine,”

“Yo what the fuck is he doing?” Normie asked. “Is he trying to sing Let It Go without knowing the lyrics beforehand?”

“The Finnish rolling like piss whirling corgi died,
Morning teeth shark fin, seven goats have died,
Doughnut Temmie, doughnut Temmie,
See the dud whirlpool hallways half Toby,
Ordeal, won't seal, doughnut Van Gough,
Bell, toupee flow!”

“Yeah, I think that’s what he’s doing,” Magical Douchebag replied.

”Licensed snow, licensed snow,
Canned hobo black tin and s'mores,
Licensed snow, licensed snow,
Turpentine and panther gore.

Flies roast bears,
And the gears will pay,
Lip balm corgi Tom,
Thistles ever brothers and never fae,

Instant noodles and a piss bench,
Mashed potatoes in a mall,
Winter beers and ravioli,
Banned spittoon pee and ball,

A pineapple and a bucket of poo,
Protest rye gin mitts fanned make goo,
Flow bite be gone dough fools corgi,
Guy pee!,

Licensed snow, licensed snow,
Pies and thunder win a fly,
Licensed snow, licensed snow,
Ghoul Kevin reaps canned pies,
Near my fan, Bashir guy flay,
Lip balm corgi Tom,

A tower blurry through a flare the shoe dog pound,
A toe is rivaling tin cans and shack falls on the ground,
No one bought my fall pan and Mike's flan white pee ghast,
Flies Kevin Boeing pack, a fast is never past,

Licensed snow, licensed snow,
Sunrise Nike shake-up lawn,
Licensed snow, licensed snow,
Hat sure fuck curl can pawn,
Deer guy where, into night or shway,
Lip balm corgi Tom!
Thistles ever brothers and never fae.”

When Asshole finished his singing, a man in a ski mask and a suit and tie dropped down from the ceiling like a maniac. He held up his hand for Asshole. “Slap my hand. Slap it now. This is not a trick.” Asshole contemplated slapping his hand, but Spy grabbed Asshole’s hand and slapped his own with it. Spy proceeded to pull out a pencil and stab Asshole in the gut.

“Damn, he’s murder happy,” Magical Douchebag noted.

NightFlame portaled in from somewhere, talking on the phone about a group of missions. He noticed Asshole’s dead body on the floor, and Spy holding a bloody pencil. “Fuck this,” he said. He snapped his fingers, and suddenly everyone in the building was transported to the cafeteria.

“Alright, listen up!” NightFlame announced, “Loomis told me about what’s been going on here. First things first: DO NOT MURDER PEOPLE! That's against the seventh commandment! Whoever’s been killing all these people, raise your hand!” No one raised their hand. “Seriously! Ospot, Unexpected, Screaming, Asshole. They're not just dropping dead! One of you is killing them!”

Woodrow Wilson whispered to a group of soldiers. Ass and ASMR stood in shock. Loomis angrily stared at some guy that looked like him, but blond hair and blue eyes. The other guy glared back at Loomis.

“All of you are equally guilty right now!”

“Not really, Ass and ASMR were in my office when Asshole died,” Loomis said.

“Fine, they’re innocent.”

Just then, the vent in the cafeteria popped open. Impostor landed on his feet, ran his fingers across the blade of his knife, and put his knife away.

Ignoring Impostor, NightFlame continued, “I have my eyes on all of you. You won’t get away with this, even though I didn’t care about anyone who died.” As everyone prepared to leave, Impostor stabbed Ass.

“Impostor sus!” Normie called. “He killed right in front of me!” As everyone turned to Normie and Impostor, the lights flickered, then everything became covered in darkness. A deep growling sound echoed across the cafeteria, the screams of Normie were heard, and when the lights turned back on, a beast was devouring Normie.

The beast’s body was black. It was reptilian, with a wolf-like face. Spines ran down its back, and two yellow stripes covered the two sides. Its tail was lit in blue fire.

“I knew it,” NightFlame muttered. NightFlame, Loomis, Lawrence, and a few others pulled out weapons against Magical Douchebag, Backwards, Fortnite, Impostor, and the beast, as well as a few others, such as a cloaked cultist, an absurdly spiky slug, and a duck. All those who were being threatened by guns pulled out a small portal device and teleported away, save for the duck. “Guys, stop trying to shoot the duck, he's innocent.”

"Poopi," quacked the duck.

In the base, Grogar, Cain, Eggman, Strykore, the Pony of Shadows, the Storm King, and King Sombra discussed how to gain more power. Several portals opened near the ceiling, and out tumbled Magical Douchebag, Backwards, Fortnite, Impostor, Satanic Cultist, Pancake, Death Slug, Prototype, and Predator.

“Well, that’s a lot of new recruits,” Cain said. “What do we do now?”

A flash of red lightning zoomed through the room, knocking over Eggman’s LEGO set, and stopped in front of Magical Douchebag. “You change destiny.”

“And how exactly do you suppose we do that?” Backwards asked.

“There’s a little object known as the Calebros Manuscript, currently contained by the SCP Foundation because it’s relevant to the Daevites. We break into their site, cause a little chaos, and maybe do a little recruiting along the way.”

Everyone nodded, grabbed their portal devices, and prepared to leave. “Hold on,” Predator said, “I think someone needs to stay behind and guard this place just in case.”

Eggman, the Pony of Shadows, the Storm King, Strykore, Backwards, Satanic Cultist, and Death Slug opted to stay behind.

“Well, now we have our team. Let’s go.” Fortnite grabbed Metal Sonic, turned him on, and everyone portaled away.

Metal Sonic and Impostor made their way through the ventilation above someone’s office. Inside, two people were talking about something.

“Sir, SCP-087 is neutralized.”

“What? When did this happen?”

“Just five days ago sir.”

“Who the hell even noticed this thing?”

“Apparently the door was broken, someone went inside, and it was a normal staircase. At the bottom, all of the bodies from everyone there were found. Some were trampled by some sort of goat.”

“Damn, Grogar would kill that guy for calling him a goat,” Impostor quietly said. Unfortunately, the ventilation system amplified his voice, and both of the men down below heard him. The lower ranking one pulled out two pistols and aimed it up at the vents.

“Whoever’s up there, come down here or we fill the vents with poison gas!”

Metal Sonic silently grabbed Impostor and shoved him through the bottom of the vents. Impostor fell through and landed with a thud.

“Well, well, well, what do we have here?” the higher ranking one said.

Sombra and Cain covered themselves in shadow, sneaking past several security officers. They entered standard item storage. Hundreds of items were displayed in glass cases, the most notable were a glowing red and black icosahedron, an opened book with words flying off the pages, and a small robot which was banging against its case. Cain moved past all of them to head for the section in the back. He knocked over the pedestal marked “SCP-140” and grabbed the item behind it.

The moment the pedestal hit the floor, alarms blared throughout the site. Guards burst into the room to apprehend Cain, but Sombra remained camouflaged in the shadows. Sombra manipulated the shadows of the guards to merge together, then picked a rusty nail out of its case, and dropped it on the shadows.

A hand reached through the doorway behind the guards and picked up the nail. The guards resumed their actions, and opened fire on Cain.

Cain swiftly dodged all bullets, blue energy trailing off him as he did. Sombra grabbed three of the guards with his magic and tossed them to Cain. Cain grabbed two of them by the neck and stepped on the third one’s chest. The two in his hands were slowly drained of their life force until only brown, shriveled husks remained. The husks were tossed aside as the third one’s life force was sucked out through his chest.

Cain rushed down the remaining guards, sending them flying. Sombra unleashed tendrils of shadow on the guards on the floor.

“The floor tentacles are drowning me!” one of the guards screamed as he was pulled under the floor.

Four armored warriors armed with energy rifles burst into the room. Cain grabbed one by the arm, but their life force would not drain. Cain let go in shock, and one of the warriors knocked him unconscious with their rifle.

Sombra grabbed the manuscript, then slipped away to regroup with Metal Sonic.

Grogar and Predator rolled through the hallway containing several of the Foundation’s most dangerous anomalies, including their deadliest introvert, a really mean lizard, and some old dude.

Predator stopped in front of SCP-106’s containment cell. He placed his... why does a reptile have a paw? Whatever. He put it on the door, and slowly, a black circle formed on the surface. At around this time, alarms blared throughout the site. Guards rushed the hallway. Predator immediately dispatched the first wave with fire breath, but as soon as he did so, the flame on his tail vanished. Grogar attempted to blast the next wave with his magic, but the magic had no effect on them.

The guards rushed them from both sides. Predator and Grogar prepared to battle with nothing but brute force. Grogar plowed through his batch of guards, and Predator sliced one guard in half with his claws. Predator picked up the top half of the guard and tossed it on another guard.

Grogar swung his head, utilizing his horns as impact weapons. Predator bit into the leg of another guard, tearing the leg off. Predator stood up on his hind legs, wielding the leg as a weapon. He swung the leg so hard he knocked someone’s head off.

Grogar charged head first into another group of guards, but stopped as an electric spear pierced his skin. Grogar fell unconscious.

Predator noticed Grogar’s defeat and began tearing through guards faster, but only made it through another four before he was jabbed from both sides by shock sticks. The last thing he saw before going to sleep was a circular amulet with a red gemstone in the middle.

Magical Douchebag and Fortnite watched as Foundation personnel dragged the unconscious bodies of Impostor, Cain, Grogar, and Predator into four separate cells. Magical Douchebag nodded to Fortnite.

“Leeroy Jenkins!” Fortnite shouted as he charged into battle with nothing but an assault rifle. He opened fire on the Foundation personnel, but only managed to kill six D-Classes before he ran out of ammo. He attempted to shoot another man, but only received a clicking noise. Two guards handcuffed him and confiscated his rifle.

Magical Douchebag slinked away into the darkness. As he fully retreated into the shadows, King Sombra and Metal Sonic waited for him.

“They unleashed Samsara on us,” Sombra said. “I only managed to kill the basic guys.”

“Right. How do you propose we rescue our comrades?”

“Metal Sonic sent Impostor to be captured, but apparently their cover was already blown and it was a necessary action for him to escape.”

“Okay. Sombra, you retreat into the shadows for now. Call for reinforcements. Metal, you and I will turn ourselves in so we’ll know exactly who’s worth recruiting.”

Metal Sonic and Magical Douchebag exited the darkness, hands raised. When they reached the group of guards, Magical Douchebag set down his baseball bat, and Metal Sonic shut himself down. The guards shot Magical Douchebag with a tranquilizer, then tossed him onto the pile with the rest.

SCP Foundation Log [REDACTED]:

Eight anomalous entities infiltrated SCP Site-██. Seven have been captured.

Captured: Impostor, Cain, Grogar, Predator, Fortnite, Magical Douchebag, Metal Sonic

At Large: King Sombra

Items confiscated: Baseball bat, assault rifle, bell

Death Count: 30 (6 D-Class)

Author's Note:

God damn this is a long chapter (looking back at it now it's only like half the length of Chessmaster). Anyway:
Following are a few chapters that are torture and interrogation slice of life.