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Chapter 10

Twilight ran down the stairs to the front door, her school bag hitting the side.

"I'm going to the library, see you later, bye!" she blurted out this sentence at a speed that sounded like a single long word.

"Wait, Twilight!" Shining Armor asked, taking her jacket and car keys "I'll take you."

"Don't bother ..." Twilight answered quickly "I'll catch the train."

"I said I'm taking you" insisted Shining Armor "Get in the car."

Twilight knew it was best not to argue with her brother when she used that tone of voice. The two of them got into the vehicle.

After the silent ride, Shining Armor stopped the car in front of the library on 42nd Street.

"Thanks for bringing me" Twilight said, opening the door.

"Wait a minute" Shining Armor said firmly "We need to talk".

"I don't have time for chatting, brother" Twilight complained "I really have to go".

Shining Armor ignored the protest and continued:

"Something's changed, Twilight. Cadance and I don't know who you are anymore. I wonder if you know yourself. Our Twilight, fighting in high school?".

"I didn't start that fight" Twilight protested.

"Something's happening to you" Shining Armor pointed out forcefully "You're changing".

"How do you know?" Twilight asked, unable to hide her annoyance at what seemed like an interrogation.

"Because, when I was your age, I went through the same stage" Shining Armor replied, determined to maintain his point of life.

"I don't think so" Twilight replied "Not exactly... Look, I have to go".

"These are the years when someone becomes the person they will be for the rest of their life" continued Shining Armor, undaunted "You have to take care of who you become. Like any other girl who transforms into a woman, you feel that great power. But remember: a great power comes great responsibility".

"What are you afraid I will do, turn me into some kind of criminal?" Twilight yelled, finally understanding her brother.

She almost never raised her voice to her brother, and he wasn't sure if the anger she felt now was a consequence of the transformations she was undergoing or simply what any other teenager would feel in that situation.

"Stop worrying about me, okay? Something has changed! I'll understand. Stop teaching me!"

Twilight opened the car door and got out.

"I know I'm not a dad, Twilight" Shining Armor said through the open window, keeping her tone calm.

"Well, don't behave like one!" Twilight snapped. In the precise instant that Twilight blurted out those words, she regretted saying them.

"I'll pick you up here at ten," Shining Armor said softly, and started the car.

"Sorry!" Twilight yelled at the car pulling away from her, wishing she could erase that moment.

Full of frustration and reproaching herself for having spoken so harshly to the person who had raised her since she was a child, she Twilight waited until the car disappeared from her sight. She then she turned and walked away from the library.

After walking a few blocks, Twilight came to a large sports hall. A huge crowd was outside, pushing toward the doors. The entrance canopy read: "TONIGHT, FIGHT!" Twilight took the crumpled newspaper ad out of her pocket and unfolded it. She took a deep breath and joined the crowd of spectators and future fighters that was slowly advancing towards the entrance.

Once inside, Twilight walked over to a table next to a sign that read: "THREE MINUTES FOR THREE THOUSAND DOLLARS" In her tail, behind men twice her size and dressed in costumes of the strangest shapes, Twilight managed to sign up to fight Bulk Biceps.

As she passed the stands, she was overwhelmed by the noise of the crowd cheering the wrestlers and the bright spotlights filling the stadium. In the ring, Bulk Biceps was holding his latest victim above his head. Twilight headed for the locker room.

The enormous fighter was a specimen with an amazing physique. He was over six feet tall, and his body seemed sculpted from marble, with each and every one of his muscles perfectly defined. He was not wearing a shirt, so that he could better show his torso and arms. His tight pants outlined his powerful legs.

Bulk Biceps lifted his defenseless opponent several times as his muscles tensed with the movement. The crowd rose to their feet and shouted their approval as they sensed that the end was near.

"No one can last three minutes with Bulk Biceps!" bellowed the monstrous fighter.

Then, almost effortlessly, he sent his opponent to the ropes, who ended up plummeting to the ground, out of the ring. The poor man, who was almost unconscious, fell at the feet of the spectators in the front row.

"The next!" growled Bulk Biceps, raising his fist in triumph.

The presenter was in front of a curtain on a ramp leading to the ring.

"Do you want more?" he yelled into the microphone.

"More more more!" chanted the audience, carried away by frenzy.

"Bulk Biceps is ready!" shouted the giant in the ring, moving through him, stalking, waving his arms to exhort the crowd.

"Please bring the next victim into the ring now!" shouted the presenter "If you can endure three minutes of terrible fight with Bulk Biceps, the sum of three thousand dollars will be paid to..."

The presenter turned to the curtain behind him.

"The Human Spider?" he whispered, covering the microphone with his hand "Is that it? Is it the best thing you can think of?"

Twilight waited anxiously behind the curtain. She had donned a makeshift costume made with old purple sweatpants, a sweatshirt, and a pink hood that covered her head, neck, and shoulders.

"The Human Spider" she said "That is my name".

"Bah!" said the presenter, as the crowd grew impatient "We'll have to give it some good atmosphere" and turning to the microphone, he continued: "The sum of three thousand dollars paid to the terrifying... mortal... and amazing... SPIDER-GIRL!".

"I'm the Human Spider" Twilight corrected the presenter as she walked past him.

"Get in the ring and shut up, weakling" snapped the presenter.

Twilight slipped between the ropes and began to assimilate the situation that was presented to him. She was a student who got nervous reading an exercise in front of the rest of the class... And now she was faced with thousands of frenzied and hungry onlookers, most of whom had paid for the privilege of seeing her pounded.

A noise coming from somewhere overhead brought Twilight's attention back to the ring. As she looked up in horror, a huge bottomless steel cage fell onto the ring, creating a prison for the two fighters. Four stagehands wound metal chains around the corners of the cage to lock the combatants inside.

Twilight grabbed the bars of the cage and shook them. They hardly moved. She turned and watched as Bulk Biceps stared at her from the center of the ring.

"You can't go anywhere" announced the huge fighter "You are mine for three minutes. Three minutes to play with Bulk Biceps ..."

Twilight gulped.

"What am I doing here?" she muttered under her breath.

The bell that signaled the beginning of the fight rang loudly. Bulk Biceps wasted no time. The mountain of muscle lunged at Twilight, who, jumping off it, caused her opponent to slam into the steel bars of the cage.

Bulk Biceps looked up and saw Twilight hanging from the top of the cage.

"What do you think you're doing?" he asked surprised.

"Stay away from you for three minutes" Twilight explained calmly, as if she had just been asked the time.

Bulk Biceps jumped angrily, trying to grab Twilight's head, but it moved quickly, flipping and landing on the other side of the cage.

The crowd roared.

"Come on, Spider-Girl!" they yelled from everywhere.

"Come on, Spider-Girl?" Twilight thought "A moment ago they wanted to see me turned into mincemeat. Now is it 'Come on, Spider-Girl'?" She shrugged, determined to give the audience the show she wanted. Moving at breakneck speed, she launched into a one-handed headstand on Bulk Biceps head.

"Your costume isn't bad," Twilight joked, becoming more confident "What's this, latex? I tried to make mine out of lycra, but it gave me terrible itches."

Bulk Biceps raised her arms and slapped her away from her head, grabbing Twilight's ankle in the same motion.

"Got you, bug!" he growled at her, as he pushed Twilight to the side of the cage.

"You know? Technically, spiders are not insects" Twilight explained as she dropped onto the mat "They belong to a group of small animals called arachnids".

Bulk Biceps launched herself into the air, directing her elbows and her entire massive bulk at Twilight.

Twilight then raised her feet against Bulk Biceps' chest, then unleashed a furious kick that sent the giant against the steel bars of the cage.

Bulk Biceps collapsed on the mat, unconscious. The combat was over. The amazed Spider-Girl was the winner.

The crowd went wild, chanting "Spider-Girl! Spider-Girl! Spider-Girl!" as light bulbs exploded and chaos reigned in the stadium.

Twilight raised her arms in triumph.

"Ah, the show..." she said smiling.

Backstage, Twilight waited while the promoter opened his safe and took out money.

"Here's your money," the promoter said, placing one hundred dollar bill on the palm of Twilight "Now get out of here".

"Hundred dollars?" Twilight yelled "The ad said three thousand!".

"Read it again, cobweb head" replied the promoter with an annoyed tone "He was saying three of the greats for three minutes. You have immobilized him in two. That's why you have earned the hundred dollars. And you are lucky to have won that. You have made the best of my fighters look like a wimp! "

Furious with rage, Twilight grabbed the promoter by the shirt and pulled him to her face.

"I need that money!" she growled at him threateningly.

"And what makes you think that's my problem?" the promoter replied calmly.

Twilight had to muster all of her self-control to avoid beating him up right there. But she finally won her reason. Twilight released him, turned and stormed out the door. A short man with blond hair and round, bright eyes pushed her past the promoter's office.

Still outraged and muttering under her breath, Twilight was already reaching the elevator when she heard a scream behind her.

"Hey! What are you doing?" said the voice. He was the promoter.

Twilight turned to see the office door slam open. The blond-haired man shot out of there, clutching a bag under his arm.

Red-faced and sweating, the promoter staggered through the door.

"Help me!" he yelled "That guy just stole all the money I've made in combat! He's taking my winnings!"

The thief was running towards the elevator that Twilight was next to while a security guard tried to hunt him down.

"Hey you!" the guard yelled "Stop that guy!"

The elevator doors opened. Twilight watched the thief running toward her, then looked across the lobby at the promoter who had just cheated on her. She thought for a few moments, and then she stood still as the thief walked past her in the direction of the elevator.

"Thanks!" the thief scoffed as the elevator doors closed.

"What is your problem?!" the security guard yelled at him, trying to catch his breath "You let him get away!"

The promoter came running to Twilight.

"You could have ripped him to pieces!" he yelled furiously "Now he's running away with my money!"

Twilight looked the promoter in the eye.

"And what makes you think that's my problem?" she said with a satisfied smile. She then she turned around and left there.

Although she didn't know it then, that was a decision she would regret for the rest of her life.

Author's Note:

Is it my thing or did I just hear the noise of a gunshot?