• Published 19th Feb 2021
  • 421 Views, 3 Comments

Worlds of Destiny - NightFlame389

Grogar failed miserably to conquer Equestria, and now he's trying again. But when he's up against the SCP Foundation, several speedsters, and the author's self-insert OC, can he possibly take back Equestria?

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Souls of the Forgotten

The great structure known as the Church of Poyo manifested itself in an isolated corner of Planet Popstar. It was hundreds of miles away from any civilization, the perfect place to hide. Unfortunately, not too long after, a blue vortex opened, and a red flash of lightning raced inside.

The inside was filled to the brim with Kirby imagery. Kirby statues lined the walls. The ceiling was a giant painting of Kirby fighting Meta Knight. Stained glass windows with nothing to do with Kirby were everywhere.

Reverse-Flash dropped everyone off at the very front. A cloaked figure holding a spear stood with his back to them. Reverse-Flash ran away just as fast as he came in.

Grogar, Cain, and Metal Sonic stood there for a solid two minutes waiting for something to happen. “Should I just grab that?” Cain asked.

“I don’t see why not,” Grogar replied. Cain walked up the steps to grab the spear. He moved his hand to touch the intricately carved weapon. Just before his hand made contact, the figure turned around at an extreme speed, hitting Cain with the butt of the spear. The force of the impact sent Cain flying backwards. The cloak flew away in the wind.

“Hello there.” The figure, revealed to be Bandana Dee wearing the hat of the Pope. “Welcome to the C H U R C H O F P O Y O. I, Pope Bandana Dee, will judge if you are worthy. Let us proceed.”

Pope Bandana Dee jammed his spear into the ground. The ground opened up. They fell through. Reverse-Flash came running back and tried to push them away from the hole but fell through as well. Metal Sonic hovered above.

The moment they landed, Reverse-Flash dusted himself off and prepared to leave. “Where do you think you’re going?” asked Cain, interrupting his attempt.

“Uhh, going to scout the area? Yeah, that’s totally what I’m doing, not abandoning you to your fate or anything like that, not that I’ve ever done that.”

“Ok sounds legit,” Cain sarcastically said. Reverse-Flash sped off in a flash of red lightning. Grogar looked around the area. They were in a field of flowers. One of the flowers seemed to be singing something vaguely about being a rip-off of a much more well known franchise.

Grogar prepared to steal whatever magic made the flower move, when the flower turned around. It had an absolutely terrifying face, yet it was sad at the same time. It introduced itself, “Hi, I’m Flowey, Flowey the Flower!”

Grogar aimed his bell at Flowey. “Wait wait wait I can help you!” Flowey’s face turned to an evil grin. “You want to get out, don’t you?"

“Yeah, so I’m gonna kill you.” At this point Cain was looking at Flowey.

“Well, you see, I’m not really alive, per se. I may be named Flowey, but there’s no relation to Asriel Dreemurr. I’m kinda just a dead guy who’s forced to walk these fields forever. Which sucks because I don’t have legs to walk with.”

“Wait, so we’re not in Undertale?”

“Nah mate, we’re in Mark’s Undertale! Well, kinda. I mean, Fluttershy has been casted as Toriel and that’s basically it. Or at least that I know of. It’s kinda like [REDACTED] but not really, I guess?”

“We’re way past the SCP Foundation arc and things are still getting [REDACTED]?” Grogar complained.

“Maybe we’re not out of the whatever you call it just yet,” Cain replied.

“Oh yeah. The SCP Foundation is essentially the Royal Guard. Oops, spoilers. Uh, Dedede is Asgore I think, Meta Knight smells like Undyne for some reason I think he ate her, Alphys is for some reason replaced by Medic from Team Fortress 2 but significantly more S C O T T I S H, Papyrus got addicted to vodka, some random Waddle Doo kidnapped my son, Sans is I have no clue who replaced Sans but apparently the normal Papyrus exists too and I think there's a Shedinja who tried his best to pretend to be Sans but no one fell for it so he got executed by fire and there’s also some Pinkie Pies who live with knock off Toriel I mean Fluttershy and I think Asriel doesn’t exist at all and Fluttershy looks a little weird and I swear she baked a rabbit into one of Pinkie's pies and just last week I ordered a pizza and the delivery guy tried to save my soul with a free Jesus like dude I wanted a pizza not fucking Jesus so I basically stabbed him with his own Jesus and buried the body in the woods and haven’t told a soul also I murdered a random lady in E N G L A N D way back in 1888 and no one ever found out because apparently there was this guy called Jack the Ripper and they blamed him and then I tricked a bunch of people to read something that isn't even plot relevant and is really just filler to make it to a lot of words be s p r e a d o u t around everything I'm even l a m p i n g to add to the word count. And that about covers everything.”

“So do we commit genocide or are we going true pacifist?” Cain wondered.

“We’re the b̷͉̙̙͗͛̋̀͂͑͘͠â̷̦̈͝͝d̵̨̛͖̞͍͗̅́̽͑̀ guys! What do you think?” Flowey laughed cackled. When he stopped, he continued, “Also I want you to go true pacifist and then just kill them at the end. So they can feel the pain of b̷̖͒̈ ̸͈͔̣̓̀͑͗e̷̱̓̋̉̍ ̴̙̥͉͘͠t̸̢̮̲͇̃ ̶̛̱͂͗̈̀͠r̵͎̻̥͉̾̋̈͌ ̵̯̼̂̏̏á̶̡̨͕̖̗̈́̈͜ ̴͉̗̹̯͔͈̐̾͂̓̔̈ȳ̴̨̥͖̣͌̃́̀͂ ̴̨́̍̔̔ą̷̱͕̩̳͇̏̈ ̵̜͇̈́̇l̴̬̐̋͑́͘͘.”

“Nah I’m too lazy to wait that long, I’m just gonna kill everything that moves.” Cain somehow pulled a shotgun out of his loincloth. They proceeded, weapons prepared. It didn’t take long for them to meet Toriel Fluttershy.

“Heeeeello there Flutter Butter!” Flowey greeted, with a mischievous grin. “How ya doin’ this fine day?

“I am a fake Fluttershy. This message was automated. If I am broken, please contact-” The fake Fluttershy never finished that sentence as Cain shot it with his shotgun. They proceeded onward to the gate to what they assumed would be some fake version of Snowdin.

The journey there was relatively uneventful. Pies were stolen, Pinkie was found to have not even existed at all, and more fake Fluttershys were smashed. Right before they arrived at the gate, Cain brought up a question, “Why did you say Pinkie existed?”

“The world is ever changing,” Flowey explained, now in a flower pot. “In fact, just last week NightFlame’s predecessor showed up. When those from the surface world die, they come here to their final resting place. Not just NightFlame’s predecessor, but Ospot Cobblewald, Screaming, Ass, Asshole, Normie, and Gay British as well. They all inevitably die here as well. The lucky ones are forgotten. The unlucky ones, well, let’s just say that it’s so terrifying I purged it from my memory.”

“What happened to the guys from the SCP Foundation?” Grogar asked.

“None of them ever showed up here. There was a flickering of something a little while back, where a really adorable glowing yellow rabbit plush fought against some terrifying finger stealing monster with a Russian accent, but that’s about it.”

They soon arrived at the gate. The gate was closed, as to be expected. Above the gate hung a bat that was almost the size of Grogar. “Another thing,” Flowey said, this time somewhere else entirely, “I’m not gonna go with you once you cross. I might pop up here and there to help out, but other than that, you’re on your own.” Flowey disappeared into the ground.

Grogar stared up at the bat. He felt a familiar energy radiating from the bat. It was as if it was an ancient Equestrian threat long forgotten even to him. Either that or it was relatively new and he didn't know about it at all.

Before he could do anything about the bats, clones of Pinkie Pie popped up from nowhere where they could actually fit. The bat unfurled its wings, revealing itself to be none other than... Fluttershy.

Fluttershy, or more accurately, Flutterbat, hissed at Grogar and Cain. Cain grabbed a Pinkie clone and threatened to shoot the clone with his shotgun.

“Go ahead, end their suffering,” Flutterbat taunted. Cain complied, and the Pinkie clone exploded in a puff of smoke. “Tell me, do you know what it’s like to be erased from your home world? Without your consent? By the ones you thought were your friends?”

“Do you know what it’s like to watch your allies fail to do the one thing they were supposed to do?” Grogar countered. “Over and over again, every day, for ten thousand years? How hard is it to genocide ponies?”

“Your a monster.” Flutterbat stared into Grogar’s soul. Grogar felt himself shrivel up involuntarily.

“Actually, it’s you’re,” Cain corrected.

“That’s what I said,” Flutterbat replied, breaking eye contact with Grogar.

“No, I’m pretty sure you said ‘your’.”

“I thought she said ‘yore’,” Grogar interrupted.

“Well, yore opinion is invalid,” Flutterbat said.

Grogar sighed. “Grammar Nazis.”

“Excuse me, I’m a regular Nazi thank you very much,” Cain replied.

“I hate Nazis,” Flutterbat growled.

“I did Nazi that one coming,” Grogar muttered under his breath.

“I see Kyle!” Cain exclaimed, pointing behind Flutterbat.

“You Sieg Heil?” Flutterbat ignored Cain’s pointing and instead unleashed the Stare on him. Cain froze. The Pinkie clones closed in. Grogar did a front flip over the Pinkie clone directly in front of him. Unfortunately (or fortunately depending on how you look at it), he misjudged the distance and landed directly on top of Pinkie Pie, Snaping her spine.

A perfect copy of Severus Snape climbed out of Pinkie’s back. Snape pointed his wand at Grogar. “Avada Kedavr-” he started. Grogar interrupted him by stealing his magic. Grogar blasted Snape with magic from his horns, which resulted in Snape fading from existence.

During all this chaos, Flutterbat never broke eye contact with Cain. Cain sweated profusely as he desperately tried to grab some sort of weapon. Flutterbat inched closer, ready to sink her fangs into Cain’s absolutely disgusting and mud-caked flesh.

Grogar continued his assault on the Pinkie clones, easily dispatching one after another. Every time he defeated one, they faded like Snape. Of the sixty Pinkie clones that rose from the ground, only one remained. He grasped the last one in his magic. “Any last words?”

“Yeah. Our Last Sister will have her revenge.” Grogar absorbed the final Pinkie’s magic, ending the threat of the Pinkie Clone Army. Grogar laughed. Flutterbat broke eye contact. Cain conjured a club and hit Flutterbat on the head. Flutterbat spread her wings. Grogar restrained her. Flutterbat struggled against Grogar’s magic as Cain stepped closer.

“How does it feel to be the one who’s immobilized?” Cain mocked.

“Who’s the one doing the immobilization?” Flutterbat responded, turning her gaze to Grogar. Grogar froze, releasing her from his magic. Glowing red bats materialized above the group. They flew around in circles, then the bats converged on one spot. Cain barely had enough time to duck before they collided in mid-air, sending out a shockwave of red energy which destroyed nearby scenery. Apples rained from the sky. Cain ducked and weaved through them to reach Flutterbat.

An apple conked Cain’s head from the side. Cain rubbed the point of impact, but as he stopped, he was bombarded by fruit. Cain prepared a small ball of pure life energy in one of his hands. Another apple hitting him distracted him and dissipated the ball.

The red bats once again returned, fluttering all around Cain. Cain swung his club around, somehow missing every single bat even though they were right next to him. The bats crashed into Cain, causing an explosion that should have killed him. When the dust settled, a blue shield had formed around Cain, protecting him from harm.

Cain stepped towards Flutterbat. Flutterbat’s eyes moved in different directions, stopping both Grogar and Cain at the same time.

“Where is your god now?” she mocked.

“Dead, and I killed him,” Cain tried to respond, though it came out more like: “Mmmph, nnnd Y kllkkd hhhhm.”

“I don’t care. You're dead to me.”

Cain mustered up the willpower to respond, “It’s yro’ue.”

“We’re really doing this joke again, aren’t we?”


“You just said weird without the d.”

“Why must you both be Grammar Nazis?” Grogar complained again.

“Once again, I’m not a Grammar Nazi, I’m a regular Nazi!” Cain reiterated.

“How can you be a Nazi when your decendants are Jewish?”

“I am the master race.”

“Okay this is getting a little out of hand, and only one of us has hands!” Flutterbat said, clearly referring to Cain. She summoned another circle of red bats, keeping her eyes on Grogar and Cain. The bats closed in. Grogar and Cain braced for impact, but it never came.

“Heello, Flutter Butter!” a familiar voice said from somewhere off to the side. Flowey was there, holding Grogar and Cain with his vines. They were now free of Flutterbat’s knockoff stare. Vines shot towards where Flutterbat was standing. In a butter-colored blur, Flutterbat was gone. “Where’d she go?” Flowey asked, confused.

Red lightning and red bats flew across the battlefield. The occasional withered apple was turned into applesauce by what they assumed to be a punch.

Reverse-Flash and his red lightning blade struck Flutterbat. Flutterbat rolled backwards back onto her hooves. She pounced on Reverse-Flash, fangs bared.

Flowey used this time to set up what Grogar could only assume to be the newfangled thing called a ‘Rube Goldberg Machine’. Vines, stones, and a couple of pies pickpocketed from Cain’s loincloth (don’t ask) were all added in.

Flutterbat gained the upper hand in her battle and slammed Reverse-Flash to the ground. Unfortunately for her, the force of the impact caused a single pebble to roll away. The pebble rolled to a stop on a vine catapult.

“You fool! You have fallen into my trap!” Flowey danced around in his tiny flowerpot.

“What trap?” Flutterbat asked. The catapult fired, snapping a very weak vine, dropping a slightly larger stone onto a track made of vines. The stone rolled into a pie, which caused a scale made of vines (we get it, everything’s made of vines) to tip. The pie on the other side of the scale knocked a fist-sized stone onto another vine track. It rolled around in a circle until it bumped into a switch at ground level. The switch activated, sending an electrical pulse through the area, harmlessly washing over everything. A discarded pie tin was charged, which caused it to shake, which knocked another stone onto another track, which bumped into a crossbow, which fired a pointed stone at a vine holding a vine cage, and the vine snapped, sending the cage crashing down on Flutterbat below.

However, Flutterbat looked up and had moved out of the way for at least a full minute. The cage crashed down, which sent a group of leaves flying into the sky. The leaves obstructed the vision of a bat, which crashed into a thick vine. The thick vine vibrated slightly, sending rocks falling down from the top. The rocks landed in a circle around Flutterbat, then a cage of red electricity formed from the rocks.

“Gotcha,” Flowey said. More vines moved to push the door open to reveal a very confused Sans. Sans slowly backed away.

“nah i’m not dealing with this,” he said as he left. The other side of the door was completely open. The gang stared out into the expanse that they would now explore.

Reverse-Flash was the first to cross, then Grogar and Cain. Flowey’s vines retracted back into him, then he popped back into the dirt of his flower pot, presumably teleporting elsewhere.

As they were leaving, they failed to notice Flutterbat fading away, surrounded by a golden glow.

Author's Note:

Sans's single line of dialogue would have been in Comic Sans if I could change the damn fonts

That one paragraph is so long it has 300 words including the l a m p e d letters. I checked.

You're never gonna find out who won in the fight between SCP-729-J and R̸̼͍̓ů̴̠̠̘̄̂s̷̞̭̬̠̤͊͜s̷̢͔͈̥͔͇̽̽ǐ̸̺̜͐a̵̯͖̼͋̋̊͊͒̃n̴͎͙͕̦̯̏̏͊̓͝ ̷̞͋E̴̟̗̞̦͕͒x̸̣́͒͛p̶̮̝͔̃̒̆ė̷̻͇̜͖̇̎͆͒͘ŕ̶̗̙í̷̠̖͍̖̮̈͌͒̀ḿ̷̝͓͙̮̞e̸̛͎̜͇͑͘͠n̶̢̨͖̱̻̽͋͜t̷̥̳̼̠͕͠ (damn so many of these author's notes aged like milk with the release of Chessmaster)